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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 01
    Debates on the Internationalization of Creative Commons Agreements and Analysis of the Localized System Compatibility
    LIU Jun1,2, QI Ai-min1
    2016, 0(01):  403. 
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    Creating works on the Internet (online works) gives challenges to the traditional copyright model. Creative Commons Agreement is one of the responses to these challenges. Based on the copyright law and the contract law, CC Agreements have such positive features as easy access, active use of the works for the purpose of facilitating education and so on. However, CC Agreements are working within the traditional copyright model, while many concepts in the traditional copyright law are too simple, such as public domain, moral right, fair use, fair trade, etc.. Besides, the clauses are not so accurate, there is no clear boundary between commercial and non-commercial, which has brought a series of debates on the internationalization of CC Agreements. Against the above-mentioned debates, the CC Agreement organization is constantly revising and improving the versions of the Agreements, thus the legal force has been recognized by the juridical practice of many countries. And its localization process in China produces no contradiction in the system compatibility. Therefore, it can yet be regarded as a new solution for the knowledge innovation and dissemination in the digital era.
    Legal Regulation on Illegal Fund-Raising Behavior: Idea Review and Path Transformation
    LIU Zhi-wei
    2016, 0(01):  404. 
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    The reason why illegal fund-raising behaviors are widely spreading is due to the fact that the state does nothing else but blindly denies the legal status of private financing behavior with prohibitions, restrictions, striking and other order-type legal regulations on private fund-raising behaviors, especially insisting on relying on “criminal punishment”. However, there is absence of logic in the identification of illegal fund-raising behaviors; the “directness” and “indirectness” of such behaviors are usually confused; and it is difficult to distinguish effectively between “the purpose of use” and “the purpose of illegal possession” of fund-raising behaviors. It is suggested that private capital should be guaranteed to be introduced reasonably and orderly into the financial industry at the legal dimension. The simple and crude administrative banning should be replaced by the standardized administrative regulations, so as to form a regulation pattern of “paying attention to both persuasion and prevention” supplemented by “criminal punishment”. In view of the development trend of the securitization of illegal fund-raising, the standards to recognize illegal fund-raising behavior should be established with differentiation, so as to form an effective regulation on various types and kinds of illegal fund-raising tools or illegal fund-raising behaviors.
    Land Ownership, Tenancy, Market: An Analysis of Impetus to Be Rich in Traditional Rural Society——A Case Study of Xunwu County in Jiangxi Province during Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China
    WEN Rui, CHEN Tao
    2016, 0(01):  405. 
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    The existing researches on contemporary Chinese history and the history of the Chinese Communist Party usually defines the traditional rural society along the border between Jiangxi province and Fujian province (i.e. the former Central Soviet Area) during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China as land ownership being highly concentrated in a small number of landlords and rich farmers; very high rent ratio; land tenancy system being the most cruel feudal exploitation, which seriously hindered the normal development of the rural economy and society. However, when studying The Xunwu Survey written by Mao Zedong and other related historical materials about the area along the border of Jiangxi and Fujian, it can be found that the characteristics of the rural area of Xunwu county, which was regarded as the most typical region of that area at that time by Mao Zedong, are as follows: land ownership was not highly concentrated but in dynamic circulation; rent rate was significantly lower than the rate being generally recognized and was a win-win solution for both parties; land tenancy system was at that time the choosing-best mechanism for allocation of farm production factors; what was generally presented was the combination of the land ownership, the tenancy system and the market, as well as the impetus to be rich for the development of the traditional rural economy and society, which was a driving force for the continuous advancement of the rural economy and society and the quiet transformation into the modern economy and society.
    Farm, Farm System and the Development of China’s Family Farm
    YU Zhan-ping, CHEN Hong-yi
    2016, 0(01):  406. 
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    Based on analyzing the natural properties such as visual scenes and origins of the farms in the western countries, a farm can be defined as a geographic unit and a production and management way in a certain area which is devoted primarily to agricultural processes and necessary life activities in order to produce and manage agricultural commodities in the relatively closed, independent and stable way. A family farm is an agricultural production and management subject, in which family members will share farm production and management rights, risks and responsibilities, and the debt will be paid off with household common property. The farm system is a system specification made by different countries at different stages, reflecting its social attributes. Because of special history, national conditions and system, to develop family farms in China is different from that in European and American countries which are founded on the private land ownership; therefore, it will be confronted with such special problems as poor stability and higher risks in operation, weak foundation for sustainable development, and large negative effects of executive-led management and so on. To promote the sustainable and healthy development of the family farms in China, it is necessary to follow the rational mentality of “appreciate but not exaggerate, support but not arrange everything”, to formulate and implement high standard institutional norms, to make the pilot reform of agricultural legal entity registration system, and to formulate and implement appropriate and effective supporting policies.
    An Empirical Analysis of Farmer Workers’ Will of Citizenization and the Influencing Factors: Based on the Survey Data of 3375 Farmer Workers in 32 Provinces, Municipalities and Autonomous Regions
    MEI Jian-ming, YUAN Yu-jie
    2016, 0(01):  407. 
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    Based on the survey data of 3375 farmer workers in 32 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, this paper examines the group characteristics of the three groups, i.e. the new generation of farmer workers, the farmer workers with strong desire to be citizens, and the intermediate group holding indifferent or knowing-nothing attitudes. By establishing the Logistic regression model, it conducts an empirical analysis of the different factors influencing their will of citizenization. The results show that among the various factors, such factors as the individual characteristics of farmer workers, the income and consumption levels, social living conditions, etc. have varying degrees of influence on the worker’ will. Based on this it puts forward the following policy recommendations: paying close attention to the generational differences of the farmer workers’ will of citizenization, especially focusing on the social insurance and other interest demands of the new generation of farmer workers; promoting the urban-rural coordinated development and eliminating the institutional obstacles, so as to form the systems and mechanisms favoring the mutual promotion and mutual development between urban and rural areas; increasing the financial investment in education at high school level or above in rural areas, and effectively improving the work skills and experience reserves of farmer workers; and improving the urban public employment service system, to guide and encourage farmer workers to start their own businesses, and to improve employment by creating their own business.
    China’s Farmland Transfer System: Evolution, Existing Problems and New Ideas of Reform
    GUO Xi-bao, SU Gui-rong
    2016, 0(01):  408. 
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    Farm land transfer is the core of the reform of land system. Since the reform and opening up, China’s farmland transfer system has gone through two stages: the first stage is from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, which is characterized by the changes from not allowing to transfer into allowing to transfer, from free transfer into paid transfer, and from single form transfer into multiple forms transfer; the second stage is from the 1990s up till now, which is characterized by the changes from allowing to transfer into encouraging to transfer and from private transfer into transfer in the market. China’s farmland transfer mainly refers to the transfer of the contracted management right of farmland, so the transfer of the contract right is strictly limited. With the transfer of rural labor force coming to the end and citizenization of farmer workers arriving, the transfer of farmland contract right is ready to go ahead. This paper puts forward the idea of the dynamic village members, which should be regarded as an effective way to solve the problems of the transfer of contract right on the basis of insisting on the collective ownership and the family contract system.
    Measurement of the Replacement Rate under China’s New Civil Servant Pension System
    CAO Yuan, YANG Zai-gui
    2016, 0(01):  409. 
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    According to the latest policy of China’s civil servant pension system, this paper examines the influences of different entry ages, salary levels, retirement ages, and occupational annuity contribution rates on the pension replacement rate with the actuarial method. The results of the study show that after the implementation of the new policy, the pension replacement rate has increased instead of decreased if the occupational annuity is considered, which has further widened the gap of pension replacement rate between the public sector employees and enterprise employees, and has aggravated the social unfairness. Meanwhile, China’s basic pension system takes too much responsibility for the aged. It is necessary to extend the retirement age appropriately and decrease the contribution rate of occupational annuity in a short term, so as to guarantee the fairness of the social pension system. In a long term it is better decrease the basic pension replacement rate gradually, develop the occupational annuity vigorously, and improve the pension structure.
    Stock Liquidity, Business Investment and Capital Allocation Efficiency: Empirical Evidences from Chinese Listed Companies
    XIONG Jia-cai1, YE Ying-mei2
    2016, 0(01):  410. 
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    From the perspective of market microstructure theory, this paper investigates the relationship between stock liquidity, business investment and capital allocation efficiency of China’s listed companies. The findings show that stock liquidity is conductive to the increase of business investment. Further study finds that compared to the enterprises with lower degree of financing constraints, mature state or fewer operation risks, the function of stock liquidity helping to increase business investment is more significant in the enterprises with higher degree of financing constraints, growing state or higher operation risks. In addition, to explore the economic results of liquidity from the perspective of capital allocation efficiency, it is found that liquidity can help to restrain the overinvestment behaviors and alleviate underinvestment behaviors of the listed companies, thus improving the capital allocation efficiency. The results of this study indicate that only by further optimizing the ownership structure and corporate governance, standardizing the information disclosure system and strengthening the fighting against inside trading, can the stock liquidity be enhanced and the capital allocation efficiency be optimized.
    Research on IT Internal Control: Based on the Analysis of COBIT 5
    LIN Bin1, CAO Jian1, SHU Wei12
    2016, 0(01):  411. 
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    With the boost of the national strategy of “Internet Plus”, information technology has become one of the key strategic elements of modern business. How to create values from information technology and control its risks has become the most fundamental needs of enterprises. As the most advanced IT internal control framework recognized worldwide, COBIT is widely used by businesses around the world. However, there are not many domestic researches on COBIT 5 at present. By introducing and analyzing COBIT 5 in depth, it is expected to provide some enlightenment and references to the development and improvement of IT internal control in China. What’s more, it can provide the theory basis and policy recommendations for the establishment of the best paradigm of IT internal control system that suits China’s national situation.
    A Comparison between the Price Mechanisms of Renewable Energy and Policy Choice
    XIAO Wen-hai1, YE Jian2
    2016, 0(01):  412. 
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    The key to the promotion of renewable energy substituting for fossil energy lies in the price mechanism. The price mechanism for renewable energy can adopt such three ways as renewable energy subsidies, fossil energy tax, and the combination of energy tax and renewable energy subsidies. Through comparison between and analysis of the substitution effect and income effect of different renewable energy price mechanisms, considering the practical problems encountered during the implementing of China’s renewable energy subsidies policy and the national conditions of energy-saving and emission reduction, it is suggested to balance the tax with the subsidy, to turn the present subsidy-oriented supporting policy into the policy of “attaching equal importance to taxes and subsidies”, and further into the tax-oriented policy around 2030, so as to establish a long-acting mechanism for the development of renewable energy.
    An Analysis of Farmers’ Willingness to Accept Ecological Compensation in Poyang Lake Wetland and Its Influencing Factors: Based on the Empirical Study of CVM and Ordinal Logistic Model
    XIONG Kai1, KONG Fan-bin2, CHEN Sheng-dong2
    2016, 0(01):  413. 
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    Based on the household-level survey data, this paper adopts the contingent valuation method (CVM) and the Ordinal Logistic model to study the farmers’ willingness to accept ecological compensation in Poyang Lake Wetland and its influencing factors. The results show that the farmer household willing to accept ecological compensation in the region takes up 89.49% of the total farmer household surveyed, with an average price of 5531.08 yuan per household per year. Such factors as years of education, number of family members, main source of income, residential location, attention paid to the improvement of wetland environment, arable land area, and contracted water area are significantly correlated with farmers’ willingness to accept compensation.
    Regional Disparity of the Quality of China’s Economic Growth: Based on the Test of the Semi-Parametric Model for Heterogeneity over Time and across Individuals
    CHAO Xiao-jing1, REN Bao-ping1, XU Lu2
    2016, 0(01):  414. 
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    Since such characteristics as high-middle speed, optimal structure, new power etc., have become the new normality in the development of China’s economic reform, to improve the quantity of economic growth has become an important problem to be solved urgently during the economic development. This paper adopts the method of principal component analysis to measure the index value of economic growth quality of China’s 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) from 1998 to 2012. And it employs the semi-parametric model for heterogeneity over time and across individuals to check the regional disparities of the quality of economic growth. The result shows that there is a tendency of convergence of China’s economic growth quality from 1998 to 2012; the horizontal convergence hypothesis for the regional quality disparities in economic growth is rejected, and the growth rate converges with the time. The result of the regional re-checking shows that the quality disparity of economic growth of the two groups of the central region and the western region presents a tendency of conditional convergence, while that of the eastern region presents a tendency of divergency. It is also found through further check with the clustering method that the level of economic growth quality of all the 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) has a convergence club.
    Three Considerations of the Historical Background of the Formation of Xi Jinping’s Thought of Enforcing Strict Party Discipline
    ZHOU Jin-tang1, LIAO Jin-qiu2, SHU Qian-yi2
    2016, 0(01):  415. 
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    The general historical background of the formation of Xi Jinping’s thought of enforcing strict party discipline can be seen from the three basic aspects of the world situation, the country situation and the party situation along with the changes of the new period. Firstly, the international financial crisis and the debt crisis are on the way of development in depth, the international economic and political competition is being intensified; in response to the external environmental challenges, it is necessary to safeguard reform, develop and stabilize the situation, and enhance the party’s ruling ability required by the reality. Secondly, China is in a critical period of comprehensive deepening reform and building a well-off society, it is faced with four challengers of consolidation of governance, reform and opening up, the market economy and the external environment. Thirdly, the construction of the party at the present stage is faced with such four dangers as loafing spirit, insufficient capability, being isolated from the masses, and negativity and corruption, and it is also under the influence of the four unhealthy customs, such as formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. In short, the completion of a comprehensive well-off society and the realization of the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the general background on which Xi Jinping’s thought of enforcing strict Party discipline is generated.