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    The Causes of the Global Influence of EU Personal Data Protection Law and Its Enlightenment
    TIAN Xu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 135-147.  
    Abstract444)      PDF(pc) (1077KB)(841)       Save
    The EU Personal Data Protection Law is not a specific law,but a general term for a legal system for the protection of personal data rights evolved and formed over decades of years.It has a self-contained evolutionary context,that is,from metaphysical human rights principles to regional directives at the rule level,then to the unified EU laws,and further developed to a personal data protection legal framework system with EU characteristics.The global circulation of information along with the popularization of Internet technology has produced the extensional power for EU’s personal data protection law.The internal jurisdiction rules that use the cyberspace have not yet formed a time window of international custom,it is trying to break through the principle of territory and continuously broadening the range of “domains”directly controlled by law and under its jurisdiction.As for the outside,i.e.,the so-called “domains”that cannot be directly governed,compliance obligations should be indirectly imposed on the legal standards of the places that data acquired and the overseas subjects that are not directly under the jurisdiction of the law through the formulation of supervision rules for the exit of personal data,thus the collection,processing and other related actions of the acquired personal data can be made to comply with EU regulations.The growth and the expansion path of EU Personal Data Law conforms to the development rules of international law rules that start from scratch,and it has even brought influences on the future global integration of personal data protection rules.
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    A Study of the Embedding Position of China in Global Innovation Value Chains from the Perspective of Technological Trajectories
    LI Chuan-chao, YANG Hui-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 25-40.  
    Abstract1499)            Save
    On the basis of the theory of technological trajectories, this paper measures the degree of participation and the embedding position of China in the global innovation value chains with the help of the Worldwide Patent Statistical Database. It also studies the specific performance of Chinese enterprises which embed themselves in the global innovation value chains in the“going out”mode or in the“bringing in”mode with specific cases. The findings reveal that Chinese enterprises are locked in the non-core technology fields and low-end links in the international labor-division system with a degree of participation of 47.30% in the global innovation value chains, which is lower than that of USA, Japan, Germany, France and other major world economies. There still exist some gaps between the embedding position of Chinese enterprises and that of the developed countries. In the“going out”mode, Chinese enterprises cannot fully grasp the initiative of development, while in the“bringing in”mode, Chinese enterprises are usually locked at the lower-end links. The blockage encountered by Chinese enterprises in the participation of the global circulation of innovation is rooted in the lacking of the all-round technical innovation with international competitiveness in domestic innovation field. It is necessary to take the domestic circulation as the main body and the concept of domestic and international double-circulation new development pattern as the guidance, so as to create an unblocked, efficient and independent domestic cycle in the field of innovation for the improvement of international competitiveness of Chinese creation. On this basis, the initiative of opening to the outside world can be mastered to achieve“bringing in”and“going out”at a higher level.
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    Social Co-Governance in Public Crisis: System Logic and Legal Path
    LIU Nai-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (6): 114-124.  
    Abstract1466)            Save
    Because of the risk and function appropriateness, social co-governance possesses the theoretical foundation to intervene in public crisis. The cultivation of shared governance during the modernization process of rule of law and governance also lays the foundation for the overall integration of social governance resources in the emergency. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the co-governance mirror image under the ternary structure of“government-market-society”has displayed different natural endowment of governance not like the before. In the context of the co-governance led by the rule of law, the establishment of such principles as“law-based emergency”, empowerment and relative liability can effectively alleviate the conflicts between public and private orders triggered by emergency measures for public crisis. By relying on the multiple generation of the information interaction mechanism, social co-governance has become the system carrier of precise decision making and socialized supervision. The development of social co-governance in the future public crisis should be based on the normative balance of empowerment and power restriction. Through the empowerment to the main body during the full process, the system transformation of social co-governance from“subjective awakening”to“incentive compatibility”can be achieved. With the help of effective evaluation of rule of law, the responsiveness of legal control in the social co-governance can be strengthened.
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    The Path Generation of“Diction Polishing and Tao Manifesting”in Han Yu’s Classical Proses
    XIA Gang, TAO Shui-ping
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 113-121.  
    Abstract374)      PDF(pc) (972KB)(431)       Save
    “Diction polishing and Tao manifesting”is an important topic in the researches on Han Yu,however,many scholars have not paid enough attention to the specific path of “diction polishing and Tao manifesting”in Han Yu’s classical proses.“Diction polishing and Tao manifesting”has actually become an isolated theory of“diction polishing theory”or“rhetoric theory”.Based on the careful reading of Han Yu’s classical proses and combining the related theories,this paper conducts a specific analysis of the path generation of“diction polishing and Tao manifesting”in Han Yu’s classical proses,i.e.,how did Han Yu put forward the unified standard of literary and moral principles of“proportional rhetoric,combine goodness and beauty”,pursue the way that following the classics then creating classics as his words of“summarizing the essences of the Six Classics before composing”,criticize,inherit and surpass the parallel rhythmical proses and the “eight-legged essays”through the eight generations,and then become mellowed into success.This not only reversed the creative direction and aesthetic ideals of the articles of the Six Dynasties,but also established a new paradigm of prose creation after the Middle Tang Dynasty,highlighting Han Yu’s works and his actual creation process to reveal this path of comprehensive innovation of classical culture.
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    Research on the Division and Adjustment and Optimization of the Responsibilities of Fiscal Expenditures for Social Assistance in China
    CHEN Wen-mei, LI Chun-gen
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 56-68.  
    Abstract1149)            Save
    As an important part of the social security system, social assistance plays a fundamental role in the realization of social fairness and justice. A scientific and reasonable division of the financial expenditure responsibilities is a necessary financial guarantee for the sound operation of the social assistance system. Based on the“Barrow Rule”and the Cobb-Douglas function model derivation, this paper makes use of the regression analysis method to calculate the optimal fiscal expenditure responsibility for social assistance in China. It also studies the adjustment and optimization of the expenditure responsibilities for social assistance from the different perspectives, such as the deviation of expenditure responsibility and the financial burden of social assistance, etc.. The findings show that the level of the expenditure responsibilities for social assistance of the central government continues to tend to be optimal, and the eastern region exceeds more, thus it is possible to moderately reduce the financial expenditure responsibilities for social assistance of the central government in the eastern region, and the reduced part can be transferred to the central and western regions where the financial burden and social assistance tasks are heavier. The social assistance expenditure responsibilities at the provincial finance level are constantly approaching optimization, but none of them have reached the optimal level; the negative deviation of the expenditure responsibilities in central and western regions is relatively larger, it is necessary to appropriately increase the social assistance expenditure responsibilities of the provincial finance. The level of the fiscal expenditure responsibilities for social assistance at the county (district) level has exceeded the optimal level, especially in the central and western regions.
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    An Analysis of the Creation of Sports Tax Provisions in the “Sports Law”: Based on the Arrangement of Sports Tax Criterions
    YE Jin-yu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 121-137.  
    Abstract1174)            Save
    As an important tool for the development of sports industry, the tax policies frequently appear in the sports fields. Correspondingly, some problems existing in the sports tax, such as“policy-led but operated with few laws”, “competition-led, but other sport industries lying idle”and “duty-free being dominant, while other tools absent”, not only constitute the remarkable mirror image and the pattern of China’s sports tax governance, but also become an important obstacle and threat to the sustainable and rapid development of China’s sports. In view of the unique value of sports tax clauses, the legislative experience of tax clauses in the science, technology, education, culture and health laws, and the formulation rules of foreign sports tax clauses, it is necessary to create a sports tax provision system in the Sports Law composed of the three levels, i.e., the general clauses of sports tax, the preferential clauses of sports tax and the collection and management clauses of sports tax, which should be rooted in the law of sports development and on the basis of the existing China’s sports tax policy practice, so as to bridge the interconnected paths between sports tax policy and law and between the Sports Law and the tax law, achieve the legal diversion of sports tax policies, and propel the rapid and sound development of China’s sports.
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    The Impact of Transparent Social Media Service Remedy on the Purchase Intention of Virtually Present Others: The Role of Brand Equity
    YANG Hui, KANG Hai-yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 41-50.  
    Abstract567)            Save
    Customers are increasingly using social media to voice their complaints openly, thus many companies seek to shift those complaints in social media to be handled off-line. Is it an optimal choice for companies to deal with the complaints of customers in secret? Based on the signal theory and the observational learning theory, this paper carries out three experiments to study the impact of transparent social media service remedy on the purchase intention of virtually present others. The findings show that, compared with the non-transparent, transparent social media service remedy can positively influence the purchase intention of the virtually present others; the perception of service quality is its internal mechanism, and the brand equity can play the regulatory role. Compared with the companies with higher brand equity, the companies with lower brand equity can more significantly improve the service quality perception and purchase intention of the virtually present others by adopting transparent service remedies in social media. This conclusion has certain reference value for companies to deal with customers' complaints in social media.
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    Comparison of Grain Competitiveness and Research on the Influencing Factors on Grain Trade between China and Other Countries along“The Belt and Road”
    HAN Dong, LI Guang-si, ZHONG Yu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 76-92.  
    Abstract392)      PDF(pc) (900KB)(340)       Save
    This paper makes an analysis of the influencing factors on grain competitiveness and grain trade between China and other countries along the“the belt and road”,which is conductive for China to improve the foreign grain trade environment and to enhance its own competitiveness.By making use of the grain trade data of China and the other countries along“the belt and road”from 2012 to 2017,this paper calculates the indexes of trade integration and comparative advantages,constructs a bilateral gravity model and a hurdle model,and conducts a quantitative test.The findings show that China has heavy grain trade with only part of the countries along“the belt and road”and enjoys a certain competitiveness on some specific grain varieties towards some individual countries,but has no regional overall competitive advantage.Fine economic development level and cultural exchange degree have significantly promoted the development of the bilateral grain trade,while geographical distance has significantly hindered the bilateral grain trade;the amount of bilateral grain trade between the countries with good agricultural and natural resources and China is much higher.Besides,the institutional distance is an important factor affecting China’s grain export decision,and the economic development level,the geographical distance and the cultural exchange degree have all affected the trade amount of China’s grain export.Therefore,China should continue to promote the strategy of “the belt and road”initiative,choose the trade partners according the principle of comparative advantages,strengthen the infrastructure construction to reduce the negative influences brought by geographical distance,actively promote the“people-to-people bonds”and the“cultural connection”,strive to achieve“policy coordination”,and ease the hindering effect of the institutional distance on the trade.
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    From Establishment of Regime to Governance Modernization: The Hundred Years of Consultative Governance of the Communist Party of China and Its Practical Approach
    FU Jian-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 14-24.  
    Abstract519)            Save
    During the one century's development, the Communist Party of China has gone through a long process of applying consultative governance from the establishment of the regime to the state governance modernization. The Communist Party of China has formed such modes in consultative governance as political parties consultation, political consultation, social consultation and dialogue, etc., and finally become mature and set in the mode of socialist consultation democracy. The development of the consultative governance is the result of the Communist Party of China's deepening understanding of regime building and state governance in its one hundred year development history, which determines that the Communist Party of China occupies a core position in the consultative governance; in turn it gives rise to institutional advantages different from western deliberative democracy. In the context of the downward shift of the governance focus, the Communist Party of China can promote the advantages transformation of the consultative governance by granting more power to the grass-roots governance, and the in-depth integration of information technology and consultative governance may become a new direction for advantage transformation.
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    A Study of the Impact of Benefit Expectation on Farmers' Farmland Quality Protection Behaviors: Empirical Evidences from Jiangsu Province
    LU Hua, ZHOU Ying-heng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (2): 80-92.  
    Abstract1163)            Save
    The quality protection of cultivated land is an important way to realize the storage of grain in the land and to lay a solid foundation for agricultural production. Farmers are the ultimate subjects and the micro-foundation to realize the protection of farmland quality. By making use of the data of farmer household micro-survey in Jiangsu province in 2018, this paper adopts the mvprobit model to quantitatively study the impact of benefit expectation on farmers’ intention and behavior of farmland quality protection. The findings show that benefit expectation is an important factor affecting farmers’ intention and behavior of farmland quality protection. Farmers’ expectation of improving the quality of agricultural products and increasing the yield of farm products through returning straw to the land will increase the probability of farmers’ adoption of the straw returning to the field; and the expectation of improving the quality of agricultural products by applying organic fertilizer and the expectation of increasing the yield of production by deep and loose ploughing will both significantly increase the probability of adoption. Based on the findings of this study, it is suggested that the relationship between farmers’ benefit expectation and farmland quality protection behavior should be fully utilized, the government should continue to improve the ways and channels to realize high price for high quality agricultural products, improve the expected profits of comparative returns from farmers’ farmland quality protection, reduce risks, and give full play to its exemplary role. In addition, the government should reduce the number of plots, reduce the costs of farmland quality protection, strengthen policy publicity and provide policy support, so as to promote farmland quality protection.
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    “Governance of China”under the Leadership of the Century-Old Large Party: Theoretical Paradigm and Institutional Panorama
    WANG Xiao-peng, LIU Xian-chun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 3-13.  
    Abstract552)            Save
    The national development and state governance of China cannot be separated from the leadership of the Communist Party of China; however, the roles of political parties have been obscured in theoretical researches. The theoretical paradigm of“the governance of China”under the leadership of the century-old large Party can reveal the unique logic of“the governance of China”. The“governance of China”under the leadership of the century-old large Party is based on the system, which is reflected in the structure of China's national system and the operation of the national governance system. The institutional panorama and functional mechanism of the century-old large Party are mainly manifested as follows: first, the Party's central organization and its institutionalized operation have an overall leadership over the national governance; second, the deliberation and coordination agency system for the central decision-making has an overall planning and leadership over major tasks; third, the Party group (Party committee) system exerts an embedded leadership to non-party organizations; the fourth is the classified leadership of the centralized and coordinated management system for specific governance matters; the fifth is the unified leadership of the discipline inspection and supervision system over the supervision system; the sixth is the Party's absolute leadership system over the people's army with a firm grasp of military power; and the seventh is the effective integration of social forces by the system of unified leadership of the Party committee over the mass groups. The main body shaping of the century-old large Party is the biggest independent variable and decisive factor in determining the efficiency of national governance. Therefore, it is necessary to drive the governance of the country through the governance of the Party, so as to promote the efficiency of national governance.
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    R&D Subsidies and Corporate Total Factor Productivity
    CHEN Li-shan, FU Yuan-hai, HUANG Guo-bin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 51-63.  
    Abstract543)            Save
    By making use of the data of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2003 to 2018 and employing the stochastic frontier analysis method (SFA) to estimate and decompose the total factor productivity (TFP) of listed companies, this paper investigates the impact of R&D subsidies on corporate overall TFP and the four components that constitute TFP, i.e., the frontier technological progress, the technical efficiency, the scale efficiency and the allocation efficiency. The findings indicate that R&D subsidies cannot significantly promote the overall TFP growth. In terms of the internal structure of TFP, R&D subsidies have significantly promoted the frontier technological progress and significantly inhibited the improvement of allocation efficiency, but no significant impact on technical efficiency and scale efficiency. Further analysis in groups according to the nature of enterprise ownership, the financing constraints, the industry characteristics and the level of intellectual property protection reveals that R&D subsidies have significantly promoted the frontier technological progress of non-state-owned enterprises, enterprises with a higher degree of financing constraints, enterprises in non-high-tech industries, enterprises in fiercely competitive markets, and enterprises in areas with lower levels of intellectual property protection. However, the allocation efficiency of enterprises with lower levels of financing constraints, enterprises in non-high-tech industries and enterprises with lower level of market competition is significantly reduced. The conclusion of this paper has some enlightenment for the improvement of the R&D subsidy policy and the improvement of corporate total factor productivity.
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    “New Infrastructure Construction”and Demand-Side Reform under the New Development Pattern
    ZHANG Ji-hai
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 64-72.  
    Abstract446)            Save
    The new development pattern has rich connotations and emphasizes the transformation of the economy to high-quality development. As the supply side, the“new infrastructure construction”is an important way to empower China to have a high-quality development. The demand-side reform focuses on realizing the smoothness of the economic circulation process. The implementation of the “new infrastructure construction”has to solve the problems of the previous“old infrastructure construction”in terms of institutional mechanisms, pay more attention to“the quality”(that is, investment efficiency), be sustainable, avoid dangling debt, and form corresponding future income. For this reason, the “new infrastructure construction”needs to be coordinated with the demand-side reform in the circulation of the national economy, and the two should form a benign relationship that promotes each other and has positive feedback and dynamic circulation.
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    The Source of the Rapid Increase of China’s Staple Crops Production Cost: An Empirical Study Based on Decomposition of Factor Cost Contribution
    PAN Wen-xuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 100-113.  
    Abstract469)            Save
    Since the year of 2004, the production cost of China's staple crops has increased rapidly and the cost advantages of some staple grain producing provinces tend to be weakened or even turned into disadvantages, which brings a negative impact on grain production benefit, farmers' income growth and food security. Based on the method of decomposition of factor cost contribution, this paper empirically analyzes the source of the rapid increase of the production costs of classified China's staple crops at both national and provincial level. The results show that, in terms of the average cost of the staple crops at the national level, the labor cost is the factor cost with the highest contribution to the increase of total production costs, while the labor price, especially in the opportunity cost of family self-employment is the main driving force for the continuous increase of labor cost and the total costs of grain production. However, due to different input structures of various staple grains factor as well as different grain production modes and conditions in different regions, there exist inter-crops and inter-provincial differences in the structure of factor cost contribution. In terms of different crops and different major producing provinces, the primary and secondary causes of the rising costs of staple crops production are not the same.
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    A Study on the Sustainability of Pension Insurance Coordination Fund in Government Organs and Public Institutions Based on Policy Simulations
    WANG Ya, XUE Hui-yuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 53-64.  
    Abstract192)      PDF(pc) (748KB)(261)       Save
    Through constructing an actuarial model,this paper studies the sustainability of the pension insurance coordination fund in government departments and public institutions.The findings of the measurement show that the expenditure of the coordination fund has an increasing tendency year by year from 2015 to 2050,but the tendency turns to decline year by year from 2051 to 2060.The expenditure of the coordination fund is much larger than its income,and the gap has been created since the beginning of the system.To lower the pension adjustment coefficient can effectively reduce the expenditures and improve the balance of the coordination fund.In the short term,the larger the contribution base,the larger the gap between the income and expenditure of the coordination fund and the heavier the burden.But in the long run,the larger the contribution base,the narrower the gap between income and expenditure of the coordination fund,which can effectively improve the balance of coordination fund.If the retirement age is delayed,the balance of coordination fund can be significantly improved.If the contribution rate of the units is lowered,the balance gap of coordination fund will be increased.Therefore,it is suggested that to raise funds from multiple sources and make up for the gap of the coordination fund in the same year,to establish a reasonable pension adjustment mechanism,to put into effect and appropriately increase the payment base,to introduce and implement the policy of delayed retirement age as soon as possible,not to lower the payment rate of pension insurance in government departments and public institutions,to bridge the use of the coordination fund with the personal account fund,and to turn the personal accounts into nominal accounts.
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    Expansion of Fiduciary Duty in the Financial Sector in the Context of Algorithms
    LIU Yi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (6): 125-137.  
    Abstract410)            Save
    Under the background of the continuous integration between algorithm and finance, the application of algorithm in the financial sector not only stretches the whole financial service chain, but part of the financial transactions is actually placed at the design and development stage of the algorithm, thereby the trust objects of financial consumers are changed. And it also brings the issues concerning the expansion of the traditional fiduciary duties in the financial sector and the expansion boundary. Faced with the financial innovations brought by scientific and technological changes, on the one hand, the intervention factors of algorithmic decision-making should be fully considered, the principle of penetration should be combined to further clarify the subject of responsibility of the fiduciary duty, and the relative legal accountability mechanism should be improved; on the other hand, it is necessary to combine the commonness and individuality of algorithmic governance in the financial field, and on the premise of clarifying the general governance thoughts, the specific contents and responsibility assignments of the fiduciary duties should be constructed differently according to the different models of financial business and the different roles of the main bodies.
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    The Features, Effects and Times Value of the Music in the Central Soviet Area
    ZHENG Lu, HU Bang-ning
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (6): 106-113.  
    Abstract432)            Save
    The music of the Central Soviet Area is rooted in the red soil and grew up in the revolutionary struggle. It adheres to the theme of revolutionary works, the core of class value, and the technique of original creation. Among the proletarian revolutionary literatures and arts, the music of the Central Soviet Area has forged the red faith in the Soviet Area, mobilized the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers, and praised the heroes of the Soviet Area. The music of the Central Soviet Area in the new era has the red genes for the prosperity of advanced culture, spreading the red history with the righteous songs, and holding the value of the times by providing the spiritual food of the red culture. The music of the Central Soviet Area can play a powerful spiritual leading role in strengthening the national cultural confidence and prospering the socialist cultural undertakings with Chinese characteristics.
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    Research on Catastrophic Medical Expenditures Measurement and Space Transmission Mechanism of Relatively Poor Families
    LI Tao, CHENG Qian
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 86-99.  
    Abstract492)            Save
    By making use of the data of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), this paper constructs a panel threshold model of the response differences in the medical economic risk expectations to family medical burdens of relatively poor families. The findings show that the standard of catastrophic medical expenditures of relatively poor families is that medical expenditures account for 21.02% of other expenditures except food, education and housing. Then it constructs a Tobit Durbin model of spatial metrology and a spatial Durbin Tobit mediation model to empirically test the spatial transmission mechanism of catastrophic medical expenditures among relatively poor families with social networks as medium and the spatial impacting mechanism of medical security system on catastrophic medical expenditures of relatively poor families respectively. These findings suggests that, by influencing the transfer expenditure pressure and the health level of community families through social relations, catastrophic medical expenditures can be transmitted among relatively poor families. However, the medical security system can effectively alleviate the transfer expenditure pressure among relatively poor families and improve the overall health welfare of community families, thus hindering the transmission of catastrophic medical expenditures among relatively poor families.
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    Identification and Legal Regulation for Trademark Malicious Lawsuits
    JIANG Nan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 125-134.  
    Abstract546)            Save
    Trademark malicious lawsuit is a kind of malicious litigation behavior, and the principle of good faith is the legal basis for regulating trademark malicious lawsuits. There exist some problems in the current laws and regulations, such as unclear definition, insufficient norms and prevention mechanisms, etc.. In judicial practice, the identification of “malicious lawsuits” has different standards, and the standards of compensation for losses are quite complicated, which are not conducive to curb the trend of frequent occurrences of trademark malicious lawsuits in recent years. Aimed at the above problems, in the substantive laws, the trademark malicious lawsuits and the identification standards should be clarified, and the anti-compensation system should be added. In the procedural laws, it is necessary to clarify the pre-litigation injunction system and strictly limit the withdrawal of prosecution. At the same time, the credit regulation mechanism should be further improved to be a supporting measure to the substantive laws and procedural laws to jointly safeguard the interests of the parties. On the basis of learning from foreign advanced experience, trademark malicious lawsuits can be effectively identified and regulated.
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    An Analysis of the Root Causes for the Underwriting Profit Differences in Automobile Insurance: A Two-Way Research Based on both the Supply and Demand Sides
    LU Si-ting, SU Fang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 65-75.  
    Abstract181)      PDF(pc) (773KB)(242)       Save
    This paper explores the factors affecting the underwriting profit differences in automobile insurance from the perspective of the supply of insurance companies and from the perspective of the demand of consumers at different regions.The detailed contribution degrees of all the influencing factors are also measured accurately by using Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition.The results show that the factors from the supply side of insurance companies,such as the number of branches,whether listed or not,operation years,market situation and company nature,all have an impact on the underwriting profits,among which,the number of branches has the most important effect.From the demand side of automobile insurance,such factors as the regional economic development level,the average mileage and the direct property loss in traffic accidents also have impacts on the underwriting profit of automobile insurance,among which the economic development has the most significant impact.The conclusions of the study from both the supply side and demand side indicate that at present the winning strategy in China’s automobile insurance market is still the“quantity”.Only by making great efforts to continuously possess larger market share in the ever increasing numbers of cars,can the insurance companies obtain some profits by virtue of their scales.All the input concerning the“quality”of automobile insurance shows no significant effect for the time being.
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    Three Types of Transformation in the Evolution of Agricultural and Rural Policies: Implications of EU Experiences for China’s Practice
    SUN Juan-juan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 93-101.  
    Abstract326)      PDF(pc) (887KB)(237)       Save
    During the exploration of the theoretical guidance and practice approaches to achieve rural revitalization,China can draw on EU’s experiences of transformation and success in implementing its common agricultural policies.EU is aware that placing emphasis on the development of agricultural production as a single priority and relying on the investment and exploitation from external resources and the top-down government intervention will lead to the imbalanced agricultural and rural development,as well as the marginalization of local resource utilization and public participation.Therefore,its reform of the common agricultural policies has shifted to the integrated positioning of the policy goals,the combination of exogenous and endogenous development models and the community governance participated by the local people,so as to achieve the intelligent,sustainable and inclusive development at rural areas.To carry out the rural vitalization strategy,China should also depend on the regional approach that focus on the local,i.e.,to combine the local natural and human resource endowment and to encourage the local farmers to actively participate and explore the potential for development,so as to achieve the integrative development of rural?vitalization and economic society.
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    The Strengthening of Competitive Neutrality in the Context of the Reconstruction of International Trade and Investment Rules and China's Response
    KONG Jun-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 135-148.  
    Abstract437)            Save
    The changes and development of global value chains have promoted the rise of service trade and the emergence of a new generation of trade issues. Following this, the evolution of competitive neutral international law and its strengthening in trade and investment rules have brought challenges and opportunities to China. The strengthening of competitive neutrality rules not only has a positive effect of boosting the development of open systems and the upgrading of the systems, but also has a negative effect of hindering the development of state-owned enterprises and the economic development. Weighing the pros and cons, we should construct a domestic policy that converges with international rules, achieve strategic breakthroughs through the “Belt and Road” initiative and the construction of free trade pilot zones, deepen the classified reform of state-owned enterprises, reduce government subsidies, compete for the right to speak on international economic and trade rules, and moderately compromise the balanced response strategy.
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    Research on the Logical Framework and Effectiveness of Labor Allocation in Nursing Institutions for the Aged: Investigation Evidences from 117 Institutions in Hubei Province
    LI Quan-lun, LU Zi-tong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 73-85.  
    Abstract476)            Save
    Based on the roles of nursing institutions for the aged in the labor market, capital market and old-age service market, this paper constructs the logical framework of labor allocation of nursing institutions for the aged, and investigates the 11 key indicators, such as labor-capital ratio, labor-support ratio, labor-labor ratio and so on. The findings show that the demand elasticity of nursing staff is the highest, which is affected by the number of the aged dwellers. The allocation of old-age service professional personnel, such as certified doctors, nutritionists, social workers and so on, has structural differences due to the different natures of the nursing institutions for the aged. Of which, the professional-bed ratio and the professional-support ratio of the public nursing institutions are 1:33 and 1:25 respectively, which are twice as much as those of private institutions. The allocation of administrative and logistics personnel is centered on the nursing staff, and the centralized distribution trend is obvious. Therefore, a realistic path to improve the old-age service supply is to give full play to the advantages of labor and capital elements in the public nursing institutions, establish the internal rotation system and external sharing system for the old-age service professionals, optimize the labor-support ratio and structure, and narrow the differences in labor allocation among institutions.
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    The System Construction and Realization Path of the Intelligentization of Municipal Social Governance
    XU Xiao-dong, RUI Yue-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 29-36.  
    Abstract706)            Save
    Municipal social governance is the specific reflection of national governance within all the areas under the jurisdiction of the cities, and is the basic composing unit of the national governance system. The intelligentization of municipal social governance is an important path to promote the modernization of municipal social governance. However, the intelligentization of municipal social governance faces the problem of insufficient understanding in actual work. The lack of an application system for the intelligent system that is relatively complete and can be used across the country cannot trigger a qualitative change in the blueprint of intelligent social governance across the country. There is a lack of connectivity between the existing theoretical researches and the specific practice, which results in the problem that the central government’s top-level design of municipal social governance is difficult to implement and slow to yield results. In view of this, this paper attempts to answer such questions as “how to understand”, “how to build” and “how to realize” the intelligentization of municipal social governance theoretically. On the basis of clarifying the connotation of the intelligentization of municipal social governance, and combining the actual problems of municipal social governance, this paper constructs a system framework of intelligent municipal social governance from the three dimensions of intelligent interface reconfiguration, intelligent governance application and intelligent technical support. It also explores the realization path of the intelligentization of municipal social governance from the aspects of technical system, institutional mechanism, and so on.
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    Research on the Influence of Family Background on Farmers' Entrepreneurial Mode: An Empirical Analysis Based on China's Thousand Village Survey
    FAN Bo-wen, YING Wang-jiang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (3): 73-86.  
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (889KB)(230)       Save
    It is crucial to retain the young rural labors to implement the strategy of rural revitalization.In order to do this,promoting farmers to start self-business in rural area is an appropriate way.Based on the data of China’s Thousand Village Survey (CTVS),this paper makes an empirical analysis of Chinese farmers’entrepreneurial mode by employing the binary choices model from the perspective of family background.The findings show that the imitation entrepreneurship is the mainstream choice of entrepreneurial farmers in current rural China.Some factors,i.e.,family background,will have an impact on the entrepreneurial mode of farmers;the entrepreneurial farmers born in elite families are more likely to choose the innovative entrepreneurship than those born in ordinary families.The findings of further research show that migrant working experience and regional differences can significantly affect farmers’entrepreneurial mode born in ordinary families,while the age,risk preference and venturing years would significantly affect farmers’entrepreneurial mode born in elite families.Based on the research conclusion,the policy enlightenment for the promotion of farmers’entrepreneurship and rural revitalization are as follows (1) setting up examples to explore farmers’entrepreneurial potential;(2) setting up entrepreneurship schools in rural areas;(3) cooperating with universities to hatch innovative entrepreneurship modes and copy and popularize them to farmers’entrepreneurship;(4) making inclusive finance serve the farmers’entrepreneurship and help rural revitalization.
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    The Influence of Local Government Industrial Policies on the Quality of Enterprises’ Export Products: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises
    WANG Sheng-bo, YAN Xiao-chang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 43-55.  
    Abstract428)            Save
    In the current complex international situation, it is particularly important to give full play to the role of industrial policies in improving the quality of export products of enterprises, so as to promote the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the major body and the mutual promotion of domestic and international double circulation. Based on the newly constructed database of local government industrial policies, this paper examines the impact and mechanisms of local government industrial policies on the quality of enterprises’ export products, as well as the heterogeneity of the above impacts at the enterprise and regional levels. The findings show that, generally speaking, the industrial policies of local governments can significantly promote the quality of enterprises’ export products, and this result is robust. The results of the test of the above-mentioned impact and mechanism show that increasing R&D density and the degree of industrial agglomeration are two effective channels for the industrial policies of local governments to promote the improvement of the quality of enterprises’ export products. In addition, the promotion effect of the industrial policies of local governments on the improvement of the quality of export products shows the heterogeneity of enterprises and regions.
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    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 148-149.  
    Abstract327)      PDF(pc) (647KB)(225)       Save
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    Criticism and Reconstruction: the Practical Logic of the Construction of Rural Leisure Culture in the New Era
    GUO Li-yuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 102-112.  
    Abstract355)      PDF(pc) (884KB)(223)       Save
    Rural leisure culture is a key factor in determining whether or not the rural culture is civilized.However,at present,the cognitive bias of the main meanings of rural leisure culture,the neglect of the construction of the value core,and the misreading of attribute characteristics of the people all have led to the“subject absent”,“value misplacement”and“role dislocation”of the rural leisure culture.Therefore,the construction of rural leisure culture in the new era should be based on the logical path of criticism and reconstruction,“to reshape the dominant position of the leisure culture of villagers as the foundation”,“to rebuild the value world of the socialist core values nourished with the traditional rural leisure culture as the center”,and“to reaffirm the free nature and individual characteristics of the leisure culture as the focus”,so as to promote the establishment of its subject,the clarity of its value,and the return of its role in the rural revitalization.
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    The Development Process, Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Cooperative Theory of the Communist Party of China in the Past 100 Years
    WANG Yao-de, MA Ling-bing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 3-12.  
    Abstract783)            Save
    Cooperatives are an important organizational carrier for the economic and social development of China’s rural areas. Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to the exploration and practical application of the cooperative theory. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China is based on the Marxist cooperative theory; while criticizing and surpassing the Western capitalist cooperative economic theory, it has realized the splendid evolution of localization and modernization. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China has experienced a century of development of preliminary exploration, gradual deepening, and theoretical sublimation, thus presenting the theoretical characteristics and evolutionary path from focusing on ideas to returning to reality, from relatively closed to open and inclusive, from single concentration to multiple coexistence. To scientifically grasp and implement the theory of cooperatives of the Communist Party of China at the new development stage, we must adhere to the people-centered development concept, insist on the practical method of combining the subjectivity and creativity of the masses, and stick to the practical demands of productivity standards and market orientation.
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    An Exploration of the Narrative Mechanism and Communication Strategies of the Red Land Films in the Integrated Media Era
    WANG Qi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (3): 107-114.  
    Abstract207)      PDF(pc) (962KB)(216)       Save
    The Red Land films,which are shouldering the national mission of writing and recognizing the construction of history,strive to ponder the inheritance and evolution of the narrative theme in the typological and plural scales.The traditional narrative themes generally continue in the three categories red,green,and ancient.The innovation and expansion of narrative themes in the era of media fusion are mainly manifested in two ways one is classic remakes that reflect the narrative characteristics of different eras,the other is clever weaving and multi-dimensional retelling of classic materials based on different narrative methods.For character modeling,a variety of narrative strategies are comprehensively used,such as the hinting and bonding of proper names,the hierarchical contrasting narrative method,and the round character modeling method under the collision of a specific environment,so as to create groups of portraits that meets the audience’s aesthetics and expectations.In terms of communication strategy,it organically integrates the media platforms of newspapers,terminals,Internet,micro medias and so on with different transmission characteristics,so as to exert a joint force during the whole process of production and transmission.It is expected to skillfully use the full-text narrative techniques in order to produce a multi-voice synergistic resonance transmission effect.
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    The Nonlinear Dynamic Impact of Mass Entrepreneurship on Rural Multidimensional Poverty: Based on the Dynamic Threshold Regression Model
    PING Wei-ying, ZONG Xiao-yong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 75-87.  
    Abstract675)            Save
    Mass entrepreneurship is an important way to reduce rural poverty; at the same time it is also the measure taken by the government departments at different levels to encourage farmers to increase their income. By making use of China’s provincial panel data, this paper checks the impact of mass entrepreneurship on the multidimensional rural poverty (the poverty from income, education and medical treatment). The results show that mass entrepreneurship has a significant dynamic nonlinear effect on the rural multidimensional poverty of China’s provinces, of which the inclusive financial development level and the marketization?degree are at a lower level. The role of mass entrepreneurship in reducing multidimensional rural poverty is weaker, even some indicators are not significant. But once the threshold value is breached and reaches a higher stage, the reduction effect of mass entrepreneurship on rural income poverty and education poverty will be significantly enhanced. However, in the regions with higher marketization degree, mass entrepreneurship has “squeezed out” rural medical facilities by promoting the development of urban medical institutions, which exacerbates rural medical poverty.
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    Household Leverage, Consumption Upgrading and Stable Economic Growth: the Transmission Mechanism and Time-Varying Impact Test Based on TVP-SV-VAR Model
    PENG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 37-48.  
    Abstract671)            Save
    Based on the TVP-SV-VAR model and the macroeconomic data from 2002 to 2019, this paper explores the dynamic transmission mechanism and the time-varying impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth. The results show that, firstly, there exists an interactive impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth, the degrees and the direction of the impact are different at different time point, showing the time-varying and heterogeneous characteristics. Secondly, in terms of the impact in the same period of the variables, the increase of the leverage rate of residential sector has a negative impact on the current consumption upgrading, and a positive impact on the current stable economic growth. Thirdly, in terms of the evenly-spaced impulse response, the transmission effect of residents’ leverage rate changes on the consumption upgrading has experienced a changing process of “first decease and then increase”, while the transmission effect on the stable economic growth has experienced a changing process of “first increase and then decrease”. Fourthly, in terms of the impulse response at specific time points, the household leverage at the specific time-points has not been able to effectively promote the consumption upgrading, and the medium and long term house loans have “squeezed out” the consumption expenditures. But with the promotion of the supply side structural reform, this negative impact will be gradually weakened. This also puts forward higher requirements for the in-depth promotion of “promoting consumption” and “stabilizing growth” through “the structural deleveraging”.
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    Risk Structure and Prevention Mechanism of Long-Term Care Service Delivery in Principal-Agent Relationship
    WAN Yi-na, ZHANG Zhong-fang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 49-60.  
    Abstract683)            Save
    Long-term care service delivery includes three links: service access, disability assessment and service supply. During the process of long-term care service delivery, there exists a complex principal-agent relationship among the disabled elderly and their families, the government and the long-term care service providers. In this relationship, according to the occurrence time of information asymmetry, the risks of long-term care service delivery can be divided into adverse selection, moral hazard of hiding information and moral hazard of hiding action. These three types of risks show different forms at different links of the service delivery. In order to reduce the probability of risk occurrence, the risk prevention mechanism should include the three important dimensions: the institutional norms, the constraints and incentives, and the process control, and the risk prevention policies at each link should be optimized based on the domestic practice.
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    The Evolution of Food Security Fiscal Policy since the Founding of New China and Its Contemporary Enlightenments
    MAO Jia, ZHU Shu-bin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 114-124.  
    Abstract436)            Save
    Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's food security fiscal policy has changed from single to diversified, from taking more and giving less to giving more and taking less, thus a relatively complete policy support system has been formed, which has made great contributions to ensuring national food security. On the basis of combing the development process of China's food security fiscal policy, this paper summarizes the internal logical laws of its evolution. However, China's current food security fiscal policy still has many shortcomings in terms of overall support, structural matching, incentive guidance, and implementation, etc., which is not able to fully adapt to the new changes in food supply and demand in the new development stage. In view of this, the current national food security fiscal policy needs to be further optimized in the following four aspects: improving the pertinence of policy guarantees, optimizing the structure of capital investment, improving the performance of fund use, and consolidating the regulatory responsibilities of various localities, so as to achieve independent and controllable food security in China.
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    A Study on the Evaluation of the Quality of Long-Term Care Service for Urban and Rural Residents
    LIU Hao, LI Qiang, XUE Xing-li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 61-74.  
    Abstract681)            Save
    Meeting the needs of multiple care services for disabled elderly and improving the quality of care services are the currently urgent issues to be resolved. By revising the customer perception service quality model, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of the quality of long-term care services for urban and rural residents. By employing the method of combing the multi-stage stratified cluster sampling and simple random sampling, it obtains a total of 301 pieces of data of disabled elderly from the four pilot cities of Shanghai, Qingdao, Changchun and Nantong, and then it uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the quality of the long-term care services for urban and rural residents. The results show that on the whole the quality of long-term care services for urban and rural residents has been recognized to a certain extent, but there is still much room for improvement, especially in the dimensions of tangibility and effectiveness. The quality of long-term care service for urban and rural residents in urban areas is significantly higher than that in rural areas. Based on the empirical results, this article puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as paying attention to the spiritual world of the elderly, making professionally customized and personalized service scheme, promoting the intelligent long-term care service facilities, improving the supervision mechanism for long-term care service, and vigorously promoting the equalization of long-term care service in urban and rural areas, etc..
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    Sartre “the Father of Action”and Camus“the Husband of Literature”: Sontag and Existentialism
    CHEN Wen-gang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 112-120.  
    Abstract492)            Save
    Existentialism in the 20th century is actually a return to the pre-Socrates tradition that combines philosophy and lifestyle into one. The intertwined problem of politics, technology and economics means adding nihility and absurdity to the sense of homelessness to the bourgeoisie that have left the churches. This is the biggest context of the times for the“new left”as Susan Sontag, and the subject of Existentialism as well. Sontag shares strong similarities with Sartre in her many “words”and“deeds”, so Sartre is her father of action, but the“ideal husband”of her aesthetic sensibility is Camus. Sontag’s ambivalent attitude towards the two shows some of her own characteristics. Moreover, the Existentialism still has its constant value towards the self- condition of human freedom and the sense of duty resulting from it, especially at the present time that is under the new media ecology.
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    Discrimination of Financialization Appropriateness of Chinese Entity Enterprises: Modeling and Application
    WANG Shao-hua, GUO Wei, HUANG Xian-huan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 3-14.  
    Abstract195)      PDF(pc) (496KB)(207)       Save
    The moderate financialization of enterprises is an inevitable requirement for the enterprises to achieve lone-term development while maintaining profit growth.Based on the theory of financial sustainable development,this paper defines the connotation of the corporate financialization appropriateness from the perspective of maximization of shareholder value and constructs a scientific and reasonable model to discriminate the appropriateness of financialization of Chinese entity enterprises.The results show that from 2008 to 2017 the financialization conducts of Chinese entity enterprises are constantly deepening and present a tendency of over-financialization as a whole.And the proportion of the over-financialized enterprises is nearly half,among which the proportion of the over-financialized enterprises is the highest in 2008,and it has declined since 2013.Further analysis shows that the scale of financial assets of the enterprises will increase significantly when the enterprises turn from not over-financialized into over-financialized.At the meantime,over-financialization will lead to a decrease of the proportion of profits from the main business,an increase of the profits from financial channels,a decrease in investment in fixed assets and intangible assets,and a decrease in total factor productivity,which will hinder the development of enterprises.While not over-financialization will increase the proportion of profits from the main business,promote the fixed asset investment,improve the total factor productivity,which will promote the development of enterprises.Such research conclusions can provide new measurement method for the related theoretic researches of financialization and have significant meanings for scientific discrimination and effective supervision of corporate over-financialization,and for prevention of the real economy from being real to being virtual.
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    Information Sharing, Financing Methods and Corporate Investment Efficiency
    YE Song-qin, HUANG Jin, LIAO Fei-mei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (4): 40-52.  
    Abstract235)      PDF(pc) (731KB)(206)       Save
    The construction of information sharing mechanism is an important supporting point for the development of the national economy.Taking the listed companies of the National Top 500 Companies as the investigation objects,this paper constructs a difference-in-differences model to study the impacts of information sharing on the investment efficiency of enterprises from the perspective of financing methods according to The Work Specifications for Business Accounting Informationization.It also studies the acting path of the impact.The research results show that information sharing can effectively inhibit the inefficient investment of enterprises.At the same time,it is found that information sharing can significantly inhibit the inefficient investment of enterprises through debt financing,but no significant impact on equity financing,indicating that the main path of the inhibiting effect of information sharing on corporate inefficient investment is debt financing.The results of further study show that in the environment of low level of internal control and poor information transparency,the possibility of information sharing inhibiting corporate inefficient investment through debt financing is more significant.This study fully confirms the active governance effect of information sharing on the inhibiting of inefficient investments,and incorporates information sharing-an important external governance mechanism-into the research framework of corporate investment efficiency,which has certain reference value for corporate governance and national information sharing reform.
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    The“Extension”and“Changes”of Literary Symbols and Structures
    GUI Qing-yun, ZHANG Xin-mu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 113-121.  
    Abstract637)            Save
    Literary symbols and structures are extending in the precipitation of cultures, and their deep deposits are formed in the confluence of collective emotions and the accumulation of collective wisdom. However, the solidification of literary symbols and the closure of literary structures also create crises. The lack of perceptual experience and rational understanding causes the loss of the rationality of signification, the literary expression tends to become rigid, and the fundamental meaning of literary symbols and structures is difficult to maintain. The emotions and cognition of the authors as the internal driving force generated by the literary symbols and structures provide the basis for their existence, and are also the factors that promote the “extension” and “changes”. The unique emotions and the renewed cognition stimulate the authors’ desire for change, and promote the evolution of the referred form or content, thereby injecting continuous vitality into the literary symbols and structure. In order to meet the needs of literary expression, literary symbols and structures will maintain the sensible power and referential power in the continuation and evolution of nature.
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    Household Income, Income Gap among Farmers and Trust in the New Rural Insurance System
    YE Cheng-yan, ZHANG Xing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 98-112.  
    Abstract679)            Save
    Starting with the farmers’ income and the income gap among the farmers, this paper analyzes their impact on the trust in The New Rural Insurance System. The findings show that the relationship between farmers’ income and the income gap and the trust level in the New Rural Insurance System presents the characteristics of multi-layer nesting. The rural households with higher-incomes in both the economically developed and underdeveloped towns show a lower level of institutional trust, that the rural households with lower-incomes in economically underdeveloped towns show a higher level of institutional trust, and that using relevant income to measure farmers’ income and the income gap between farmers can better reflect the impact of income on the institutional trust, which is in line with the actual situation. The relationship between the subjective expectation of farmers at different income levels on the regional economic development and the level of trust in the old-age insurance system presents some differences; the higher-income farmers will subjectively reduce the level of trust in the current old-age insurance system, while the lower-income farmers show a high degree of trust. There exist some differences between farmers’ subjectively perceived income gap and the actual income gap, and the“egalitarian tendency”will expand this difference, resulting in a too high level of trust evaluation. The survey results show that the “egalitarian tendency” of farmers living in poor towns is more serious, and they have a higher level of trust in the old-age insurance system.
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