Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (01): 415-.

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Three Considerations of the Historical Background of the Formation of Xi Jinping’s Thought of Enforcing Strict Party Discipline

ZHOU Jin-tang1, LIAO Jin-qiu2, SHU Qian-yi2   

  1. (1. Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education, Nanchang 330038; 2. Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: The general historical background of the formation of Xi Jinping’s thought of enforcing strict party discipline can be seen from the three basic aspects of the world situation, the country situation and the party situation along with the changes of the new period. Firstly, the international financial crisis and the debt crisis are on the way of development in depth, the international economic and political competition is being intensified; in response to the external environmental challenges, it is necessary to safeguard reform, develop and stabilize the situation, and enhance the party’s ruling ability required by the reality. Secondly, China is in a critical period of comprehensive deepening reform and building a well-off society, it is faced with four challengers of consolidation of governance, reform and opening up, the market economy and the external environment. Thirdly, the construction of the party at the present stage is faced with such four dangers as loafing spirit, insufficient capability, being isolated from the masses, and negativity and corruption, and it is also under the influence of the four unhealthy customs, such as formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. In short, the completion of a comprehensive well-off society and the realization of the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the general background on which Xi Jinping’s thought of enforcing strict Party discipline is generated.

Key words: Xi Jinping; enforcing strict Party discipline; historical background