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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 03
    On the Conflicts and Resets of the Litigation Rights in Civil Environmental Public Interests Litigations in China
    DENG Hui, ZHANG Man-yang
    2018, 0(03):  209. 
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    China’s environmental civil public interest litigation system has allocated the sue right and formed a basic pattern, by which the two main subjects of the environmental protection social organizations and the people’s procuratorates at all levels have the right to initiate environmental civil public interest litigations. However, this allocation has two problems: firstly, the administrative law enforcement is not regarded as a pre-procedure for prosecution, leading to the arrogation of judicial power over the executive power; secondly, a sequence arrangement of prosecution right is set for the environmental protection social organizations and the people’s procuratorates, leading to the lagging behind of the time period of the environment civil public interests litigations. In order to solve these problems, we should reset the rights to prosecute in China’s environmental civil public interest litigations. On the one hand, we should reconstruct the relationship between judicial power and executive power, and introduce the prepositive procedures for administrative law enforcement appropriately; on the other hand, we should cancel the sequence arrangement of prosecution right for the environmental protection social organizations and the people’s procuratorates, so that both of them can file lawsuits independently.
    The Revolutionary Heroism in Xi Jinping’s Thought of Strengthening the Army in the New Era
    ZOU Xiao-hua
    2018, 0(03):  210. 
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    Xi Jinping’s thought of strengthening the army in the new era is infiltrated with the spirit of revolutionary heroism. At the same time, it also highlights the revolutionary heroism of the Supreme Commander of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, namely, the heroic spirit and boldness of daring to fight and daring to win; the temperament of the commander in chief in being good at planning, having the courage to make decisions, and grasping the modern warfare and military laws; the leader’s demeanor of going deep into the troops, caring for the soldiers, and winning the heartfelt support of the officers and soldiers; and the revolutionary heroic responsibility of “no trouble and no fear”. Today we should inherit the spirit of revolutionary heroism, learn from and implement Xi Jinping’s thought of strengthening the army in the new era, which is of great practical significance to maintain the purpose of the People’s Army and achieve the goal of making powerful armed forces. That is also an important link in improving the national spirit.
    The Legal Regulations on Farmers’ Voluntarily Quitting of Rural Land Rights in the Context of Population Urbanization
    2018, 0(03):  211. 
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    As a supporting measures of population urbanization, farmers voluntarily quitting of their rural land rights has discrepancies with the existing legal system in terms of scope of application, voluntariness and compensation standards. This reveals the lack of ability of the existing real right system to respond and adjust the dual differentiation tendency of the rural land right system towards the identity type and market type, which is driven by the development of rural market economy. It also reflects the dilemma of balancing the interests between the farmers who have changed their identities and the non-agricultural subjects encountered by local governments in the process of promoting population urbanization. Through the reform of separation of the three rights of rural land with the help of reorganizing rural collective organizations into special legal persons, the operational right can be prompted to separate from the traditional right to contracted management, and the transform of the residual contracting right into the legal person member right can be realized, then a new benefit distribution scheme can be formed, in which the farmers who have changed their identities can quit their operational rights with certain compensation and at the same time they can conditionally keep their legal person member rights. This can serve as a way out for farmers to voluntarily quit their rural land rights in the context of population urbanization.
    An Analysis of Waste Cyclic Utilization in Livestock Breeding Based on the Grounded Theory: Farmers’ Behavior and Policy Intervention Paths
    PAN Dan1, KONG Fan-bin2
    2018, 0(03):  212. 
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    The cyclic utilization of the waste in livestock breeding is not only an important task of China to carry out the rural vitalization strategy in the new era but also the inevitable choice for the sustainable development of China’s livestock breeding industry. This paper tries to explore the farmers’ behavior and policy intervention paths in the cyclic utilization of waste in livestock breeding with the grounded theory. The results show that the three major categories, i.e., the sense of cyclic utilization, the cost and benefit of cyclic utilization and social reference criterion, are the major factors affecting farmers’ behavior in the cyclic utilization of livestock waste. However, the ways and paths of their impacts on the farmers’ behaviors are different. The sense of cyclic utilization is the internal cause and the inducing factor affecting the farmers’ behavior in the cyclic utilization of livestock waste; the cost and benefit of cyclic utilization is the internal situational factor affecting the farmers’ behavior; while the social reference criterion would affect farmers’ livestock waste recycling behavior by influencing the sense of cyclic utilization, as well as the cost and benefit of cyclic utilization. The two major categories, i.e., knowledge communication and institutional technology, are the policy intervention paths of livestock waste recycling, and these two intervention policies are mutual complementing and interacting. To affect the sense of cyclic utilization and the social reference through knowledge communications and to affect the cost and benefit of cyclic utilization through institutional technology are the major policy intervention paths for the livestock waste recycling.
    A Study of the Factors Influencing the Cultivation of New Professional Farmers and the Accurate Cultivation: Based on the Survey Data of 63 Towns, 21 Counties and 7 Provinces
    XU Hui1,
    2018, 0(03):  213. 
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    There are various influencing factors in the cultivation of new-type professional farmers, and the key to forging a troop of high-quality modern agricultural production operators lies in the targeted accurate cultivation of the new-type professional farmers. With the first-hand survey data of 1512 farmers from 63 towns 21 counties (cities or districts) and 7 provinces in China, this paper adopts the Logit binary regression model to conduct an empirical analysis of the effects of 30 indicators in five categories on the cultivation of new-type professional farmers. The findings show that 18 factors such as “Whether farmers often study agricultural technology and management knowledge on their own” have significant influence on the cultivation of new professional farmers under the new normal. Therefore, we should, on the basis of giving full respect to the professional wishes of the farmers, give priority to the selection of the persons with higher level of education, especially graduates from agricultural colleges, provide them with development platform and with supporting policies, so as to ultimately cultivate high-quality new-type professional farmers. In addition, we should allow them to gain higher career benefits in order to let them take root in rural development.
    Impacts of Endowment Insurance on Migrant Workers’ Urban Consumption: An Analysis Based on Consumption Level and Consumption Structure
    ZHAO Tong
    2018, 0(03):  214. 
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    Migrant workers’ urban consumption is not only the driving force of the economic development of the inflow areas, but also an important indicator of its urbanization. By making use of the OLS model and the method of propensity values matching analysis, this article empirically tests the effects of the basic endowment insurance system for enterprise employees on the urban consumption of migrant workers. The results show that to participate in the employee endowment insurance can promote the consumer spending of the migrant workers, but there is a certain weakening on the role of their consumption levels. The endowment insurance can reduce the risk of future uncertainty, thereby increase consumer spending, but its role is mainly reflected at the side of the basic consumer spending, so that the Engel consumption coefficient of the migrant workers will increase along with the increase of their consumer spending. The government should expand the coverage of migrant workers’ endowment insurance and lower the threshold to receive pension benefits, so as to give better play to the role of the endowment insurance in promoting migrant workers’ urban consumption.
    Ageing, Population Mobility and the Sustainability of Pension Insurance Fund
    LIU Wei1, LIU Chang-ping2
    2018, 0(03):  215. 
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    Based on the predicted data of Chinese population from 2016 to 2100 from the United Nations, this paper takes such factors as ageing, urbanization and population mobility to measure the scale and the age structure of China’s urban and rural population and the characteristics of the population who have ensured in the Urban Basic Endowment Insurance Scheme and the Urban and Rural Residents Social Endowment Insurance Scheme. On the basis of this, it constructs an actuarial model for the sustainability of pension insurance funds. The results show that even though the pension insurance system is under the multi-parameter synchronization adjustment and reform, the Urban Basic Endowment Insurance Scheme will still bear a debt of RMB 21.91 trillion during the observation period, while the Urban and Rural Residents Social Endowment Insurance Scheme will accumulate a balance of RMB 5.62 trillion with the massive fiscal subsidy. Therefore, the enlightenment includes that it is in urgent need to study and carry out the marginal reforms of the pension insurance systems and give full play to the comprehensive effects of the multi-parameter synchronization adjustment. Besides, we should seek various fund sources beyond the system, narrow the gap between employees and residents through increasing the personal payment of the urban and rural residents, and increase the coverage of the rural migrant workers in the Urban Basic Endowment Insurance Scheme, so as to improve the institutional equity.
    A Study of the Systematic Coupling of Jiangxi Tourism Industry Development in the Context of the New Era
    HU Ya-guang, WU Zhi-jun, ZENG Bing
    2018, 0(03):  216. 
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    The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that we should focus on constructing an economic system with effective market mechanisms, vibrant micro-subjects, and moderate macroeconomic control, so as to continuously enhance China’s capability of economic innovation and competitiveness. When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Jiangxi province, he gave the instruction that he hopes Jiangxi province could actively adapt to the new normal of economic development, so as to gain its driving force from the reform and opening up, obtain its vigor from innovation and entrepreneurship, and win its competitiveness from its features and advantages. However, for the moment, we are faced with the following problems. What is the overall level of competitiveness of the tourism industry in different regions and cities in Jiangxi Province? Is there any inadequate or uncoordinated phenomenon existing in the process of development of Jiangxi tourism industry? Which factors have constituted the obstacles to the development of the modern tourism industry system? In addition, the tourism industry is a complex industry that integrates the characteristics of relevance, systematicness and coordination; so how to optimize the coupling collaborative relationships among the comprehensive competitiveness systems of the tourism industry and seek the maximized promotion of the comprehensive tourism competitiveness under the current level? To solve the above problems is precisely the urgent need at present in order to further promote the leading role of the tourism economy and accelerate the transformation of industrial modernization.
    Does Business Environment Affect Corporate R&D Input? An Empirical Analysis Based on World Bank Survey Data
    HE Ling-yun1, TAO Dong-jie2
    2018, 0(03):  217. 
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    By making use of the survey data concerning the business environment in 2012 from World Bank, this paper studies the impact of business environment on corporate R&D input from the three dimensions, i.e., the level of government integrity, the efficiency of government services and the market environment. The empirical results show that the higher the degree of government integrity, the higher the efficiency of government services and the better the market environment in which the enterprises operate, the higher the intensity of corporate R&D investment will be. Further researches show?that the business environment has less impact on the R&D input intensity of firms with stronger political connections. According to the above results, we should speed up the construction of service-oriented government.
    Brand Fit, Value Creation of Consumer Brands and Brand Value: An Analysis Based on Corporate WeChat Public Account
    GUO Ai-yun1,2, DU De-bin1
    2018, 0(03):  218. 
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    Currently, WeChat public account has become a new platform for corporate brand management. This paper theoretically analyzes the relationship between consumer brand fit and brand value in the enterprises’ WeChat public accounts. According to the survey data of the users of the WeChat public account of the brand “Three Squirrels”, this paper conducts an empirical test. The findings show that the experience value that consumers obtained from the public account can promote the formation of brand fit, and has a positive impact on the value creation of consumer brand and the improvement of brand value. The value creation of consumer brand can play an intermediary role between brand fit and brand value, and the sense of community support can play a positive regulatory role. Enterprises should pay attention to the positive impact of the public accounts on the brand value, increase consumer brand fit, enhance the sense of community support of consumers, and strengthen the positive effect of brand fit on the value creation of consumer brands.
    Forefront Dynamic Tracking of Unconventional Monetary Policy Researches in China: Based on a Bibliometric Analysis
    LU Chang-ping, ZHANG Kai
    2018, 0(03):  219. 
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    By making use of the software CiteSpace of bibliographic measurement and with the methods of co-word clustering and time zone transition, this paper conducts a bibliometric analysis and draws the knowledge map of 484 CSSCI papers in the past 10 years after 2006. It tries to analyze the current situation, hot points and new research directions of the unconventional monetary policy researches in China, so as to explore the trend and characteristics of the development of the unconventional monetary policy researches in China. The results indicate that the researches related to the subject of the unconventional monetary policy in China have been increasing sharply since 2008, and it has become a hot topic in the academic circle. The clustering of hot words are concentrated in the nine categories, such as “the international monetary system”, “Abe economics”, “inflation”, “depreciation of US dollar”, “unconventional monetary policy” and “the debt crisis”, covering most areas of domestic researches on unconventional monetary policy. The issues such as “quantitative easing”, “spillover effect” and “credit easing” have received more attention. While such terms as “financial crisis”, “RMB appreciation” and “exchange rate pass-through” are the relatively new research directions.
    A Time-Varying Decomposition Analysis of Carbon Emission Factors in China: Based on Production-Theoretical Decomposition Analysis Model
    ZHANG Na-jun, CHENG Yu-tai, XIAO Hong-ye
    2018, 0(03):  220. 
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    On the basis of a deeper interpretation of the theoretical and technical framework of carbon emission PDA model, this paper carries out a study of the carbon emission factors decomposition with the related data of 30 provinces in China during the period from 2005 to 2015. The empirical results show that the leading factors to realize carbon emission reduction are the potential energy consumption intensity, the efficiency of carbon emission technology and the output technical progress, while the potential carbon emission intensity, the potential output level and the carbon emission reduction technology would produce significant impact on the intensifying level of carbon emission. In the long run, the improvement of carbon emission reduction technology efficiency and the advancement of production technology are the key factors for achieving sustainable carbon emission reduction.
    Structural Layout, Specialized Advantages and Economic Growth of Technical Innovation: An Empirical Analysis Based on Dynamic Panel Model
    DING Huan-feng, QIU Meng-yuan
    2018, 0(03):  221. 
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    In the mechanism of economic growth driven by technological innovation, in addition to the total scale of innovation, the internal structure of innovation may also affect economic growth. By making use of the patent data and economic data of China’s 30 regions between 2001 and 2016, this paper applies GMM to investigate the effects of technological specialization on the economic growth of regions with different innovation ability from the aspects of concentration degree and difference degree of the technological structures. Then it goes further to analyze the relationship between the degree of specialization and the economic growth in different regions in a special field of technology. The findings show that technological specialization is to the disadvantage of the economic growth of the regions with higher innovation capability, but it is helpful to the economic growth of regions with lower and medium innovation capability. As for different regions, there are different U-shaped relationships between the degree of specialization and economic growth in specific technical fields. Thus the regions with lower innovation capability should not follow the regions with higher capability when choosing the key fields to develop innovation, instead, they should choose diversified development paths according to their industrial advantages respectively.
    On Xi Jinping’s Strategic Thought of Comprehensively Strengthening the Party Discipline in the New Era
    YANG Zheng-jun, DING Xiao-qiang
    2018, 0(03):  223. 
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    To strengthen the Party discipline unswervingly in an all-round manner and to improve the Party’s governing capability and leadership continuously is an important assertion put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the report of the Party’s Nineteenth Congress. Since the Party’s 18th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new ideas for strengthening the Party discipline in a comprehensive manner with a focus on the major realistic problems in the Party’s construction under the new situation. These new ideas are produced on the basis of the inheritance and enrichment of the Chinese traditional culture of an honesty and clean government, the drawing of the lessons from the Marxist party building ideology, and the inheritance and development of the Marxist party building ideology with Chinese characteristics. Its intrinsic logic has four levels of content: the goal orientation, i.e., to forge a strong core leadership in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics; the core issue, i.e., to maintain the flesh-and-blood relationship between the Party and the masses of the people; the important measure, i.e., to promote the construction of the Party conduct and of a clean and honest government and the struggle against corruption; and the basic strategy, i.e., to adhere to the close integration of building the Party ideologically and governing the Party institutionally.