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    The Impact of Rural Digital Economy Development on Farmers' Income Growth
    ZHANG Liang, XU Zhi-ming, LI Cheng-long
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 82-94.  
    Abstract480)            Save
    Increasing farmers' income not only affects the progress of the rural revitalization strategy, but also affects the realization of common prosperity. Based on the construction of the mechanism model and making use of the data of“China Land Economy Survey”and the econometric method, this paper empirically tests the impact of rural digital economy development on farmers' income. The results show that the development of rural digital economy can significantly improve the income level of farmers. The mechanism analysis shows that the development of rural digital economy has promoted the development of rural non-agricultural industries and improved the human capital and social capital of the farmer households, thus promoting the increase of farmers' income. The development of digital economy in rural areas has not achieved inclusive growth in farmers' income, and the promoting effect on the income of high-income households is greater than that on the low-income households. The grouping regression results show that the development of rural digital economy has a greater impact on the wage income of rural households than the asset income and agricultural operation income, and this impact is more obvious on the income increase of middle-aged households and the households in the economically developed regions. The above research conclusions provide a new research perspective for evaluating the impact of digital economy on farmers' income. It is also suggested to strengthen policy support for the areas with relatively backward digital infrastructure, improve the operating system for the construction of rural digital economy and the publicizing and training system for the rural digital technology, so as to ensure the balanced development of digital economy between the rural and urban areas. We should let digital economy play a better role in narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and in promoting the realization of common prosperity.
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    The Theoretical Connotation and Core Essentials of the New Security Pattern
    CHEN Shi-fa, BI Lei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 3-13.  
    Abstract273)            Save
    Since the 18th National Congress of CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important expositions on the issue of national security and put forward the important argument of the New Security Pattern in the report of the 20th National Congress of CPC. Interpreting the theoretical connotation and core essence of the new security pattern from a theoretical perspective and consolidating the theoretical foundation of the new security pattern can provide scientific theoretical guidance for the great practice in the new era and on the new journey. The new security pattern refers not only to the risk society in general sense, but also to the risk complex with special significance formed in the process of modernization in China. The new security pattern has evolved from the traditional security pattern, which is closely fitting China's national conditions and has formed a system of elements based on the“sixteen aspects”and combined with the“five cores”and“five pairs of relationships”. The strategic goal of the new security pattern is to coordinate security and development, promote a healthy balance between high-quality development and high-level security, and safeguard the new development pattern with the new security pattern. To construct the new security pattern, we must always adhere to the core leadership position of the Party, adhere to the co-construction of multiple entities, fully mobilize social forces to play the“collective power”, and effectively deal with the serious tests of the major challenges with high winds, rapid waves, and even turbulent waves.
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    Evaluation of Government Governance Efficiency under the New Development Concept:“Do One'sBest”or“Do According to One's Ability”
    DUAN Pei-xin, MENG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 22-34.  
    Abstract257)            Save
    The improvement of government governance efficiency is an important starting point to promote the establishment of governance system and the modernization of governance capacity. How to objectively and fairly evaluate the governance efficiency of local governments under the new development concept during the“13th Five-Year Plan”period is of great significance for the realization of the new improvement of the governance efficiency during the“14th Five-Year Plan”period. At present, more attention is paid to local governments'“doing their best”to improve governance efficiency, but less attention is paid to the governance efforts of local governments under the situation of unbalanced development. Based on this, this paper constructs a MINC-U-DEA model to carry out a study that can not only reflect the governance efforts of the local governments under the new development concept of the Party center, but also affirm the local governments'“doing within their capabilities”under the“initial endowment”. Through an empirical analysis of 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) and the eight comprehensive economic zones in China, it is found that, considering the differences in the“initial endowments”, the governments' governance efforts in the greater northwest region can be effectively measured, and the government governance efficiency in the southern coastal regions benefits more from the economic development.During the“13th Five-Year Plan”period, the country has made remarkable achievements in green development, but all the regions need to be strengthened in terms of innovation and development. The regional differences in the efficiency of government governance are relatively larger, and different regions have different ways to “do their best”to improve the government governance efficiency on the basis of“doing within their capabilities”. In addition, based on their own reality, the performance efforts of the provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in their same region are also inconsistent. The most obvious internal difference is found in the northwest region, and the difference in the southwest region is the smallest.
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    The Generating Logic, Core Essence and Value Implication of Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on Preventing and Defusing Economic Risks
    WU Zong-wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 3-12.  
    Abstract256)            Save
    Xi Jinping's important exposition on preventing and defusing economic risks is generated on the basis of drawing on and sublimating Marx's theory of economic crisis, inheriting and innovating Chinese excellent traditional culture, continuing and extending the successful experience of the Communist Party of China, and examining and grasping the domestic and foreign economic development situation. Xi Jinping's important exposition on preventing and defusing economic risks emphasizes that preventing and defusing economic risks requires the centralized and unified leadership of the Party as the political guarantee, the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability as an important principle, the smooth“domestic and international dual circulation”as the strategic deployment, the systematic financial risk prevention and control as the core link, and the pushing and realization of high-quality economic development as the phased goal, its core essence has raised the understanding of the whole Party on how to prevent and defuse economic risks to a new height. Xi Jinping's important discourse on preventing and defusing economic risks not only expands the cognitive domain of Marxist political economy, but also provides basic guidelines for our country to prevent and defuse economic risks. It also transcends the traditional global economic risk governance discourse system and has profound value implications in such aspects as theoretical innovation, practical orientation and discourse guidance.
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    The Implementation and Strengthening Path of Soft Laws for ESG Information Disclosure of Listed Companies
    MO Zhi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 116-129.  
    Abstract254)            Save
    There are many soft laws that can guide and regulate the ESG information disclosure of listed companies. It is formulated and implemented by non-state entities like industry associations, international organizations and rating agencies, which can solve the problems of abstraction, lagging behind and rigidity of hard laws in ESG disclosure, play the role of supplement and transformation, and respond to practical needs. The ESG soft law does not rely on the national force for protection, but realizes its normative force through the financing-affecting reputation mechanism, the market pricing implemented by internal rules, the external effect of signal transmission, and the reverse support of hard law. Therefore, the improvement of the soft law governance of China’s ESG disclosure can be explored from the perspective of the joint efforts of multiple parties in the market. In detail, the exchanges should enhance their authority and promote regulatory competition; the key state-owned enterprises should take the lead in promoting the network effect for which the soft law is applicable; the soft law should harden itself by supporting the hard law and refining the consequences; the institutional and individual investors and information intermediaries should improve the participation of ESG, so as to strengthen the normative effect of the soft law disclosure.
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    Popularization of Marxism during the Jinggangshan Period: Audience Shift and Communication Practice
    ZHANG Pin-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 3-10.  
    Abstract251)            Save
    During the Jinggangshan period, the CPC, represented by Mao Zedong, found a revolutionary road suitable for China’s national conditions, opened the prelude to the sinicization of Marxism, and the popularization of Marxism in rural China took a new step. The Party and the Red Army, based on the fact that the majority of the audience in Jinggangshan is farmers, actively reformed, innovated, and explored ways and means of news propaganda. The popularization of Marxism has achieved a shift towards farmers and opened up a new direction for the localization of Marxist communication in China. This dissemination practice has formed a series of characteristics of the Jinggangshan Red News propaganda in terms of dissemination theory, propaganda methods, media means, and dissemination subjects, and achieved tremendous dissemination results. It has sublimated the ideological concepts of the Jinggangshan military and civilians, and laid a solid ideological foundation for the Chinese revolution. The Red Jinggangshan Mountains have become a historic node in the transformation of Marxist mass communication among farmers during the New Democratic Revolution, and a new starting point for the combination of Marxist news theory with the specific news propaganda practice of the Chinese revolution. The practice has proven that this innovative popularization of Marxism has accumulated rich experience for the Party to continue promote the popularization of Marxism in the future and provided important insights for the dissemination of Marxism in the new era.
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    Long-Term Care Demand Projection and Financial Guarantee in China
    WEN Tai-lin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 49-58.  
    Abstract229)            Save
    With the aging of the population, the need for long-term care has been on the rise. The assessment and prediction of long-term care demand is the premise and basis for making long-term care policies. Based on the data of CHARLS(2018), this paper adopts the macro simulation method to study the health status of the elderly and predict the changing trend of China’s long-term care demand from 2020 to 2035. The findings show that the number of disabled elderly people will increase to 43.34 million by 2035, the cost of long-term care services will increase to 2,144.6 billion yuan, accounting for 1.07% of GDP and 5.93% of the fiscal revenue. The simulation of long-term care security based on the ILO financing model shows that the long-term care insurance model can share the responsibilities among individuals, enterprises and governments, so as to achieve the goal of ensuring the basics, full coverage and sustainability of the long-term care security. Under the long-term care assistance mode, the financial burden is lighter and the protection coverage is smaller, but it can play a role in helping those most in need with the multi-level long-term care security system.
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    Medical Insurance and Targeted Poverty Alleviation: From the Perspective of Poverty Vulnerability
    CHEN Ying, ZHAO Gui-qin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 59-73.  
    Abstract226)            Save
    Based on the data of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2014 to 2018, this paper explores the impact of the rate of family members joining the medical insurance on the vulnerability to poverty. Then it further analyzes the impact of the rate of family members joining the insurance on the poverty vulnerability of the families with different income levels. The results show that improving the rate of coverage can effectively reduce household vulnerability to poverty. However, this kind of effect has obvious differences among the households with different incomes; it is most significant among the low-income households, followed by middle and high-income households. When being suffered from catastrophic medical risks, improving the rate of coverage of the family members can significantly reduce the household vulnerability to poverty, but this effect on the households with middle and high-income is a little bit stronger than that on the households with low-income. As for the vulnerability to poverty calculated on the basis of different absolute poverty standards and relative poverty standards, this conclusion is still robust. Moreover, to improve the health conditions of family members is an important intermediary channel to reduce the vulnerability to poverty with the medical insurance.
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    How Does Brand Attachment of Live Streaming Hosts Enhance Their Online Sales? A Mechanism Study Based on Multiple Paths
    XIONG Qi-ying, XIONG Li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 28-39.  
    Abstract226)            Save
    With the trend of the decline of the traditional off-line sales and the growth of the new type of webcast sales, the channel center position of the live streaming hosts has become more and more prominent in the transaction. Although researchers have carried out some discussions on the business model and consumption behavior of live stream sales, there are few studies from the perspective of live streaming hosts on the network, especially the possible impact of the relationship between the hosts and the brands is neglected. Based on the work demand-resource model, this paper discusses whether and how brand attachment of live streaming hosts can affect their behavior and sales performance. This study proposes three hypothetical paths, i.e., sales work involvement, sales fun and organizational commitments, and conducts a questionnaire survey on 165 live streaming hosts on such online social platforms as Taobao live broadcast. By making use of the AMOS software for analysis, it is found that the brand attachment of the marketing anchors can affect sales performance and behavior performance by improving sales work efforts and sales fun respectively, while the organizational commitment path fails to pass the verification. In addition, the behavior performance of the hosts has a positive impact on their sales performance. This study not only makes a certain contribution to the research of brand attachment, but also provides theoretical guidance for the live streaming hosts to improve their sales performance.
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    The Evolution of the International Soybean Trade Pattern and the Change of China's Bargaining Power under the Background of Sino-US Economic and Trade Frictions
    HAN Dong, LI Guang-si
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 83-96.  
    Abstract215)            Save
    Facing the increasing uncertainty of the trade environment and the rigid rise of China's soybean demand, it is of great practical significance to enhance China's bargaining power in the international soybean market. Based on the analysis of the evolution of the international soybean trade pattern, this paper employs the bilateral stochastic frontier model to conduct a quantitative analysis of the bargaining power of the countries participating in the soybean trade. The findings show that Sino-US economic and trade frictions have had a greater impact on the international soybean trade pattern. China's dependence on Brazilian soybeans has increased, and the degree of diversification of soybean exports from the United States and Brazil has increased. China's bargaining power in soybean import trade has been lower than that of exporting countries for a long time; the soybean import price is higher than the theoretical equilibrium price. During the periods of Sino-US economic and trade friction, China's bargaining power in soybean import trade was higher than that of the United States, but with the recovery of Sino-US soybean trade, the United States has once again mastered the bargaining advantage.The trade pattern and thecontrol over the financial markets, the distribution channels, the provenance, and the international trade rules are the key factors that affect the bargaining power of the international soybean market. Such measures as increasing special subsidies, promoting the diversification of soybean import sources, and promoting the expansion of soybean and other oil crops production will help improve China's bargaining power and risk resistance capacity in the international soybean market.
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    The Profound Connotation, Great Significance, and Practical Requirements of Xi Jinping’s Important Discourse on New Quality Productivity
    LIU Wen-xiang, ZHAO Qing-si
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 13-23.  
    Abstract213)            Save
    The new quality productivity is an important theoretical achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, which further enriches the connotation of Xi Jinping’s economic thought. Xi Jinping proposed the new concept and requirements of the new quality productivity, adhering to the scientific guidance of Marxist productivity theory, drawing on the historical experience of science and technology promoting the transformation of human social productive forces, inheriting the scientific understanding of the Communist Party of China on the relationship between technology and productive forces, and responding to the practical requirements of the world’s unprecedented great changes in a century.“New”is the driving force of new quality productivity,“quality”is the goal pursuit of new quality productivity, and “productivity” is the core connotation of new quality productivity. Overall, the new quality productivity is driven by scientific and technological innovations, with the strategic emerging industries, future industries, and other“new formats”as the main field of productivity, pursuing a qualitative leap in the ability of human and nature to undergo material transformation. The proposal of the new quality productivity is of great significance for building an independent knowledge system, promoting high-quality development, creating new international competitive advantages, and coordinating regional harmonized development. Therefore, we must take technological innovation as the guide, comprehensively deepening reform and opening up as the driving force, establishing a modern industrial system as the carrier, cultivating high-quality talents as the guarantee, so as to ensure the systematic integration of various elements and ultimately achieve a qualitative leap in productivity.
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    Measurement and Evaluation of the High-Quality Development Level of China’s TouristIndustry
    TIAN Hong, LIU Cheng-qing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 37-53.  
    Abstract205)            Save
    The high-quality development of tourist industry is an important foundation and strong support for promoting Chinese-style modernization. Scientifically measuring and evaluating the level and the changing trend of high-quality development of regional tourism has important theoretical and practical significance. On the basis of defining the connotation of high-quality development of tourist industry, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of high-quality development of tourist industry under the guidance of the new development concept and the sustainable development theory; then it measures and evaluates the level of high-quality development of the tourist industry in 30 provinces in China. The results show thatfrom 2011 to 2019, the high-quality development level of tourism in China generally shows an upward trend year by year, and the industrial development level, the social harmony level, the innovation ability, the cultural and tourism integration degree, and the ecological protection level have been significantly improved. From 2020 to 2021, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, although the overall development level and the industrial development level have declined, the scores of the other four indicators continued to rise, which reflects that the high-quality development level of tourism of China is constantly improving with the process of high-quality development of China. However, the high-quality development level of tourism in different provinces is significantly different, and the overall development quality is at a medium level. There is still a long way to reachthe high-quality development standards. In the future, to improve the high-quality development level of tourism, we should focus on optimizing the industrial structure, improving the quality of tourism innovation, deepening the integration of culture and tourism, strengthening ecological protection, and other aspects.
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    How Is It Effective for Farmers to Adopt Fertilizer Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement Technology: From the Perspective of Configuration Analysis
    YUAN Tian-tian, WANG Jun-qin, ZHAO Bang-hong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 95-106.  
    Abstract193)            Save
    Farmers adopting fertilizer reduction and efficiency enhancement technology is an important way to effectively curb agricultural non-point source pollution and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of agriculture. Based on the data of in-depth interviews with 438 small farmers, this paper employs the method of Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to construct a psychological perception (farmers’ cognition and participation willingness) - external context (organizational connection and government regulation) - behavior effect model,in order to reveal the conditional configuration and multiple paths of psychological perception and external contextual factors affecting small farmers’ adoption of that technology. The results show that a single behavior-decision factor is not a necessary condition to drive farmers to effectively adopt that technology, while the interaction of multiple decision-making factors form three conditional configurations can improve farmers’ behavior effect, which can be summarized as the participation willingness-oriented mode, the internal and external joint restraint mode, and the external situation-oriented mode.
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    The Theoretical Source, Ideological Connotation and Value of the Times of Xi Jinping's Important Expositions on Urban Construction
    LIU Lyu-hong, LI Shao-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 3-13.  
    Abstract192)            Save
    Cities are the centers of economic, political, cultural and social activities in China, which are playing a decisive role in the overall cause of the Party and the state. Since the 18th National Congress of CPC, Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important expositions around the topics of “what kind of cities to construct”and“how to construct cities”, which have formed a set of systemically integrate and logically precise theoretical system. Its theory comes from Marx and Engels' urban thought, the urban construction theory of the Communist Party of China, the wisdom of Chinese traditional urban construction and the frontier concept of foreign urban construction. Its ideological connotation includes eight aspects of the cities in the new era, such as the nature and function, construction objectives, fundamental positions, construction principles, governance logic, internal requirements, international vision, and leadership. The appearance of these important expositions have developed Marxist urban theory and the thought of urban construction with Chinese characteristics, providing a fundamental route for China's urban construction to follow in the new era, and providing Chinese wisdom for the urban construction of all countries in the world today.
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    The Revitalization of Governance-Oriented Industries: A Study of the Path of Rural Industry Revitalization in Mountainous Areas Based on the Investigation of Industrial Revitalization in the Village B in Western Hubei
    YANG Kun, ZHANG Hui-fen, DENG Da-cai
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 84-94.  
    Abstract190)            Save
    Rural revitalization is the only way to achieve common prosperity, and industrial revitalization is the core of realizing rural revitalization. The governance-oriented industrial revitalization is an effective exploration to promote industrial revitalization through improving rural governance. Based on a follow-up survey of the industrial revitalization of Village B in western Hubei, it is found that Village B injected scarce resources such as capital, talents and technology into the development of the village industry by reshaping the village governance system, and it effectively guaranteed the sustainable development of the industry through governance in the process. To improve the governance can achieve the structure optimization of the village industry, the integration of the industrial chain and the cyclic development of the industrial economy. The governance-oriented industrial revitalization activates rural internal development resources with basic governance shaping, drives the external development factors with governance, and institutionalizes governance guarantee to achieve internal and external cohesion development driven by governance. Therefore, the governance-based industrial development model based on the basic, dynamic and guaranteed types is an effective way to lead industrial development and revitalization. With the continuous deepening of industrial development, the revitalization of the governance-oriented industries will also promote the coordinated promotion of village governance and industrial development, which is an important exploration to achieve sustainable rural revitalization.
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    Lowering Social Insurance Fee Rates: How to Consider both Fund Sustainability and Regional Balance
    SHI Chen-xi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 50-59.  
    Abstract185)            Save
    The actual effect of reducing the social insurance fee rates is affected by various linked factors such as population, economy and other policies. Considering the impact of the central adjustment system on the capital flow of the pension fund, this paper constructs an actuarial model with the provinces as the research objects to simulate the operation of pension funds and the non-equilibrium of pension expenditures in the eight major economic regions in China, when the reformation of collection agencies, the reduction of rates, and the implementation of delayed retirement policies are simultaneously put into operation. The results show that, without other policy interventions, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Qinghai and other provinces will not have the financial feasibility of decreasing social insurance fee rates. There are greater differences in the pension sustainability among different regions, and this rate reduction policy in the southern coast areas has the longest duration. Without other policy interventions, if the collection rate increases by 10%, the reduction policy implemented nationwide will increase by 3.5 years. If the collection rate reaches 85%, and the delayed retirement policy is implemented simultaneously, the reduction policy can last for 12 to 25 years. Although delayed retirement can improve the sustainability of the fund, it should still choose the way of “small steps and slow walking”, otherwise, it will further widen the imbalance of fund expenditures among different regions.
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    The Key Issues of the Guarantee of Emergency Supplies against Major Epidemics and Countermeasures from the Perspectives of Multi-Organizations and Multi-Stages
    ZHANG Jian-jun, ZHOU Yi-zhuo, HUO Jia-zhen
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 13-24.  
    Abstract184)            Save
    The characteristics of major public health emergency, such as high uncertainty, high response requirements, high material demands, long duration and wide coverage, have sharply magnified their destruction to the economic and social operations, and posed great challenges to the theories and practices of supply chain management of the guarantee of the emergency supplies. Taking the multi-organizational collaboration and multi-stage operation of emergency material guarantee as the starting point, this paper sorts out, analyzes, and summarizes the research subjects, issues, methods, outcomes and insufficiencies related to emergency material guarantee from the levels of logistics and production capacity planning before disasters and the production and operation optimization during disasters. Then, faced with the characteristics and challenges of emergency supplies guarantee for major epidemics, it proposes some countermeasures and suggestions, including an emergency facility layout planning based on multi-organizational coordination, an emergency supply chain planning based on flexible production capacity strategy, an emergency supplies scheduling model and strategy design based on multi-organizational intelligent coordination, and a planning model design for supply chain emergency production based on the epidemic model.
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    Discussion on the Reform of the Compound Public Power Model for Executing Property Disposal: From the Perspective of Innovating the Operation Mechanism of Execution Power
    XIONG Jin-guang, GAO Jie
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 130-139.  
    Abstract173)            Save
    At present, the disposal of enforcement property adopts the“single public power model”that is exercised by the court in a concentrated way. The high concentration of power and the shortage of enforcement power form a prominent contradiction, which brings about a prolonged period of creditor’s rights realization, increased burden on debtors, increased risks of the enforcement team, and many other negative externalities. Through the comparative analysis of the construction theory of executive power and the mode of property disposal of execution outside the territory, it can be found that the“composite public power model”is more aligned with China’s national system, power structure and judicial tradition than the“single public power model”and the“society as public power supplementary model”in terms of power legitimacy, power compatibility, power connection, and power supervision. To improve the quality and efficiency of property disposal in enforcement, the reform and innovation of the mode of property disposal in enforcement should be gradually promoted from such aspects as empowerment of disposal rights, scientific distribution of disposal rights, strengthening of procedures and supervision of power operation, etc.
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    Measurement, Regional Differences and Dynamic Evolution of the Construction Level of Livable, Business Friendly, and Beautiful Countryside in China
    ZHAO De-qi, WANG Shi-zhe
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 83-98.  
    Abstract172)            Save
    The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside is a major strategic mission for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization at present. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to conduct in-depth researches on the construction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside. Based on the construction of a horizontal indicator system and the vertical and horizontal leveling method, this paper measures theconstruction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside in 31 provinces from 2011 to 2020, and the regional differences and dynamic evolution are revealed by using Dagum Gini coefficient, Kernel density, and Moran index. The findings showthat, firstly, during the sample period, the construction level of livable, business friendly and beautiful countryside in China is steadily increased, with the highest construction level in the eastern region and the fastest annual growth rate in the western region. Secondly, both intraregional and inter regional differences in the construction level are showing a downward trend, with the inter regional differences being the main cause of regional differences. Thirdly, in terms of time evolution, the absolute differences in the construction levels across the country and the three major regions are gradually decreased, but there has always been a significant gap between the leading and lagging provinces in the country and the eastern regions. Fourthly, in terms of spatial evolution, the aggregation mode mainly manifests as H-H aggregation and L-L aggregation, with only a small number of provinces completing the transition to the promotion or the radiation areas. Therefore, it is recommended that to further strengthen the construction of livable, suitable for work, and beautiful countryside from the three aspects, i.e., to fully activate various production factors, to actively promote regional coordinated development, and to implement policies tailored to different provinces.
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    Evaluation of Trade Policy, Fiscal Policy and Economic “Dual Cycle”Effect
    GENG Shen, QIAO Han
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 25-37.  
    Abstract171)            Save
    In order to evaluate the impact of trade barriers and fiscal policies on domestic and foreign economic cycles, this paper constructs a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model including the heterogeneity of tradable and non-tradable goods manufacturers and the profit markup of imported goods based on the small open DSGE model, so as to further analyze the impact of self-sufficiency degree of commodity on the economy. The findings show that trade barriers and tax-cut fiscal policies can promote the supply of domestic factors, increase the level of output, and inhibit the flow and output of foreign factors. In terms of specific policies, the export tax rebate policy has the best effect, which can promote domestic and foreign trade circulation and stimulate consumption. Reducing consumption tax will improve trade circulation and consumption levels other than commodity exports; reducing labor income tax will promote the export of intermediate goods and consumer goods, improve domestic and foreign consumption level, and restrain the inflow of foreign goods; lowering the capital gains tax will transform the national economy into an export-oriented economy, increasing the two-way trade in intermediate products, increasing the one-way exports of consumer goods, and lowering the consumption welfare of domestic residents; imposing tariffs will transform the economic model into a processing export-oriented type, increasing the import of intermediate products and the export of consumer goods, and reducing the export of intermediate products, the import of commodities and the level of household consumption. Increasing the proportion of non-tradable goods in the household consumption basket can improve the long-term steady balance of domestic and foreign consumer goods and factor products, reduce domestic price levels, and improve economic stability.
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    The Differentiation between the Court System Reform and Prosecutorial System Reform: Connotation, Reason and Route
    WU Wei-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 140-148.  
    Abstract170)            Save
    The differentiation between the court system reform and the prosecutorial system reform means that the specific design of the judicial system reform by the court system should be distinct from that by the prosecutorial system. This is a proposition of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics, having a cooperative relation of symbiosis and mutual supplement with the reform homogenization. The different positioning of the court and the procuratorate in China’s Constitution is the basis for the differentiation of the reform of these two systems, while the differentiated reform is the inevitable choice for the judicial system to become more refined. Also it is the objective needed to solve the existing problems in the reform. Therefore, the differentiated reform strategy should properly handle the relationship between differentiation and homogenization. The reform measures should be formulated according to the different focuses on judicial fairness by the court and by the procuratorate. Special attention should be paid to the particularity of the procuratorial system reform in the reform. The judicial rules should also be followed and the reform should be promoted on the basis of accurate defining of the judicial logic and administrative logic.
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    High-Quality Agricultural DevelopmentEnabled by Digital Economy: Theoretical Logic and Empirical Test
    LI Ben-qing, YUE Hong-zhi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (6): 95-107.  
    Abstract170)            Save
    Achieving high-quality agriculture is an inevitable requirement to effectively solve the major social contradictions in the new era. The digital economy provides a new impetus for achieving the high-quality agricultural development. By constructing a comprehensive index system of high-quality agricultural development from the three dimensions of innovative development, structural upgrading and collaborative sharing, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the theoretical logic of digital economy enabling high-quality agricultural development.It also conducts an empirical test on the role of digital economy in enabling the high-quality agricultural development based on the panel data of China's 30 provinces from 2011 to 2020. The findings show that: (1) the development of digital economy is positively improving the high-quality agricultural development, but the impacts on different dimensional indexes have significant differences.Digital economy plays a significant role in the promotion at the structural upgrading dimension and at the collaborative sharingdimension, but the promotion at the innovational development dimension is relatively weaker; (2) from the perspective of regional heterogeneity, the promotion effect of digital economy on high-quality agricultural development is greater in the eastern region, followed by the western region, and smaller in the central region; (3) the promotion effect of digital economy on high-quality agricultural development has a certain threshold value, when the development level of digital economy is lower than the threshold value, its promotion effect on the high-quality agricultural development is smaller, whereas exceeding the threshold value, its promotion effect on the high-quality agricultural development will be greatly improved.
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    A Study of the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Risk Level of Small and Medium-Sized Banks
    LIU Hui-chao, WANG Shu-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 23-37.  
    Abstract170)            Save
    Based on the samples of 112 small and medium-sized banks from 2011 to 2021, this paper analyzes the impact of digital transformation on the risk level of banks from the perspective of mathematical models and empirical studies, meanwhile, it includes the impact of digital transformation on the risk level of banks in the framework of capital replenishment for the analysis. The results show that, firstly, the impact of digital transformation on the risk of small and medium-sized banks has an inverted“U”structure, and this finding still holds after a series of robustness and endogeneity tests; secondly, the heterogeneity tests conducted in terms of size, region, and whether being listed reveals that digital transformation has a higher impact on the larger-scale banks and the small and medium-sized banks located in the eastern region, while the digital transformation of listed banks has a better inhibitory effect on bank risks than that of non-listed banks; thirdly, if capital supplements are provided to small and medium-sized banks in the process of digital transformation, it will also have a moderating effect on the level of bank risks. The above findings suggest that small and medium-sized banks should continue to increase their digital transformation efforts to curb bank risks, and that capital supplements should also be provided to small and medium-sized banks to increase their digital transformation ability to curb bank risks.
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    Research on the Double Criteria of Product Recall in Global Markets: From the Perspective of Biased Perception of Fairness
    WANG Xin-gang, LI Zu-lan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 12-16.  
    Abstract165)            Save
    Focusing on the different product recall patterns in the global markets, this paper conducts an analysis of the double criteria of product recall, i.e., the equal treatment and the differential treatment, in global markets from the perspective of biased perception of fairness. Through the two experiments and a contrastive analysis between the samples from China and America, the findings show that, compared with the consumers in the reference country, the consumers in the country involved have a rather bigger positive difference in their perception of fairness, perceived decision-making rationality and brand evaluation generated from the two recall patterns of the equal treatment and the differential treatment. Compared with American consumers in the context of western culture, Chinese consumers in the context of oriental culture have a much bigger positive difference in their perception of fairness, perceived decision-making rationality and brand evaluation generated from the two product recall patterns of the equal treatment and the differential treatment. This research conclusion can not only be conductive to perfecting the relative theory for the product recall coping strategy in the global markets, but also provide important reference and guidance for the product recall in the global markets.
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    From Poverty Alleviation to Rural Revitalization: the Participation Process, Characteristics and Trends of Private Enterprises
    YANG Ming, XIANG De-ping
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 74-83.  
    Abstract164)            Save
    Private enterprises are an important subject of poverty governance and have played an important role in poverty alleviation. Since the founding of New China, the participation of private enterprises in rural poverty governance has gone through a development stage from exploration to deep involvement, from small-scale intervention to overall and comprehensive participation. During the period of poverty alleviation, the poverty alleviation by private enterprises presents such characteristics as the precision of poverty alleviation concepts, the integration of poverty alleviation strategies, the diversity of poverty alleviation methods, the innovation of poverty alleviation means, and the comprehensiveness of poverty alleviation goals. Facing the era of rural revitalization, private enterprises should actively participate in the rural revitalization strategy, pay attention to the coordination of interests, integrate social resources, attach importance to capacity building, and assume social responsibilities.
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    Accumulation of“Quantity”or Leap of“Quality”: Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Help Promote Corporate Green Innovation?
    LIU Xing-hua, HONG Pan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 25-41.  
    Abstract159)            Save
    Green innovation is the driving force of corporate sustainable development and the inherent requirement for promoting the stable and steady economic growth. Based on the financial data of A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2019, this paper empirically examines the impact of economic policy uncertainty on corporate green innovation from the three dimensions: total volume, quantity and quality. The findings show that economic policy uncertainty can positively stimulateenterprises to carry out green innovation and R&D. Faced with the uncertainty due to policy adjustments, enterprises pay more attention to the“quantity”of green patents than to the“quality”of green patents. In terms of the heterogeneity of property rights, economic policy uncertainty can significantly enhance the green innovation of state-owned enterprises.Corporate social responsibility has an obvious“reputation effect”, which can play a significant positive moderating role, and this moderating effect is more significant in non-state-owned enterprises. Enhancing the environmental information disclosure of the polluting enterprises will significantly inhibit the green innovation ability of enterprises under uncertain economic policies. The results of the mediating effect show that the uncertainty of economic policy can significantly enhance the risk preference of enterprise management and thus promote corporate green innovation.
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    Between Government and Markets: the Intermediary Organizations of Teacher Education Governance--On the Intermediary Organizations in the Transition Period of Teacher Education in the United States since 1980’s
    JIANG Xi-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 40-48.  
    Abstract159)            Save
    Teacher education is a cause with public beneficial, professional and marketable characteristics; the coordination and balance of these characteristics cannot be guaranteed only by depending on government and markets. During the transition period of teacher education since 1980’s in the United States, because of the limited and improper role of the government and the excessive and blind role of markets, there are many problems appeared in teacher education. In order to coordinate the relationship between government and markets, balance the multiple characteristics of teacher education, and optimize the teacher education governance, some intermediary organizations in the United States have been more and more involved in the domain of teacher education and are playing their roles at different degrees in the professional management, policy buffering, and research consultation. Although the development of the intermediary organizations of American teacher education has its institutional and cultural background different from those of China, the development of these teacher education intermediary organizations and the roles they are playing have some common characteristics, perhaps we can gain some enlightenments from the historic experiences and lessons of the intermediary organizations in the United States.
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    Does the Digital Transformation of Commercial Banks Improves the Availability of Credit to SMEs
    GUI He-fa, DENG Ru-sha
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 25-36.  
    Abstract156)            Save
    Taking the data of SMEs in Chinese market from 2010 to 2021 as the research sample, this paper focuses on the impact of commercial banks’ digital transformation on the credit availability of SMEs and the role of banking governance represented by financial regulation and financial competition in the process of commercial banks’ digital transformation on the credit availability of SMEs. The findings show that the digital transformation of commercial banks can significantly improve the credit availability of SMEs and enhance the inclusive financial services for SMEs. The relationship between the banking governance represented by financial regulation and financial competition and the credit availability of SMEs presents a nonlinear inverted“U”shape, that is, there is an optimal intensity of financial regulation and degree of financial competition, which optimizes the credit availability of SMEs. In the process of banking governance affecting the credit availability of SMEs, the digital transformation of commercial banks will affect the optimal intensity of financial regulation and degree of financial competition to optimize the credit availability of SMEs, that is, the higher the level of digital transformation of commercial banks, the higher the optimal financial regulatory intensity and the degree of financial competition that can optimize the credit availability of SMEs. The above-mentioned conclusions have important policy implications for in-depth implementation of financial regulation and correct guidance of financial competition, so as to better promote the digital transformation of commercial banks and improve the availability of credit for SMEs.
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    The Causal Mechanism, Institutional Performance and Effectiveness Boundary of Intra-Party Regulations on Rural Governance
    HUA Yong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 107-115.  
    Abstract156)            Save
    Intra-Party regulations are an important guarantee for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, they are acting on national governance in a direct or indirect way, including the rural governance as an important part of national governance. The role of intra-Party regulations playing in rural governance stems from the Party’s own governance function and the spillover of the effectiveness of intra-Party regulations. The specific manifestations of the role of intra-Party regulations in rural governance are institutional empowerment, organizational embeddedness, and demonstrative guidance. The institutional empowerment clarifies the dominant position of Party organizations leading the grassroots governance; the organizational embeddedness ensures the full coverage of grassroots Party organizations on the one hand, and on the other hand implements the leadership of grassroots Party organizations over the grassroots political institutions and social organizations; the focus of demonstrative guidance lies in giving full play to the grassroots Party organizations as a fighting fortress and to the Party members as pioneers and examples. Rural governance is a governance system with multiple norms coexisting and co-governing. The intra-Party regulations must properly handle the relationship with national laws and village regulations, and play a role within the scope of their own adjustment and regulation.
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    Differential Demand Analysis and Policy Setting of Forest Insurance Guarantee Level in China: Based on the New Background of Income Disparity and Operation Scale
    FU Li-sha, QIN Tao, ZHANG Xi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 60-72.  
    Abstract153)            Save
    With the changes of forestry production and operation environment, the lower and single forest insurance guarantee level cannot meet the actual risk guarantee needs of forest operators in the new situation and under the new background. Therefore, firstly, based on the theory of reasonable hypothesis, this paper explores the differentiated risk guarantee needs of heterogeneous forest operators under the background of income differentiation and large-scale operation. Then, starting from the influencing factors of guarantee level and the way of setting, it explores the policy choice and setting of China’s forest insurance security level under the new background from the two dimensions of improving the security level and increasing the layers of security level. The results show that forest insurance plays the strongest role in ensuring the risks and income of forestry specialized households, followed by forestry households with combined occupations, and non-forest households are the weakest. The overall insurance income level of each forest operation subject increases with the improvement of the guarantee level, and the risk protection demand of forest operation subjects in high-risk areas is higher than that in lower-risk areas. Meanwhile, compared with small forest farmers, the new forestry operation subjects have greater expected benefits due to their participation in insurance against natural risks and financial risks, and have higher requirements for the risk guarantee level of forest insurance. In addition, based on the survey data of the replanting cost of eucalyptus forest, pine forest and Chinese fir forest, the basic guarantee level of forest insurance is set at 1500 yuan / mu, on this basis, the multi-layer guarantee level is improved and set; at the same time, the differentiated multi-layer guarantee level should be set by considering these three kinds of tree species and tree age, so as to realize the “standard raising” and “variety increasing” of forest insurance guarantee level.
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    The Construction Mechanism and Realization Path of Risk Specifications for Personal Information Protection
    ZHANG Lu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 126-136.  
    Abstract153)            Save
    The personal information system in the digital age is a pre-emptive protection norm, which aims to prevent the abstract danger that may arise from the abuse of personal information. The risk specification path of personal information protection is in line with the reality of the development of the digital economy and is the best paradigm for personal information protection in the digital age. Risks triggered by personal information processing behaviors can be assessed from the two perspectives of “results” and “behaviors”. The judgment of “high risk” in personal rights violations includes two aspects: the possibility of risk occurrence and the severity of risks. The principle of accountability is the basic principle of the risk regulation path. China’s personal information protection system integrates the two risk regulation paths, i.e., “bottom-up” and “top-down”, but there still exist such problems as differentiated risks, categorized platforms, hierarchical obligations, etc. It is necessary to control the risk path as a whole from the macro level, strengthen the normative guidance of information processors from the meso level, and detail the risk norms under different scenarios on the micro level, so as to form a set of risk controllable, highly efficient and comprehensive protection mechanism.
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    The Impacts of Rural Industrial Revitalization on Rural Residents' Consumption Upgrading
    XU Yu-ming, ZHOU Hao
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 103-115.  
    Abstract153)            Save
    Based on the panel data of 30 provincial-level administrative regions except Tibet from 2005 to 2019, this paper constructs an evaluation index system for China'srural industrial revitalization and establishes a static fixed effect model and a dynamic GMM model to explores the impact of rural industrial revitalization on rural residents' consumption upgrading from the two aspects: the level of rural residents' consumption and the upgrading of consumption structure. The findings show that: (1) except Beijing and Shanghai, the index of the rural industrial revitalization of all the provinces shows an overallsteady upward trend. Although it still presents aeast-centre-west stepping down trend in space, the average annual growth rate of the central and western regions is greater than that of the eastern region; (2) the revitalization of rural industries has a significant positive effect on the overall consumption level and the upgrading of consumption structure of rural residents; (3) the revitalization of rural industries has a positive effect on the eight major consumption expenditures of rural residents, among which the effect coefficients on clothing, household equipment, culture, education, entertainment and medical care expenditures are more significant. Therefore, to promote the consumption upgrading of rural residents by the revitalization of rural industry, and at the same time,to guide the development of rural industries by consumption upgrading can jointly provide strong support for the construction of China's new“dual circulation”development pattern, the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the achievement of the goal of common prosperity.
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    Trade Policy Uncertainty and Import and Export of Chinese Enterprises: An Analysis from the Three Perspectives of Time Distribution, Stage Deviation and Country Shock Difference
    SHEN Ying-qi, ZHANG Long, LIU Jin-quan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 47-57.  
    Abstract151)            Save
    This paper firstly depicts the import and export conduction path of enterprises with trade policy uncertainty and the bilateral phase deviation between China and the United States, thenit quantitatively checks the import and export effects of Sino-U.S. trade policy uncertainty through the SV-TVP-FAVAR model from the triple perspectives of time distribution, phase deviation and country impact differences. The results show that: firstly, trade policy uncertainty has multiple import and export transmission paths for enterprises, and the cross-country cross-conduction characteristics are obvious;the Sino-US trade policy uncertainty has not only a long-term“consistent”trend in the early stage of the sample, and also a short-term trend of“deviating”trend in the later stage of the sample. Secondly, the uncertainty of Sino-US trade policy presents the characteristics of negative impact of enterprises' import and export heterogeneity; the negative spillover effect of Sino-US trade policy uncertainty is differentin different periods, and the negative spillover effect has not weakened in recent years. Thirdly, the different deviating stages of the uncertainty of Sino-US trade policy will lead to different import and exporteffects of enterprises with Sino-US trade policy uncertainty;during the expansion period of Sino-US bilateral deviation, the import and export effect of the enterprises with Sino-US trade policy uncertainty is stronger than that during the stable period,the uncertainty of China's trade policy has always been the main factor affecting the import and export of Chinese enterprises. The above analysis has important guiding significance for all walks of life to understand the trend and fluctuation characteristics, the bilateral deviation and the country-specific impact differencesof China-US trade policy uncertainty, so as to avoid the “Thucydides Trap”.
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    AI Technology and Human Capital Structure Upgrading: Intrinsic Mechanism and Empirical Test
    HAN Ying, XU Xue-lu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (2): 13-26.  
    Abstract150)            Save
    With the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the traditional production mode by artificial intelligence technology, the production tasks are becoming more and more complicated and specialized, which puts forward new requirementsfor the adaptability of human capital structure. By incorporating the development of artificial intelligence, the upgrading of industrial structure and the upgrading of human capital structure into an organic theoretical analyzing framework, the internal mechanism and regional heterogeneity of the influence of artificial intelligence on the upgrading of human capital structure can be depicted. The empirical studies have concluded that, the development of artificial intelligence can not only directly promote the upgrading of human capital structure, but also play a positive role in the upgrading process of human capital structure by promoting the upgrading of industrial structure. The influence of artificial intelligence development on the advancement of human capital structure has significant regional heterogeneity: the eastern, central and western regions are experiencing a downward cascade, while the positive effect of the development of artificial intelligence in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the Southwest Comprehensive Economic Zone on the upgrading of human capital structurehas gradually highlighted. The government should speed up the construction of a long-term mechanism for the cultivation of artificial intelligence talents, promote the integrated development of artificial intelligence technology with the real industry, help the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, and then promote the high-level advancement of human capital structure. At the same time, local governments should adapt to local conditions, orderly promote the development of artificial intelligence, and narrow the gap between regional human capital structures.
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    The Framework, Characterization and Regulation of Fintech Platforms
    ZHAO Yao
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 116-125.  
    Abstract147)            Save
    Fintech platforms are always faced with a qualitative problem: sales or advertising. If one jumps out of the conceptual barriers of traditional attribute definitions and return to the core essence of financial law of “risk prevention and control”, it is not difficult to find that “risk introduction and risk control” constitute the two essential elements of the platforms’ characterization. From this point of view, fintech platforms present a marketization tendency to be more risk-introduced and more controllable because they dominate many businesses such as smart promotion, account association, layout design, commission sharing, and brand mixing. Therefore, in order to regulate the behavior of fintech platforms, in addition to raising the suitability obligation to the platform level at the subject level, rather than transferring it to the holding licensed institution, it is also necessary to pay attention to the challenges and innovations of fintech on the suitability obligation in terms of content. Of course, the four-layered nesting and single-holding organizational structure of financial technology platforms have always constituted the binding conditions for the above-mentioned platform characterization and behavior regulation, which should be seriously taken into consideration.
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    Research on Green Innovation Driving Mechanism for High-Quality Development of Grain Industry
    GAO Wei-long
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 73-86.  
    Abstract147)            Save
    The steady improvement of green total factor productivity is an important way to realize the high-quality development of grain industry. This paper empirically tests the green innovation driving mechanism for high-quality development of grain industry by using GML index method, panel fixed effect model and conditional quantile model. The findings show that the green total factor productivity of grain decreased by 0.3% annually from 1999 to 2018; and the gap between regions is obvious: it is higher in the eastern region than that in the central and western regions. There are significant spatial heterogeneity and phased differences in the driving mechanism of grain green total factor productivity. However, in general, human capital has a positive driving effect on the progress of green technology and the improvement of green technology efficiency, while other factors have a negative driving effect on them. The negative driving factors mainly come from four aspects: deterioration of factor quality, distortion of resource allocation, failure of industrial policy and low-end locking of technology. Therefore, accelerating the upgrading of factor quality, optimizing the resource allocation structure, improving the industrial policy system and improving the ability of scientific and technological innovation will help to activate the innovation power for high-quality development of grain industry.
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    The Impact of Basic Old-Age Insurance and Basic Medical Insurance on the Identification of the Flexible Employment Class
    ZHANG Yin-kai, ZHANG Xue, XUE Hui-yuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 51-65.  
    Abstract146)            Save
    Based on the data from the Chinese General Social Survey (2013~2018), this study analyzes the trends of the identification of the flexible employment class and explores the heterogeneous effects of the participation in the basic old-age insurance and the basic medical insurance on the identification of the flexible employment class varied by household registration and age. The findings show that: (1) compared with traditional full-time employment, the identification of the flexible working class is relatively lower, and has widely existed characteristics of longitudinal“downward shift”, i.e., the average class identification level is lower and presents a trend of decreasing over time; (2) the participation in the basic old-age insurance has a signification positive effect on the present class identification of the flexible employment personnel, whereas the participation in the social medical insurance also has a significant positive effect on the present and expected class identification of the flexible employment personnel; (3) in the heterogeneity analysis, to participate in the social old-age insurance can significantly improve the current class identification of the middle-and old-aged flexible employment individuals, whereas to participate in the social medical insurance can significantly improve the present and expected class identification of the rural flexible employment personnel. Therefore, this paper puts forward such policy suggestions as removing the institutional barriers to the flexible workers’ participation in the social insurance, establishing and improving the payment incentive and transfer mechanism, enhancing the payment capacity of the low-income flexible workers, and improving the multi-level social security system.
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    The Impact of Social Security Expenditure on the Urban-Rural Income Gap: A Re-Examination from the Perspective of Common Prosperity
    XIA Hui-qin, ZHU Huo-yun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 66-77.  
    Abstract145)            Save
    From the perspective of common prosperity, this study re-examines the non-linear impact of social security expenditure on the urban-rural income gap based on the provincial panel data from 2001-2021. The results show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship, first expanding then shrinking, between the social security expenditure and the urban-rural income gap, in which the degree of“sharing”of the social security benefits between urban and rural residents plays a mediating role. Further investigation in different regions reveals that this inverted U-shaped relationship also exists, that the inverted U-shaped curve of the central and western regions is wider, that the marginal impact effect of social security spending is greater, and that the social security expenditure at the inflection point of the curve is even more. Therefore, in order to effectively narrow the urban-rural income gap, it is necessary not only to reverse the urban bias existing in the social security expenditureand improve the degree of“sharing”of social security benefits between urban and rural residents, but also to continuously increase social security expenditure to improve the degree of“prosperity”of social security, as well as to pay attention to the adjustment of the regional bias of social security expenditure and increase the social security input in the central and western regions.
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    The Self-Owned Brand Construction Mode of Chain Retail Enterprises from the Perspective of Resource Arrangement: A Case Study of Sinopec Yijie“Zhuomaquan”Brand
    LI Hong, YING Wen-chi, SUN Dao-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 35-46.  
    Abstract143)            Save
    To develop the self-owned brands is an important competitive strategy for chain retail enterprises. However, few studies have analyzed the construction strategies and specific actions of chain retailers to identify, introduce and transform their own brands at the meso-level. Taking Sinopec Yijie developed its own brand“Zhuomaquan”as an example, this paper conducts an exploratory case study from the perspective of resource arrangement theory; it reveals a private brand building model that empowers new resources through network resource arrangement. The findings show that: (1) the process model includes the brand evaluation stage, the brand cultivation stage and the brand operation stage, as well as the corresponding capability evaluation strategy, the capability update strategy and the comprehensive integration strategy; (2) the scope of the arrangement of internal and external network resources is expanded step by step, so as to gradually realize the brand's resource endowment identification and development potential evaluation, resource authority acquisition and comprehensive capability development, resource authority control and comprehensive independent operation; (3) the brand has correspondingly experienced the role transformation from external brand to candidate brand, toselected brand, and finally to its own brand. The research conclusion shows that the development of private brands of chain retail enterprises is reflected as a new dynamic ability to empower new resources through resource network arrangement.
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    Digital Transformation Enables High-Quality Development of Manufacturing Enterprises:From the Dual Perspectives of Economic Benefits and ESG Performance
    TAN Ya-fei, ZHU Zhao-hui, LI Min-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 45-58.  
    Abstract141)            Save
    Digital transformation is a stabilizer of the productivity and a catalyst for the sustainable development in manufacturing enterprises. Whether digital transformation can realize the“win-win”result between economic performance and ESG performance is an important issue in the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises. Based on the data of the listed manufacturing enterprises from 2010 to 2020, this paper conducts an empirical study. The findings show that digital transformation can promote the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises, that is, improving their total factor productivity and ESG performance at the same time. The mechanism validation shows that the innovation channel and the efficiency channel are the key paths for the digitalization to enable the high-quality development of manufacturing enterprises, and that digital transformation can promote the tilting of resources to high-productivity enterprises and effectively promote the improvement of ESG performance. Further research reveals that a favorable business environment and accelerated marketization can strengthen the positive effects of digitalization on the high-quality development of enterprises. In addition, there are significant structural changes in the impact of digital transformation on the high-quality development of enterprises. Therefore, the manufacturing enterprises should fully utilize digital technology to continuously promote the compound growth of economic performance and ESG performance, and continuously improve the talent training mechanisms. At the same time, the government should consolidate the institutional foundation, create a good business environment, improve the market mechanisms, so as to continuously release the role of digital transformation strategy in empowering the high-quality development of enterprises..
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