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    Measurement, Regional Differences and Dynamic Evolution of the Construction Level of Livable, Business Friendly, and Beautiful Countryside in China
    ZHAO De-qi, WANG Shi-zhe
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 83-98.  
    Abstract76)            Save
    The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside is a major strategic mission for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization at present. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to conduct in-depth researches on the construction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside. Based on the construction of a horizontal indicator system and the vertical and horizontal leveling method, this paper measures theconstruction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside in 31 provinces from 2011 to 2020, and the regional differences and dynamic evolution are revealed by using Dagum Gini coefficient, Kernel density, and Moran index. The findings showthat, firstly, during the sample period, the construction level of livable, business friendly and beautiful countryside in China is steadily increased, with the highest construction level in the eastern region and the fastest annual growth rate in the western region. Secondly, both intraregional and inter regional differences in the construction level are showing a downward trend, with the inter regional differences being the main cause of regional differences. Thirdly, in terms of time evolution, the absolute differences in the construction levels across the country and the three major regions are gradually decreased, but there has always been a significant gap between the leading and lagging provinces in the country and the eastern regions. Fourthly, in terms of spatial evolution, the aggregation mode mainly manifests as H-H aggregation and L-L aggregation, with only a small number of provinces completing the transition to the promotion or the radiation areas. Therefore, it is recommended that to further strengthen the construction of livable, suitable for work, and beautiful countryside from the three aspects, i.e., to fully activate various production factors, to actively promote regional coordinated development, and to implement policies tailored to different provinces.
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    Digital Economy and Inclusive Employment: From the Micro Perspective of Migrant Workers
    LV Da-qi, ZHOU Li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 99-111.  
    Abstract71)            Save
    Based on the urban level data from 2011 to 2018 in China, this study explores the impact of digital economy development on the employment of migrant workers from an inclusive perspective. The findings show that digital economy development has enhanced the employment inclusiveness of the whole society. The employment inclusiveness is reflected in three aspects. First, compared to the labor force with urban registered residences, the digital economy plays a greater role in promoting the employment of migrant workers. Secondly, among migrant workers, compared to young and middle-aged workers, the digital economy can better promote the employment of middle-aged and elderly migrant workers. Thirdly, compared to high skilled workers, the digital economy can better promote the employment of the low skilled migrant workers. The mechanism analysis reveals that, on the one hand, the digital economy promotes the employment for migrant workers with insufficient social capital through the Internet and its own search methods. On the other hand, the digital economy promotes the employment of low skilled, middle-aged, and elderly migrant workers by increasing the demands for low skilled service industry positions in the region. Therefore, we need to accelerate digital transformation, promote the development of the digital economy, provide skills training, and optimize financial policies to enhance the inclusive employment for migrant workers.
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    “Grain-Oriented”or“Non-Grain-Oriented”: the Policy Effect of High-Standard Farmland Construction
    GONG Yan-ling, ZHANG Ying-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 68-83.  
    Abstract49)            Save
    Based on the micro survey data of 1032 farmer households in China’s 10 provinces, this paper systematically analyzes the influence and its mechanism of high-standard farmland construction on the “grain-oriented” or “non-grain-oriented” agricultural planting structure. It is found that the implementation of high-standard farmland construction policy and the increase of construction scale both have a “grain-oriented” impact on agricultural planting structure, and it is still significant under a series of robustness tests of replacing the explained variables, the continuous DID estimation of provincial macro data and the propensity score matching method. The mechanism analysis shows that the high-standard farmland construction encourages farmers to grow grain crops by improving the level of agricultural socialization service. And the farmers’ behavior response is characterized by “grain-oriented” characteristics. The heterogeneity analysis shows that compared with the non-major grain producing areas and the mountainous areas, the high-standard farmland construction can increase the proportion of grain sown area in the major grain producing areas and the plain and hilly areas, and has a more obvious impact on the “grain-oriented” large-scale farmer households than the small farmer households. Therefore, we should promote the high-standard farmland construction according to the actual needs, improve the effectiveness of high-standard farmland construction, at the same time, expand the agricultural socialization service functions and encourage farmers to orderly carry out large-scale planting, thus promoting the “grain-oriented” agricultural planting structure.
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    Research on Altruistic Rent-Seeking and Its Correction in the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Projects: Based on the Investigation of S Town in Central China
    WANG Wen-long
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 84-91.  
    Abstract41)            Save
    In the implementation of rural revitalization projects, the self-interested rent-seeking, due to its self-interested characteristics, has attracted widespread attention from the society and become the focus of the government’s anti-corruption. Along with the continuous improvement of the anti-corruption system and the continuous improvement of the project management level, this kind of rent-seeking has been greatly reduced. While the altruistic rent-seeking has been ignored by the society and is spreading due to its altruistic characteristics, which has caused new hazards. The research based on S town in central China reveals that, compared with ordinary egoistic rent-seeking, the altruistic rent-seeking not only increases the risks of resource misallocation and inefficient use of rural vitalization projects, but also forms a demonstration effect to promote the official rank standard and the path dependence in rural development, thus damaging the credibility of the government. Its potential harm is greater and should be paid more attention by the government. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate reasonable strategies to reduce altruistic rent-seeking, effectively improve the efficiency and fairness of resource allocation in rural revitalization projects, restore government credibility, and enhance rural endogenous development capabilities according to China’s current national conditions from such aspects as establishing a people-oriented ideology and a sense of fairness, improving democracy and the rule of law, correcting the alienation of rural revitalization goals, and strengthening the supervision of rural revitalization projects, and so on.
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    Natural Endowment, Market-Oriented Reform and High-Quality Agricultural Development
    HONG Ming-yong, TIAN Meng-jie
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 92-103.  
    Abstract55)            Save
    The high-quality development of agriculture is a transformation process from quantitative change to qualitative change, and natural endowment and market-oriented reform are crucial to the high-quality development of agriculture. By drawing on the relevant research results of the new institutional economics, this paper constructs a theoretical framework between natural endowments, market-oriented reforms, and high-quality agricultural development. Subsequently, based on the provincial panel data from 2010 to 2020 in China, it describes and analyzes the current situation of natural endowment, market-oriented reform, and high-quality agricultural development. By constructing benchmark regression and spatial econometric models through the extended C-D production function, this paper conducts an empirical test of the impact of natural endowment and market-oriented reform on high-quality agricultural development. It is found that both natural endowment and market-oriented reform can significantly and positively affect the level of high-quality agricultural development, while both have significant negative spatial effects. The findings show that the natural endowment and the market-oriented reforms can both affect the level of high-quality development of agriculture positively, at the same time both of the two have significant negative spatial effect. The above conclusions imply that, due to the existence of the “siphon effect”, the local natural endowment and the level of development of market-oriented reforms will have a significant negative impact on the level of high-quality development of agriculture in the neighboring regions. To this end, it is necessary to improve the utilization rate of natural resource endowments, promote the market-oriented reforms, strengthen the cooperation and exchanges among different regions, and develop agriculture according to local conditions.
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    A Case Study of Rural E-Commerce Start-Ups Promoting Rural Resilient Development in the Context of Rural Revitalization
    HUANG Li-juan, XIE Guo-jie, ZHENG Yan-ling, TIAN Yu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 78-90.  
    Abstract90)            Save
    Rural resilient development is the endogenous driving force for rural revitalization, and rural e-commerce start-ups are one of the main engines for boosting rural revitalization. Therefore, in the context of rural revitalization, this paper explores the mechanism of rural e-commerce start-ups to promote rural resilient development from the perspective of the bottom of pyramid. Based on the four agriculture-related e-commerce start-ups located in underdeveloped regions, this paper adopts the multi-case research approach to analyze the logical relationship and the formation path of how rural e-commerce start-ups and their ecosystems operate on rural resilient development. The findings reveal that, in the first stage, the rural e-commerce start-ups reshape their soft and hard power through capability enhancement and resource constraint breakthrough; in the second stage, they promotethe resilient development of the rural e-commerce entrepreneurship ecosystem by eliminating information asymmetry, apply the innovative business models, and cooperate by dividing their responsibilities, etc.; and in the third stage, they promote the rural resilient development jointly through the three aspects of economics, society and environment. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the entrepreneurial ability and willingness of the masses at the bottom of the pyramid, guide the entrepreneurial enterprises to participate in rural development activities, provide them with multi-dimensional resource assistance, improve the rural e-commerce entrepreneurship ecosystem, optimize the development path of entrepreneurial enterprises, and practice the concept of connecting, supporting, and helping farmers.
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    Research on Agricultural Brand Construction Based on the Complex Network Evolutionary Game under the Plan of Building A Strong Agricultural Country
    CHEN Hong, LI Yan-qiu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 91-103.  
    Abstract56)            Save
    Agricultural brand building is an important means of promoting high-quality agricultural development and an important symbol of agricultural power. The participants in agricultural brand construction are complex, and a clear understanding of their behavioral choices during the construction process can enrich and innovate the theory and practice of Chinese style agricultural brand construction. Based on the evolutionary game theory, this paper analyzes the strategic choices and implementation conditions of local governments, agricultural product producers, and consumers in the construction of agricultural brands, and conducts complex network simulation experiments. The results show that: (1) the tripartite game between local governments, producers, and consumers can evolve to a stable state of government incentives, producer participation, and consumer purchases, and the equilibrium and stability conditions of each entity are closely related to their own cost benefits, the producers’ brand value awareness and the brand stickiness can promote strategic stability; (2) as exogenous factors, local governments and consumers’ choicescan jointly promote the strategic learning of the production entities in the complex networks, in which the exogenous forces act on producer costs and benefits, thereby promoting the evolution and stability of production strategies; (3) driven by the market, the brand premium can promote the successful diffusion of agricultural brand production strategies. Therefore, the ultimate goal of China’s agricultural brand construction should be to become a strong agricultural country, driven by both the government and the market; it should cultivate a mutually beneficial and symbiotic mechanism among the participating entities.
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    The Impact of Livelihood Strategies on Farmers’ Land Transfer and Non-Agricultural Employment
    HOU Ming-li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 104-114.  
    Abstract64)            Save
    Based on the data from the China Household Income Survey (CHIP2018), this paper constructs a simultaneous equation model to empirically analyze the impact and heterogeneity of livelihood strategies on farmers’ land transfer and non-agricultural employment. The results indicate that livelihood strategies have a significant impact on the joint decision-making of farmers’ land transfer and non-agricultural employment, and that the promoting effect on non-agricultural employment is greater than that on land outflow and than the inhibiting effect on land inflow. The factor allocation decisions of farmers with different livelihood strategy types exhibit the characteristics of heterogeneity, and the mutual influence between land transfer and non-agricultural employment of the agricultural households is not significant. Agricultural part-time households tend to make joint decisions on land inflow and non-agricultural employment, which mutually and significantlyinhibit each other. Thenon-agricultural part time households tend to make joint decisions between land transfer and non-agricultural employment, while non-agricultural employment promote each other with land outflow but inhibit each other with land inflow, both of which have a significant impact. The non farmers tend to make joint decisions between land outflow and non-agricultural employment, both of them promote each other and have a significant impact. Therefore, it is necessary to implement differentiated policy measures and incentive tools based on the types of livelihood strategies for farmers, improve the efficiency of factor resource allocation for farmers and promote the coordinated development of the relationship between human being and land.
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    How Does the Commercial Credit Endogenous in the Industrial Chain Affect the Factor Input of Agriculture Scale Operation?
    PENG Peng, SUN Ding-qiang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 78-90.  
    Abstract70)            Save
    As a form of credit that is endogenous in the industrial chain, commercial credit in industrial enterprises has been extensively studied, however, the role of commercial credit in agricultural production and operation has been less concerned. Taking the chemical fertilizer application behavior of large-scale grain production farmers as an example, this paper empirically studies the relationship between the business credit endogenous in the industrial chain and the factor input of agriculture large-scale operation based on the unbalanced panel data, so as to clarify the internal logic of agricultural industry development. The results show that under the background of the rising prices of agricultural means of production, the commercial credit enables the large-scale grain production farmers to input in agricultural factors at a lower cost. Compared with bank credit, the commercial credit has obvious comparative advantages in commodity prices and relative transaction costs. On the one hand, its capital price is lower, so the total cost that farmers actually pay for the factor inputs is lower. On the other hand, its repayment mechanism is more flexible, and the relative transaction costs that farmers need to bear are also more limited, which will further optimize the factor input of those farmers being subject to liquidity constraints. In this regard, the government should institutionally provide a good development environment for commercial credit, build an endogenous credit closed-loop in the agricultural industry, and at the same time encourage the development of other forms of credit to improve the resilience of the agricultural industry.
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    Human Capital of Labor Force, Non-Agricultural Employment and Poverty Reduction of Farmer Households: And Retesting of the Differences between the Effects of Education and Health
    WANG Tu-zhan, PAN Juan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 91-104.  
    Abstract54)            Save
    In order to prevent returning to poverty and relieve the relative poverty, this paper subdivides the dimensions of human capital and summarizes the successive experiences of China in promoting non-agricultural employment and reducing poverty of farmer households by improving the human capital of rural labor force from the multi-perspective of poverty. Based on the four phase panel data of the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), the findings show that higher levels of human capital of labor force are conducive to the improvement of the elimination of absolute poverty of farmer households, the alleviation of relative poverty and the reduction of poverty vulnerability, and that the marginal effect of education is greater than that of health. The non-agricultural employment of labor force has the intermediary effect in the process of human capital promoting the poverty reduction of farmer households, and this effect is relatively greater in education reducing farmer households’ vulnerability to poverty. However, the family support burden will reversely regulate the intermediary role of non-agricultural employment of labor force. The policy implications of the above conclusionsare that the prevention of future returning to poverty and the governance of the relative poverty in rural areas is worth continuing the past successful experiences and roads, that the human capital of labor force should be vigorously improved and the non-agricultural employment of labor force should be promoted, and that the development of educational poverty alleviation should be especially insisted, so as to continuously solve the problem of poverty through supporting and empowering the educated farmers.
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    The Coordinated Development of Rural Housing Mortgage and Homestead Transfer: From the Perspective of Dissipative Structure Theory
    ZHU Jian-qi, DENG Wei-hua, MI Yun-sheng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 105-117.  
    Abstract43)            Save
    Taking the rural housing mortgage (RHM) into the overall consideration of the “Three Rights Separation”reform (TRSR) of homestead is an important measure to revitalize the idle homestead and rural housing resources and manifest the property function of the homestead. As the core issue of the TRSR, the close relationship between homestead transfer (HT) and RHM has been ignored. Based on the theory of dissipative structure, this paper theoretically discusses the internal logic, the necessity and the realizing path of the coordinated development between RHM and HT, and demonstrates it through the practical experience of Liuyang city, Hunan Province. The results show that the key to the success of RHM is to clarify and strengthen the possession and disposal power of the homestead through the TRSR, to weaken the asset specificity of the homestead and the rural housing and the resulting“hold-up effect”, so as to cultivate an active transfer market. The development potential of homestead transfer market lies in the social capital, and its introduction needs the support of RHM. In other words, the subsystem of RHM needs the coordinated development with the subsystem of HT to form the dissipative structure of the homestead system. In order to reduce the friction between the subsystems, reduce the transaction costs and match the transaction objects, the rural collective economic organizations should give full play to their function of resource allocation, fulfill their functions of collecting and storing idle resources, and introduce social capital in the homestead system reform.
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    The Impact of Rural Digital Economy Development on Farmers' Income Growth
    ZHANG Liang, XU Zhi-ming, LI Cheng-long
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 82-94.  
    Abstract376)            Save
    Increasing farmers' income not only affects the progress of the rural revitalization strategy, but also affects the realization of common prosperity. Based on the construction of the mechanism model and making use of the data of“China Land Economy Survey”and the econometric method, this paper empirically tests the impact of rural digital economy development on farmers' income. The results show that the development of rural digital economy can significantly improve the income level of farmers. The mechanism analysis shows that the development of rural digital economy has promoted the development of rural non-agricultural industries and improved the human capital and social capital of the farmer households, thus promoting the increase of farmers' income. The development of digital economy in rural areas has not achieved inclusive growth in farmers' income, and the promoting effect on the income of high-income households is greater than that on the low-income households. The grouping regression results show that the development of rural digital economy has a greater impact on the wage income of rural households than the asset income and agricultural operation income, and this impact is more obvious on the income increase of middle-aged households and the households in the economically developed regions. The above research conclusions provide a new research perspective for evaluating the impact of digital economy on farmers' income. It is also suggested to strengthen policy support for the areas with relatively backward digital infrastructure, improve the operating system for the construction of rural digital economy and the publicizing and training system for the rural digital technology, so as to ensure the balanced development of digital economy between the rural and urban areas. We should let digital economy play a better role in narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and in promoting the realization of common prosperity.
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    The Impact of Rural Land Mortgage Loans on the Income of Farmers
    HUANG Ye-wei, QIU Jun-qin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 95-106.  
    Abstract81)            Save
    The rural areas are faced with the most arduous and onerous task of promoting common prosperity. To achieve common prosperity among farmers and in rural areas, it is necessary to make farmers' income grow continuously; however, the lack of access to credit is an important factor restricting the continuous growth of farmers' income. Taking the rural land mortgage loan policy pilots as a quasi-natural experiment and the rural land mortgage loan policy pilot counties in China's 31 provinces from 2014-2019 as the research objects, this study employs the difference-in-difference method to analyze the impact of rural land mortgage loan policy on farmers' income. The findings show that the rural land mortgage loan policy can significantly improve farmers' income. The mechanism analysis reveals that the rural land mortgage loan policy can promote the rural collective economic development and farmer entrepreneurship, so as to increase farmers' income. The result of further adjustment effect analysis shows that the higher the level of the digital inclusive finance, the greater the improving effect of the rural land mortgage loan policy on the farmers' income. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the pilot scope of the rural land mortgage loan policy so that more farmers can enjoy the institutional dividends brought about by the rural land mortgage loan policy, thereby enabling the sustainable growth in farmers' income and promoting the common prosperity among farmers and in rural areas.
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    The Selection Logic and Intervention Effect Difference of Compelled Changes of Mechanized Straw Returning Technology
    LIAO Xiao-jing, ZHANG Jun-yi, NING Ke
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 107-120.  
    Abstract85)            Save
    Based on the theory of technological changes, this paper discusses the theoretical logic of the path selection of the compelled changes of mechanized straw returning technology, analyzes the differential impact mechanism of different policy interventions on farmers with different operation scales in using mechanized straw returning technology, and conducts an empirical study by making use of the survey data of 679 farmers in the four provinces, i.e., Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Henan and Sichuan. The findings show that the mechanized straw returning technology has the characteristics of limited short term economic benefits, strong positive externality and easy constraints of institutional environment. Compared with the induced changes, the compelled changes are easier to achieve. Following the compelled change path, there are obvious differences in the effects of different government interventions; and economic incentives and behavioral control have a positive impact on the adoption of mechanized straw returning technology by large-scale farmers and small farmers, respectively. The above conclusion suggests that in order to alleviate the practical dilemma of mechanized straw returning technology being promoted but not widely, it is necessary to implement policy tools that focus on economic incentives for large-scale households and behavioral control on small farmers, so as to improve the effect of mandatory changes in mechanized straw returning technology on one hand; on the other hand, it is also necessary to improve the short-term economic benefits from the aspects of improving land conditions, strengthening technological innovation, and improving the quality of agricultural machinery services, so as to create conditions for the induced changes of mechanized straw returning as much as possible.
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    Win-Win Comprehensive Income: The Driving Mechanism and Policy Arrangement for the Choice of Industrial and Commercial Capital Entering Rural Areas
    SHENG Fang-fu, XUE Hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 93-102.  
    Abstract59)            Save
    From the research perspective of accelerating the common prosperity of farmers and rural areasin China, this paper uses the chain decision analysis method to discuss the tandem type decision mechanism for such choices as whether industrial and commercial capital should enter rural areas, what type and field of rural areas to enter, and how to enter. This study holds that the choice of whether industrial and commercial capital should enter the rural areas is to seek the optimal solution under the existing constraints. The main line of the series optimal solution is the win-win comprehensive income covering economic, political, social and other dimensions as well as the multiple subjects including industrial and commercial capital, villages and villagers. The above conclusions suggest that it is better to encourage and guide industrial and commercial capital to participate in the rural revitalization strategy during the process of common prosperity. The policy system design and policy arrangement should focus on the mechanism of investment choice of industrial and commercial capital based on win-win comprehensive income, and the differentiated policies should be implemented with targets, so as to achieve reasonable returns of industrial and commercial capital while promoting the common development of villages and villagers, thereby to help achieve Chinese-style common prosperity.
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    Proactive Personality, Innovative Behavior and Farmers'Entrepreneurial Performance
    ZHU Zhen-bing, XU Sheng, ZHANG Fan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 103-115.  
    Abstract50)            Save
    It is crucial to stimulate farmers' endogenous motivation and improve their entrepreneurial performance in order to promote rural economic and social development. From the perspective of individual psychological characteristics, this paper constructs the relationship model between farmers' proactive personality and entrepreneurial performance,collects the data from 541 entrepreneurial farmers in 6 provinces, and conducts a test on the model with the ordinary least squares and the asymmetric confidence interval method based on bootstrapping. The results show that the proactive personality has a significant positive impact on farmers' entrepreneurial performance, and that the proactive personality has a significant positive impact on the exploitative innovation behaviors and the exploratory innovation behaviors of the entrepreneurial farmers. It is found through further intervening mechanism analysis that the proactive personality can affect the entrepreneurial performance by taking advantage of the partial mediation of theexploitative innovation behaviors and the exploratory innovation behaviors. The mediating effect of the exploitative innovation between the proactive personality and the entrepreneurial performance is stronger than that of the exploratory innovation. In theory, the results of this study expand the understanding of the factors affecting farmers' entrepreneurial performance and enrich the researches of the grassroots innovation. In practice, it is suggested that the cultivation of proactive personality should be included in farmer training projects, and farmers' innovation should be emphasized and supported, so as to promote the high-quality development of farmers' entrepreneurship.
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    A Political Economic Research on Environmental Tax Regulating Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution
    ZHOU Zhi-bo
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 89-102.  
    Abstract72)            Save
    The practice of implementing the“green tax system”reform in developed countries since the 1990s has proved that the environmental tax system has achieved great success in regulating pollution, especially industrial point source pollution. However, in regulating agricultural non-point source pollution, it is still faced with a number of political economic dilemma: there is still a gap in social cognition, the environment protection awareness of the government and the public is not insufficient; it is difficult to reach institutional consensus due to the governments of all the countries being confined to the party politics and department interests; and the demands on the institutional design of environmental tax regulating agricultural non-point source pollution are higher, and there are greater difficulties at the practical level of collection and management. However, a large number of literatures show that the regulation of agricultural non-point source pollution by environmental tax is feasible in theory;in the long term, the environment tax system should be promoted to the field of agricultural non-point source pollution. The key of the institutional practice lies in the political economic problems in solving the environmental tax reform and the improvement of the political feasibility of the environmental tax system. In the future, China should deepen the environmental tax reform in the field of agricultural non-point source pollution, adhere to the principle of fiscal neutrality, establish a special fund system for special use, adopt the trial operation mode of environmental tax, and implement the“two-way incentive”policy.
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    The Impacts of Rural Industrial Revitalization on Rural Residents' Consumption Upgrading
    XU Yu-ming, ZHOU Hao
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 103-115.  
    Abstract114)            Save
    Based on the panel data of 30 provincial-level administrative regions except Tibet from 2005 to 2019, this paper constructs an evaluation index system for China'srural industrial revitalization and establishes a static fixed effect model and a dynamic GMM model to explores the impact of rural industrial revitalization on rural residents' consumption upgrading from the two aspects: the level of rural residents' consumption and the upgrading of consumption structure. The findings show that: (1) except Beijing and Shanghai, the index of the rural industrial revitalization of all the provinces shows an overallsteady upward trend. Although it still presents aeast-centre-west stepping down trend in space, the average annual growth rate of the central and western regions is greater than that of the eastern region; (2) the revitalization of rural industries has a significant positive effect on the overall consumption level and the upgrading of consumption structure of rural residents; (3) the revitalization of rural industries has a positive effect on the eight major consumption expenditures of rural residents, among which the effect coefficients on clothing, household equipment, culture, education, entertainment and medical care expenditures are more significant. Therefore, to promote the consumption upgrading of rural residents by the revitalization of rural industry, and at the same time,to guide the development of rural industries by consumption upgrading can jointly provide strong support for the construction of China's new“dual circulation”development pattern, the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the achievement of the goal of common prosperity.
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    The Evolution of the International Soybean Trade Pattern and the Change of China's Bargaining Power under the Background of Sino-US Economic and Trade Frictions
    HAN Dong, LI Guang-si
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 83-96.  
    Abstract157)            Save
    Facing the increasing uncertainty of the trade environment and the rigid rise of China's soybean demand, it is of great practical significance to enhance China's bargaining power in the international soybean market. Based on the analysis of the evolution of the international soybean trade pattern, this paper employs the bilateral stochastic frontier model to conduct a quantitative analysis of the bargaining power of the countries participating in the soybean trade. The findings show that Sino-US economic and trade frictions have had a greater impact on the international soybean trade pattern. China's dependence on Brazilian soybeans has increased, and the degree of diversification of soybean exports from the United States and Brazil has increased. China's bargaining power in soybean import trade has been lower than that of exporting countries for a long time; the soybean import price is higher than the theoretical equilibrium price. During the periods of Sino-US economic and trade friction, China's bargaining power in soybean import trade was higher than that of the United States, but with the recovery of Sino-US soybean trade, the United States has once again mastered the bargaining advantage.The trade pattern and thecontrol over the financial markets, the distribution channels, the provenance, and the international trade rules are the key factors that affect the bargaining power of the international soybean market. Such measures as increasing special subsidies, promoting the diversification of soybean import sources, and promoting the expansion of soybean and other oil crops production will help improve China's bargaining power and risk resistance capacity in the international soybean market.
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    The Influence of Value Perception and Social Capital on Farmers'Adoption of the Straw-Returning-to-Field Technology
    REN Zhong, GUO Yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 97-107.  
    Abstract93)            Save
    Straw returning to field is an important green production technology. It is of great significance to explore the factorsinfluencing farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology, which can improve the application level of straw returning to field. Based on the survey data of 788 farmer households in the 4 provinces of Shandong, Henan, Hubei and Hunan, this paper takes the value perception to represent the independent factor and the social capital to represent the embedded factor to analyze the influence of the two types of factors and their interaction terms on farmers'adoption of the straw returning to field technology with the Probitmodel. The results show that: firstly, value perception and social capital can significantly affect farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology. Among them, the perceived cost level and the informal norms play an important role in farmers' adoption behavior of straw returning to field technology. Secondly, value perception and social capital have an interactive effect on farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology. Value perception has different effects on farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology due to different social capital, and value perception can also strengthen the influence of social capital on farmers' straw returning to field technology adoption behavior from different paths. Thirdly, the educational level and the business scale can promote the adoption of the straw returning to field technology by farmers. Compared with farmers with lower educational level and smaller business scale, farmers with higher educational level and larger business scale are more likely to adopt the straw returning to field technology. Accordingly, in the process of promoting farmers' straw returning to the field, it is necessary to focus on improving the value perception level of farmers' straw returning to field, vigorously cultivate farmers' social capital, strengthen the rural basic education, and promote large-scale land operation.
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    Research on the Incentive Compatibility Mechanism of China's Agricultural Land System from the Perspective of Mechanism Design
    LI Yi-xin, JIANG Yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 108-122.  
    Abstract89)            Save
    The central government plays a decisive role in promoting China's economic transformation and agricultural land system changes. By constructing a multi-task principal-agent model between the central and local governments in the reform of the agricultural land system, this paper analyzes the relationship between the central government and the local governments and the factors influencing the optimal contract form and the optimal incentive contract design, then itexplores the impact of the implementationcost of the agricultural land system reform on theweight coefficients of local performance evaluation systems. The findings show that there is a positive correlation between the evaluation index of the farmland system in the optimal incentive contract and the implementation cost of the reform of the farmland system. The subjective behavior of the central government and its relationship with the local governments have largely shaped the changing path of the farmland system. Therefore, to achieve a substantial breakthrough in the farmland transfer right system, the central government's subjective intention needs to be truly transformed from“efficiency first, taking fairnessinto account”to“promoting efficiency with fairness”. Anincentive compatibility mechanism that both the central and local governments can win should be constructed, including a reformtarget-coupled local government performance appraisal system and a clear and effective land supervision system, so as to better promote the implementation of the policies.
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    Research on Green Innovation Driving Mechanism for High-Quality Development of Grain Industry
    GAO Wei-long
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 73-86.  
    Abstract114)            Save
    The steady improvement of green total factor productivity is an important way to realize the high-quality development of grain industry. This paper empirically tests the green innovation driving mechanism for high-quality development of grain industry by using GML index method, panel fixed effect model and conditional quantile model. The findings show that the green total factor productivity of grain decreased by 0.3% annually from 1999 to 2018; and the gap between regions is obvious: it is higher in the eastern region than that in the central and western regions. There are significant spatial heterogeneity and phased differences in the driving mechanism of grain green total factor productivity. However, in general, human capital has a positive driving effect on the progress of green technology and the improvement of green technology efficiency, while other factors have a negative driving effect on them. The negative driving factors mainly come from four aspects: deterioration of factor quality, distortion of resource allocation, failure of industrial policy and low-end locking of technology. Therefore, accelerating the upgrading of factor quality, optimizing the resource allocation structure, improving the industrial policy system and improving the ability of scientific and technological innovation will help to activate the innovation power for high-quality development of grain industry.
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    China’s Grain Subsidy Policy Problems and Countermeasures: An Analysis of Grain Subsidy Policy Based on the “Combination of Insurance and Subsidy”
    BAO Guo-liang, YAO Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 87-95.  
    Abstract104)            Save
    Since the reform and opening up, the main objectives of China’s grain subsidy policy are: first, to stabilize grain output, second, to stabilize grain prices, and third, to increase farmers’ income. However, through combing, it is found that the long-term adoption of price support as a tool in the grain subsidy policy cannot achieve the above three objectives at the same time, on the contrary, it will lead to such problems as systematic deviation of the policy. In this regard, by introducing the idea of “replacing subsidy with insurance and combining insurance with subsidy”, a regulation tool to protect farmers’ income is added in the link of grain production, so as to enrich the policy tools to achieve the goal of grain regulation. This paper also makes an analysis of the policy idea and mechanism of “combination of insurance and subsidy”, the results show that the application of the grain subsidy policy of “combination of insurance and subsidy” will play significant roles in relieving the financial burden, improving the subsidy efficiency and perfecting the agricultural insurance system.
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    Transformation Characteristics and Optimization Strategy of Multi-Functional Utilization of Farmland: From the Perspective of Urban Agglomeration
    WANG Yu-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 96-105.  
    Abstract94)            Save
    Arable land is an important basic resource for human existence and social and economic development, which possesses significant production capacity of goods and materials. This paper examines the impact of the multi-functional transformation and the coordinated development of cultivated land in the urban agglomeration at the middle reaches of the Yangtze River on the alleviation of the complex social contradictions in the process of rapid urbanization and on the promotion of the sustainable development of urban economy. By making use of the social economy and the Landsat monitoring data, it explores the relationship between land use transformation and multi-function level. The findings show that the transformation between cultivated land, forest land, grassland and construction land in the urban agglomeration at the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is the most significant. The land use transformation is significant in Wuhan Metropolitan Area and in the urban agglomeration around Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan, and in the urban agglomeration around Poyang Lake the land use diversity is better. The productive and economic function -- the social security function of farmland utility as a whole keeps its balance during the fluctuation, the productive and economic function -- the ecological landscape function as a whole keeps a state of balanced development, and the social security function -- the ecological landscape function as a whole keeps a coordinated development in the fluctuation.
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    From Poverty Alleviation to Rural Revitalization: the Participation Process, Characteristics and Trends of Private Enterprises
    YANG Ming, XIANG De-ping
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 74-83.  
    Abstract149)            Save
    Private enterprises are an important subject of poverty governance and have played an important role in poverty alleviation. Since the founding of New China, the participation of private enterprises in rural poverty governance has gone through a development stage from exploration to deep involvement, from small-scale intervention to overall and comprehensive participation. During the period of poverty alleviation, the poverty alleviation by private enterprises presents such characteristics as the precision of poverty alleviation concepts, the integration of poverty alleviation strategies, the diversity of poverty alleviation methods, the innovation of poverty alleviation means, and the comprehensiveness of poverty alleviation goals. Facing the era of rural revitalization, private enterprises should actively participate in the rural revitalization strategy, pay attention to the coordination of interests, integrate social resources, attach importance to capacity building, and assume social responsibilities.
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    The Revitalization of Governance-Oriented Industries: A Study of the Path of Rural Industry Revitalization in Mountainous Areas Based on the Investigation of Industrial Revitalization in the Village B in Western Hubei
    YANG Kun, ZHANG Hui-fen, DENG Da-cai
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 84-94.  
    Abstract158)            Save
    Rural revitalization is the only way to achieve common prosperity, and industrial revitalization is the core of realizing rural revitalization. The governance-oriented industrial revitalization is an effective exploration to promote industrial revitalization through improving rural governance. Based on a follow-up survey of the industrial revitalization of Village B in western Hubei, it is found that Village B injected scarce resources such as capital, talents and technology into the development of the village industry by reshaping the village governance system, and it effectively guaranteed the sustainable development of the industry through governance in the process. To improve the governance can achieve the structure optimization of the village industry, the integration of the industrial chain and the cyclic development of the industrial economy. The governance-oriented industrial revitalization activates rural internal development resources with basic governance shaping, drives the external development factors with governance, and institutionalizes governance guarantee to achieve internal and external cohesion development driven by governance. Therefore, the governance-based industrial development model based on the basic, dynamic and guaranteed types is an effective way to lead industrial development and revitalization. With the continuous deepening of industrial development, the revitalization of the governance-oriented industries will also promote the coordinated promotion of village governance and industrial development, which is an important exploration to achieve sustainable rural revitalization.
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    How Is It Effective for Farmers to Adopt Fertilizer Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement Technology: From the Perspective of Configuration Analysis
    YUAN Tian-tian, WANG Jun-qin, ZHAO Bang-hong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 95-106.  
    Abstract172)            Save
    Farmers adopting fertilizer reduction and efficiency enhancement technology is an important way to effectively curb agricultural non-point source pollution and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of agriculture. Based on the data of in-depth interviews with 438 small farmers, this paper employs the method of Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to construct a psychological perception (farmers’ cognition and participation willingness) - external context (organizational connection and government regulation) - behavior effect model,in order to reveal the conditional configuration and multiple paths of psychological perception and external contextual factors affecting small farmers’ adoption of that technology. The results show that a single behavior-decision factor is not a necessary condition to drive farmers to effectively adopt that technology, while the interaction of multiple decision-making factors form three conditional configurations can improve farmers’ behavior effect, which can be summarized as the participation willingness-oriented mode, the internal and external joint restraint mode, and the external situation-oriented mode.
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    The Theoretical Basis and Realization Path of Village Revitalization and Poverty Alleviation Connection:From the Perspective of Industry Development Based on Product Space Theory
    ZHANG Qi-zi, WU Ye-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 98-110.  
    Abstract231)            Save
    In the connection logic between village revitalization and poverty alleviation, the industrial revitalization is the connecting point and the key. Based on the product space theory, this paper analyzes the industry development models for poverty alleviation and village revitalization, the results proves that poor villages can achieve revitalization through constructing industry ecologic system development model, so as to realize the organic connection between the two. By combining the successful revitalization cases and making use of the multi-case study approach, it extracts the general mechanism and key factors connecting the two, including human capital and the evolution of villagers’ ability, the industry selection based on the resource endowment and industry ecologic system construction, the reasonable profit allocation mechanism, and so on.
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    Capital Going to the Countryside and the Relationship between Villages and Enterprises in Rural Revitalization: The Problem of Reciprocity and the Dilemma of Cooperation
    JIANG Guo-he, JIANG Xiao-ling
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 111-124.  
    Abstract306)            Save
    Capital going to the countryside is an important driving force to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and consolidate the basic position of agriculture. In reality, enterprises with capital going to the countryside also encounter various development problems and difficulties. Previous studies have discussed the social basis of capital going to the countryside and the adverse impact of insufficient interaction between foreign capital and local society on the operation and development of enterprises going to the countryside from the perspective of sociology, but its specific process, logic and mechanism have yet to be revealed. Taking the tea industry project of H Company in Z Village with foreign capital as an example, this study conducts an in-depth investigation of the interaction process between villages and enterprises, as well as the behavioral logic and mechanism behind it, so as to understand and explain why it is difficult for the enterprise with capital to the countryside to interact with the villages, why the cooperation between the villages and enterprises would fall into an impasse or dilemma, as well as whose impact on the sustainable development of enterprises. The findings show that there are fundamental differences in the action logic of building the relationship between the villages and enterprises. The foreign capital is mainly the instrumental rationality of the economic man, upholding the power logic and elite orientation; while the village has both the interest oriented instrumental rationality and the value rationality that hopes to build the village well. The two sides can still cooperate during the process of expanding the enterprise. However, when H Company is determined to become stronger and ignores the benefit and emotional sharing of the reciprocity with the village, the rationality of the enterprise capital and the reciprocal and moral needs of Z Village would have difficult differences, and the cooperation between the village and the enterprise would begin to fall into dilemma. In order to solve the dilemma of the village-enterprise relationship faced by the capital going to countryside, it is necessary to take corresponding measures, so as to give better play to the role and contribution of the capital going to the countryside in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and facilitating common prosperity.
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    The Nonlinear Dynamic Impact of Mass Entrepreneurship on Rural Multidimensional Poverty: Based on the Dynamic Threshold Regression Model
    PING Wei-ying, ZONG Xiao-yong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 75-87.  
    Abstract675)            Save
    Mass entrepreneurship is an important way to reduce rural poverty; at the same time it is also the measure taken by the government departments at different levels to encourage farmers to increase their income. By making use of China’s provincial panel data, this paper checks the impact of mass entrepreneurship on the multidimensional rural poverty (the poverty from income, education and medical treatment). The results show that mass entrepreneurship has a significant dynamic nonlinear effect on the rural multidimensional poverty of China’s provinces, of which the inclusive financial development level and the marketization?degree are at a lower level. The role of mass entrepreneurship in reducing multidimensional rural poverty is weaker, even some indicators are not significant. But once the threshold value is breached and reaches a higher stage, the reduction effect of mass entrepreneurship on rural income poverty and education poverty will be significantly enhanced. However, in the regions with higher marketization degree, mass entrepreneurship has “squeezed out” rural medical facilities by promoting the development of urban medical institutions, which exacerbates rural medical poverty.
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    How Farmland Ownership Affirmation and Informal Rules Affect Farmland Transfer Rents
    LI Xing-guang, HUO Xue-xi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 88-97.  
    Abstract739)            Save
    In the context of the imperfect systems of farmland property rights, farmland ownership affirmation and informal rules will determine the risk level of farmland property rights, and further affecting farmland transfer rents. Through establishing a theoretical model to display the impacts of farmland ownership affirmation, informal rules and their interactions on farmland transfer rents, this paper adopts the microscopic survey data of 762 apple growers from Shandong province and Shaanxi province to conduct an empirical examination. The results indicate that farmland ownership affirmation and third-party involvement could increase the rents of farmland transfer, but the closer reciprocal relationship of the farmland transacting parties could decrease farmland transfer rents, and farmland ownership affirmation could strengthen the inhibiting effect of the reciprocal relationship of transacting parties on farmland transfer rents. The punitive default clauses in farmland rental contracts could increase farmland transfer rents, but weaken the impact of informal rules on farmland transfer rents. The third-party involvement could have the function of default regulation in the formation process of farmland rental contracts and within the validity period of rental contracts.
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    Household Income, Income Gap among Farmers and Trust in the New Rural Insurance System
    YE Cheng-yan, ZHANG Xing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 98-112.  
    Abstract679)            Save
    Starting with the farmers’ income and the income gap among the farmers, this paper analyzes their impact on the trust in The New Rural Insurance System. The findings show that the relationship between farmers’ income and the income gap and the trust level in the New Rural Insurance System presents the characteristics of multi-layer nesting. The rural households with higher-incomes in both the economically developed and underdeveloped towns show a lower level of institutional trust, that the rural households with lower-incomes in economically underdeveloped towns show a higher level of institutional trust, and that using relevant income to measure farmers’ income and the income gap between farmers can better reflect the impact of income on the institutional trust, which is in line with the actual situation. The relationship between the subjective expectation of farmers at different income levels on the regional economic development and the level of trust in the old-age insurance system presents some differences; the higher-income farmers will subjectively reduce the level of trust in the current old-age insurance system, while the lower-income farmers show a high degree of trust. There exist some differences between farmers’ subjectively perceived income gap and the actual income gap, and the“egalitarian tendency”will expand this difference, resulting in a too high level of trust evaluation. The survey results show that the “egalitarian tendency” of farmers living in poor towns is more serious, and they have a higher level of trust in the old-age insurance system.
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    Marx and Engels's Thought of Urban-Rural Integration and the Road of Urban-Rural Integrated Development with Chinese Characteristics
    FAN Gen-ping
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (5): 84-95.  
    Abstract422)            Save
    Marx and Engels' thought of urban-rural integration is the result of Marx and Engels' use of historical materialism to criticize the alienation of capitalist urban-rural relations and to“sublate”the predecessor's urban-rural ideas. Its main content includes the logical necessity, essential connotation and realization conditions of urban-rural integration, which is ultimately committed to promoting people's free and all-round development. Over the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party has united and led the Chinese people to successfully embark on a road of urban-rural integrated development with Chinese characteristics. The road of urban-rural integrated development with Chinese characteristics has innovatively developed Marx and Engels' thoughts on urban-rural integration from the theoretical, value and practical levels, which can help to fundamentally solve the problem of the imbalance and insufficiency of urban-rural development, promote the high-quality development of urban and rural areas, and realize the common prosperity of all people.
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    A Study of Tourism Development Spatial Structure of Traditional Villages in Underdeveloped Area from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization: A Case Study of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture
    ZHU Xuan-bo, YU Xing-jie, ZHANG Jia-qi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (5): 96-105.  
    Abstract439)            Save
    Under the background of rural revitalization, traditional villages have the ideal resources for tourism development due to their agglomeration of historical buildings and profound traditional culture. However, the tourism development of traditional villages in the underdeveloped areas is seriously hindered by their inadequate infrastructure construction, poor accessibility, and difficult development of non-agricultural industries, etc. In view of this, to study the tourism spatial structure in terms of the geographical location and traffic accessibility of traditional villages is of great significance, for it can provide theoretic support for accelerating the process of rural revitalization of the traditional villages. From the perspective of topological connection, this paper adopts the model of spatial syntax to comment on the spatial relationship of the traditional villages in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture. It also puts forward a tourism development spatial division strategy suitable for that area. The results show that: firstly, the overall distribution of traditional villages in Xiangxi is uneven, with three cluster areas of high density in the southwest, the middle and the northwest regions; secondly, the global accessibility and local accessibility of the traditional villages in Xiangxi are relatively poor, while the perceptive accessibility is relatively higher, and the accessibility of traditional villages are influenced by local terrain and topography, water system, and road network level.
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    The Source of the Rapid Increase of China’s Staple Crops Production Cost: An Empirical Study Based on Decomposition of Factor Cost Contribution
    PAN Wen-xuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 100-113.  
    Abstract469)            Save
    Since the year of 2004, the production cost of China's staple crops has increased rapidly and the cost advantages of some staple grain producing provinces tend to be weakened or even turned into disadvantages, which brings a negative impact on grain production benefit, farmers' income growth and food security. Based on the method of decomposition of factor cost contribution, this paper empirically analyzes the source of the rapid increase of the production costs of classified China's staple crops at both national and provincial level. The results show that, in terms of the average cost of the staple crops at the national level, the labor cost is the factor cost with the highest contribution to the increase of total production costs, while the labor price, especially in the opportunity cost of family self-employment is the main driving force for the continuous increase of labor cost and the total costs of grain production. However, due to different input structures of various staple grains factor as well as different grain production modes and conditions in different regions, there exist inter-crops and inter-provincial differences in the structure of factor cost contribution. In terms of different crops and different major producing provinces, the primary and secondary causes of the rising costs of staple crops production are not the same.
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    The Evolution of Food Security Fiscal Policy since the Founding of New China and Its Contemporary Enlightenments
    MAO Jia, ZHU Shu-bin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 114-124.  
    Abstract436)            Save
    Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's food security fiscal policy has changed from single to diversified, from taking more and giving less to giving more and taking less, thus a relatively complete policy support system has been formed, which has made great contributions to ensuring national food security. On the basis of combing the development process of China's food security fiscal policy, this paper summarizes the internal logical laws of its evolution. However, China's current food security fiscal policy still has many shortcomings in terms of overall support, structural matching, incentive guidance, and implementation, etc., which is not able to fully adapt to the new changes in food supply and demand in the new development stage. In view of this, the current national food security fiscal policy needs to be further optimized in the following four aspects: improving the pertinence of policy guarantees, optimizing the structure of capital investment, improving the performance of fund use, and consolidating the regulatory responsibilities of various localities, so as to achieve independent and controllable food security in China.
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    China’s Rural Environmental Pollution Control Efficiency and Its Regional Differences:An Empirical Test Based on the Three-Stage Super-Efficiency SBM-DEA Model
    WEN Ting, LUO Liang-qing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 79-90.  
    Abstract379)            Save
    Rural environmental protection is an important content of the rural revitalization strategy, and one of the important weak links as well. Based on the panel data of 29 provinces and cities across the country, this paper constructs a three-stage super-efficiency SBM-DEA model to evaluate the efficiency of China’s rural environmental pollution control and compare its regional differences. The findings show that the random error factors and the external environmental conditions will significantly affect the efficiency of rural environmental governance. Excluding the effects of the two, the efficiency of rural environmental pollution governance in China has been effectively improved from 2008 to 2017, from an ineffective state to an effective state, and it keeps a continuous up-rising tendency, but it still needs to be further improved. In addition, through regional comparison, the governance efficiency in the central and western regions is higher than that in the eastern region, and that in the northeast region is the lowest. Of which, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has the highest governance efficiency, while Zhejiang Province has the lowest. In economically developed areas, governance efficiency may not be higher. The formation of regional differences stems from the combined effects of different geographical resource endowments, different economic development characteristics and different environmental protection policies in various regions of China.
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    The Practical Dilemma and Institutional Responses of the Practice of the Poverty-Alleviation Stocks
    ZHOU Chun-guang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 91-102.  
    Abstract328)            Save
    The poverty-relief stock is the institutional core of the operation of poverty-alleviation by return on assets, which integrates organically the connotation of capitalization with the form of equity. Relying on poverty-alleviation stocks, a number of regions around the country have achieved the dual goal of ensuring the benefit received by the poor households and promoting the orderly progress of the reform of the rural property rights system. However, quite a number of problems are revealed during the practice of poverty-alleviation stock. Based on the combing of judicial adjudication documents containing poverty-alleviation stocks, this paper clarifies the problems occurred during the operation of the poverty-alleviation stocks. Taking the theory of information asymmetry and the theory of public interest as the deconstruction tool, it regards the following considerations as the institutional response, i.e., strengthening the behavior constraints of the legal stakeholders of the poverty-alleviation stocks, optimizing the content of the rights and obligations of the legal stakeholders of the poverty-alleviation stocks, clarifying the entry and exit criteria of the poverty-alleviation stock platform, and perfecting the rights guarantee paths of the beneficiaries of the poverty-alleviation stocks, so as to achieve a connection of the adaptability and integration of the universality between the targeted poverty reduction strategy and the comprehensive poverty reduction strategy with the help of the poverty-reduction stocks.
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    With What Can Local Governments Stabilize Grain Production A Political Economical Analysis of Officials' Incentives
    GAN Lin-zhen, ZHONG Yu, PU Ming-zhe
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (1): 90-101.  
    Abstract51)            Save
    To ensure grain security, it is not only necessary to protect farmers' enthusiasm to grow grain, but also to stimulate local governments' enthusiasm to stabilize grain production. The significant achievements in grain production in China cannot be achieved without the implementation by local governments and key officials. Ensuring that the central and local governments share the same goals in grain governance through official incentives is an important aspect of policy implementation, but little research has focused on it. Based on the promotion tournament theory, this paper makes use of the panel data of 31 provinces from 2003 to 2019 to construct an official promotion model. Then it analyzes the paths to improve the motivation of local governments to stabilize grain production from the perspective of official incentives and examines whether grain production performance is one of the elements of official promotion. The findings show that grain production performance is conducive to official promotion in the grain-producing regions. In contrast, it is not significant for the promotion of officials in the grain production and marketing balance areas, the main marketing areas and the full samples. This conclusion is verified by the robustness test and the endogeneity test. It is confirmed that in the main grain-producing regions, a channel has been established for local officials to be promoted through stabilizing grain production, and the promotion tournament is an important mechanism to stabilize grain production. In the future, we should optimize the provincial governor responsibility system for grain security, improve the incentive accuracy and pertinence of officials in ensuring grain security, strengthen the use of local grain security assessment results, improve the incentive intensity of grain security officials, enhance the sense of responsibility for stabilizing grain production of the local Party and government officials, and implement the same responsibilities of the Party and government officials in grain security .
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    Do Agricultural Production Services Increase Grain Yield
    LU Hua, HU Hao, CHEN Su
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (1): 102-113.  
    Abstract71)            Save
    Based on the theories, this paper expounds the logic mechanism of the impact of agricultural production services on grain yield and quantitatively estimates the impact of agricultural production services at different links on the grain yield per unit area by using the micro-survey data and the econometric method. Then it empirically tests the influencing mechanism. The results reveal that, firstly, fertilization service and agricultural machinery service can significantly increase the grain yield per unit area, and that the fertilization service mainly with technological substitution has a greater effect on grain yield per unit area. Fertilization service and pesticide service have significant promotive effect on the grain yield per unit area of large-scale operation farmers. Secondly, the fertilization and pesticide services can significantly promote farmers to adopt pro-environment fertilization technology and pest control technology. Thirdly, agricultural machinery service, fertilization service and pesticide service have obvious substitution effect on agricultural labor input, and can significantly promote the farmers with large-scale business to transfer farmland into their operation, but no evidence is found to prove that the agricultural machinery service and the fertilization service have significant influence on the farmland transfer of small farmers. The above conclusions imply that, in the future, China should vigorously promote the development of agricultural production service organizations, strengthen the policy support for the fertilization and pesticide links with lower standardization degree and higher probability of moral hazard, reduce the cost of service operation, and give better play to its role in promoting grain yield and farmers' adoption of the pro-environment agricultural technologies.
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