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    Does the Digital Transformation of Commercial Banks Improves the Availability of Credit to SMEs
    GUI He-fa, DENG Ru-sha
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 25-36.  
    Abstract92)            Save
    Taking the data of SMEs in Chinese market from 2010 to 2021 as the research sample, this paper focuses on the impact of commercial banks’ digital transformation on the credit availability of SMEs and the role of banking governance represented by financial regulation and financial competition in the process of commercial banks’ digital transformation on the credit availability of SMEs. The findings show that the digital transformation of commercial banks can significantly improve the credit availability of SMEs and enhance the inclusive financial services for SMEs. The relationship between the banking governance represented by financial regulation and financial competition and the credit availability of SMEs presents a nonlinear inverted“U”shape, that is, there is an optimal intensity of financial regulation and degree of financial competition, which optimizes the credit availability of SMEs. In the process of banking governance affecting the credit availability of SMEs, the digital transformation of commercial banks will affect the optimal intensity of financial regulation and degree of financial competition to optimize the credit availability of SMEs, that is, the higher the level of digital transformation of commercial banks, the higher the optimal financial regulatory intensity and the degree of financial competition that can optimize the credit availability of SMEs. The above-mentioned conclusions have important policy implications for in-depth implementation of financial regulation and correct guidance of financial competition, so as to better promote the digital transformation of commercial banks and improve the availability of credit for SMEs.
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    Measurement and Evaluation of the High-Quality Development Level of China’s TouristIndustry
    TIAN Hong, LIU Cheng-qing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 37-53.  
    Abstract147)            Save
    The high-quality development of tourist industry is an important foundation and strong support for promoting Chinese-style modernization. Scientifically measuring and evaluating the level and the changing trend of high-quality development of regional tourism has important theoretical and practical significance. On the basis of defining the connotation of high-quality development of tourist industry, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of high-quality development of tourist industry under the guidance of the new development concept and the sustainable development theory; then it measures and evaluates the level of high-quality development of the tourist industry in 30 provinces in China. The results show thatfrom 2011 to 2019, the high-quality development level of tourism in China generally shows an upward trend year by year, and the industrial development level, the social harmony level, the innovation ability, the cultural and tourism integration degree, and the ecological protection level have been significantly improved. From 2020 to 2021, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, although the overall development level and the industrial development level have declined, the scores of the other four indicators continued to rise, which reflects that the high-quality development level of tourism of China is constantly improving with the process of high-quality development of China. However, the high-quality development level of tourism in different provinces is significantly different, and the overall development quality is at a medium level. There is still a long way to reachthe high-quality development standards. In the future, to improve the high-quality development level of tourism, we should focus on optimizing the industrial structure, improving the quality of tourism innovation, deepening the integration of culture and tourism, strengthening ecological protection, and other aspects.
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    Can the Central Environmental Protection Inspection Improve the Environmental Performance of Enterprises? Empirical Evidences from the Listed Industrial Enterprises
    ZHANG Rui, YE Yan-yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 13-26.  
    Abstract85)            Save
    As an important means to urge the local governments to perform environmental protection duties and implement environmental policies, the Central Environmental Protection Inspection has a significant impact on the construction of ecological civilization in China. Taking the A-share listed industrial enterprises from 2012 to 2019 as samples, this paper employs the multi-period DID model to investigate the impact of the implementation of the central environmental inspection policies on the environmental performance of enterprises. The findings shows that: (1) the implementation of the Central Environmental Protection Inspection has significantly increased the enterprises’ environmental performance; (2) the Central Environmental Protection Inspection mainly improves the environmental performance of enterprises by strengthening the environmental governance of local governments and the environmental attention of the senior management teams; (3) good external environment, i.e., the level of urban green finance, the level of regional economic development, the analysts’ attention and the perfect internal corporate governance, can strengthen the positive impact of the Central Environmental Inspection on the environmental performance of enterprises; (4) the environmental governance effect of the Central Environmental Protection Inspection is different due to the nature of property rights and pollution degree of enterprises. Compared to state-owned enterprises, the private enterprises are more sensitive to the implementation of the Central Environmental Inspection policies, and the improvement of the enterprise environmental performance is more significant. While in the inside of the state-owned enterprises, the local state-owned enterprises are more sensitive to the Central Environmental Inspection policies than the central state-owned ones. Compared with the non-heavily polluting enterprises, the Central Environmental Inspection has a greater impact on the environmental performance of heavily polluting enterprises.
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    Green Finance and Value Realization of Ecological Products: An Empirical Study Based on the Data of the Top 100 Counties in China
    HUANG Xiao-yong, CHEN Fei-yu, ZHA Yu-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 27-39.  
    Abstract75)            Save
    Green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and the concept of ecological civilization of Xi Jinping is the key to implementing the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, promoting high-quality economic development, and promoting the construction of a beautiful China. To realize the ecological value of the counties is a key issue in implementing the“Two Mountains”concept and promoting high-quality economic and social development. Based on the panel data of all the top 100 counties from 2011 to 2020 in the“Top 100 Counties (Cities) in China’s County Economy and County Basic Competitiveness”released in The Research on China’ Economic Top 100 Counties, 2021, this paper calculates the development level of green finance at county level, and conducts an empirical test of the impact of green finance on the realization of the ecological product value at county level. The findings show that green finance has a significant positive impact on the value realization of county-level ecological products. Based on this, it proposes the relevant countermeasures and suggestions to further improve the green financial system, increase the support for green innovation, and promote the cooperation between counties, so as to provide decision-making reference for promoting the realization of the ecological values in counties in the new development stage.
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    An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Manufacturing Servitization in Promoting the International Division of Labor of China’s Manufacturing Industry: From the Perspective of the Regulatory Effect of the Service Opening-Up
    DU Chuan-zhong, HOU Jia-ni
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 23-36.  
    Abstract76)            Save
    Manufacturing servitization is an important direction to realize the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. Based on the measurement of the servitization and openness of China’s manufacturing industry, this paper makes an empirical test on the relationship between the servitization of the manufacturing industry and the international division of labor of the manufacturing industry, as well as the regulatory effect of the opening-up of the service industry by using the data of the microcosmic enterprises. The results show that the servitization of the manufacturing industry is generally conducive to the improvement of the status of international division of labor, and that the opening-up of the service industry can enhance the promotion effect. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that the wholesale and retail servitization, the financial and insurance servitization and the professional science and technology servitization can all significantly improve the status of international division of labor of the manufacturing industry, while the transportation servitization and the information and communication servitization will inhibit the status of international division of labor of the manufacturing industry.The servitization of the manufacturing industry plays the strongest role in the technology-intensive manufacturing industry and the weakest role in the labor-intensive manufacturing industry. In terms of the action mechanism, technology spillover plays an intermediary role in the process of the servitization of the manufacturing industry affecting the status of international division of labor of the manufacturing industry.
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    Reform of the Administrative Approval System and Corporate Risk-Taking: A Quasi-Natural Experiment Based on the Establishment of theAdministrative Examination and Approval Centers
    LI Tian-yu, LI Mang-mang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 37-50.  
    Abstract66)            Save
    Incentivizing companies to take a certain level of risk to promote R&D innovation contributes to the high-quality development of the real economy. Based on the theoretical framework of the local information advantages, this paper takes the establishment of the administrative examination and approval centers as a quasi-natural experiment to systematically investigate the impact of the reform of the administrative examination and approval system on the level of corporate risk taking. The results show that the reform of the approval system can significantly improve the level of enterprise risk taking, and this effect is more significant in the companies with higher degree of information dispersion of investment opportunities. The above research conclusions are still valid after the endogenous and robustness tests. The heterogeneity test reveals that in the samples located in the regions with higher marketization or with lower degree of client concentration, the reform of the administrative approval system has a more significant effect on the improvement of enterprise risk bearing level.The test of the action mechanism reveals that the reform of the administrative approval system has significantly improved the investment flexibility and the market competition degree. From the perspective of risk bearing, the research conclusion has revealed the economic effects brought forward by the reform of the administrative approval system and its inner mechanism, it also has a certain enlightenment to further promote the reform of simplifying administrative procedures and delegating powers to lower levels.
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    A Study of the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Risk Level of Small and Medium-Sized Banks
    LIU Hui-chao, WANG Shu-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 23-37.  
    Abstract126)            Save
    Based on the samples of 112 small and medium-sized banks from 2011 to 2021, this paper analyzes the impact of digital transformation on the risk level of banks from the perspective of mathematical models and empirical studies, meanwhile, it includes the impact of digital transformation on the risk level of banks in the framework of capital replenishment for the analysis. The results show that, firstly, the impact of digital transformation on the risk of small and medium-sized banks has an inverted“U”structure, and this finding still holds after a series of robustness and endogeneity tests; secondly, the heterogeneity tests conducted in terms of size, region, and whether being listed reveals that digital transformation has a higher impact on the larger-scale banks and the small and medium-sized banks located in the eastern region, while the digital transformation of listed banks has a better inhibitory effect on bank risks than that of non-listed banks; thirdly, if capital supplements are provided to small and medium-sized banks in the process of digital transformation, it will also have a moderating effect on the level of bank risks. The above findings suggest that small and medium-sized banks should continue to increase their digital transformation efforts to curb bank risks, and that capital supplements should also be provided to small and medium-sized banks to increase their digital transformation ability to curb bank risks.
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    The Nonlinear Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Corporate Debt Maturity Structure
    WANG Wei, YI Zhuo-rui
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 38-50.  
    Abstract87)            Save
    Based on the agency cost theory and the trade-off theory, this paper firstly builds a theoretical model to illustrate the effects of economic policy uncertainty on corporate debt maturity structure. Then it uses the quarterly data of China’s listed companies from 2007 to 2021 to conduct empirical tests. The findings of the theoretical model indicate that banks issue long-term loans tofirmswhen economic policy uncertainty is low and short-term loans to firms when economic policy uncertainty is high. The empirical study confirms the conclusion of the theoretical model: with the raising of economic policy uncertainty, the proportion of long term debt will first rise then descend. Considering the endogenous problems such as measurement error and omitted variables, the above conclusion is still significantly valid. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that the critical value of the effects of economic policy uncertainty on the proportion of long-term debt from positive to negative is lower in small firms, private firms and firms located in the regions with low degree of marketization, while it is higher in large firms, state-owned firms and firms located in regions with higher degree of marketization.
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    Open Economic Transformation and the Road to Prosperity of Great Powers
    LI Feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 14-25.  
    Abstract91)            Save
    From the glorious achievements of ancient China, the“great divergence”of modernization and development between the East and the West, and the suffering of modern China to a great country with open economy, the law of historical development shows that openness, inclusiveness and mutual learning among civilizations are the only path for a country, especially a major country, to become prosperous and strong. However, in the face of the rapid rise of emerging economies represented by China, the developed countries have set off a new round of anti-globalization wave with the means of the large-scale trade friction and technological blockade against China, the“de-Sinification”of the global industrial chain layout, and the re-formulation of high-standard international economic and trade rules. Thus China's open economic development is faced with a huge test. Therefore, China has comprehensively accelerated the transformation of an open economy by expanding new space for opening-up, accelerating institution-based opening-up, advocating a new type of globalization, and speeding up the interconnected double circulation both at home and abroad. In order to comprehensively promote Chinese style modernization, China should continuously expand its high-level opening to the outside world, constantly enhanceits endogenous growth capacity, pay more attention to the construction of domestic institutions, lay more emphasis on the integration of domestic and foreign resources, and strive for prosperity through both internal and external cultivation.
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    The Differentiation of Unconventional Monetary Policies in the United States and Europe: Experience and Enlightenment
    LU Chang-ping, HUANG Di-yi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 26-39.  
    Abstract68)            Save
    Based on the implementation of the unconventional monetary policies by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank from 2008 to 2021, this study divides the implementation stages and policy types uniformly, compares the policy tools and transmission mechanisms of the United States and Europe, and uses the TVP-VAR model to compare the policy transmission effects of different channels, so as to explore the time, performance and reasons for the differentiation of unconventional monetary policies in the United States and Europe. The findings show that unconventional monetary policies in the United States and Europe have differentiated in the early stages of crises and the crisis responding stages, exhibiting multi-dimensional differentiation in terms of operation stage, policy tools, policy objectives, and policy effects. The differences in such aspects as economic fundamentals, sources of crisis outbreaks, crisis response methods, and policy implementation effects between the United States and Eurozone countries have led to the multi-dimensional differentiation of unconventional monetary policies between the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. Based on the policy characteristics and the basic national conditions, when implementing unconventional monetary policies, China should strengthen risk control and attach importance to international risks, implement strategies timely and precisely, make good use of tool combinations, strengthen policy communication, make clear commitments, grasp the overall economic situation, and coordinate the policies.
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    A Study of the Relationship between Fiscal Autonomy and Higher Education Resource Allocation Efficiency in the Context of“Double First-Class”Construction in China: Empirical Evidences from the New Fiscal Autonomy Index
    CHEN Ping-ze, LIU Xing-yue, LI Yi-xuan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 40-56.  
    Abstract83)            Save
    In the context of the“double first-class”construction, it is of great practical significance to study the influence of the central and local fiscal decentralization(represented by the fiscal autonomy) on the efficiency of higher education resource allocation. According to the fiscal decentralization theory and the requirements of the New Budget Law, this paper brings the part of not-specified purpose in the transfer payments from the central to local governments into the local discretionary fiscal resourcesand designs the new-type of refined fiscal autonomy index. By employing the three-stage DEA-Tobit model and the Gini coefficient as well as the subgroup decomposition method, it evaluates the efficiency of the higher education resource allocation of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) from 2016 to 2020 in China, points out the differences between the eastern China, central China and western China, and explores the influence of fiscal autonomy on the higher education resource allocation efficiency. The findings show that the allocation efficiency of China's higher education resources presents a trend of fluctuating and rising, and there exists some regional imbalance. The fiscal autonomy is positively correlated to the efficiency of higher education resource allocation. Improving the fiscal autonomy in the western region is most conducive to enhancing the efficiency of higher education resource allocation. The fiscal decentralization is the most important factoramong the dominant factors to promote the higher education resource allocation efficiency. Based on this conclusion, this paper puts forward such suggestions as increasing the proportion of the transfer payments of non specified purpose within the general transfer payment, optimizing the fiscal input mechanism of colleges and universities, promote the integrated industry-university-research cooperation, form the industrial chain with local characteristicand so on, so as to promote the construction of“double first-class”and improve the management level of the higher education.
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    Research on the Radiation Impact of Public Health Fiscal Expenditure in Provincial Capitals
    SONG Li-ying, CUI Fan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 24-37.  
    Abstract67)            Save
    The radiation impact of public health fiscal expenditure in provincial capitals is an important perspective to explore the construction path and development mode of provincial public health system. Based on the“siphonic effect”and“diffusing effect”, this paper uses the panel data of 233 prefecture-level cities to conduct theoretical construction and empirical exploration on the radiation impact of public health financial expenditure in provincial capitals. The results show that, in terms of the radiating capacity, although the radiating capacity of public health financial expenditure in provincial capitals is increasing, only the relative changes of the radiating capacity in central and northeast provincial capitals are consistent with the absolute changes, and the radiation intensity is increased and the scope is expanded. In terms of the radiation effect, the“diffusing effect”is greater than the “siphonic effect”, and the radiation impact of public health financial expenditure in provincial capitals is generally positive, that is, through the“double engine”drive of increasing the share deviation and strengthening structural advantages, it can significantly stimulate the incremental expansion of the public health financial expenditure in non-provincial capital cities. Further analysis shows that the radiation impact and action path of public health financial expenditure in provincial capitals have significant regionalheterogeneity, Therefore, in order to promote the network construction and coordinated development of urban clusters of modern public health system, we should give full play to the demonstration effect of provincial capitals and provide supporting measures according to local conditions.
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    A Study on the Impact of the Party Committee Participation in Corporate Governance on SOEs' Performance of Environmental Responsibility
    YU Han, SONG Zeng-ji
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 38-52.  
    Abstract72)            Save
    In recent years, the effect ofcorporate governanceof state-owned enterprises participated by Party committees has become the focus of academic circles. In the context of thegreen transformation implemented by enterprises, which is promoted vigorously by the state, this paper constructsthe quantitative evaluation indexfor the Party committee participation in corporate governance of SOEs with a total of 32 secondary indicators from four dimensions in accordance with The Regulations on the Work of CPC Grassroots Organizations in State-Owned Enterprises (Trial), and with reference to the policies and regulations related to the Party committee participation in corporate governance of SOEs. Taking the heavily polluting state controlled companies listed in A-share market from 2013 to 2020 as samples, this paper studies the impact of the Party committee participation in corporate governance on the fulfillment of SOEs' environmental responsibilities. The empirical results show that the Party committee participation in corporate governance can effectively promote the environmental protection investment of SOEs. At the same time, with the implementation of the“mixed ownership reform”in SOEs, the Party committee participation in corporate governance can effectively reduce the adverse impacts on the environmental protection investment of SOEs in the process of the“mixed ownership reform”.
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    The Resilience of High-Tech Industry Empowered by Digital Economy: Internal Mechanism and Empirical Test
    ZHANG Liang-cheng, GUO Rui-shuo, SHU Chang-jiang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 53-66.  
    Abstract88)            Save
    As a cutting-edge technology industry, the high-tech industryis confronted with such a question as how can it achieve its high-quality development and improve its resilience in the face of external shocks, which has become a hotspotfor present researches. Based on provincial panel data from 2011 to 2019, this paper makes a calculation to obtain the numerical values of digital economy, business environment and high-tech industry resilience with the entropy method. Then based onthe theoretical analysis, it empirically tests the impact effect of digital economy on the resilience of high-tech industry, the impact mechanism and the adjustment effect of business environment with the econometric model. The results show that, the digital economy has a positive impact on the resilience of high-tech industries on the whole, and a good business environment can enhance the promotion of the digital economy on the resilience of high-tech industries. The heterogeneity test shows that the promotion effect of digital economy on industrial resilience varies from region to region, and the spillover effect on the eastern region is greater. The result of further impact mechanism test shows that the digital economy will promote the resilience of high-tech industries by promoting industrial upgrading and improving industrial innovation capacity.
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    The Logical Expression of Socialist Development Economics with Chinese Characteristics
    LIU Mei-ping
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 14-24.  
    Abstract93)            Save
    General secretary XIJinping points out thatdevelopment is the master key to solving all problems. China has developed to be the world's second largest economy, the secret of its success lies in having the guidance of the theory of socialist development economics with Chinese characteristics. This theory takes unconventional economic development as the practical logic and western development economics and Soviet political economics textbooks as the critical logic to break through the constraints of the traditional simple economic growth theory of production factors. On the basis of clarifying economic development goals in the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the space-time dimension, it takes the overall economic development as the main line, the development idea, strategy, motive force, main body, and mode as the five elements of overall economic development, the basic social system, the core of national political leadership and a good international environment as the supporting pillars of economic development, so as to construct the theoretical logic of socialist development economics with Chinese characteristics, therefore,an overall transmutation has been realized from the economic growth theory of production factors to the elements theory of overall economic development.
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    Accumulation of“Quantity”or Leap of“Quality”: Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Help Promote Corporate Green Innovation?
    LIU Xing-hua, HONG Pan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 25-41.  
    Abstract122)            Save
    Green innovation is the driving force of corporate sustainable development and the inherent requirement for promoting the stable and steady economic growth. Based on the financial data of A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2019, this paper empirically examines the impact of economic policy uncertainty on corporate green innovation from the three dimensions: total volume, quantity and quality. The findings show that economic policy uncertainty can positively stimulateenterprises to carry out green innovation and R&D. Faced with the uncertainty due to policy adjustments, enterprises pay more attention to the“quantity”of green patents than to the“quality”of green patents. In terms of the heterogeneity of property rights, economic policy uncertainty can significantly enhance the green innovation of state-owned enterprises.Corporate social responsibility has an obvious“reputation effect”, which can play a significant positive moderating role, and this moderating effect is more significant in non-state-owned enterprises. Enhancing the environmental information disclosure of the polluting enterprises will significantly inhibit the green innovation ability of enterprises under uncertain economic policies. The results of the mediating effect show that the uncertainty of economic policy can significantly enhance the risk preference of enterprise management and thus promote corporate green innovation.
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    Does Cross Regional BehavioralInteraction Exist in Private Investment?
    YANG Qing, YUAN Chun-hui
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 42-59.  
    Abstract78)            Save
    Private investment decision-making is subjective and decentralized, which may be affected by investment in related areas. Based on the inter-provincial panel data from 2004 to 2019, this paper conducts an empirical study of the cross regional interactive behaviors of private investments in China. The results show that: (1) after controlling the influences of economy, government and market factors, China's private investment exhibits significant positive spatial correlation, in which there exist complementary behavioral interactions; (2) the spillover effect, the competition and cooperation effect and the information effect are the important causes for the cross regional behavioral interaction of private investments; (3) the competition and cooperation effect is dominant among the three types of mechanisms, in which the capital flow between the regions with similar economic structure and the energy-based cooperation between the eastern region and the western region are the chief forms of the competition and cooperation effect; the information effect plays an important role in the investment interactions of the small and medium-sized enterprises, there exists significant“Peer Effect”, while the impact of spillover effect is weaker. In view of this, the local governments should pay attention to the policy amplification effect of private investment interaction, smooth the channels of factor flows and guide the effective aggregation of factors.
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    Evaluation of Government Governance Efficiency under the New Development Concept:“Do One'sBest”or“Do According to One's Ability”
    DUAN Pei-xin, MENG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 22-34.  
    Abstract231)            Save
    The improvement of government governance efficiency is an important starting point to promote the establishment of governance system and the modernization of governance capacity. How to objectively and fairly evaluate the governance efficiency of local governments under the new development concept during the“13th Five-Year Plan”period is of great significance for the realization of the new improvement of the governance efficiency during the“14th Five-Year Plan”period. At present, more attention is paid to local governments'“doing their best”to improve governance efficiency, but less attention is paid to the governance efforts of local governments under the situation of unbalanced development. Based on this, this paper constructs a MINC-U-DEA model to carry out a study that can not only reflect the governance efforts of the local governments under the new development concept of the Party center, but also affirm the local governments'“doing within their capabilities”under the“initial endowment”. Through an empirical analysis of 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) and the eight comprehensive economic zones in China, it is found that, considering the differences in the“initial endowments”, the governments' governance efforts in the greater northwest region can be effectively measured, and the government governance efficiency in the southern coastal regions benefits more from the economic development.During the“13th Five-Year Plan”period, the country has made remarkable achievements in green development, but all the regions need to be strengthened in terms of innovation and development. The regional differences in the efficiency of government governance are relatively larger, and different regions have different ways to “do their best”to improve the government governance efficiency on the basis of“doing within their capabilities”. In addition, based on their own reality, the performance efforts of the provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in their same region are also inconsistent. The most obvious internal difference is found in the northwest region, and the difference in the southwest region is the smallest.
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    The Self-Owned Brand Construction Mode of Chain Retail Enterprises from the Perspective of Resource Arrangement: A Case Study of Sinopec Yijie“Zhuomaquan”Brand
    LI Hong, YING Wen-chi, SUN Dao-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 35-46.  
    Abstract111)            Save
    To develop the self-owned brands is an important competitive strategy for chain retail enterprises. However, few studies have analyzed the construction strategies and specific actions of chain retailers to identify, introduce and transform their own brands at the meso-level. Taking Sinopec Yijie developed its own brand“Zhuomaquan”as an example, this paper conducts an exploratory case study from the perspective of resource arrangement theory; it reveals a private brand building model that empowers new resources through network resource arrangement. The findings show that: (1) the process model includes the brand evaluation stage, the brand cultivation stage and the brand operation stage, as well as the corresponding capability evaluation strategy, the capability update strategy and the comprehensive integration strategy; (2) the scope of the arrangement of internal and external network resources is expanded step by step, so as to gradually realize the brand's resource endowment identification and development potential evaluation, resource authority acquisition and comprehensive capability development, resource authority control and comprehensive independent operation; (3) the brand has correspondingly experienced the role transformation from external brand to candidate brand, toselected brand, and finally to its own brand. The research conclusion shows that the development of private brands of chain retail enterprises is reflected as a new dynamic ability to empower new resources through resource network arrangement.
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    Trade Policy Uncertainty and Import and Export of Chinese Enterprises: An Analysis from the Three Perspectives of Time Distribution, Stage Deviation and Country Shock Difference
    SHEN Ying-qi, ZHANG Long, LIU Jin-quan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 47-57.  
    Abstract127)            Save
    This paper firstly depicts the import and export conduction path of enterprises with trade policy uncertainty and the bilateral phase deviation between China and the United States, thenit quantitatively checks the import and export effects of Sino-U.S. trade policy uncertainty through the SV-TVP-FAVAR model from the triple perspectives of time distribution, phase deviation and country impact differences. The results show that: firstly, trade policy uncertainty has multiple import and export transmission paths for enterprises, and the cross-country cross-conduction characteristics are obvious;the Sino-US trade policy uncertainty has not only a long-term“consistent”trend in the early stage of the sample, and also a short-term trend of“deviating”trend in the later stage of the sample. Secondly, the uncertainty of Sino-US trade policy presents the characteristics of negative impact of enterprises' import and export heterogeneity; the negative spillover effect of Sino-US trade policy uncertainty is differentin different periods, and the negative spillover effect has not weakened in recent years. Thirdly, the different deviating stages of the uncertainty of Sino-US trade policy will lead to different import and exporteffects of enterprises with Sino-US trade policy uncertainty;during the expansion period of Sino-US bilateral deviation, the import and export effect of the enterprises with Sino-US trade policy uncertainty is stronger than that during the stable period,the uncertainty of China's trade policy has always been the main factor affecting the import and export of Chinese enterprises. The above analysis has important guiding significance for all walks of life to understand the trend and fluctuation characteristics, the bilateral deviation and the country-specific impact differencesof China-US trade policy uncertainty, so as to avoid the “Thucydides Trap”.
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    The Key Issues of the Guarantee of Emergency Supplies against Major Epidemics and Countermeasures from the Perspectives of Multi-Organizations and Multi-Stages
    ZHANG Jian-jun, ZHOU Yi-zhuo, HUO Jia-zhen
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 13-24.  
    Abstract150)            Save
    The characteristics of major public health emergency, such as high uncertainty, high response requirements, high material demands, long duration and wide coverage, have sharply magnified their destruction to the economic and social operations, and posed great challenges to the theories and practices of supply chain management of the guarantee of the emergency supplies. Taking the multi-organizational collaboration and multi-stage operation of emergency material guarantee as the starting point, this paper sorts out, analyzes, and summarizes the research subjects, issues, methods, outcomes and insufficiencies related to emergency material guarantee from the levels of logistics and production capacity planning before disasters and the production and operation optimization during disasters. Then, faced with the characteristics and challenges of emergency supplies guarantee for major epidemics, it proposes some countermeasures and suggestions, including an emergency facility layout planning based on multi-organizational coordination, an emergency supply chain planning based on flexible production capacity strategy, an emergency supplies scheduling model and strategy design based on multi-organizational intelligent coordination, and a planning model design for supply chain emergency production based on the epidemic model.
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    Evaluation of Trade Policy, Fiscal Policy and Economic “Dual Cycle”Effect
    GENG Shen, QIAO Han
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 25-37.  
    Abstract138)            Save
    In order to evaluate the impact of trade barriers and fiscal policies on domestic and foreign economic cycles, this paper constructs a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model including the heterogeneity of tradable and non-tradable goods manufacturers and the profit markup of imported goods based on the small open DSGE model, so as to further analyze the impact of self-sufficiency degree of commodity on the economy. The findings show that trade barriers and tax-cut fiscal policies can promote the supply of domestic factors, increase the level of output, and inhibit the flow and output of foreign factors. In terms of specific policies, the export tax rebate policy has the best effect, which can promote domestic and foreign trade circulation and stimulate consumption. Reducing consumption tax will improve trade circulation and consumption levels other than commodity exports; reducing labor income tax will promote the export of intermediate goods and consumer goods, improve domestic and foreign consumption level, and restrain the inflow of foreign goods; lowering the capital gains tax will transform the national economy into an export-oriented economy, increasing the two-way trade in intermediate products, increasing the one-way exports of consumer goods, and lowering the consumption welfare of domestic residents; imposing tariffs will transform the economic model into a processing export-oriented type, increasing the import of intermediate products and the export of consumer goods, and reducing the export of intermediate products, the import of commodities and the level of household consumption. Increasing the proportion of non-tradable goods in the household consumption basket can improve the long-term steady balance of domestic and foreign consumer goods and factor products, reduce domestic price levels, and improve economic stability.
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    A Study of the Regional Innovation Gap from the Perspective of R&D Element Flow
    LI Shi-qi, LIU Yun-yang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 38-49.  
    Abstract96)            Save
    Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China’s economic development has made a qualitative leap, while at the same time, formed many imbalances. Among these imbalances, the imbalance of regional development is an important aspect. This will not only run counter to the goal of sustainable and stable development of China’s economy, but also bring about a negative impact on China’s economic and social stability. Therefore, from the perspective of R&D element flow and based on the data of 30 provinces (municipalities or autonomous regions) in China from 2002 to 2019, this paper adopts the quadratic assignment procedure in the social network analytical method to study the problem of the regional innovation and development gap. The results show that the R&D personnel flow is conducive to the convergence of regional innovation development, while the R&D capital flow may widen the regional gap in innovation development. This indicates that the correct guidance of the R&D element flow will help to achieve the coordinated development of regional innovation in China.
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    Research on the Double Criteria of Product Recall in Global Markets: From the Perspective of Biased Perception of Fairness
    WANG Xin-gang, LI Zu-lan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 12-16.  
    Abstract153)            Save
    Focusing on the different product recall patterns in the global markets, this paper conducts an analysis of the double criteria of product recall, i.e., the equal treatment and the differential treatment, in global markets from the perspective of biased perception of fairness. Through the two experiments and a contrastive analysis between the samples from China and America, the findings show that, compared with the consumers in the reference country, the consumers in the country involved have a rather bigger positive difference in their perception of fairness, perceived decision-making rationality and brand evaluation generated from the two recall patterns of the equal treatment and the differential treatment. Compared with American consumers in the context of western culture, Chinese consumers in the context of oriental culture have a much bigger positive difference in their perception of fairness, perceived decision-making rationality and brand evaluation generated from the two product recall patterns of the equal treatment and the differential treatment. This research conclusion can not only be conductive to perfecting the relative theory for the product recall coping strategy in the global markets, but also provide important reference and guidance for the product recall in the global markets.
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    How Does Brand Attachment of Live Streaming Hosts Enhance Their Online Sales? A Mechanism Study Based on Multiple Paths
    XIONG Qi-ying, XIONG Li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 28-39.  
    Abstract202)            Save
    With the trend of the decline of the traditional off-line sales and the growth of the new type of webcast sales, the channel center position of the live streaming hosts has become more and more prominent in the transaction. Although researchers have carried out some discussions on the business model and consumption behavior of live stream sales, there are few studies from the perspective of live streaming hosts on the network, especially the possible impact of the relationship between the hosts and the brands is neglected. Based on the work demand-resource model, this paper discusses whether and how brand attachment of live streaming hosts can affect their behavior and sales performance. This study proposes three hypothetical paths, i.e., sales work involvement, sales fun and organizational commitments, and conducts a questionnaire survey on 165 live streaming hosts on such online social platforms as Taobao live broadcast. By making use of the AMOS software for analysis, it is found that the brand attachment of the marketing anchors can affect sales performance and behavior performance by improving sales work efforts and sales fun respectively, while the organizational commitment path fails to pass the verification. In addition, the behavior performance of the hosts has a positive impact on their sales performance. This study not only makes a certain contribution to the research of brand attachment, but also provides theoretical guidance for the live streaming hosts to improve their sales performance.
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    Between Government and Markets: the Intermediary Organizations of Teacher Education Governance--On the Intermediary Organizations in the Transition Period of Teacher Education in the United States since 1980’s
    JIANG Xi-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 40-48.  
    Abstract135)            Save
    Teacher education is a cause with public beneficial, professional and marketable characteristics; the coordination and balance of these characteristics cannot be guaranteed only by depending on government and markets. During the transition period of teacher education since 1980’s in the United States, because of the limited and improper role of the government and the excessive and blind role of markets, there are many problems appeared in teacher education. In order to coordinate the relationship between government and markets, balance the multiple characteristics of teacher education, and optimize the teacher education governance, some intermediary organizations in the United States have been more and more involved in the domain of teacher education and are playing their roles at different degrees in the professional management, policy buffering, and research consultation. Although the development of the intermediary organizations of American teacher education has its institutional and cultural background different from those of China, the development of these teacher education intermediary organizations and the roles they are playing have some common characteristics, perhaps we can gain some enlightenments from the historic experiences and lessons of the intermediary organizations in the United States.
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    CSISC and Investor Protection: Evidences from Information Disclosure
    XIONG Jia-cai, TONG Da-ming
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 32-46.  
    Abstract408)            Save
    Strengthening investor protection is the important foundation for supporting sustainable and quality development of the capital market. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) led the establishment of the China Security Investor Services Center (CSISC) in 2014, which is a major institutional innovation to strengthen investor protection in China’s capital market. By making use of the data of A-share listed companies from the first quarter of 2015 to the first quarter of 2017 and employing a DID model, this paper empirically tests the impact of CSISC’s shareholding on corporate information disclosure. The research results show that the CSISC’s shareholding is helpful to lower the level of accrual-based earnings management of enterprises. In the companies with lower executive share holdings or the companies audited by firms without industry specializations, the supervisory role of CSISC is more remarkable. The findings of further analysis show that the shareholding of CSISC also helps to restrain the earnings manipulation behaviors of enterprises based on real activities. The above conclusion indicates that the shareholding of CSISC can help to improve the information disclosure quality of listed companies and further enhance the level of protection of the medium and small investors.
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    Internally Controlled Information Disclosure and Innovation Efficiency
    WANG Ping, BU Hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 47-64.  
    Abstract315)            Save
    Taking China’s A-share listed companies from 2008 to 2019 as samples, this paper conducts an empirical analysis of the impact of the internally controlled information disclosure (ICID) on innovation efficiency and its action mechanism. The findings show that ICID can significantly improve the rationality of innovation investment, the innovation profit and the innovation allocation optimization. The results of the influencing mechanism test indicate that restraining agency conflicts, alleviating financing constraints, and reducing enterprise risks and disclosure costs are the path mechanisms for ICID to affect innovation efficiency. The results of the heterogeneity test show that, compared with that at the compulsory disclosure stage, ICID at the voluntary disclosure stage has a greater effect on improving innovation efficiency. ICID in the state-owned enterprises has no significant impact on the rationality of innovation investment, while it has a significant positive effect in the private enterprises; but it has a greater effect on improving the innovation profit and innovation allocation optimization in the state-owned enterprises. This study provides additional empirical evidences of the economic consequences of ICID, which has a certain enlightenment for enterprises to improve their innovation efficiency.
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    Research on the Logistics Service Quality Improvement of Fresh Food E-Commerce under the Normalization of the COVID-19 Epidemic
    YI Yi-chen, SHI Yan-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 65-75.  
    Abstract396)            Save
    Under the continuous impact of the normalization of COVID-19 epidemic, fresh food e-commerce has quickly become an indispensable business model in people’s daily life. The quality of logistics service is directly related to the trading experience of customers, and it has become an important basis for customers to evaluate their consumption and make their later selection through fresh food e-commerce. This article takes the SERVQUAL model that considers both the customers’ expectation and customers’ perception as the basic framework and optimizes the indexes according to the characteristics of fresh food e-commerce logistics service and the requirements of epidemic prevention, then it determines the five dimensions of specialization, reliability, responsiveness, convenience and security as the main evaluation indexes for the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce. It also collects relevant data of the logistics service of fresh food e-commerce enterprise to carry out a specific evaluation. The results confirm that the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce needs to be improved. This paper further puts forward the strategies to improve the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce under the normalization of COVID-19 epidemic, expecting to play a role in evaluating and optimizing the logistics service quality of fresh food e-commerce.
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    Research on the Growth Mechanism of Rural Tourism Destination Brands from the Perspective of Ecological Niche: Taking Huangling of Wuyuan County as an Example
    YU Ke-fa
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 13-28.  
    Abstract688)            Save
    From the perspective of brand niche, this article uses case study method and takes Huangling of Wuyuan county as the research object to explore the dynamic evolution mechanism of the growth process of rural tourism destination brands. The findings show that brand growth is essentially caused by the adjustment or transition of the brand niche. With the continuous optimization of the brand niche, the brand’s market position will be gradually improved, and eventually grows into a market-leading brand. The brand niche is composed of three dimensions, i.e., the breadth, the degree of overlap and the degree of dominance. The best direction for brand niche changes is to maximize the niche breadth, minimize the degree of overlap, and maximize the degree of dominance. The factors that cause the brand niche changes mainly come from the pressure of market demand and the pressure of market competition, effective response to these two influencing factors can promote the optimization of the brand niche.
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    The System Construction and Realization Path of the Intelligentization of Municipal Social Governance
    XU Xiao-dong, RUI Yue-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 29-36.  
    Abstract706)            Save
    Municipal social governance is the specific reflection of national governance within all the areas under the jurisdiction of the cities, and is the basic composing unit of the national governance system. The intelligentization of municipal social governance is an important path to promote the modernization of municipal social governance. However, the intelligentization of municipal social governance faces the problem of insufficient understanding in actual work. The lack of an application system for the intelligent system that is relatively complete and can be used across the country cannot trigger a qualitative change in the blueprint of intelligent social governance across the country. There is a lack of connectivity between the existing theoretical researches and the specific practice, which results in the problem that the central government’s top-level design of municipal social governance is difficult to implement and slow to yield results. In view of this, this paper attempts to answer such questions as “how to understand”, “how to build” and “how to realize” the intelligentization of municipal social governance theoretically. On the basis of clarifying the connotation of the intelligentization of municipal social governance, and combining the actual problems of municipal social governance, this paper constructs a system framework of intelligent municipal social governance from the three dimensions of intelligent interface reconfiguration, intelligent governance application and intelligent technical support. It also explores the realization path of the intelligentization of municipal social governance from the aspects of technical system, institutional mechanism, and so on.
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    Household Leverage, Consumption Upgrading and Stable Economic Growth: the Transmission Mechanism and Time-Varying Impact Test Based on TVP-SV-VAR Model
    PENG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 37-48.  
    Abstract671)            Save
    Based on the TVP-SV-VAR model and the macroeconomic data from 2002 to 2019, this paper explores the dynamic transmission mechanism and the time-varying impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth. The results show that, firstly, there exists an interactive impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth, the degrees and the direction of the impact are different at different time point, showing the time-varying and heterogeneous characteristics. Secondly, in terms of the impact in the same period of the variables, the increase of the leverage rate of residential sector has a negative impact on the current consumption upgrading, and a positive impact on the current stable economic growth. Thirdly, in terms of the evenly-spaced impulse response, the transmission effect of residents’ leverage rate changes on the consumption upgrading has experienced a changing process of “first decease and then increase”, while the transmission effect on the stable economic growth has experienced a changing process of “first increase and then decrease”. Fourthly, in terms of the impulse response at specific time points, the household leverage at the specific time-points has not been able to effectively promote the consumption upgrading, and the medium and long term house loans have “squeezed out” the consumption expenditures. But with the promotion of the supply side structural reform, this negative impact will be gradually weakened. This also puts forward higher requirements for the in-depth promotion of “promoting consumption” and “stabilizing growth” through “the structural deleveraging”.
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    The Development Momentum and Risk Generation of Artificial Intelligence: An Integrated Logical Framework
    ZHANG Le, TONG Xing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (5): 23-36.  
    Abstract396)            Save
    Development and risks are two sides of the evolution of things. Out of the strong requirements of national security, international competition, domestic economic growth and social development, the policy system determines the direction of the development of AI and provides supports through pressure transmission, planning guidance and other means. Capital actively responds to government decisions, integrates production factors under the guidance of market competition and self-value-added mechanisms, and promotes artificial intelligence technology research and development to commercial use. With policy encouragement and capital support, artificial intelligence technology continues to iterate and mature along the path of“self-evolution”. In this power chain that connects the former and the later, the power that comes back to bite the achievements of technological development is also imperceptibly growing. Through the“technology-capital-policy”reverse cycle path, artificial intelligence technology risks continue to overflow and spread. Under the combined effect of increased technological autonomy, intensified capital expansion, and excessive policy intervention, endogenous technical security vulnerabilities may evolve into technical misuse, abuse, and misuse in the field of production services, leading to serious deviations from the established goals of the policy. These changes will bring greater uncertainty and challenges to the healthy development of national security, economy, and society. In the process of vigorously advancing innovation-driven development, when further releasing the potential of artificial intelligence, to prevent and resolve major scientific and technological risks has become a governance strategy and principle that need to be adhered to for a long time.
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    Research on the Construction Logic and Collaborative Wisdom of the New Retail Supply Chain Ecosystem
    WU Qun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (5): 37-46.  
    Abstract394)            Save
    With the advent of the“New Retail”era of personalized demand, product customization, and emphasis on customer experience, the retail boundaries are constantly being broken and expanded. The“New Retail”supply chain presents a trend of accelerated integration and coordinated development of multiple elements both online and offline. Under the guidance of China's present dual cycle economic strategy, the in-depth application of digital technology is also promoting the accelerated formation of the“new retail”supply chain ecosystem. Under this background, this article tries to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the“new retail”supply chain ecosystem from such aspects as the essence of“new retail”, the characteristics of the“new retail”supply chain, the structure of the“New Retail” supply chain ecosystem, the construction logic of the“New Retail”supply chain ecosystem, and the collaborative wisdom. This will play a certain positive role in promoting the transformation and upgrading of the retail supply chain and the sustained and healthy development of the entire retail industry under the new situation.
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    Does the Targeted Regulation of the New Monetary Policy Tools Have Significant Targeting? Taking MLF Policy Tool as an Example
    SHU Chang-jiang, LUO Ming
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (5): 47-58.  
    Abstract350)            Save
    Smoothing the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and enhancing the accuracy of monetary policies have been the hotspot issues among the monetary authorities and academics. This article introduces the concept of bioengineering targeting into the assessment of the effect of implementing the monetary policies. Through analyzing the inner link between the effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission mechanism and its targeting, it selects the monthly data from January 2016 to May 2020 and adopts the TVP-SV-VAR model to conduct an empirical test on the targeting effect of the new monetary policy tools. The results of the impulse response impact show that both the output and the credit of enterprises have the targeting to the new monetary policy tools. However, under the quantitative monetary policy rules, the targeting of enterprise loans to MLF12 is stronger than that of the enterprise output to MLF12. Under the price monetary policy rules, the targeting of enterprise output to R12 is stronger than that of enterprise credit to R12. The result of further comparison shows that for the new monetary policy tools, to choose the quantitative monetary policy rules is better than to choose the price monetary policy rules.
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    Deposit Insurance System, Bank Capital Regulation and Risk Taking Behavior: Empirical Evidences from China’s Banking Industry
    HU Yuan-cheng, WANG Xing-yu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 14-28.  
    Abstract400)            Save
    This paper introduces the deposit insurance system into the analytical framework of the impact of bank capital regulation on risk-taking behaviors, and empirically tests the impact of bank capital regulation on risk-taking behaviors and its synergy effect with the help of the data of 475 Chinese commercial banks from 2009 to 2019. The results show that bank capital regulation will reduce bank risk-taking, and the role of reducing bank risk-taking in crisis is greater than that in normal period. When the deposit insurance system is introduced, the interaction between capital regulation and the deposit insurance system will further reduce bank risk-taking behaviors. Bank capital supervision and deposit insurance system not only have a synergistic effect on the overall bank risk-taking behaviors, but also interact to reduce significantly the risk at the bank asset side and the risk at the liability side. After controlling the heterogeneous effect of the observed values at the bank level and at the regional level, the results remain robust. The conclusions of this study has important policy implications for the improvement of bank supervision and giving full play to the synergistic effect of capital supervision and deposit insurance, so as to jointly manage the risk taking behaviors of banks.
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    Knowledge Distance, Collaborative Capability and Performance of Business Digital Transformation: A Multiple Case Study of SMEs in Zhejiang Province
    HU Qing, XU Meng-zhou, CHENG Yang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 29-42.  
    Abstract501)            Save
    The integration and penetration of digital technologies into all the industries has driven more and more enterprises to embark on their digital transformation journey. Compared to large enterprises, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are frequently lacking of resources, such as digital technology, knowledge, etc., hence, the assistance from professional service organizations is often needed to promote their digital transformation. From the perspective of collaborative capability, this paper conducts an exploratory multiple case study on the digital transformation projects in SMEs in Zhejiang Province. The findings show that the larger knowledge gap between SMEs and the professional service organizations would produce a negative impact on the performance of digital transformation, while the effective collaboration between them can relieve the negative impact of knowledge distance on the performance of digital transformation. The conclusions of this study can provide beneficial references for SMEs to improve their performance in the practice of digital transformation through promoting their collaborative capability and reducing the knowledge distance between them and the professional service organizations..
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    The Influence of Local Government Industrial Policies on the Quality of Enterprises’ Export Products: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises
    WANG Sheng-bo, YAN Xiao-chang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 43-55.  
    Abstract429)            Save
    In the current complex international situation, it is particularly important to give full play to the role of industrial policies in improving the quality of export products of enterprises, so as to promote the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the major body and the mutual promotion of domestic and international double circulation. Based on the newly constructed database of local government industrial policies, this paper examines the impact and mechanisms of local government industrial policies on the quality of enterprises’ export products, as well as the heterogeneity of the above impacts at the enterprise and regional levels. The findings show that, generally speaking, the industrial policies of local governments can significantly promote the quality of enterprises’ export products, and this result is robust. The results of the test of the above-mentioned impact and mechanism show that increasing R&D density and the degree of industrial agglomeration are two effective channels for the industrial policies of local governments to promote the improvement of the quality of enterprises’ export products. In addition, the promotion effect of the industrial policies of local governments on the improvement of the quality of export products shows the heterogeneity of enterprises and regions.
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    A Study of the Spatial Correlation Network Structure Characteristics and Convergence of China’s Local Government Bond Risks
    HU Cai-long, WEI Jian-guo
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (2): 12-23.  
    Abstract378)            Save
    Based on the gravity model, this paper tries to recognize the spatial network relationship of provincial local government bond risks. It employs the social network method to analyze the spatial network structure characteristics and the dynamic evolution trend of the bond risks during the debt swap period and empirically examines the spatial convergence of the bond risks. The results show that: (1) the local government bond risks present a rather typical“scale-free network”structure, and the network contagion mechanism has a“small world phenomenon”; (2) local government bond risks have a stronger spatial network connectivity, correlation and accessibility, and they are dynamically strengthened year by year; (3) local government bond risks present obvious characteristics of cohesive subgroup structure, and the connected effect varies among different subgroups; (4) the bond risks of different provinces have a large difference in the“power”status of infection in the spatial network, and the ability of risk transmission among them is relatively stable; (5) the local government bond risks have significant convergence characteristics, and the convergence speed is different under different circumstances, indicating that the effect of the debt swap policy is more obvious. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent bond risks from such aspects as strengthening the coordinated management of bond risks across provinces, preventing bond risk contagion among regions, enhancing early warning of bond risk contagion in different regions, promoting classified bond risk management in different provinces, further promoting bond risk mitigation, and so on.
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    The Evolution of Corporate Value Creation from the Perspective of Resource Orchestration: A Vertical Case Study of Lidu Distillery from 2002 to 2019
    HU Hai-bo, FEI Mei-ju, HU Jing-bo, LU Hai-tao
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (2): 24-39.  
    Abstract349)            Save
    The effective link and cooperation of resources have become the important premise of corporate value creation to build competitive advantage. To conduct an exploratory single case study of Jiangxi Lidu Distillery Co., LTD (hereinafter referred to as Lidu Distillery) can answer the question of how to open the“black box”of resource behavior behind corporate value creation through effective resource scheduling and optimization of value creation at different stages. The findings show that: (1) the general logic of resource scheduling is in the order of “resource identification—resource structuralization—resource binding—resource utilization”; (2) based on resources providing subject, resources relation degree, value creation behavior and differences of value creation causes, three types of value creation at different corporate development stages can be identified, which presents the evolution law of “value chain link improvement—value chain iteration—value net creation”; (3) under the dynamic environment, the enterprises’ strategic adjustment responding to the environment will directly act on the process of resource scheduling, which will indirectly optimize corporate value creation.
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