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    The Impact of Long-Term Care Insurance on the Financial Burden of Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents: From the Regional Perspective and Based on Substitution Effect
    TANG Wei, YU Xing-ran, SU Fang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 40-55.  
    Abstract83)            Save
    With the deepening of population aging and the increase in medical expenses, the ability of urban and rural residents to pay for medical insurance has weakened, and the financial pressure has been increasing year by year. In order to reduce the personal payment burden, some pilot areas of long-term care insurance adopted a financing method of relying on medical insurance fund transfer during the initial implementation of the system. If this financing method continues, what impact will it have on the financial burden of the medical insurance fund in the future? Based on an actuarial model of medical insurance that includes substitution effects, this paper simulates the operation of long-term care insurance funds and the medical insurance funds in various regions from 2021 to 2050. The results indicate that when the two systems operate independently, the financial burden of medical insurance will significantly increase. If the long-term care insurance relies entirely on medical insurance funds, both the current and cumulative deficits will be advanced by 6 years. If the long-term care insurance has a substitution effect on medical expenses, when the substitution factor for home care subsidies is 2.043, promoting the long-term care insurance nationwide will not have any impact on the sustainability of the medical insurance fund. Therefore, adopting a financing method that relies on the transfer of medical insurance funds during the initial operation of the system will not bring excessive financial burden, but it will help to expand the coverage rate and provide guarantee for the gradual independent operation of the long-term care insurance system.
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    Research on Altruistic Rent-Seeking and Its Correction in the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Projects: Based on the Investigation of S Town in Central China
    WANG Wen-long
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 84-91.  
    Abstract41)            Save
    In the implementation of rural revitalization projects, the self-interested rent-seeking, due to its self-interested characteristics, has attracted widespread attention from the society and become the focus of the government’s anti-corruption. Along with the continuous improvement of the anti-corruption system and the continuous improvement of the project management level, this kind of rent-seeking has been greatly reduced. While the altruistic rent-seeking has been ignored by the society and is spreading due to its altruistic characteristics, which has caused new hazards. The research based on S town in central China reveals that, compared with ordinary egoistic rent-seeking, the altruistic rent-seeking not only increases the risks of resource misallocation and inefficient use of rural vitalization projects, but also forms a demonstration effect to promote the official rank standard and the path dependence in rural development, thus damaging the credibility of the government. Its potential harm is greater and should be paid more attention by the government. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate reasonable strategies to reduce altruistic rent-seeking, effectively improve the efficiency and fairness of resource allocation in rural revitalization projects, restore government credibility, and enhance rural endogenous development capabilities according to China’s current national conditions from such aspects as establishing a people-oriented ideology and a sense of fairness, improving democracy and the rule of law, correcting the alienation of rural revitalization goals, and strengthening the supervision of rural revitalization projects, and so on.
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    Ideological and Political Education Empowered by ChatGPT: Technical Paths and Possible Issues
    HUANG Xin-rong, LIU Liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 104-113.  
    Abstract83)            Save
    ChatGPT has attracted global attention with its powerful generative intelligence; while providing a more specific technical application path for empowering ideological and political education with artificial intelligence, it also brings about various new problems. From a technical perspective, ChatGPT may make it easier for ideological and political theory and practice to obtain the necessary information and discover the hidden ideological and political laws from the vast amount of information. ChatGPT may allow educators to study and analyze educational objects from a multidimensional perspective, to gain easier access to interactive experiences between educators and educational objects, and to have more convenient access to ideological and political work consulting services. In terms of possible issues, the language model of ChatGPT may generate and disseminate erroneous information, making it difficult for educators to distinguish. ChatGPT may generate certain ideological biases during the learning and training process. The powerful functions of ChatGPT can easily lead to educators’ dependence on it. In addition, there are still a series of ethical issues that cannot be solved at present.
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    On the Responsive Turn of China’s Securities Regulation: Observation Based on the First Case of Illegal Reduction after the Implementation of the New Securities Law
    WANG Yi-cheng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 114-127.  
    Abstract57)            Save
    CSRC shifted the regulatory path in the Yingyi case of Shanghai because of the policy background of “zero tolerance”, which reveals the practical requirements against the poor effectiveness of the existing behavior regulation and the lack of relief in civil compensation litigation, reflecting the deterrent regulatory strategy of “command-control”. The breakthrough in identifying the nature of behavior in this path shift has already violated the rules and values of information disclosure and share transfer restrictions, highlighting the inherent limitations of the regulatory model based on deterrence strategy, such as the randomness of law enforcement, the tendency to excessive punishment, and the presupposition of antagonistic relationships. The responsive regulation theory breaks away from the single idea of “strengthening deterrence with punishment”, and is committed to building cooperative relationships, which can improve the regulatory efficiency and serve as a basis for China’s securities regulatory reform. However, in the process of its localization, it is necessary to properly handle the incompatibility between it and the local resources of China’s securities regulation, so as to avoid oriented regulatory capture and substantive regulatory relaxation. To play the positive role of the responsive regulation and improve the scientificity and effectiveness of China’s securities regulation, it is necessary to base on the actual needs of China’s capital market, promote the subjective consciousness and ability building of the self-disciplined regulators, optimize the cooperative administrative regulation tools, and ensure the deterrent strength of securities law enforcement.
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    “One Core Two Subjects”: Research on the Society Governance Subjects in Soviet Area from the Perspective of Grassroots Governance
    GONG Zi-fang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 3-12.  
    Abstract87)            Save
    The Soviet Republic of China was the first national democratic government of workers and peasants in Chinese history. The social governance of the Soviet region broke through the traditional power framework, and the governance subjects presented a structural feature of“one core and two subjects”. The CPC has played a core leadership role in the social governance of the Soviet area and has undertaken an important historical mission. The Soviet government’s leadership in social governance in Soviet areas is an inevitable result and practical need of the construction of the revolutionary base areas. By fully leveraging the role of various mass organizations, the efficiency of social governance in Soviet areas can be maximized. The Soviet group organization undertook the organizational and educational functions of the masses, incorporating the most basic units and individuals of society into the Soviet political system, embedding them into various levels and links of Soviet social governance, and collaborating with the Soviet government to ensure the implementation of the will of the Soviet government. The opening and sustaining mechanism of the democratic system has led to the modern social governance characteristics of the Soviet region, opening up the grassroots democracy and people’s autonomy in modern China. .
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    Can the Central Environmental Protection Inspection Improve the Environmental Performance of Enterprises? Empirical Evidences from the Listed Industrial Enterprises
    ZHANG Rui, YE Yan-yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 13-26.  
    Abstract85)            Save
    As an important means to urge the local governments to perform environmental protection duties and implement environmental policies, the Central Environmental Protection Inspection has a significant impact on the construction of ecological civilization in China. Taking the A-share listed industrial enterprises from 2012 to 2019 as samples, this paper employs the multi-period DID model to investigate the impact of the implementation of the central environmental inspection policies on the environmental performance of enterprises. The findings shows that: (1) the implementation of the Central Environmental Protection Inspection has significantly increased the enterprises’ environmental performance; (2) the Central Environmental Protection Inspection mainly improves the environmental performance of enterprises by strengthening the environmental governance of local governments and the environmental attention of the senior management teams; (3) good external environment, i.e., the level of urban green finance, the level of regional economic development, the analysts’ attention and the perfect internal corporate governance, can strengthen the positive impact of the Central Environmental Inspection on the environmental performance of enterprises; (4) the environmental governance effect of the Central Environmental Protection Inspection is different due to the nature of property rights and pollution degree of enterprises. Compared to state-owned enterprises, the private enterprises are more sensitive to the implementation of the Central Environmental Inspection policies, and the improvement of the enterprise environmental performance is more significant. While in the inside of the state-owned enterprises, the local state-owned enterprises are more sensitive to the Central Environmental Inspection policies than the central state-owned ones. Compared with the non-heavily polluting enterprises, the Central Environmental Inspection has a greater impact on the environmental performance of heavily polluting enterprises.
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    Green Finance and Value Realization of Ecological Products: An Empirical Study Based on the Data of the Top 100 Counties in China
    HUANG Xiao-yong, CHEN Fei-yu, ZHA Yu-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 27-39.  
    Abstract75)            Save
    Green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and the concept of ecological civilization of Xi Jinping is the key to implementing the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, promoting high-quality economic development, and promoting the construction of a beautiful China. To realize the ecological value of the counties is a key issue in implementing the“Two Mountains”concept and promoting high-quality economic and social development. Based on the panel data of all the top 100 counties from 2011 to 2020 in the“Top 100 Counties (Cities) in China’s County Economy and County Basic Competitiveness”released in The Research on China’ Economic Top 100 Counties, 2021, this paper calculates the development level of green finance at county level, and conducts an empirical test of the impact of green finance on the realization of the ecological product value at county level. The findings show that green finance has a significant positive impact on the value realization of county-level ecological products. Based on this, it proposes the relevant countermeasures and suggestions to further improve the green financial system, increase the support for green innovation, and promote the cooperation between counties, so as to provide decision-making reference for promoting the realization of the ecological values in counties in the new development stage.
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    Reform of the Financing and Security Mechanism for Urban and Rural Old-Age Insurance and Optimization of the Fiscal Subsidies Structure
    XU Ding, YANG Zai-gui
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 56-67.  
    Abstract74)            Save
    According to the 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of human resources and social security undertakings, the financing mechanism of endowment insurance for urban and rural residents should be optimized, the interest calculation method of individual accounts should be standardized, and the mechanism for determining the benefits and the regular adjustment of basic pension should be fully implemented. By constructing an actuarial model, this paper examines how the comprehensive reform of the financing and safeguard mechanism of endowment insurance for urban and rural residents affects the alignment between the financial subsidy structure and the subsidy policy orientation. The findings show that coordinating and adjusting the government’s subsidy model for contributions, increasing collective subsidies, reforming individual account interest calculation methods, and increasing the number of years of basic pension can significantly improve the compatibility of subsidy structure and policy incentive orientation, and that coordinating the increase in the growth rate of basic pension and the elderly basic pension will enhance the compatibility between the subsidy structure and the policy’s inclusive orientation. The sensitivity test results are stable, and the minimum standard growth rate of basic pension, the minimum contribution grade and the accounting interest rate of individual accounts have a strong influence on the fiscal subsidy, while the other factors have a weaker influence.
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    Does the Digital Transformation of Commercial Banks Improves the Availability of Credit to SMEs
    GUI He-fa, DENG Ru-sha
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 25-36.  
    Abstract92)            Save
    Taking the data of SMEs in Chinese market from 2010 to 2021 as the research sample, this paper focuses on the impact of commercial banks’ digital transformation on the credit availability of SMEs and the role of banking governance represented by financial regulation and financial competition in the process of commercial banks’ digital transformation on the credit availability of SMEs. The findings show that the digital transformation of commercial banks can significantly improve the credit availability of SMEs and enhance the inclusive financial services for SMEs. The relationship between the banking governance represented by financial regulation and financial competition and the credit availability of SMEs presents a nonlinear inverted“U”shape, that is, there is an optimal intensity of financial regulation and degree of financial competition, which optimizes the credit availability of SMEs. In the process of banking governance affecting the credit availability of SMEs, the digital transformation of commercial banks will affect the optimal intensity of financial regulation and degree of financial competition to optimize the credit availability of SMEs, that is, the higher the level of digital transformation of commercial banks, the higher the optimal financial regulatory intensity and the degree of financial competition that can optimize the credit availability of SMEs. The above-mentioned conclusions have important policy implications for in-depth implementation of financial regulation and correct guidance of financial competition, so as to better promote the digital transformation of commercial banks and improve the availability of credit for SMEs.
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    Measurement and Evaluation of the High-Quality Development Level of China’s TouristIndustry
    TIAN Hong, LIU Cheng-qing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 37-53.  
    Abstract147)            Save
    The high-quality development of tourist industry is an important foundation and strong support for promoting Chinese-style modernization. Scientifically measuring and evaluating the level and the changing trend of high-quality development of regional tourism has important theoretical and practical significance. On the basis of defining the connotation of high-quality development of tourist industry, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of high-quality development of tourist industry under the guidance of the new development concept and the sustainable development theory; then it measures and evaluates the level of high-quality development of the tourist industry in 30 provinces in China. The results show thatfrom 2011 to 2019, the high-quality development level of tourism in China generally shows an upward trend year by year, and the industrial development level, the social harmony level, the innovation ability, the cultural and tourism integration degree, and the ecological protection level have been significantly improved. From 2020 to 2021, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, although the overall development level and the industrial development level have declined, the scores of the other four indicators continued to rise, which reflects that the high-quality development level of tourism of China is constantly improving with the process of high-quality development of China. However, the high-quality development level of tourism in different provinces is significantly different, and the overall development quality is at a medium level. There is still a long way to reachthe high-quality development standards. In the future, to improve the high-quality development level of tourism, we should focus on optimizing the industrial structure, improving the quality of tourism innovation, deepening the integration of culture and tourism, strengthening ecological protection, and other aspects.
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    A Study on the Impact of Social Pension Insurance on the Physical and Mental Health of the Elderly
    JIANG Sheng-zhong, GUO Xiu-qi, YAN Shu-han, WANG Jia-lu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (2): 41-55.  
    Abstract87)            Save
    Based on the data from the 2018 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, this paper uses the multiple linear regression model to empirically analyze the relationship between whether or not to enroll in social pension insurance and the amount of pension and the physical and mental health of the elderly. It also incorporate life satisfaction, preventive medical service utilization and social activities as mechanism variables into the analytical frameworkto specifically analyze the internal mechanisms through which social pension insurance affects the health of the elderly. The findings show that whether or not to participate in social pension insurance has little effect on the health status of the elderly, while the level of pension has a significant positive relationship with the health level of the elderly. The pension level can enhance the health of the elderly through the improvement of life satisfaction, the preventive medical service utilization and the social activities. Further research reveals that the pension level has a more pronounced effect on the mental health of the urban elderly. In view of this, it is recommended to improve the social pension insurance system, steadily raise the level of pension benefits, and pay attention to the construction of the supporting system for pension services, so as to strengthen the role of social pension insurance in promoting the health of the elderly.
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    A Study on the Reasonable Growth Mechanism of Urban and Rural Residents’ Basic Pension: Taking Jiangsu Province as an Example
    CAO Si-yuan, LIN Min-gang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 54-68.  
    Abstract77)            Save
    In the context of the high-quality social security development, the basic pension scheme for urban and rural residents is faced with such major problems as lower security levels,undecided benefits determination, inadequate regular adjustment mechanisms, etc.. Taking Jiangsu Province as an example, this paper measures the lower and the upper limits of the reasonable insurance level for theurban-rural pension system. The calculation shows that the lower limit of the reasonable insurance level for 2016-2020 is between 611.71 yuan/month and 771.00 yuan/month, and the upper limit is between 880.34 yuan/month and 1239.37 yuan/month. Therefore, the lower and upper limits of the reasonable replacement rate are determined at 40.73% and 60.97%, respectively. After comparing with the actual value, it is found that the lower limit of the reasonable insurance level far exceeds the lower limit of the actual insurance level. After the strong intervention of the compensation standard raising measures, it is estimated that the higher value of the insurance level may exceed the upper limit of the reasonable insurance level. To this end, specific improvement plans are proposed from the two main aspects: improving the payment level to a reasonable range and establishing a basic pension index adjustment mechanism. It is suggested, based on different payment years, to set a lower limit of 2704~4656 yuan/year and an upper limit of 4441~7504 yuan/year for the higher reasonable payment range and a lower limit of 542~2142 yuan/year and an upper limit of 2279~7504 yuan/year for the lower reasonable payment range. It is recommended to jointly determine the adjustment range of basic pension index benefits with 60% of the annual CPI and 100% of the per capita disposable income growth rate of rural residents.
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    The Influence of Horizontal Differences of Local Financial Resources on the Equalization of Social Security Expenditure
    REN Bin, LIN Yi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 69-82.  
    Abstract36)            Save
    Optimizing social security expenditures by governments at all levels is an important task in promoting the equalization of basic public services, and the reasonable allocation of expenditure responsibilities must be based on the government financial resources. Based on the data of 25 provinces and 243 prefecture-level cities, this paper adopts the relational data analysis paradigm to conduct an empirical study of the impact of the horizontal differences in local financial resources on the equalization of social security expenditures. The findings show that, firstly, the horizontal difference of financial resources has an inhibitory effect on the equalization of social security expenditure at both provincial and prefecture-level cities, and it is stronger at the prefecture-level city level. Secondly, at the provincial level, this effect is manifested at the provincial level as an increasing trend in the central, western, and eastern regions; on the contrary, at the level of prefecture level cities, it shows an increasing trend in the eastern, western, and central regions. Thirdly, whether at the provincial level or prefecture level, the structure of government fiscal expenditure and the central government supervision of social security are important intermediary factors that affect the equalization of social security expenditures due to horizontal differences in financial resources. Based on this, to promote the equalization of social security expenditure in China, the state needs to strengthen the horizontal adjustment of local financial resources and optimize the "hierarchical" design of the equalization top-level system, as well as improve the central transfer payment mechanism.
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    Measurement, Regional Differences and Dynamic Evolution of the Construction Level of Livable, Business Friendly, and Beautiful Countryside in China
    ZHAO De-qi, WANG Shi-zhe
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 83-98.  
    Abstract76)            Save
    The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside is a major strategic mission for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization at present. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to conduct in-depth researches on the construction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside. Based on the construction of a horizontal indicator system and the vertical and horizontal leveling method, this paper measures theconstruction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside in 31 provinces from 2011 to 2020, and the regional differences and dynamic evolution are revealed by using Dagum Gini coefficient, Kernel density, and Moran index. The findings showthat, firstly, during the sample period, the construction level of livable, business friendly and beautiful countryside in China is steadily increased, with the highest construction level in the eastern region and the fastest annual growth rate in the western region. Secondly, both intraregional and inter regional differences in the construction level are showing a downward trend, with the inter regional differences being the main cause of regional differences. Thirdly, in terms of time evolution, the absolute differences in the construction levels across the country and the three major regions are gradually decreased, but there has always been a significant gap between the leading and lagging provinces in the country and the eastern regions. Fourthly, in terms of spatial evolution, the aggregation mode mainly manifests as H-H aggregation and L-L aggregation, with only a small number of provinces completing the transition to the promotion or the radiation areas. Therefore, it is recommended that to further strengthen the construction of livable, suitable for work, and beautiful countryside from the three aspects, i.e., to fully activate various production factors, to actively promote regional coordinated development, and to implement policies tailored to different provinces.
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    Digital Economy and Inclusive Employment: From the Micro Perspective of Migrant Workers
    LV Da-qi, ZHOU Li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 99-111.  
    Abstract71)            Save
    Based on the urban level data from 2011 to 2018 in China, this study explores the impact of digital economy development on the employment of migrant workers from an inclusive perspective. The findings show that digital economy development has enhanced the employment inclusiveness of the whole society. The employment inclusiveness is reflected in three aspects. First, compared to the labor force with urban registered residences, the digital economy plays a greater role in promoting the employment of migrant workers. Secondly, among migrant workers, compared to young and middle-aged workers, the digital economy can better promote the employment of middle-aged and elderly migrant workers. Thirdly, compared to high skilled workers, the digital economy can better promote the employment of the low skilled migrant workers. The mechanism analysis reveals that, on the one hand, the digital economy promotes the employment for migrant workers with insufficient social capital through the Internet and its own search methods. On the other hand, the digital economy promotes the employment of low skilled, middle-aged, and elderly migrant workers by increasing the demands for low skilled service industry positions in the region. Therefore, we need to accelerate digital transformation, promote the development of the digital economy, provide skills training, and optimize financial policies to enhance the inclusive employment for migrant workers.
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    On the Legality of Data Grasping Behaviorfrom the Perspective of Competition Law: An Evolutionary Approach from User Consent to Portability Rights
    GAO Jian-cheng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 112-123.  
    Abstract51)            Save
    Due to the uncertainty of data ownership, the consent rule under the framework of private law autonomy is not sufficient to adjudicate the legitimacy of data grasping behavior. A feasible idea is to take personal information data as an entry point and combine it with the right to portability system to adjust the conflicts of interests among the major subjects. Introducing the idea of the right to portability into the adjudication of unfair competition disputes can realize the integration of the norms of the anti-unfair competition law in terms of legal interpretation, and jointly safeguard the rights and interests of consumers and fair competition. Based on this, for non-personal information data, the consent of the user alone cannot have the effect of blocking the illegality of data grasping; as for the personal information data for which the user enjoys the right to portability in accordance with the law, the user can authorize the third party to access the data by means of consent under the premise of satisfying the conditions for exercising the right, thus blocking the illegality of the third party’s act. In applying the idea of portability, the court should still pay attention to whether the user’s consent has been obtained in an improper manner, such as through deception, misinformation or coercion, to ensure its validity and voluntariness, and at the same time weigh the consequences of the transfer of the personal information data in question, so as to avoid adverse effects on the rights and freedoms of others.
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    Research on the Connection Mechanism between Civil Public Interest Litigation and Administrative Law Enforcement in Anti-Monopoly Prosecutors
    JIANG Yan-bo, DAI Rui
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 124-136.  
    Abstract47)            Save
    The establishment of a procuratorial civil public interest litigation system to compensate for the insufficient public and private implementations of China’s current anti-monopoly law is a major highlight of the revision of the anti-monopoly law in 2022, which is in line with the legislative goal of safeguarding consumer interests and social public interests under the anti-monopoly law. It is also an important manifestation of China’s procuratorial organs exercising legal supervision and public interest maintenance functions. However, the newly established anti-monopoly procuratorial civil public interest litigation system in China has suchproblems as unclear nature positioning, simpler legal provisions design, and lack of operability in procedures, especially the positioning and connection between civil public interest litigation and administrative law enforcement, which directly affects the correct implementation of the system. By reviewing the legal and economic theories of civil public interest litigation in anti-monopoly prosecution, this paper analyzes the practical difficulties in the implementation of China’s anti-monopoly prosecution civil public interest litigation system. The findings show that the anti-monopoly prosecution civil public interest litigation system needs to be restructured from two aspects: the substantive law and the procedural law. Only by rationally designing a connection mechanism between the anti-monopoly prosecution civil public interest litigation and the anti-monopoly administrative law enforcement,canwe fully leverage the supervisory function of the civil public interest litigation by prosecutors, improve law enforcement efficiency, save judicial resources, and ensure the systematic and coordinated implementation of the anti-monopoly law on the basis of respecting the basic laws of anti-monopoly administrative law enforcement. Through the integration of the two laws,the characteristics of balancing public interest and private interest in civil public interest litigation of anti-monopoly prosecution can be further reflected, so as to reach the goal of compensating for the losses of individual subjects and safeguarding consumer welfare and social public interests.
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    The Generating Logic, Scientific Connotation and Development Path of the Struggle Spirit of the CPC
    LUO Hong-jie
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 3-13.  
    Abstract58)            Save
    The spirit of struggle is the spiritual outlook and state generated by the struggle subject in the practice of struggle, based on grasping the laws of struggle. The struggle spirit of the CPC is not only the need to cope with the great struggle with new historical characteristics, but also embedded in the Marxist struggle character, the Chinese excellent traditional struggle gene and the CPC’s hundred year struggle practice. It is the key element for the Party to have succeeded in the past and continue to succeed in the future. The struggle spirit of the CPC in the new era has new scientific connotations: the struggle purpose of relying on and for the people; the struggle strategy of striving for excellence and paying attention to practical results; the will to struggle with the knowledge of heavy burdens and overcoming difficulties; the fighting attitude that dares to fight and win. We should rationally examine the struggle and its spirit, and clarify that struggle is not an emotional impulse, but a rational practice; struggle is not about seeking personal gain alone, but about unity and struggle; and struggle is not a passive act, but a responsible and capable one. In the new era and during the new journey, we need to strengthen ideological refinement, continue the spiritual bloodline, grasp the historical initiatives, and strengthen the practical improvement to cultivate and carry forward the spirit of struggle, enhance the ability and skill to dare to struggle and excel in struggle, and provide strong spiritual support for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.
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    The Evolution and Experience Enlightenment of Chinese Path to Modernization from the Perspective of National Authority
    CHEN Yi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 14-24.  
    Abstract51)            Save
    The modernization path of both the latecomer and the developed countries requires national authority to solve the order dilemma in the modernization process. Returning to the context of China, during the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the accumulated national authority in rescuing the nation from danger pointed out the socialist direction for the modernization path at the crossroads; during the period of socialist revolution and construction, the accumulated national authority in the twists and turns provided a fundamental guarantee for the path of independent modernization; in the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, the accumulated national authority in pursuing the dual goals of development and protection provided a solid material preparation and institutional prerequisite for the super large-scale modernization path; in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the accumulated national authority in pursuing the goal of governance modernization provides a community guarantee led by the Party building for the modernization path of putting the people first. From the consensus on values, the accumulation of national authority provides national development goals for the modernization path from the sources, which helps optimizing the national behavior. From the perspective of the degree of organization of action mobilization, the accumulation of national authority provides organizational guarantees for achieving modernized orderly participation and efficient operation. From the perspective of the institutionalized arrangement of power operation, the accumulation of national authority provides rule compliance and legal implications for the steady progress of modernization, which helps to transform institutional advantages into governance effectiveness. From the perspective of the ability cultivation of the leading subjects, the accumulation of national authority and the Party leadership of the Chinese path to modernization road complement each other and strengthen each other, making the dominant political force from weak to strong then to high efficient.
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    Natural Endowment, Market-Oriented Reform and High-Quality Agricultural Development
    HONG Ming-yong, TIAN Meng-jie
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 92-103.  
    Abstract55)            Save
    The high-quality development of agriculture is a transformation process from quantitative change to qualitative change, and natural endowment and market-oriented reform are crucial to the high-quality development of agriculture. By drawing on the relevant research results of the new institutional economics, this paper constructs a theoretical framework between natural endowments, market-oriented reforms, and high-quality agricultural development. Subsequently, based on the provincial panel data from 2010 to 2020 in China, it describes and analyzes the current situation of natural endowment, market-oriented reform, and high-quality agricultural development. By constructing benchmark regression and spatial econometric models through the extended C-D production function, this paper conducts an empirical test of the impact of natural endowment and market-oriented reform on high-quality agricultural development. It is found that both natural endowment and market-oriented reform can significantly and positively affect the level of high-quality agricultural development, while both have significant negative spatial effects. The findings show that the natural endowment and the market-oriented reforms can both affect the level of high-quality development of agriculture positively, at the same time both of the two have significant negative spatial effect. The above conclusions imply that, due to the existence of the “siphon effect”, the local natural endowment and the level of development of market-oriented reforms will have a significant negative impact on the level of high-quality development of agriculture in the neighboring regions. To this end, it is necessary to improve the utilization rate of natural resource endowments, promote the market-oriented reforms, strengthen the cooperation and exchanges among different regions, and develop agriculture according to local conditions.
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    “Grain-Oriented”or“Non-Grain-Oriented”: the Policy Effect of High-Standard Farmland Construction
    GONG Yan-ling, ZHANG Ying-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 68-83.  
    Abstract49)            Save
    Based on the micro survey data of 1032 farmer households in China’s 10 provinces, this paper systematically analyzes the influence and its mechanism of high-standard farmland construction on the “grain-oriented” or “non-grain-oriented” agricultural planting structure. It is found that the implementation of high-standard farmland construction policy and the increase of construction scale both have a “grain-oriented” impact on agricultural planting structure, and it is still significant under a series of robustness tests of replacing the explained variables, the continuous DID estimation of provincial macro data and the propensity score matching method. The mechanism analysis shows that the high-standard farmland construction encourages farmers to grow grain crops by improving the level of agricultural socialization service. And the farmers’ behavior response is characterized by “grain-oriented” characteristics. The heterogeneity analysis shows that compared with the non-major grain producing areas and the mountainous areas, the high-standard farmland construction can increase the proportion of grain sown area in the major grain producing areas and the plain and hilly areas, and has a more obvious impact on the “grain-oriented” large-scale farmer households than the small farmer households. Therefore, we should promote the high-standard farmland construction according to the actual needs, improve the effectiveness of high-standard farmland construction, at the same time, expand the agricultural socialization service functions and encourage farmers to orderly carry out large-scale planting, thus promoting the “grain-oriented” agricultural planting structure.
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    Classification of Legal Attributes of Medical and Health Information and Its Private Law Protection
    SUN Hui
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 128-139.  
    Abstract42)            Save
    It is not advisable to broadly define medical and health information as private or sensitive personal information, which can easily lead to confusion in the application of law in judicial practice. In practice, the information categories of medical and health information are diverse. Based on determining the relationship between private information and sensitive personal information, we should analyze the underlying value logic of different information categories and use the typological method in legal methodology to divide the legal attributes of medical and health information into four categories: private information, sensitive personal information, both private and sensitive personal information, and neither private nor sensitive personal information. Among them, the identification of private information can draw inspiration from the theory of reasonable expectations of privacy. The identification of sensitive personal information should distinguish between the first level of protection based on personal dignity and the second level of protection based on personal information self-determination, which realizes the correction function during data processing. Only in this way can we find the most accurate private law protection approach for different types of medical and health information based on the privacy rules in the Civil Code, the general provisions in the Personal Information Protection Law, and the special provisions on sensitive personal information. For medical and health information that belongs to both private and sensitive personal information, the scenario analysis methods should also be used to distinguish different levels of processing behavior: the first level applies both of the privacy rules and the sensitive personal information rules, and the second level directly applies the sensitive personal information rules.
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    Enterprise Criminal Compliance: Practical Reflection and Theoretical Expansion
    YE Zi-han
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 140-148.  
    Abstract57)            Save
    The compliance reform of the enterprises involved in the cases has achieved phased results, but due to the serious shortage of theoretical supply, the reform practice is facing many difficulties, such as the unclear definition of the concepts of criminal compliance, the unclear applicable objects of the reform, the lack of negative compliance incentive mechanism, and doubtful standards of compliance effectiveness. With the continuous deepening of the compliance reform of the enterprises involved in the case, there is an urgent need to explore and clarify the important concepts related to criminal compliance. On the basis of summarizing and reflecting on the existing practical exploration, we should combine our experiences with the experience of foreign compliance, and according to the basic principles and internal logic of criminal compliance, make clear that the basic concepts of enterprise criminal compliance are the criminalization and upgrading of enterprise compliance, the incentive mechanism of enterprise criminal compliance being the organic unity of positive and negative incentives, and the basic criterion for judging the effectiveness of enterprise criminal compliance plan being to eradicate the organizational defects. Only in this way can we provide sufficient theoretical basis and conceptual guidance for the in-depth construction of the enterprise criminal compliance system.
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    The Basic Principles and Practical Requirements for Preventing and Resolving Major Risks in the New Era
    HAN Qiao-sheng, WANG Bei-bei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 3-12.  
    Abstract65)            Save
    Under the combined influence of the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, China is facing significant risks that are more uncertain and complicated. The major risks faced by China in the new era mainly exhibit such basic characteristics as the coexistence of exogenous and endogenous risks, the coexistence of sudden and long-term risks, the interaction between hidden and apparent risks, and the parallel coexistence of systemic and local risks. To prevent and resolve the major risks in the new era, we must firmly grasp the basic principles of adhering to the comprehensive leadership of the Party, putting the people first, coordinating development and security, daring to struggle, and exploring and innovating. To grasp the practical requirements of preventing and resolving major risks in the new era, it is necessary to deepen the strategic understanding of risk prevention from the cognitive dimension, cultivate the correct value concept of risk prevention from the value dimension, construct a solid institutional system for risk prevention from the institutional dimension, promote digital governance of risk prevention from the technical dimension, so as to form a systematic force to control various major risks.
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    The Ethical Dimension of the New Form of Human Civilization
    LI Xiang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 13-22.  
    Abstract44)            Save
    The new form of human civilization leads the development direction of human civilization and is the creation of contemporary Chinese civilization that profoundly affects the process of world history. This paper explains the ethical dimension of the new form of human civilization, tamps the theoretical cornerstone of the new form of human civilization, and provides ethical guidance and moral support for promoting Chinese path to modernization. The ethical dimension of the new form of human civilization starts with logical development and is reflected in the historical mission of resolving the paradox of civilization, revitalizing Chinese civilization, and transcending the traditional socialism. The new form of human civilization continues to deepen and develop in the practice field of Chinese path to modernization, and constructs an organic whole of ethical implications with economic ethical tasks, political ethical responsibilities, social ethical models, ecological ethical concepts, and global ethical considerations as the core elements. The ethical practice approach of the new form of human civilization is to accurately grasp the practical needs of Chinese path to modernization, and form a multi-dimensional practice system that reaches ethical spiritual consensus, gathers ethical action forces, establishes ethical road direction, and responds to changes in the ethical era.
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    Fintech and Bank Vulnerability: From the Perspective of Exogenous Fintech and Internal Digital Transformation
    LIN Xi, WANG Ren-zeng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 23-36.  
    Abstract59)            Save
    Under the background of increasingly severe prevention and control of systemic financial risks, in order to promote the digital transformation process of commercial banks and prevent the outbreak of systemic financial risks, it is of great importance to analyze the relationship between fintech and the vulnerability of banks and to examine whether the fintech can integrate perfectly with commercial banks. This paper makes use of the data of banks and cities from 2012 to 2020 to analyze the impact of external fintech and internal digital transformation of banks on the vulnerability of banks from both the internal and external perspectives. The findings show that exogenous fintech and bank internal digital transformation can significantly reduce the bank vulnerability mainly through improving the deposit and loan structure and the credit quality of banks. The degree of reduction in the vulnerability of rural commercial banks is significantly higher than that of urban commercial banks, and the exogenous fintech can promote bank internal digital transformation through the technology spillover effect. It is further found that the exogenous fintech can reduce the systemic risks of banks, but the marginal effect gradually weakens. And in the early stage of the development of the internal digital transformation of banks, there was no significant inhibitory effect on the systemic risks of banks. With the continuous advancement of the internal digital transformation of banks, its inhibitory effect on the systemic risks of banks gradually emerged and showed an enhanced marginal effect. Therefore, banks should rationally plan the fintech development strategy, fully grasp the opportunities of digital transformation, and guide the benign development of fintech.
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    A Review and Outlook on Social Innovation Researches: Based on the Self-Regulation Theory
    LI Xue-ling, LIU Jing, LIU Yuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 37-48.  
    Abstract78)            Save
    Social entrepreneurship, as an emerging form of entrepreneurship that applies business principles to solve social issues, has become a hot topic in academic research and practical exploration over the past two decades. This form of entrepreneurship has not only attracted widespread participation from the practitioner community but also facilitated the in-depth theoretical research into its complex underlying mechanisms. Despite over twenty years of researches into social entrepreneurship theory, its research themes remain scattered, with numerous theoretical phenomena still awaiting in-depth exploration and elucidation. Given this, there is an urgent need to draw upon established theoretical models, and integrate and expand the existing research, so as to advance the development in the field of social entrepreneurship. In this context, by reviewing the domestic and international literature on social entrepreneurship, this paper summarizes, analyzes and comments the related studies according to the A-CEM-A model in the self-regulation theory. Based on the review of the existing researches, a model of the whole self-regulation process for social entrepreneurs is developed, highlighting the iterative process of dynamic changes and behaviors of social entrepreneurs induced by empathy and sympathy in the dynamic process of social entrepreneurship.
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    A Study on the Impact of Pension Insurance Benefits on the Service Pricing of Private Elderly Care Institutions
    LI Quan-lun, XIA Xue-qing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 49-63.  
    Abstract41)            Save
    By making use of the data from “An-yang-bang”platform in 2022 and China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study in 2018, this paper estimates the impact of the improvement of the basic pension benefits of urban workers on the prices of elderly care services of private institutions. The findings show that an average increase of 1% in the basic pension benefits of urban workers would result in an increase of 0.48% and 0.36% in the minimum and maximum prices of the elderly care services of the private institutions, respectively. The increase of the pension benefits would increase the demand for institutional care services for the elderly in urban areas, which in turn increases the price of private institutional care services. In addition, the increase of the pension benefits will have a greater impact on the prices of private institutions that are larger, located in central urban areas, and operating for a shorter time. The reform of the elderly care service system can be promoted by establishing pricing guidelines for private elderly care institutions, integrating pension insurance benefits with elderly care service policies, and optimizing subsidy mechanisms for private elderly care institutions, so as to facilitate the sustainable development of these institutions.
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    Long-Term Care Insurance Policy: Essential Characteristics, Implementation Effect and Overflow Effect Based on the Investigation of the Pilot City of Z District in Nantong
    SU Hui, WANG Lin, LIU Hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 64-77.  
    Abstract58)            Save
    Based on the survey and interview data of Z District in Nantong, which is among the first batch of pilot cities in China, this paper investigates the implementation effect of the long-term care insurance policy. The findings show that the long-term care insurance policy can provide economic support for the disabled elders and their families through the way of social aid; at the same time by perfecting the care service system, this policy can help the families of the disabled elders to turn their economic supports into care services to a certain extent, thereby achieving its basic policy objectives. For now, however, the utilization rate of the long-term care insurance policy is still low, and the release of the family labor force is limited, especially in rural areas. At the same time, the long-term care insurance policy has the spillover effect of promoting the development of the pension industry and promoting the optimal allocation of medical insurance resources to a certain extent. In the future policy implementation, the richness and practicability of the home service content should be increased, while the duration and frequency of service should be increased. The government should gradually reduce the intervention in the elderly service market, and introduce a benign market competition mechanism, so as to promote the improvement of the pension service level.
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    The Green Agricultural Development Empowered by the Carbon Emission Reduction Effect of Digital Economy
    LU Jing-yu, GUO Jun-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 78-90.  
    Abstract77)            Save
    Based on the Chinese provincial panel data from 2011 to 2021, this paper explores the impact of digital economy on agricultural carbon emission intensity with the fixed effect model, the spatial Dubin model and the threshold effect model. The results show that the development of digital economy can significantly reduce the intensity of agricultural carbon emission. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that the influence of digital economy on agriculture carbon emission reduction mainly comes from the industrial digitization, and that this effect is stronger in the relatively underdeveloped areas and the non-main grain producing areas. The mechanism analysis shows that the digital economy can promote agricultural carbon emission reduction by encouraging agricultural green technology innovation, but the optimization of the structure of agricultural energy consumption has not been able to promote agricultural carbon emission reduction. The spatial effect shows that the development of digital economy has a negative spatial spillover effect on agricultural carbon emission intensity. The nonlinear relationship test shows that the negative correlation between digital economy and agricultural carbon emission intensity has nonlinear characteristics; when the development level of digital economy and the innovation level of agricultural green technology exceed the threshold value, the agricultural carbon reduction effect of the digital economy shows a marginal decreasing feature. Therefore, it is suggested to make full use of digital economy to accelerate the “double carbon” process of the agricultural sector, give full play to the green technology enabling role of digital economy, and strengthen the digital collaboration and environmental collaborative governance between the regions, so as to continuously release the agricultural emission reduction effect of digital economy.
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    Policy Incentives and Farmers’ Adoption of Water and Soil Conservation Technology: An Empirical Analysis of the Farmer Households in Shaanxi Province in the Yellow River Basin
    MAO Hui, CHEN Shao-jian, FU Yong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 91-101.  
    Abstract38)            Save
    Water and soil erosion affects agricultural production and farmers’ life directly. The adoption of water and soil conservation technology (WSCT)can help to improve agricultural productivity and promote the sustainable agricultural development. Policy incentives may affect farmers’ decision-making on adopting WSCT. This paper conducts a study based on the micro-survey data of 622 farmer households in Shaanxi Province, the findings show that the policy incentives can significantly promote farmer households to adopt the WSCT. This promotion effect is achieved by increasing the awareness of farmers about the ecological and economic benefits of the soil and water conservation technology. Further research has found that different policy incentives (technology training, technology subsidies, technology demonstrations) can all significantly promote the adoption of WSCT by farmers, and policy incentives have a significant promoting effect on the adoption of WSCT with different attributes by farmers. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that policy incentives have a more significant promoting effect on the adoption of WSCT by farmers, particularly among those with high levels of specialization, education, large-scale operations, and high levels of disaster. The government should increase publicity, enrich the forms of technology promotion, improve the subsidy systems, and adopt different policy incentives for different attributes, so as to guide and promote farmers to adopt WSCT.
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    On the Fiduciary Obligations of Data Holders
    XIN Yuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 102-112.  
    Abstract36)            Save
    In the era of digital economy, the differences between data subjects will lead to privacy infringement, data monopoly, and other data power alienation problems. The unidirectional data empowerment protection theory is difficult to solve the practical dilemma. In the data value chain, the data holder, relying on the excessive expansion of data power, is in an unequal power relationship with the source and the user for a long time, and the double-layer trust relationship of data should be confirmed. The empowering protection model of data should move towards the regulatory model of trustee behavior based on fiduciary obligations, with obligations constraining the unlimited expansion of data power. The right to hold data is the fundamental right of the new property rights system for data, which varies with the form of data and is a limited exclusive right. The connotation of the right to hold data is to emphasize and protect the right to use data. Therefore, it is necessary to impose personal data protection obligations towards the source and competitive data obligations towards the user on the data holders, achieve a balance between the interests of all parties of the data with the dynamic model of empowerment and limitation, and regulate the paths by adopting an open data empowerment model and positive obligations, so as to achieve the dual core goals of protection and fair utilization of data.
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    Research on the Realistic Dilemma and Response Strategies of Central-Local Taxation Power Allocation under the Principle of Tax Fairness
    CHEN Ji-yu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 113-124.  
    Abstract36)            Save
    As a core link in the design of the tax system, the allocation of central and local tax power plays a key role in the modernization process of the rule of law in taxation. The allocation of tax power is essentially a issue of financial resource allocation, aiming to seek a reasonable boundary between centralization and decentralization and between efficiency and equity. Practice has proved that there are information barriers between the central government and the local governments, that tax revenue and expenditure responsibility do not match, and that the disorder of tax competition among local governments has caused frequent tax collection and management chaos. Distributional unfairness triggered by the fiscal system will be transmitted to taxpayers through the tax law system, thus the allocation order of tax legislation, tax collection and administration, and tax income right to be standardized with the concept of fairness is born at the right time. Therefore, while considering the efficiency of resource allocation, optimizing the allocation of central and local tax power must take into account the rationality of the distribution of tax power and carry out the principle of tax fairness. In terms of the responding strategies, the allocation of tax rights between central and local governments should be based on the fair authorization to construct a normative path under the rule of law principle, based on the fair law enforcement to construct a technical path under digital supervision, and based on the fair benefits to construct a precise path tailored to local conditions.
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    Transparency and Nominalization: On the Ideological and Institutional Reform of the Regulation of Shareholding Entrustment in China
    AI Xi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 125-136.  
    Abstract40)            Save
    There are various types of shareholding entrustment in China, including legal and illegal ones. On the one hand, shareholding entrustment can activate private investment and financing, promoting economic development, and on the other hand, it can also become a tool for money laundering and gray interest transactions, bringing many difficulties to the supervision of listed companies and the judicial trial of equity disputes. In terms of the current regulation of shareholding entrustment, due to unclear concepts, the concept of “Dormant Partnership”introduced in the civil law system did not fully adopt the strict concept of “Commercial Externalism”. In terms of the regulation of shareholding entrustment in listed corporations, the regulatory concept of “Complete Prohibition”has been adopted; plus the concept of “Dormant Partnership”in the Civil Law System and the strict “Commercial Externalism”, itself has contradictions and conflicts that cannot be reconciled logically. At the same time, China’s Partnership Enterprise Law has not introduced the concept of “Dormant Partnership”. Conflicts and contradictions in various regulatory concepts have led to the failure of regulatory measures, resulting in a proliferation of shareholding entrustment. The regulatory concepts of increasing equity transparency and nominalization in the Common law system have provided us with good insights. With reference to the reform achievements of the Common Law System, this article suggests to timely reform the Company Law and the Securities Law in accordance with the requirements of the FATF, update the regulatory concepts, increase equity transparency, and force shareholding entrustment to develop towards nominalization. It is also suggested to introduce the concept of “Substantial Interest Holder”, establish the corresponding supporting systems to guide the healthy development of shareholding entrustment behavior, and curb various illegal equity shareholding entrustment behaviors without harming the effective demands at the same time.
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    New Quality Productivity and the Shaping of National Security Initiatives
    CHEN Shi-fa, LIANG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 3-12.  
    Abstract35)            Save
    The new quality productivity represents the direction of the development of advanced productive forces and is directly related to the solid foundation, core subjects and key support for shaping the national security initiative. Through industrial innovation and the expansion of new labour objects, the new quality productivity can strengthen the material basis for shaping the solid foundation of the right to take the initiative in national security, and have become the inevitable choice for shaping the right to take the initiative in national security by promoting the high-quality economic and social development. Through the cultivation of high-quality new labourers, the new quality productivity can shape high-quality talents as the core subjects of the right to take the initiative in shaping national security, and become an intrinsic requirement for the right to take the initiative in shaping national security, so as to construct a harmonious and stable social environment. Through scientific and technological innovation, the new quality productivity can generate new quality labor materials with high technological content, strengthen the scientific and technological forces to be the key support for shaping the national security initiative, break and master the key core technologies, and become the fundamental path of shaping the national security initiative. Thus, by strengthening the material, human and scientific support for shaping the national security initiative, the new quality productivity can lay a more solid foundation for the construction of a higher-level national security system.
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    The Profound Connotation, Great Significance, and Practical Requirements of Xi Jinping’s Important Discourse on New Quality Productivity
    LIU Wen-xiang, ZHAO Qing-si
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 13-23.  
    Abstract43)            Save
    The new quality productivity is an important theoretical achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, which further enriches the connotation of Xi Jinping’s economic thought. Xi Jinping proposed the new concept and requirements of the new quality productivity, adhering to the scientific guidance of Marxist productivity theory, drawing on the historical experience of science and technology promoting the transformation of human social productive forces, inheriting the scientific understanding of the Communist Party of China on the relationship between technology and productive forces, and responding to the practical requirements of the world’s unprecedented great changes in a century.“New”is the driving force of new quality productivity,“quality”is the goal pursuit of new quality productivity, and “productivity” is the core connotation of new quality productivity. Overall, the new quality productivity is driven by scientific and technological innovations, with the strategic emerging industries, future industries, and other“new formats”as the main field of productivity, pursuing a qualitative leap in the ability of human and nature to undergo material transformation. The proposal of the new quality productivity is of great significance for building an independent knowledge system, promoting high-quality development, creating new international competitive advantages, and coordinating regional harmonized development. Therefore, we must take technological innovation as the guide, comprehensively deepening reform and opening up as the driving force, establishing a modern industrial system as the carrier, cultivating high-quality talents as the guarantee, so as to ensure the systematic integration of various elements and ultimately achieve a qualitative leap in productivity.
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    The Theoretical Essence and Practical Development of Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law on the Trial Management System
    ZOU Yu-zhuo, HUANG Qiu-ying
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 24-32.  
    Abstract14)            Save
    Xi Jinping’s thought of rule of law closely links trial management with judicial system reform, making trial management a bridge to connect judicial reform. It not only emphasizes the role of trial management in judicial system reform, but also highlights the important position of trial management in national governance. The essence of trial management in Xi Jinping Thought on rule of law is derived from the common characteristics of Xi Jinping Thought on rule of law. It adheres to the principles of judicial operation as the basis of argument, sticks to the people as the center, persists in the overall view of judicial responsibility, the view of judicial policy coordination and the view of judicial science and technology system as the main content, and insists on the reform and innovation of the trial management system and the solutions to the deep-seated problems in trial management practice as the breakthrough and focus. It not only responds to the practical difficulties in trial management, but also is an action guide and theoretical support for the new tasks of judicial reform, responding to the new requirements of judicial practice, and promoting the in-depth development of the trial management system in the new era.
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    Industrial Resilience: Connotation, Influencing Factors and Outlook
    YOU Liang, REN Qing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 33-44.  
    Abstract27)            Save
    Cultivating industrial resilience is a necessary strategy to cope with the profound changes unseen in a century and a practical move to promote the steady and sustainable development of China’s economy. However, the relevant research progress is rather slow, and the research results are relatively scattered. The existing studies vary in the analysis of the connotation, influencing factors, and measurement evaluation of the industrial resilience, lacking systematic summarization. This paper reviews the research progress of industrial resilience and its related fields, analyzes and evaluates the connotation and the measurement methods of industrial resilience, and outlines the influencing factors of industrial resilience. The findings show that industrial resilience is a complex coupling system composed of economic, social, and ecological environment subsystems that interact with each other. This paper focuses on the core contents of industrial resistance, recovery, re-orientation and renewal, aiming to achieve the sustainable development in the economy, the society, and the ecological environments. However, there are still deficiencies in the theoretical framework construction, comprehensive exploration of the research subjects, and cross-industry comprehensive researches in current industrial resilience researches, leaving broad space for future researches. In short, a systematical review of the industrial resilience can help to deeply understand it and provides useful references for promoting the improvement of China’s industrial resilience and the steady economic development.
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    Digital Transformation Enables High-Quality Development of Manufacturing Enterprises:From the Dual Perspectives of Economic Benefits and ESG Performance
    TAN Ya-fei, ZHU Zhao-hui, LI Min-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 45-58.  
    Abstract30)            Save
    Digital transformation is a stabilizer of the productivity and a catalyst for the sustainable development in manufacturing enterprises. Whether digital transformation can realize the“win-win”result between economic performance and ESG performance is an important issue in the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises. Based on the data of the listed manufacturing enterprises from 2010 to 2020, this paper conducts an empirical study. The findings show that digital transformation can promote the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises, that is, improving their total factor productivity and ESG performance at the same time. The mechanism validation shows that the innovation channel and the efficiency channel are the key paths for the digitalization to enable the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises, and that digital transformation can promote the tilting of resources to high-productivity enterprises and effectively promote the improvement of ESG performance. Further research reveals that a favorable business environment and accelerated marketization can strengthen the positive effects of digitalization on the high-quality development of enterprises. In addition, there are significant structural changes in the impact of digital transformation on the high-quality development of enterprises. Therefore, the manufacturing enterprises should fully utilize digital technology to continuously promote the compound growth of economic performance and ESG performance, and continuously improve the talent training mechanisms. At the same time, the government should consolidate the institutional foundation, create a good business environment, improve the market mechanisms, so as to continuously release the role of digital transformation strategy in empowering the high-quality development of enterprises..
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    A Study of the Impact of Non-Agricultural Employment and Basic Medical Insurance on Rural Labor Force Consumption
    TAO Chun-hai, XIONG Qi-zhe, XU Yu-ming
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 59-72.  
    Abstract25)            Save
    Based on the micro-survey data of CHFS 2019, this paper makes an analysis of the impact of non-farm employment on the consumption of rural labor force and the moderating effect of the basic health insurance. The findings show that non-agricultural employment can promote rural labor force consumption, and that the length of non-farm employment and the proportion of non-farm income can both significantly improve the level of rural labor force consumption. To choose the urban employee basic medical insurance and the urban and rural labor force basic medical insurance will both have a positive moderating effect on the relationship between non-agricultural employment and rural labor force consumption, while choosing the new rural cooperative medical insurance will have a negative moderating effect. As for different regions and different age groups, to choose the different types of basic medical insurance will have different effects on the relationship between non-agricultural employment and rural labor force consumption. The choice of the basic medical insurance for urban employees by rural labor force will positively promote the impact of non-agricultural employment on the upgrading of consumption structure. Therefore, it is proposed to strengthen the guarantee of non-agricultural employment for rural labor force, increase the participation rate of rural labor force in non-agricultural employment, and promote the coordinated development of the basic medical insurance systems among the regions. It is necessary to explore the consumption potential of rural labor force, and promote the upgrading of rural consumption, so as to better promote the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and provide reference to the construction of a new development pattern of“dual circulation”.
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