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    The System Construction and Realization Path of the Intelligentization of Municipal Social Governance
    XU Xiao-dong, RUI Yue-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 29-36.  
    Abstract706)            Save
    Municipal social governance is the specific reflection of national governance within all the areas under the jurisdiction of the cities, and is the basic composing unit of the national governance system. The intelligentization of municipal social governance is an important path to promote the modernization of municipal social governance. However, the intelligentization of municipal social governance faces the problem of insufficient understanding in actual work. The lack of an application system for the intelligent system that is relatively complete and can be used across the country cannot trigger a qualitative change in the blueprint of intelligent social governance across the country. There is a lack of connectivity between the existing theoretical researches and the specific practice, which results in the problem that the central government’s top-level design of municipal social governance is difficult to implement and slow to yield results. In view of this, this paper attempts to answer such questions as “how to understand”, “how to build” and “how to realize” the intelligentization of municipal social governance theoretically. On the basis of clarifying the connotation of the intelligentization of municipal social governance, and combining the actual problems of municipal social governance, this paper constructs a system framework of intelligent municipal social governance from the three dimensions of intelligent interface reconfiguration, intelligent governance application and intelligent technical support. It also explores the realization path of the intelligentization of municipal social governance from the aspects of technical system, institutional mechanism, and so on.
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    The Development Process, Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Cooperative Theory of the Communist Party of China in the Past 100 Years
    WANG Yao-de, MA Ling-bing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 3-12.  
    Abstract783)            Save
    Cooperatives are an important organizational carrier for the economic and social development of China’s rural areas. Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to the exploration and practical application of the cooperative theory. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China is based on the Marxist cooperative theory; while criticizing and surpassing the Western capitalist cooperative economic theory, it has realized the splendid evolution of localization and modernization. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China has experienced a century of development of preliminary exploration, gradual deepening, and theoretical sublimation, thus presenting the theoretical characteristics and evolutionary path from focusing on ideas to returning to reality, from relatively closed to open and inclusive, from single concentration to multiple coexistence. To scientifically grasp and implement the theory of cooperatives of the Communist Party of China at the new development stage, we must adhere to the people-centered development concept, insist on the practical method of combining the subjectivity and creativity of the masses, and stick to the practical demands of productivity standards and market orientation.
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    Household Leverage, Consumption Upgrading and Stable Economic Growth: the Transmission Mechanism and Time-Varying Impact Test Based on TVP-SV-VAR Model
    PENG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 37-48.  
    Abstract671)            Save
    Based on the TVP-SV-VAR model and the macroeconomic data from 2002 to 2019, this paper explores the dynamic transmission mechanism and the time-varying impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth. The results show that, firstly, there exists an interactive impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth, the degrees and the direction of the impact are different at different time point, showing the time-varying and heterogeneous characteristics. Secondly, in terms of the impact in the same period of the variables, the increase of the leverage rate of residential sector has a negative impact on the current consumption upgrading, and a positive impact on the current stable economic growth. Thirdly, in terms of the evenly-spaced impulse response, the transmission effect of residents’ leverage rate changes on the consumption upgrading has experienced a changing process of “first decease and then increase”, while the transmission effect on the stable economic growth has experienced a changing process of “first increase and then decrease”. Fourthly, in terms of the impulse response at specific time points, the household leverage at the specific time-points has not been able to effectively promote the consumption upgrading, and the medium and long term house loans have “squeezed out” the consumption expenditures. But with the promotion of the supply side structural reform, this negative impact will be gradually weakened. This also puts forward higher requirements for the in-depth promotion of “promoting consumption” and “stabilizing growth” through “the structural deleveraging”.
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    Risk Structure and Prevention Mechanism of Long-Term Care Service Delivery in Principal-Agent Relationship
    WAN Yi-na, ZHANG Zhong-fang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 49-60.  
    Abstract683)            Save
    Long-term care service delivery includes three links: service access, disability assessment and service supply. During the process of long-term care service delivery, there exists a complex principal-agent relationship among the disabled elderly and their families, the government and the long-term care service providers. In this relationship, according to the occurrence time of information asymmetry, the risks of long-term care service delivery can be divided into adverse selection, moral hazard of hiding information and moral hazard of hiding action. These three types of risks show different forms at different links of the service delivery. In order to reduce the probability of risk occurrence, the risk prevention mechanism should include the three important dimensions: the institutional norms, the constraints and incentives, and the process control, and the risk prevention policies at each link should be optimized based on the domestic practice.
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    The Nonlinear Dynamic Impact of Mass Entrepreneurship on Rural Multidimensional Poverty: Based on the Dynamic Threshold Regression Model
    PING Wei-ying, ZONG Xiao-yong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 75-87.  
    Abstract675)            Save
    Mass entrepreneurship is an important way to reduce rural poverty; at the same time it is also the measure taken by the government departments at different levels to encourage farmers to increase their income. By making use of China’s provincial panel data, this paper checks the impact of mass entrepreneurship on the multidimensional rural poverty (the poverty from income, education and medical treatment). The results show that mass entrepreneurship has a significant dynamic nonlinear effect on the rural multidimensional poverty of China’s provinces, of which the inclusive financial development level and the marketization?degree are at a lower level. The role of mass entrepreneurship in reducing multidimensional rural poverty is weaker, even some indicators are not significant. But once the threshold value is breached and reaches a higher stage, the reduction effect of mass entrepreneurship on rural income poverty and education poverty will be significantly enhanced. However, in the regions with higher marketization degree, mass entrepreneurship has “squeezed out” rural medical facilities by promoting the development of urban medical institutions, which exacerbates rural medical poverty.
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    A Study on the Evaluation of the Quality of Long-Term Care Service for Urban and Rural Residents
    LIU Hao, LI Qiang, XUE Xing-li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 61-74.  
    Abstract682)            Save
    Meeting the needs of multiple care services for disabled elderly and improving the quality of care services are the currently urgent issues to be resolved. By revising the customer perception service quality model, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of the quality of long-term care services for urban and rural residents. By employing the method of combing the multi-stage stratified cluster sampling and simple random sampling, it obtains a total of 301 pieces of data of disabled elderly from the four pilot cities of Shanghai, Qingdao, Changchun and Nantong, and then it uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the quality of the long-term care services for urban and rural residents. The results show that on the whole the quality of long-term care services for urban and rural residents has been recognized to a certain extent, but there is still much room for improvement, especially in the dimensions of tangibility and effectiveness. The quality of long-term care service for urban and rural residents in urban areas is significantly higher than that in rural areas. Based on the empirical results, this article puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as paying attention to the spiritual world of the elderly, making professionally customized and personalized service scheme, promoting the intelligent long-term care service facilities, improving the supervision mechanism for long-term care service, and vigorously promoting the equalization of long-term care service in urban and rural areas, etc..
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    The“Extension”and“Changes”of Literary Symbols and Structures
    GUI Qing-yun, ZHANG Xin-mu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 113-121.  
    Abstract638)            Save
    Literary symbols and structures are extending in the precipitation of cultures, and their deep deposits are formed in the confluence of collective emotions and the accumulation of collective wisdom. However, the solidification of literary symbols and the closure of literary structures also create crises. The lack of perceptual experience and rational understanding causes the loss of the rationality of signification, the literary expression tends to become rigid, and the fundamental meaning of literary symbols and structures is difficult to maintain. The emotions and cognition of the authors as the internal driving force generated by the literary symbols and structures provide the basis for their existence, and are also the factors that promote the “extension” and “changes”. The unique emotions and the renewed cognition stimulate the authors’ desire for change, and promote the evolution of the referred form or content, thereby injecting continuous vitality into the literary symbols and structure. In order to meet the needs of literary expression, literary symbols and structures will maintain the sensible power and referential power in the continuation and evolution of nature.
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    Household Income, Income Gap among Farmers and Trust in the New Rural Insurance System
    YE Cheng-yan, ZHANG Xing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 98-112.  
    Abstract679)            Save
    Starting with the farmers’ income and the income gap among the farmers, this paper analyzes their impact on the trust in The New Rural Insurance System. The findings show that the relationship between farmers’ income and the income gap and the trust level in the New Rural Insurance System presents the characteristics of multi-layer nesting. The rural households with higher-incomes in both the economically developed and underdeveloped towns show a lower level of institutional trust, that the rural households with lower-incomes in economically underdeveloped towns show a higher level of institutional trust, and that using relevant income to measure farmers’ income and the income gap between farmers can better reflect the impact of income on the institutional trust, which is in line with the actual situation. The relationship between the subjective expectation of farmers at different income levels on the regional economic development and the level of trust in the old-age insurance system presents some differences; the higher-income farmers will subjectively reduce the level of trust in the current old-age insurance system, while the lower-income farmers show a high degree of trust. There exist some differences between farmers’ subjectively perceived income gap and the actual income gap, and the“egalitarian tendency”will expand this difference, resulting in a too high level of trust evaluation. The survey results show that the “egalitarian tendency” of farmers living in poor towns is more serious, and they have a higher level of trust in the old-age insurance system.
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    How Farmland Ownership Affirmation and Informal Rules Affect Farmland Transfer Rents
    LI Xing-guang, HUO Xue-xi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 88-97.  
    Abstract739)            Save
    In the context of the imperfect systems of farmland property rights, farmland ownership affirmation and informal rules will determine the risk level of farmland property rights, and further affecting farmland transfer rents. Through establishing a theoretical model to display the impacts of farmland ownership affirmation, informal rules and their interactions on farmland transfer rents, this paper adopts the microscopic survey data of 762 apple growers from Shandong province and Shaanxi province to conduct an empirical examination. The results indicate that farmland ownership affirmation and third-party involvement could increase the rents of farmland transfer, but the closer reciprocal relationship of the farmland transacting parties could decrease farmland transfer rents, and farmland ownership affirmation could strengthen the inhibiting effect of the reciprocal relationship of transacting parties on farmland transfer rents. The punitive default clauses in farmland rental contracts could increase farmland transfer rents, but weaken the impact of informal rules on farmland transfer rents. The third-party involvement could have the function of default regulation in the formation process of farmland rental contracts and within the validity period of rental contracts.
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    The Judicial Dimension of the Implementation of The Emergency Handling Law: Scene Deviation, Two Tensions and Review Mode
    JIN Xiao-wei, LENG Si-lun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 122-138.  
    Abstract662)            Save
    Judgment documents are a unique perspective to observe the implementation of emergency laws and regulations. From the judicial dimension, this paper analyzes the 684 judgment documents citing The Emergency Handling Law. The findings show that this basic law for emergency field has obvious scene deviations in the law enforcement and judicial application, which urgently needs to be corrected in terms of law amendment and law application. The study also reveals that, around specific issues such as the justiciability of emergency administrative actions and the identification of emergencies, there maintains a tacit and divergent tension between the administration and the judiciary. In this regard, the “cooperative degree” analytical framework based on the theory of “functional decentralization” can help to reshape the relationship between the two parties. On this basis, the court should explore and construct a set of judicial review models suitable for emergency situations in accordance with the characteristics of emergency administrative actions.
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    The Logic, Experience and Direction of the International Image Construction of the Chinese Communist Party over the Past Century
    RAO Wu-yuan, LIU He
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 21-31.  
    Abstract345)            Save
    The international image of the Communist Party of China over the past century has been generated, refined and shaped during the Party’s struggle and practice. It was established, prospered, and become strong because of the Party; and it has always been closely connected with the cause of the Party and the people. The construction of the international image of the Communist Party of China contains the triple internal logic of the unity of the self-shaped subject and the object shaped by others, the balance of the national interests and the global interests, and the coordination of national strength and international rights. During the historical development process of continuously enhancing the Party’s international reputation, international influence, and international discourse power, it has accumulated experience in building the international image of a great Party as a selfless ruler for the people, a world-minded struggler, and a global governance leader. In the new era, when approaching the spotlight on the world stage, the Communist Party of China need to further coordinate the“two overall situations”to consolidate the objective presentation of the Party’s international image, adhere to internationalism and improve the subjective construction of the Party’s international image, and strengthen the guidance of public opinion and improve the spreading effect of the Party’s international image.
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    Research on the Growth Mechanism of Rural Tourism Destination Brands from the Perspective of Ecological Niche: Taking Huangling of Wuyuan County as an Example
    YU Ke-fa
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 13-28.  
    Abstract688)            Save
    From the perspective of brand niche, this article uses case study method and takes Huangling of Wuyuan county as the research object to explore the dynamic evolution mechanism of the growth process of rural tourism destination brands. The findings show that brand growth is essentially caused by the adjustment or transition of the brand niche. With the continuous optimization of the brand niche, the brand’s market position will be gradually improved, and eventually grows into a market-leading brand. The brand niche is composed of three dimensions, i.e., the breadth, the degree of overlap and the degree of dominance. The best direction for brand niche changes is to maximize the niche breadth, minimize the degree of overlap, and maximize the degree of dominance. The factors that cause the brand niche changes mainly come from the pressure of market demand and the pressure of market competition, effective response to these two influencing factors can promote the optimization of the brand niche.
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    The Core Essence of Xi Jinping’s Important Exposition on the Construction of Political Culture within the Party
    LIU Jun-xia
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 12-20.  
    Abstract325)            Save
    Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches on the construction of political culture within the Party, which profoundly explained the core meanings of this issue in terms of significance, core connotation, and basic path. Xi Jinping emphasized that strengthening the construction of political culture within the Party can help tighten political activities within the Party, purify the political ecology within the Party, and promote the comprehensive and in-depth development of strict Party governance. Its connotation is very rich, and it is a culture guided by Marxism, with Chinese culture as its internal support, and the Party spirit of the Chinese Communist Party as its essential characteristics. In the new era, we must strengthen the ideological construction to consolidate the foundation of faith, promote the inheritance and innovation of Chinese culture, grasp the“key minority”of leading cadres, and cultivate a positive and healthy political culture within the Party.
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    The Four-Dimensional Value Orientation of Xi Jinping’s Important Exposition on the Construction of a New Development Pattern of “Dual Circulation”
    JIANG Bo, LI Ming
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 3-11.  
    Abstract339)            Save
    As an important part of Xi Jinping’s economic thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, Xi Jinping’s important expositions on the construction of a new development pattern of “dual circulation”have profound value implications. This is embodied in the theoretical innovation value with deepening the understanding of the laws of social development as the logical orientation, the realistically-oriented value of promoting high-quality economic development, the object-construction value of reshaping China’s international cooperation and new competitive advantages, and the world-leading value of injecting new ideas into the recovery of the world economy. Faced with the dilemma of the rising tide of anti-globalization and the continued sluggish growth of the world economy under the influence of the COVID-19 outbreak, the appearance of this ideological system not only provides a fundamental basis for China’s economic development, but also points out the direction of global economic development, which possesses the dual meanings of eliminating domestic development constrains and solving the world’s development problems.
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    Public Interest Litigation on?Securities: Derivative Logic, Theoretical Interpretation and System Moulding
    FAN Wei-guo
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 139-148.  
    Abstract650)            Save
    The violations in the securities field have the dual consequences of harming both the public interests and the private interests, the appearance of public interest litigation on securities can make up for the defects of the existing “private relief” and the governance path of “public law enforcement”. However, being short of legal provisions and juridical practice, it remains to be explored as whether or how to carry out institutional construction for the public interest litigation on securities. In order to comprehensively solve the problem of damaging the public interest on securities and safeguarding the public interests in a timely way, the two kinds of public interest litigation systems on securities should be completely established for civil and administrative lawsuits. The institutional differences should be distinguished so as to accurately set the litigation subjects, applicable conditions, litigation requirements, etc. of the two types of litigation. At the same time, we should strengthen the effective connection and interactive cooperation between the public interest litigation on securities and the private relief or the public power supervision, so as to practically promote the protection of public interests in the securities markets, urging the securities supervision departments to perform their duties according to law, and maintain the healthy development of the securities markets.
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    Research on the Logistics Service Quality Improvement of Fresh Food E-Commerce under the Normalization of the COVID-19 Epidemic
    YI Yi-chen, SHI Yan-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 65-75.  
    Abstract396)            Save
    Under the continuous impact of the normalization of COVID-19 epidemic, fresh food e-commerce has quickly become an indispensable business model in people’s daily life. The quality of logistics service is directly related to the trading experience of customers, and it has become an important basis for customers to evaluate their consumption and make their later selection through fresh food e-commerce. This article takes the SERVQUAL model that considers both the customers’ expectation and customers’ perception as the basic framework and optimizes the indexes according to the characteristics of fresh food e-commerce logistics service and the requirements of epidemic prevention, then it determines the five dimensions of specialization, reliability, responsiveness, convenience and security as the main evaluation indexes for the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce. It also collects relevant data of the logistics service of fresh food e-commerce enterprise to carry out a specific evaluation. The results confirm that the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce needs to be improved. This paper further puts forward the strategies to improve the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce under the normalization of COVID-19 epidemic, expecting to play a role in evaluating and optimizing the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce.
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    The Health Performance of Social Medical Insurance and Its Regional Heterogeneity
    HE Wen
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 87-97.  
    Abstract252)            Save
    Based on China’s provincial dynamic panel data from 2002 to 2018, this paper employs the Difference GMM and other methods to empirically test the health performance of China’s social medical insurance system and its regional heterogeneity. The findings show that as an important medical costs sharing mechanism, the medical insurance can improve the health status of residents significantly through its improvement in its popularity, financing scale and reimbursement level. Because there are some differences in the medical service demand elasticity of the residents with different economic positions, the health performance of the medical insurance system presents significant regional heterogeneity; generally, a stronger health protection effect can be found in the underdeveloped areas. Furth analysis from the perspectives of geographical location and insurance type indicates that the medical insurance has a stronger health promotion effect on the residents in the western region, and the basic medical insurance scheme for urban employees with a higher reimbursement level has the same better health performance; meanwhile, it exhibits a greater regional heterogeneity of “pro-poverty”.
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    Capital Going to the Countryside and the Relationship between Villages and Enterprises in Rural Revitalization: The Problem of Reciprocity and the Dilemma of Cooperation
    JIANG Guo-he, JIANG Xiao-ling
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 111-124.  
    Abstract306)            Save
    Capital going to the countryside is an important driving force to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and consolidate the basic position of agriculture. In reality, enterprises with capital going to the countryside also encounter various development problems and difficulties. Previous studies have discussed the social basis of capital going to the countryside and the adverse impact of insufficient interaction between foreign capital and local society on the operation and development of enterprises going to the countryside from the perspective of sociology, but its specific process, logic and mechanism have yet to be revealed. Taking the tea industry project of H Company in Z Village with foreign capital as an example, this study conducts an in-depth investigation of the interaction process between villages and enterprises, as well as the behavioral logic and mechanism behind it, so as to understand and explain why it is difficult for the enterprise with capital to the countryside to interact with the villages, why the cooperation between the villages and enterprises would fall into an impasse or dilemma, as well as whose impact on the sustainable development of enterprises. The findings show that there are fundamental differences in the action logic of building the relationship between the villages and enterprises. The foreign capital is mainly the instrumental rationality of the economic man, upholding the power logic and elite orientation; while the village has both the interest oriented instrumental rationality and the value rationality that hopes to build the village well. The two sides can still cooperate during the process of expanding the enterprise. However, when H Company is determined to become stronger and ignores the benefit and emotional sharing of the reciprocity with the village, the rationality of the enterprise capital and the reciprocal and moral needs of Z Village would have difficult differences, and the cooperation between the village and the enterprise would begin to fall into dilemma. In order to solve the dilemma of the village-enterprise relationship faced by the capital going to countryside, it is necessary to take corresponding measures, so as to give better play to the role and contribution of the capital going to the countryside in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and facilitating common prosperity.
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    The Theoretical Development, Practical Inspection and Governance Transformation of Environmental Rule of Law in Administrative Boundary Areas
    CHEN Zhen-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 125-135.  
    Abstract314)            Save
    In recent years, some regions have actively promoted cross-regional cooperated environmental governance in terms of coordinated legislation, joint law enforcement, and judicial cooperation, trying to solve the shortcomings of the territorial management model. This embodies the spatial turn of cooperated environmental governance and provides a new observation perspective and theoretical development opportunities for the iterative update of the environmental law. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the spatial particularity, the subjective diversity, the multi-level interests, and the appeal diversity of the environment of the administrative boundary areas, this paper interprets and rethinks the applicable field of the“cooperative rule of law”theory of the environmental governance of the administrative boundary areas, as well as the regional environmental legislation, the law enforcement and the practice of judicial cooperation. From the perspective of environmental governance transformation and governance modernization, the inherent requirements of environmental co-governance in administrative border areas are to strengthen cooperation and co-governance between regional environments. It is necessary to promote the transformation of governance from individualism to ecological holism, from urban and rural justice to regional spatial justice, and from local legal system to the regional rule of law, and it is necessary to improve the institutional system, so as to promote the promotion and sharing of benefits based on environmental improvement and the realization of the people’s right to a better life.
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    CSISC and Investor Protection: Evidences from Information Disclosure
    XIONG Jia-cai, TONG Da-ming
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 32-46.  
    Abstract408)            Save
    Strengthening investor protection is the important foundation for supporting sustainable and quality development of the capital market. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) led the establishment of the China Security Investor Services Center (CSISC) in 2014, which is a major institutional innovation to strengthen investor protection in China’s capital market. By making use of the data of A-share listed companies from the first quarter of 2015 to the first quarter of 2017 and employing a DID model, this paper empirically tests the impact of CSISC’s shareholding on corporate information disclosure. The research results show that the CSISC’s shareholding is helpful to lower the level of accrual-based earnings management of enterprises. In the companies with lower executive share holdings or the companies audited by firms without industry specializations, the supervisory role of CSISC is more remarkable. The findings of further analysis show that the shareholding of CSISC also helps to restrain the earnings manipulation behaviors of enterprises based on real activities. The above conclusion indicates that the shareholding of CSISC can help to improve the information disclosure quality of listed companies and further enhance the level of protection of the medium and small investors.
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    Legal Constitution of Securities Margin Trading in the Civil Code Era: Taking Transferring Guaranty as the Applicable Approach
    CHENG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 136-148.  
    Abstract307)            Save
    The securities margin trading guarantee system is an important part of financial legal infrastructure. The accurate description of the securities margin trading guarantee from the perspective of private law can help to clarify the boundary of rights and obligations of the parties, and provides the basis of claim in private law enforcement, so as to reduce the regulatory burden of public law enforcement. The present academic analysis has not determined the legal constitution of the securities margin trading guarantee. The Civil Code has introduced the functionalist guarantee concept, by which the transferring guarantee obtains the legitimacy recognition in the way of atypical guarantee, thus substantial applicable evidences are provided for the legal constitution of the securities margin trading guarantee. In terms of interpretation, the transferring guarantee can establish the account system of the securities margin trading guarantee, the scope of collateral and other specifications, but the absence of registration rules will affect the effectiveness of the forced liquidation. In terms of laws and policies, in order to meet the requirements of unified guarantee registration by the Civil Code, legislators should stipulate that the party registered in securities margin trading has the prefer efficiency, so as to promote the connection between the legal theory and the business practice.
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    The Theoretical Basis and Realization Path of Village Revitalization and Poverty Alleviation Connection:From the Perspective of Industry Development Based on Product Space Theory
    ZHANG Qi-zi, WU Ye-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 98-110.  
    Abstract231)            Save
    In the connection logic between village revitalization and poverty alleviation, the industrial revitalization is the connecting point and the key. Based on the product space theory, this paper analyzes the industry development models for poverty alleviation and village revitalization, the results proves that poor villages can achieve revitalization through constructing industry ecologic system development model, so as to realize the organic connection between the two. By combining the successful revitalization cases and making use of the multi-case study approach, it extracts the general mechanism and key factors connecting the two, including human capital and the evolution of villagers’ ability, the industry selection based on the resource endowment and industry ecologic system construction, the reasonable profit allocation mechanism, and so on.
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    Internally Controlled Information Disclosure and Innovation Efficiency
    WANG Ping, BU Hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 47-64.  
    Abstract315)            Save
    Taking China’s A-share listed companies from 2008 to 2019 as samples, this paper conducts an empirical analysis of the impact of the internally controlled information disclosure (ICID) on innovation efficiency and its action mechanism. The findings show that ICID can significantly improve the rationality of innovation investment, the innovation profit and the innovation allocation optimization. The results of the influencing mechanism test indicate that restraining agency conflicts, alleviating financing constraints, and reducing enterprise risks and disclosure costs are the path mechanisms for ICID to affect innovation efficiency. The results of the heterogeneity test show that, compared with that at the compulsory disclosure stage, ICID at the voluntary disclosure stage has a greater effect on improving innovation efficiency. ICID in the state-owned enterprises has no significant impact on the rationality of innovation investment, while it has a significant positive effect in the private enterprises; but it has a greater effect on improving the innovation profit and innovation allocation optimization in the state-owned enterprises. This study provides additional empirical evidences of the economic consequences of ICID, which has a certain enlightenment for enterprises to improve their innovation efficiency.
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    Exploration of Social Pension Model and Prediction on Expenditure Scale under the Background of Population Aging
    WANG Yun-duo
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 76-86.  
    Abstract292)            Save
    Taking the poverty line defined by the state as the standard for social pension benefits, this paper considers to design a non-contributory social pension system for the urban and rural low-income groups, so as to calculate the expenditure scale of China’s social pension. It makes use of the data of future life expectancy issued by the State Statistics Bureau to estimate the burden of the contemporary labor force population with the alternative welfare schemes from the angle of pay-as-you-go. Given the 6.6 percent of GDP per capita as the poverty line, taking into account China’s ongoing plan to delay the retirement age to 65, and assuming that those with formal pensions are not included, it is estimated that 0.7-1 percent of GDP will be used to balance social pension expenditure every year before 2050. However, the expenditure scale of pension could be as much as 4.5 per cent of GDP, thanks to more generous benefits, a lower retirement age and a lower-than-expected birth rate.
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    The Differentiation between the Court System Reform and Prosecutorial System Reform: Connotation, Reason and Route
    WU Wei-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 140-148.  
    Abstract150)            Save
    The differentiation between the court system reform and the prosecutorial system reform means that the specific design of the judicial system reform by the court system should be distinct from that by the prosecutorial system. This is a proposition of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics, having a cooperative relation of symbiosis and mutual supplement with the reform homogenization. The different positioning of the court and the procuratorate in China’s Constitution is the basis for the differentiation of the reform of these two systems, while the differentiated reform is the inevitable choice for the judicial system to become more refined. Also it is the objective needed to solve the existing problems in the reform. Therefore, the differentiated reform strategy should properly handle the relationship between differentiation and homogenization. The reform measures should be formulated according to the different focuses on judicial fairness by the court and by the procuratorate. Special attention should be paid to the particularity of the procuratorial system reform in the reform. The judicial rules should also be followed and the reform should be promoted on the basis of accurate defining of the judicial logic and administrative logic.
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    Long-Term Care Demand Projection and Financial Guarantee in China
    WEN Tai-lin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 49-58.  
    Abstract197)            Save
    With the aging of the population, the need for long-term care has been on the rise. The assessment and prediction of long-term care demand is the premise and basis for making long-term care policies. Based on the data of CHARLS(2018), this paper adopts the macro simulation method to study the health status of the elderly and predict the changing trend of China’s long-term care demand from 2020 to 2035. The findings show that the number of disabled elderly people will increase to 43.34 million by 2035, the cost of long-term care services will increase to 2,144.6 billion yuan, accounting for 1.07% of GDP and 5.93% of the fiscal revenue. The simulation of long-term care security based on the ILO financing model shows that the long-term care insurance model can share the responsibilities among individuals, enterprises and governments, so as to achieve the goal of ensuring the basics, full coverage and sustainability of the long-term care security. Under the long-term care assistance mode, the financial burden is lighter and the protection coverage is smaller, but it can play a role in helping those most in need with the multi-level long-term care security system.
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    From Poverty Alleviation to Rural Revitalization: the Participation Process, Characteristics and Trends of Private Enterprises
    YANG Ming, XIANG De-ping
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 74-83.  
    Abstract149)            Save
    Private enterprises are an important subject of poverty governance and have played an important role in poverty alleviation. Since the founding of New China, the participation of private enterprises in rural poverty governance has gone through a development stage from exploration to deep involvement, from small-scale intervention to overall and comprehensive participation. During the period of poverty alleviation, the poverty alleviation by private enterprises presents such characteristics as the precision of poverty alleviation concepts, the integration of poverty alleviation strategies, the diversity of poverty alleviation methods, the innovation of poverty alleviation means, and the comprehensiveness of poverty alleviation goals. Facing the era of rural revitalization, private enterprises should actively participate in the rural revitalization strategy, pay attention to the coordination of interests, integrate social resources, attach importance to capacity building, and assume social responsibilities.
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    Between Government and Markets: the Intermediary Organizations of Teacher Education Governance--On the Intermediary Organizations in the Transition Period of Teacher Education in the United States since 1980’s
    JIANG Xi-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 40-48.  
    Abstract135)            Save
    Teacher education is a cause with public beneficial, professional and marketable characteristics; the coordination and balance of these characteristics cannot be guaranteed only by depending on government and markets. During the transition period of teacher education since 1980’s in the United States, because of the limited and improper role of the government and the excessive and blind role of markets, there are many problems appeared in teacher education. In order to coordinate the relationship between government and markets, balance the multiple characteristics of teacher education, and optimize the teacher education governance, some intermediary organizations in the United States have been more and more involved in the domain of teacher education and are playing their roles at different degrees in the professional management, policy buffering, and research consultation. Although the development of the intermediary organizations of American teacher education has its institutional and cultural background different from those of China, the development of these teacher education intermediary organizations and the roles they are playing have some common characteristics, perhaps we can gain some enlightenments from the historic experiences and lessons of the intermediary organizations in the United States.
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    The Revitalization of Governance-Oriented Industries: A Study of the Path of Rural Industry Revitalization in Mountainous Areas Based on the Investigation of Industrial Revitalization in the Village B in Western Hubei
    YANG Kun, ZHANG Hui-fen, DENG Da-cai
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 84-94.  
    Abstract158)            Save
    Rural revitalization is the only way to achieve common prosperity, and industrial revitalization is the core of realizing rural revitalization. The governance-oriented industrial revitalization is an effective exploration to promote industrial revitalization through improving rural governance. Based on a follow-up survey of the industrial revitalization of Village B in western Hubei, it is found that Village B injected scarce resources such as capital, talents and technology into the development of the village industry by reshaping the village governance system, and it effectively guaranteed the sustainable development of the industry through governance in the process. To improve the governance can achieve the structure optimization of the village industry, the integration of the industrial chain and the cyclic development of the industrial economy. The governance-oriented industrial revitalization activates rural internal development resources with basic governance shaping, drives the external development factors with governance, and institutionalizes governance guarantee to achieve internal and external cohesion development driven by governance. Therefore, the governance-based industrial development model based on the basic, dynamic and guaranteed types is an effective way to lead industrial development and revitalization. With the continuous deepening of industrial development, the revitalization of the governance-oriented industries will also promote the coordinated promotion of village governance and industrial development, which is an important exploration to achieve sustainable rural revitalization.
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    The Implementation and Strengthening Path of Soft Laws for ESG Information Disclosure of Listed Companies
    MO Zhi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 116-129.  
    Abstract239)            Save
    There are many soft laws that can guide and regulate the ESG information disclosure of listed companies. It is formulated and implemented by non-state entities like industry associations, international organizations and rating agencies, which can solve the problems of abstraction, lagging behind and rigidity of hard laws in ESG disclosure, play the role of supplement and transformation, and respond to practical needs. The ESG soft law does not rely on the national force for protection, but realizes its normative force through the financing-affecting reputation mechanism, the market pricing implemented by internal rules, the external effect of signal transmission, and the reverse support of hard law. Therefore, the improvement of the soft law governance of China’s ESG disclosure can be explored from the perspective of the joint efforts of multiple parties in the market. In detail, the exchanges should enhance their authority and promote regulatory competition; the key state-owned enterprises should take the lead in promoting the network effect for which the soft law is applicable; the soft law should harden itself by supporting the hard law and refining the consequences; the institutional and individual investors and information intermediaries should improve the participation of ESG, so as to strengthen the normative effect of the soft law disclosure.
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    How Does Brand Attachment of Live Streaming Hosts Enhance Their Online Sales? A Mechanism Study Based on Multiple Paths
    XIONG Qi-ying, XIONG Li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 28-39.  
    Abstract202)            Save
    With the trend of the decline of the traditional off-line sales and the growth of the new type of webcast sales, the channel center position of the live streaming hosts has become more and more prominent in the transaction. Although researchers have carried out some discussions on the business model and consumption behavior of live stream sales, there are few studies from the perspective of live streaming hosts on the network, especially the possible impact of the relationship between the hosts and the brands is neglected. Based on the work demand-resource model, this paper discusses whether and how brand attachment of live streaming hosts can affect their behavior and sales performance. This study proposes three hypothetical paths, i.e., sales work involvement, sales fun and organizational commitments, and conducts a questionnaire survey on 165 live streaming hosts on such online social platforms as Taobao live broadcast. By making use of the AMOS software for analysis, it is found that the brand attachment of the marketing anchors can affect sales performance and behavior performance by improving sales work efforts and sales fun respectively, while the organizational commitment path fails to pass the verification. In addition, the behavior performance of the hosts has a positive impact on their sales performance. This study not only makes a certain contribution to the research of brand attachment, but also provides theoretical guidance for the live streaming hosts to improve their sales performance.
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    Research on the Double Criteria of Product Recall in Global Markets: From the Perspective of Biased Perception of Fairness
    WANG Xin-gang, LI Zu-lan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 12-16.  
    Abstract153)            Save
    Focusing on the different product recall patterns in the global markets, this paper conducts an analysis of the double criteria of product recall, i.e., the equal treatment and the differential treatment, in global markets from the perspective of biased perception of fairness. Through the two experiments and a contrastive analysis between the samples from China and America, the findings show that, compared with the consumers in the reference country, the consumers in the country involved have a rather bigger positive difference in their perception of fairness, perceived decision-making rationality and brand evaluation generated from the two recall patterns of the equal treatment and the differential treatment. Compared with American consumers in the context of western culture, Chinese consumers in the context of oriental culture have a much bigger positive difference in their perception of fairness, perceived decision-making rationality and brand evaluation generated from the two product recall patterns of the equal treatment and the differential treatment. This research conclusion can not only be conductive to perfecting the relative theory for the product recall coping strategy in the global markets, but also provide important reference and guidance for the product recall in the global markets.
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    The Causal Mechanism, Institutional Performance and Effectiveness Boundary of Intra-Party Regulations on Rural Governance
    HUA Yong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 107-115.  
    Abstract135)            Save
    Intra-Party regulations are an important guarantee for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, they are acting on national governance in a direct or indirect way, including the rural governance as an important part of national governance. The role of intra-Party regulations playing in rural governance stems from the Party’s own governance function and the spillover of the effectiveness of intra-Party regulations. The specific manifestations of the role of intra-Party regulations in rural governance are institutional empowerment, organizational embeddedness, and demonstrative guidance. The institutional empowerment clarifies the dominant position of Party organizations leading the grassroots governance; the organizational embeddedness ensures the full coverage of grassroots Party organizations on the one hand, and on the other hand implements the leadership of grassroots Party organizations over the grassroots political institutions and social organizations; the focus of demonstrative guidance lies in giving full play to the grassroots Party organizations as a fighting fortress and to the Party members as pioneers and examples. Rural governance is a governance system with multiple norms coexisting and co-governing. The intra-Party regulations must properly handle the relationship with national laws and village regulations, and play a role within the scope of their own adjustment and regulation.
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    Discussion on the Reform of the Compound Public Power Model for Executing Property Disposal: From the Perspective of Innovating the Operation Mechanism of Execution Power
    XIONG Jin-guang, GAO Jie
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 130-139.  
    Abstract159)            Save
    At present, the disposal of enforcement property adopts the“single public power model”that is exercised by the court in a concentrated way. The high concentration of power and the shortage of enforcement power form a prominent contradiction, which brings about a prolonged period of creditor’s rights realization, increased burden on debtors, increased risks of the enforcement team, and many other negative externalities. Through the comparative analysis of the construction theory of executive power and the mode of property disposal of execution outside the territory, it can be found that the“composite public power model”is more aligned with China’s national system, power structure and judicial tradition than the“single public power model”and the“society as public power supplementary model”in terms of power legitimacy, power compatibility, power connection, and power supervision. To improve the quality and efficiency of property disposal in enforcement, the reform and innovation of the mode of property disposal in enforcement should be gradually promoted from such aspects as empowerment of disposal rights, scientific distribution of disposal rights, strengthening of procedures and supervision of power operation, etc.
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    Medical Insurance and Targeted Poverty Alleviation: From the Perspective of Poverty Vulnerability
    CHEN Ying, ZHAO Gui-qin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 59-73.  
    Abstract204)            Save
    Based on the data of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2014 to 2018, this paper explores the impact of the rate of family members joining the medical insurance on the vulnerability to poverty. Then it further analyzes the impact of the rate of family members joining the insurance on the poverty vulnerability of the families with different income levels. The results show that improving the rate of coverage can effectively reduce household vulnerability to poverty. However, this kind of effect has obvious differences among the households with different incomes; it is most significant among the low-income households, followed by middle and high-income households. When being suffered from catastrophic medical risks, improving the rate of coverage of the family members can significantly reduce the household vulnerability to poverty, but this effect on the households with middle and high-income is a little bit stronger than that on the households with low-income. As for the vulnerability to poverty calculated on the basis of different absolute poverty standards and relative poverty standards, this conclusion is still robust. Moreover, to improve the health conditions of family members is an important intermediary channel to reduce the vulnerability to poverty with the medical insurance.
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    How Is It Effective for Farmers to Adopt Fertilizer Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement Technology: From the Perspective of Configuration Analysis
    YUAN Tian-tian, WANG Jun-qin, ZHAO Bang-hong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 95-106.  
    Abstract172)            Save
    Farmers adopting fertilizer reduction and efficiency enhancement technology is an important way to effectively curb agricultural non-point source pollution and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of agriculture. Based on the data of in-depth interviews with 438 small farmers, this paper employs the method of Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to construct a psychological perception (farmers’ cognition and participation willingness) - external context (organizational connection and government regulation) - behavior effect model,in order to reveal the conditional configuration and multiple paths of psychological perception and external contextual factors affecting small farmers’ adoption of that technology. The results show that a single behavior-decision factor is not a necessary condition to drive farmers to effectively adopt that technology, while the interaction of multiple decision-making factors form three conditional configurations can improve farmers’ behavior effect, which can be summarized as the participation willingness-oriented mode, the internal and external joint restraint mode, and the external situation-oriented mode.
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    Transformation Characteristics and Optimization Strategy of Multi-Functional Utilization of Farmland: From the Perspective of Urban Agglomeration
    WANG Yu-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 96-105.  
    Abstract94)            Save
    Arable land is an important basic resource for human existence and social and economic development, which possesses significant production capacity of goods and materials. This paper examines the impact of the multi-functional transformation and the coordinated development of cultivated land in the urban agglomeration at the middle reaches of the Yangtze River on the alleviation of the complex social contradictions in the process of rapid urbanization and on the promotion of the sustainable development of urban economy. By making use of the social economy and the Landsat monitoring data, it explores the relationship between land use transformation and multi-function level. The findings show that the transformation between cultivated land, forest land, grassland and construction land in the urban agglomeration at the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is the most significant. The land use transformation is significant in Wuhan Metropolitan Area and in the urban agglomeration around Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan, and in the urban agglomeration around Poyang Lake the land use diversity is better. The productive and economic function -- the social security function of farmland utility as a whole keeps its balance during the fluctuation, the productive and economic function -- the ecological landscape function as a whole keeps a state of balanced development, and the social security function -- the ecological landscape function as a whole keeps a coordinated development in the fluctuation.
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    A Study of the Regional Innovation Gap from the Perspective of R&D Element Flow
    LI Shi-qi, LIU Yun-yang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 38-49.  
    Abstract96)            Save
    Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China’s economic development has made a qualitative leap, while at the same time, formed many imbalances. Among these imbalances, the imbalance of regional development is an important aspect. This will not only run counter to the goal of sustainable and stable development of China’s economy, but also bring about a negative impact on China’s economic and social stability. Therefore, from the perspective of R&D element flow and based on the data of 30 provinces (municipalities or autonomous regions) in China from 2002 to 2019, this paper adopts the quadratic assignment procedure in the social network analytical method to study the problem of the regional innovation and development gap. The results show that the R&D personnel flow is conducive to the convergence of regional innovation development, while the R&D capital flow may widen the regional gap in innovation development. This indicates that the correct guidance of the R&D element flow will help to achieve the coordinated development of regional innovation in China.
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    China’s Grain Subsidy Policy Problems and Countermeasures: An Analysis of Grain Subsidy Policy Based on the “Combination of Insurance and Subsidy”
    BAO Guo-liang, YAO Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 87-95.  
    Abstract104)            Save
    Since the reform and opening up, the main objectives of China’s grain subsidy policy are: first, to stabilize grain output, second, to stabilize grain prices, and third, to increase farmers’ income. However, through combing, it is found that the long-term adoption of price support as a tool in the grain subsidy policy cannot achieve the above three objectives at the same time, on the contrary, it will lead to such problems as systematic deviation of the policy. In this regard, by introducing the idea of “replacing subsidy with insurance and combining insurance with subsidy”, a regulation tool to protect farmers’ income is added in the link of grain production, so as to enrich the policy tools to achieve the goal of grain regulation. This paper also makes an analysis of the policy idea and mechanism of “combination of insurance and subsidy”, the results show that the application of the grain subsidy policy of “combination of insurance and subsidy” will play significant roles in relieving the financial burden, improving the subsidy efficiency and perfecting the agricultural insurance system.
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    Between Filing and Licensing: the Transformation Logic and Normative Approach of Off-Campus Online Training Regulation
    HUANG Xian-da
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 137-148.  
    Abstract101)            Save
    The institutional evolution of the market access threshold of the off-campus online training industry reflects the Internet economic context and the microcosm of the reform of the administrative approval system. Education administrative organs try to replace the regulatory effect of ex-ante supervision with an interim and ex-post supervision system. While removing administrative approval to promote the development of the industry, they also give a play to the linkage mechanism between administrative filing and other innovative supervision methods, so as to form a regulatory mechanism with more precision and efficiency by combining the private regulatory advantages of multiple market players. However, due to the poor connection of supporting measures, the preset supervision mechanism has not played its due role as a substitute. In practice, the administrative licensing-style filing plays a major regulatory role. The tension between the institutional design and the regulatory reality stems from the localization difficulties faced in the process of transplanting and reconstructing the supervision system during and after the event in the Chinese context. The limited resources of education supervision and the path dependence of supervision methods, as well as the inherent insufficiency and weak stamina of private regulation in the online training market, all restrict the actual effectiveness of supervision during and after the event, resulting in a deviation between the purpose of supervision and the effect of reform. Therefore, the educational administrative organs try to reshape the in-process and ex-post supervision with ex-ante supervision, balance the tension between the logic of the market economy and other value goals in the process of regulation, and urge off-campus online training to return to the original intention of the “new education supply mode”.
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