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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 06
    A Study of the Examination Benchmark for the Legitimacy of China’s Local Legislation Process
    ZHOU Yu-jun
    2018, 0(06):  167. 
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    The procedural review of Western tradition is mostly related to substantive due process. In China, the procedural legality review of local regulations does not have the substantive meaning of a substantive due process, but is embodied in a purely legislative procedure. At present, the study of China’s local regulations review lacks a discussion directly on the issue of procedural review benchmarks. Articles 96 and 77 of the Legislation Law establish a dual level of the benchmark for the review of the legality of Chinese procedures—the norms of local legislative procedures and the legality frame of legislative procedures. The legality framework of the legislative procedure specifically includes the permission requirements for the procedural legislative power and the basic legislative procedures, such as the formal requirements of the proposal, the review system, the deliberation of special committees, the unified review, and the separate voting. The benchmarks for review not only exist in the legal norms, but also should receive attention and be followed in the practice of local legislation. The results of its standardization and systemization need to be further tested in practice.
    Reinterpretation of Chinese Traditional Musical Aesthetic Thoughts: An Interpretation of Li Zhi’s Musical Aesthetic Thought
    WANG Huan
    2018, 0(06):  168. 
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    Li Zhi’s musical aesthetic thought has the spirit of anti-feudalism and anti-feudal rites. Compared with the ancient Chinese traditional musical aesthetic thoughts of Confucianism and Taoism, Li Zhi’s thought has certain progressive and democratic spirit. His musical aesthetic thought is not only a criticism and absorption of Confucian ritual and music thought, but also a transformation and integration of Taoist natural music theory. A comparative study of Li Zhi’s musical aesthetic thought with the Confucian and Taoist musical aesthetic thoughts can enable us to reinterpret and understand the evolution of Chinese traditional musical aesthetic thoughts from “beginning with affection, and ending with‘Li’”and“inactivity and gentleness”into“beginning with affection and character, out of nature”and“people-oriented and heart-oriented”by reformation and fusion, which can provide valuable information and a brand new perspective to study the contemporary Chinese music aesthetics.
    The Strategy, Performance and Enlightenment of the Cooperative Economyin the Central Soviet Area
    XIAO Wen-yan
    2018, 0(06):  169. 
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    The cooperative economy in the Central Soviet Area has obvious characteristics of the shareholding economy and is the earliest attempt of the Communist Party of China to create a collective economy. The Communist Party of China provided a series of strategies for the cooperative economy in the Central Soviet Area: to introduce resolutions and instructions, so as to provide institutional guarantee for the cooperative economy; to strengthen propaganda and organization work, so as to provide public opinion basis and organizational conditions for the cooperative economy; to set up models, so as to establish a demonstration effect for the cooperative economy; to guide correctly and correct errors timely, establish a reasonable guiding mechanism for the cooperative economy, so as to effectively guide the cooperative economy to embark on a healthy and rapid development path. The performance of the cooperative economy in the Central Soviet Area is obvious and excellent, which could promote the development of agricultural and handicraft production and meet the needs of the people’s production and life. Through regulating the markets and cracking down on speculative traders, the supply of daily necessities could be guaranteed. The connection between the Party and the people is an effective form to organize the masses, mobilize the masses, and educate the masses. The economic construction of the cooperatives in the Central Soviet Area has created a successful precedent of the economic construction led by the Party, which provides an important historical reference to today’s economic construction, especially the cooperative economy in rural revitalization.
    Rural Anti-Poverty Practice from the Perspective of Developmental Social Work: A Case Study of Women’s Mutual Savings Fund in Y Village of W County
    JIANG Guo-he, PING Wei-ying, SUN Ping
    2018, 0(06):  170. 
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    Through the case investigation of the women’s mutual savings fund project in Y Village of W County, Jiangxi Province, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the effect of anti-poverty practice in the developmental social work. The findings show that the developmental social work does play a unique role in the anti-poverty practice of Y Village of W County, and this role of poverty alleviation is not short-term, but sustainable. The experience of Y Village shows that, in order to achieve sustainable development, the poverty alleviation projects should be guided by self-development and self-enabling, pay attention to the cultivation and empowerment of farmers’ cooperative organizations and cooperative economic projects, and form an endogenous driving force for development. In addition, for the anti-poverty social work faced with various resource constraints, it is vital to strengthen the development of localized social worker teams, innovate the project operation modes, focus on projects, localization and participatory development, and reduce the costs of project operation and services. Besides, some deficiencies in the existing practice have been found, such as the neglection of the positioning of social work in the rural poverty alleviation and development system, the imperfection of governance mechanism in the community cooperative economy, and the shortage of providing direct services to the poverty households, etc., which are to be improved.
    An Exploration of Multidimensional Poverty Indicators and Weights: An Analysis Based on CFPS Data
    LI Feng, LUO Liang-qing, PAN Lu-lu
    2018, 0(06):  171. 
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    How to accurately identify poor households and poverty alleviation households is a problem often encountered in poverty alleviation work. Appropriate deprivation indicators and reasonable weight setting can help reduce the blurring zone. Through the analysis of CFPS data in 2014, this paper firstly sorts out the indicators related to poverty one by one, then it conducts an analysis of the initially selected indicators with the project response theory, so as to determine the nine indicators which are appropriate in difficulty and clear in direction. Based on the difficulty of the indicator, the corresponding weights are set, and the contribution rate of each indicator is compared with the equal weight method, so as to sift the proportion of the needy families. It is found that the difficulty weight method can reduce the failures in reporting the poor families.
    The Economic Effect of Personal Tax-Deferred Commercial Pension Insurance:A Study Based on General Equilibrium Model
    SHI Chen-xi
    2018, 0(06):  172. 
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    The economic effects of individual tax-deferred commercial pension insurance will affect the further improvement of the individual tax deferred commercial pension insurance system and the individual insurance participation decision-making choices. This paper establishes a generational overlapping model of general equilibrium to analyze the economic effects of individual tax-deferred commercial pension insurance from the perspectives of capital output, factor prices, and individual welfare. The research results show that the establishment of a tax-deferred commercial pension insurance system is conducive to the improvement of the capital-labor ratio, the output-to-labor ratio, the wage level, the two-period consumption, and the lifetime utility level, and is helpful to reducing the interest rate level. However, there exist group differences in the improvement of individual utility level. The individual tax-deferred commercial pension insurance has improved the level of utility of those who have already participated in the basic pension insurance and enterprise annuity insurance to a greater extent than the level of improvement of those who have only participated in the basic pension insurance. If individuals reduce the payment of basic pension insurance to purchase commercial pension insurance, although they can increase their consumption during the work period, they will reduce the consumption during their retirement and the level of lifetime utility, thus it is not a rational decision.
    Does Social Security Investment of Enterprises Increase their TFP? New Evidences from China
    DENG Yue, WANG Ze-yu, NING Lu
    2018, 0(06):  173. 
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    Through an analysis of the data from the China Enterprise-Labor Matching Survey Data (CEES), this paper measures the influencing factors of social security investment on the Total Factor Productivity from the perspectives of enterprise social security coverage, kinds and quantity of social security, and per capita social security expenditure, so as to provide enlightenment for the manufacturing enterprises to increase employee work enthusiasm, reduce the excessive mobility of the labor force, and improve their TFP in the context of present macro economic development. The findings of OLS regression show that the social security investment of enterprises has a significant positive effect on their total factor productivity. Through the mediating effect it is further discovered that high quality human capital structure and management level are the important channel, through which the social security investment can act on the productivity. Meanwhile, when the social security collection is turned to imposition by the tax authorities, enterprises should regard their social security investment as a kind of effective human capital investment and incentive measure, through a reasonable social security investment portfolio the productivity can be increased, so as to achieve a reasonable management of the corporate human resource structure and labor costs.
    An Analysis of the Combination Effect of Factors Affecting the Audience Memory of Product Placement
    SONG Si-gen, LI Yong-fa
    2018, 0(06):  174. 
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    The factors affecting audience memory of product placement have a kind of multi-concurrent characteristics. However, the traditional researches have paid less attention to the multiple factors and their combination effect, leading to a weaker reliability of the research conclusions. The factors influencing audience memory of product placement can be categorized into placement elements, placement scenario, and audience characteristics. The two methods of the ordered multi-classification regression and the qualitative comparative analysis are employed by this paper. The results show that the degree of audience emotional arousal by the plot connection, brand familiarity and placement scenario of the product placement are significant requirements for high level of audience memory, and there are multiple and collateral affecting paths of the variables mix of the three categories of factors on high level of audience memory. This conclusion can modify the deviations of the previous researches, and provide some new interpretation for the affecting factors of product placement on audience memory.
    Technology M&A, Premium Decision and Total Factor Productivity
    HAO Zhao-hui, GAO Di
    2018, 0(06):  175. 
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    Taking the M&A projects of Chinese listed companies from 1998 to 2017 as research samples, this paper employs the OLS regression method to examine respectively the impact of technology M&A, the size of M&A objects and the technology attributes of the major M&A party on M&A premium. The findings show that technology mergers and acquisitions will significantly increase the M&A premium, while the increase in the size of the M&A object will significantly reduce the M&A premium; when the major M&A party is a technology-based enterprise, the positive correlation between technology M&A and M&A premium will be further strengthened, while the negative correlation between the size of the M&A object and the M&A premium will be suppressed. Further research finds out that technology mergers and acquisitions will significantly reduce the total factor productivity of the major M&A party, but the impact of the size of the M&A object on the total factor productivity of the major M&A party is not significant; when the main purchaser is a technology-based enterprise, technology M&A can not only significantly improve the total factor productivity of the major M&A party, but also significantly alleviate the inhibition of the size of the M&A object on the total factor productivity of the main acquirer.
    A Study of Human Capital Comprehensive Evaluation Constructed on the Basis of Multivariate Index System
    WANG Yun-bo, TANG Yu-xin, MOU Zong-yu
    2018, 0(06):  176. 
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    On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of 34 micro-evaluation indicators of human capital, including knowledge, ability and health, this paper adopts the data from questionnaires and expert scoring and employs the comprehensive weighting method combined with the Delphi method, the AHP method and the structural entropy weight method to determine the weights of various evaluation indicators. Then the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to calculate the quantitative value of individual human capital, so as to achieve the individual micro evaluation of human capital. The results show that there are differences in the individual quantitative values of various human capital; among the various human groups, the quantitative values between teachers with senior titles and with secondary titles, between graduate students and the undergraduate students, between teachers and students, are all on different scales. The results of the micro quantitative evaluation of human capital are basically consistent with the facts, which verifies the comprehensiveness and reliability of the micro multivariate evaluation system of human capital.
    A Comparative Study on the Relationship between the Evolution of Urban Human-Land Scale Structure and Allometric Growth: An Empirical Analysis Based on 26 Cities in the Yangtze River Delta
    FENG Yun-ting, ZHANG Yong-fang
    2018, 0(06):  177. 
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    Urban agglomeration is an important engine leading the development of regional economy. Based on the rank-size rule and allometric growth model of the fractal theory, this paper conducts an empirical study of the urban population evolution rule and the allometric growth rate in the Yangtze River Delta region. The results show that the Ziff dimension of the urban system in the Yangtze River Delta region is close to 1, which suggests that the urban system is relatively sound, and the proportion of cities of different scales is reasonable. At the same time, the allometric growth coefficient of the city group in Yangtze River Delta has a clear reverse changing relationship with the city scale. The allometric growth coefficients of super mega-cities, mega-cities, big cities, medium-sized cities and small cities are 0.41, 0.98, 3.59, 8.19 and 16.7, respectively. That is to say, the larger the city is, the more higher-rise it should be, and the smaller the allometric growth coefficient should be. Therefore, it is necessary, according to the allometric growth coefficient, to control the construction scale and land supply reasonably, to strengthen the rational utilization of resources and environmental protection, to guide the population aggregation scientifically, to optimize the investment environment constantly, to form the characteristic pillar industries, and to promote the economic development level of urban agglomerations in an all-round way.
    Is Manufacturing Industry still the Engine of Economic Growth?
    WANG Zhan-xiang
    2018, 0(06):  178. 
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    Historically, manufacturing industry has been playing an important role as an engine of growth to promote productivity and income level in the economic development. In the middle and late 20th century, the developed countries generally showed the trend of de-industrialization, which was measured by the employment and output share of the manufacturing industry. Many developing countries also carried out de-industrialization around the 21st century. At the same time, the developed countries turned to re-industrialization. This paradoxical phenomenon stems from the current upstream-downstream industrial chain patterns between the developed and the developing countries, as well as the asymmetric and unfair international trade order, which has a long-term or short-term positive or negative impact on both developing and developed countries. It is necessary to correctly understand the role of the growth engine of the manufacturing industry in the developed and developing countries, and to be vigilant against premature de-industrialization in China. Great efforts should be exerted from the supply end to promote the transformation and upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry from the low-end to the middle-high-end, so as to enter the stage of high-quality development driven by technology and innovation at an early date.
    New Features of the International Image of the Communist Party of China in the New Era
    TAO Qi-shen
    2018, 0(06):  180. 
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    The socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the Chinese Communist Party has shaped and displayed a new and great image to the international community. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has dared to take up strong leadership and promote historic changes in the cause of the Party and the state. It also shares the experiences of the Party governing, the country governing and the global governance with the rest of the world, shaping and demonstrating the new features of the new image of the Communist Party of China in the new era. In the governance of the Party, it is brave in self-revolution, with comprehensive and strict governance; in the governance of the country, it persists in not forgetting the initial intentions and seeking happiness for the people; in the global governance, it is responsible for and fighting for the cause of human progress.