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    A Study of the Impact of Benefit Expectation on Farmers' Farmland Quality Protection Behaviors: Empirical Evidences from Jiangsu Province
    LU Hua, ZHOU Ying-heng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (2): 80-92.  
    Abstract1163)            Save
    The quality protection of cultivated land is an important way to realize the storage of grain in the land and to lay a solid foundation for agricultural production. Farmers are the ultimate subjects and the micro-foundation to realize the protection of farmland quality. By making use of the data of farmer household micro-survey in Jiangsu province in 2018, this paper adopts the mvprobit model to quantitatively study the impact of benefit expectation on farmers’ intention and behavior of farmland quality protection. The findings show that benefit expectation is an important factor affecting farmers’ intention and behavior of farmland quality protection. Farmers’ expectation of improving the quality of agricultural products and increasing the yield of farm products through returning straw to the land will increase the probability of farmers’ adoption of the straw returning to the field; and the expectation of improving the quality of agricultural products by applying organic fertilizer and the expectation of increasing the yield of production by deep and loose ploughing will both significantly increase the probability of adoption. Based on the findings of this study, it is suggested that the relationship between farmers’ benefit expectation and farmland quality protection behavior should be fully utilized, the government should continue to improve the ways and channels to realize high price for high quality agricultural products, improve the expected profits of comparative returns from farmers’ farmland quality protection, reduce risks, and give full play to its exemplary role. In addition, the government should reduce the number of plots, reduce the costs of farmland quality protection, strengthen policy publicity and provide policy support, so as to promote farmland quality protection.
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    Measurement and Evaluation of China's Agricultural High Quality Development
    WANG Jing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (2): 93-106.  
    Abstract550)            Save
    With the transformation of China’s economy from high-speed growth to high-quality development, agriculture, as the foundation of China’s national economy, has also entered a high-quality development stage of comprehensively promoting the transformation from the old kinetic energy to the new one and the transformation from output efficiency to quality efficiency. The high quality development of agriculture has become the new direction and goal of the Party Central Committee in the new era to further promote agricultural modernization. According to the connotation and characteristics of high-quality development of agriculture, this paper constructs the measurement index system of high-quality development of agriculture in China from four dimensions of high-quality agriculture, high-benefit agriculture, high-efficiency agriculture, high-competency agriculture, so as to measure and evaluate the development level of high-quality agriculture in 30 provinces except Tibet. Finally, according to the measurement results, it puts forward the policy suggestions to effectively promote the development of high-quality agriculture.
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    A Probe into the Reform Dilemma of China's Rural Homestead System: A Test Analysis Based on the Systems since the Founding of PRC
    CHEN Sheng-xiang, ZOU Yong-wen
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (1): 80-90.  
    Abstract321)            Save
    With the help of NVivo12.0 qualitative analysis software, this paper conducts a systematical coding and analysis of the data of 60 texts of homestead system since the founding of PRC, so as to explore the reform dilemma and think about the countermeasures. The findings show that since the founding of PRC, the texts of homestead systems have generally elaborated seven policy issues that must be solved, among which four have continuously received high attention, representing the core reform tasks in their respective historical periods, i.e.,“free residence guarantee”is an issue that has been dealt with since collectivization, the governance of “indiscriminate occupation and abuse of farmland for building houses”and“extensive utilization and idling of homestead”are the key contents of the system reform since the reform and opening up, and solving the issue of“realization of property rights of rural houses”is a new task of reform since the 18th national congress of the Communist Party of China. However, there exists a directional conflict in the solution to the policy problems between“free residence guarantee”and the other three, leading the institutional reform into two“dilemmas”and failing to balance them. There is no perfect solution to satisfy both of them, therefore, it is suggested that, in the contest of present accelerated urbanization, the free distribution system of homestead should be stopped in good time, and the transfer time and space of homestead use right should be expanded as far as possible, so as to create conditions for the realization of the property right of rural houses by stimulating land saving and land intensive use.
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    Can the Ethics of Small Farmers Guarantee the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products? Based on the Survey Data of 226 Questionnaires from Mutton Sheep Farmers
    JIANG An-yin, YANG Zhi-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (1): 91-103.  
    Abstract246)            Save
    Quality and safety ethics is an important governance mechanism in the quality and safety control of small farmers' agricultural products. However, the agricultural commercialization during the transformation era and the changing social structures make the ethical governance of quality and safety of small farmers face a dilemma, and whether morality and ethics can effectively constrain their quality and safety control behaviors has become unknown. Based on the survey data of 226 small farmers of mutton sheep in Wuwei City, Gansu Province, this paper employs a double scenario comparative analysis method to empirically study the governance effect of quality and safety ethics on the ethical behavior of sales of sick sheep by the farmers, the causes of governance failure and the influencing factors. It is found that quality and safety ethics have a relatively limited effect on the ethical behavior of selling sick sheep by the mutton sheep farmers. Farmers with loans and farmers in hollow villages are more likely to sell sick sheep contrary to quality and safety ethics. There exists a reverse relationship between the age and the quality and safety ethical perception of the farmers; and there exists a positive relationship between neighborhood evaluation, technical training, policy content publicity, high-quality-high-price belief of the farmers and their quality and safety ethical perception. And there exists a positive relationship between farmers' risk preference, income level, Party member status, participation in technical training and their actual quality and safety ethical behaviors.
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    A Study of the Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Driving Factors of Fertilizer Application Intensity in Southern Rice Cultivation Area
    ZHANG Li-guo, LIU Chen, CHEN Su
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (1): 104-115.  
    Abstract271)            Save
    Based on the panel data of the cities with districts in the southern rice cultivation area from 2001 to 2018, this paper explores the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of fertilizer application intensity in the southern rice cultivation area, and it uses ESDA and SDM to empirically analyze the driving factors on fertilizer application intensity in the southern rice cultivation area. The results show that in terms of time, the fertilizer application intensity in the southern rice cultivation area fluctuates and presents a tendency of first rising then falling. In terms of space, the spatial agglomeration effect of fertilizer application intensity in this region is particularly obvious. Most of the coastal areas are characterized by“high-high”agglomeration, and most inland areas are characterized by“low-low”agglomeration, while the fertilizer application intensity in coastal areas is generally higher than that in inland areas; there exist significant spatial positive autocorrelation and time lag in fertilizer application intensity. The important driving factors on fertilizer application intensity are rural residents'per capita income, per capita arable land, agricultural planting structure, and agricultural technology progress.
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    The Measurement of the Level of Agricultural High-Quality Development and the Study of the Spatial Distribution Characteristics: On the Basis of the New Development Concept
    LI Xin-wu, XU Shu-bin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (6): 78-94.  
    Abstract363)            Save
    Guided by the new development concept, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of China's agricultural high-quality development, which includes the five basic dimensions of “innovation, coordination, greenness, opening up and sharing”, so as to conduct a measurement and regional comparison of the level of agricultural high-quality development in China and in each province from 2013 to 2017. It also employs the exploratory spatial data analyzing method to analyze the comprehensive index of agricultural high-quality development and the spatial distribution characteristics of its secondary indexes. The results show that the overall agricultural high-quality development level in China presents a rising trend, while“opening up”and“innovation”are the weak links. The agricultural high-quality development comprehensive index and the secondary indexes of “innovation”, “coordination”,“opening up”and“sharing”are manifested as“Higher in the East and Lower in the West”, while the index of“greenness”is“Higher in the West and Lower in the East”. The gap between the four regions is narrowing gradually. There are significant differences in the high-quality development level among the provinces, and there are advantages and disadvantages which match with the regional characteristics. The agricultural high-quality development comprehensive index and its secondary indexes show the clustering characteristics at different degrees in space, which is mainly manifested in the dual distribution mode of“high-high”and“low-low”. We should take innovation as the core driving force and the opening up and cooperation as the path to further deepen the agricultural supply-side structural reform, and we should plan the agricultural high-quality development direction of each region according to the local conditions.
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    Transfer of Labor-Intensive Industries and Management of the Embedding Work of Inland-Moving Factories
    CHEN Yi-yuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (6): 95-105.  
    Abstract329)            Save
    In the context of industrial transfer, the manufacturing industries in the Pearl River Delta are continuously moving into the inland rural areas. The inland-moving enterprises are faced with not only the migrant workers, but also the army of left-behind informal labor force. The priority of the informal labor force is family reproduction and the reproduction of their social relations, which means that their time is fragmented, and the formal factory management system is difficult to restrict them effectively. Based on this, this paper takes the inland-moving factories located at Q township of W county in Jiangxi province as examples to study the practical experience of how the inland-moving manufacturers can effectively manage this army of informal labor force. The findings show that in the aspect of labor recruitment, the inland-moving factories adopt an informal labor employment strategy by relying on the social network of acquaintance for recruiting. In the aspect of labor supervision, the inland-moving factories embed their production activities in the workers' daily lives, which can integrate the workers' fragmented time with their flexible management strategies. In handling the labor disputes, these inland-moving enterprises also utilize the resources of rural governance to resolve the contradictions. To embed the business production into the village community and workers' daily life is the strategy that the inland-moving enterprises used to reduce their management costs, and this kind of embedding management might bring about a new type of labor-capital relationship.
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    Poverty Alleviation and Development with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era: Theoretic Logic and China's Contribution
    CHEN Yang-geng, HU Jun-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (5): 81-91.  
    Abstract241)            Save
    In the new era, China's poverty alleviation and development work has made remarkable achievements, but its successful internal theoretic logic and contribution to the world's poverty alleviation have not been systematically analyzed. This paper employs the holistic governance theory to conduct a systematic analysis of the poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The findings show that the experience of poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics in the new era has achieved transcendence in the practice through value integration, structure integration, mechanism integration of poverty governance that highly conforming to the holistic governance theory. On such a basis, it constructs a framework to explain the contribution of poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics in the new era to the world's poverty reduction, which includes the two key words:“new era”and“China”. The“new era”embodies the core meaning of adaptive governance, while“China”manifests the“people-centered”value concept and the unique advantages of the strong mobilization ability of the socialist system.
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    An Analysis of the Stage Characteristics and Factor Bottlenecks of the Expansion of Farmers' Operation Scale since Reform and Opening-up: From the Perspective of Factor Allocation
    CAI Jian, HUANG Ying
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (5): 92-102.  
    Abstract297)            Save
    The expansion of farmers' operation scale can be attributed to the combinatorial allocation of factors. As the level of factor marketization keeps increasing, the combinatorial allocation of factors can be achieved through the circulation and substitution of market channels. The findings show that, firstly, it is its natural property that makes the agriculture have absolute dependence on the land, thereby resulting in the fact that the development of the land market or land leasing (transferring) market is the basic conditions for the expansion of farmers' operation scale. Secondly, the expansion of farmer's operation scale is a result of the combinatorial allocation of the factors of land and labor, and the reality of China's agricultural labor flowing to urban areas leads to the fact that the development of agricultural machinery market and the relevant operational service market is a general condition for farmers to further expand their business scale. Thirdly, the constantly improved marketability of land, labor, and their substitutes makes the development of capital (credit) market a threshold condition for farmers to realize scaled operation.
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    Integration of the Three Industries in Rural Areas:Rural Households' Participation and Its Income-Increasing Effects
    LI Jiao-yuan, QIN Cheng, FANG Xiang-ming
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (5): 103-116.  
    Abstract255)            Save
    The income-increasing effect of rural households' participation in the integration of the three industries is one of the important aspects in evaluating the effects of the integrated development of the three industries in rural areas. Based on the survey data of 714 rural households from Zhejiang, Hubei, and Sichuan provinces in 2019, this paper tries to analyze the participation of rural households in the integration of the three industries. It makes use of the Logit model to explore the influencing factors of the participation and employs the propensity score matching method (PSM) to evaluate the effects of the participation on farmers' income. The results show that such factors as the education the head of a household received, family's social capital, whether a family being the subject of the new-type agricultural operation, the level of economic infrastructures related to the development of village industries, and the location are the major causes to the households' participation in the integration of the three industries. The participation has significantly increased the per capita operational income by 164.7%, but no significant effect can be found on the income of other types. Compared with other groups, the participation has a more significant effect on the per capita operational income of the rural households with the heads aged 45 or above, the households with education level of high school or over, and the ordinary households not registered as subjects of new agricultural operation.
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    Research on the Occurrence Mechanism of Residential Energy-Saving Investment Behaviors of Rural Residents
    LI Shi-cai, LIU Chang-jin, TENG Yu-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (2): 76-85.  
    Abstract168)            Save
    Architecture is one of the key fields of energy-saving, building energy conservation can continuously and effectively save energy. Based on the survey data of rural residents in Jiangxi Province, this paper conducts a regression analysis of the occurrence mechanism of the energy-saving investment behavior of rural residents in their residential buildings by employing the regression analysis method and the interpretive structural modeling (ISM). The results show that, energy saving habits, energy saving intention, Chinese traditional culture value, shame culture, descriptive norms and command-control policies have a significant impact on rural residents' energy-saving residential investment behavior. Among them, energy saving intention and command-control policies are the surface direct influencing factors, energy saving habits, Chinese traditional culture value, shame culture and descriptive norms are the deep root factors.
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    Agricultural R&D Input and Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: An Explanation and Evidence from the Perspective of Spatial Spillover
    CHEN Ming, DENG Rong-rong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (2): 86-97.  
    Abstract230)            Save
    On the basis of building a theoretical analytical framework by employing the theory of spatial economics to analyze the influencing mechanism of agricultural R&D investment on the promotion of the growth of agricultural total factor productivity, this paper adopts the spatial Dubin model to empirically test the spatial spillover effect of agricultural R&D input on agricultural total factor productivity with the data of 31 provinces in China from 2000 to 2018. The results show that there is a significant spatial positive correlation between agricultural R&D input and agricultural total factor productivity. Agricultural R&D investment has promoted the increase of agricultural total factor productivity, and its spatial spillover effect has been more fully exhibited in eastern provinces, while the differences between the central and western regions are not obvious. Such factors as economic development level, human capital, opening to the outside world, and fiscal support for agriculture also exhibit different degrees of spatial spillover and regional heterogeneity. This conclusion can provide policy inspiration for promoting the rational allocation of agricultural R&D elements, improving agricultural total factor productivity and promoting agricultural economic growth.
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    A Study of the Intergenerational Differences in the Rent Pressure of Agricultural Transferred Population: Evidences from Mean Decomposition and Quantile Decomposition
    WEI Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (1): 85-98.  
    Abstract167)            Save
    The level of rent pressure on the agricultural transferred population inflowing into cities is directly related to the process of citizenization of the agricultural transferred population. Based on the national monitoring data of the floating population in 2016, this paper applies the Oaxaca mean difference decomposition and counterfactual distribution MM quantile decomposition to conduct a measurement. The findings show that there is a significant intergenerational difference in the rent pressure on the agricultural transferred population, and the “new generation” of the agricultural transferred population born after the 80s is carrying a higher absolute pressure value and relative pressure ratio of rent than those carried by the older generation. There is a kind of intergenerational rent discrimination against the “new generation” in the housing leasing markets in cities. The degree of intergenerational discrimination shows a U-shaped changing tendency along with the increasing of the degree of rent payment pressure. The conclusions have positive reference value in promoting the fair pricing of the urban housing rental markets and in promoting the willingness and process of the “citizenization”conversion of the new generation of agricultural migrants.
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    The Realistic Dilemma of Poverty Reduction by Rural Labor Flow in Poverty-Stricken Areas and Policy Choices: Based on Micro-Survey of Rural Households at Continuous Destitute Areas
    HAN Jia-li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (1): 99-110.  
    Abstract182)            Save
    To win the battle against poverty is the fundamental guarantee for the realization of a well-off society in an all-round way. At the present stage, the problem of poverty differentiation in China's rural areas is prominent; the marginal efficiency of the poverty alleviation policies is decreasing and the marginal cost is rising. In this context, the rural labor mobility as a spontaneous economic decision-making behavior is the main policy tendency to help the impoverished people out of poverty. However, the internal and external environment of rural labor mobility in poverty-stricken areas has changed fundamentally in the new era, which poses a great challenge to its poverty reduction effect. Therefore, this paper examines the current situation of rural labor mobility and poverty alleviation in poverty-stricken areas based on the micro-survey data of farmers in the representative continuous destitute areas and analyzes in depth the practical difficulties they are facing. On this basis, from the perspective of three-dimensional structure, combined with such macro-strategies as precise poverty alleviation, rural revitalization and new urbanization development, this paper points out five feasible policy optimization paths, such as to speed up the specialty industries in the poverty-stricken areas, to promote the local non-agricultural employment of the labors, and so on.
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