Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (01): 403-.


Debates on the Internationalization of Creative Commons Agreements and Analysis of the Localized System Compatibility

LIU Jun1,2, QI Ai-min1   

  1. (1. Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045; 2. East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou 344000, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: Creating works on the Internet (online works) gives challenges to the traditional copyright model. Creative Commons Agreement is one of the responses to these challenges. Based on the copyright law and the contract law, CC Agreements have such positive features as easy access, active use of the works for the purpose of facilitating education and so on. However, CC Agreements are working within the traditional copyright model, while many concepts in the traditional copyright law are too simple, such as public domain, moral right, fair use, fair trade, etc.. Besides, the clauses are not so accurate, there is no clear boundary between commercial and non-commercial, which has brought a series of debates on the internationalization of CC Agreements. Against the above-mentioned debates, the CC Agreement organization is constantly revising and improving the versions of the Agreements, thus the legal force has been recognized by the juridical practice of many countries. And its localization process in China produces no contradiction in the system compatibility. Therefore, it can yet be regarded as a new solution for the knowledge innovation and dissemination in the digital era.

Key words: knowledge sharing; CC agreements; copyright; copyright law