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    The Green Agricultural Development Empowered by the Carbon Emission Reduction Effect of Digital Economy
    LU Jing-yu, GUO Jun-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 78-90.  
    Abstract77)            Save
    Based on the Chinese provincial panel data from 2011 to 2021, this paper explores the impact of digital economy on agricultural carbon emission intensity with the fixed effect model, the spatial Dubin model and the threshold effect model. The results show that the development of digital economy can significantly reduce the intensity of agricultural carbon emission. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that the influence of digital economy on agriculture carbon emission reduction mainly comes from the industrial digitization, and that this effect is stronger in the relatively underdeveloped areas and the non-main grain producing areas. The mechanism analysis shows that the digital economy can promote agricultural carbon emission reduction by encouraging agricultural green technology innovation, but the optimization of the structure of agricultural energy consumption has not been able to promote agricultural carbon emission reduction. The spatial effect shows that the development of digital economy has a negative spatial spillover effect on agricultural carbon emission intensity. The nonlinear relationship test shows that the negative correlation between digital economy and agricultural carbon emission intensity has nonlinear characteristics; when the development level of digital economy and the innovation level of agricultural green technology exceed the threshold value, the agricultural carbon reduction effect of the digital economy shows a marginal decreasing feature. Therefore, it is suggested to make full use of digital economy to accelerate the “double carbon” process of the agricultural sector, give full play to the green technology enabling role of digital economy, and strengthen the digital collaboration and environmental collaborative governance between the regions, so as to continuously release the agricultural emission reduction effect of digital economy.
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    Policy Incentives and Farmers’ Adoption of Water and Soil Conservation Technology: An Empirical Analysis of the Farmer Households in Shaanxi Province in the Yellow River Basin
    MAO Hui, CHEN Shao-jian, FU Yong
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 91-101.  
    Abstract38)            Save
    Water and soil erosion affects agricultural production and farmers’ life directly. The adoption of water and soil conservation technology (WSCT)can help to improve agricultural productivity and promote the sustainable agricultural development. Policy incentives may affect farmers’ decision-making on adopting WSCT. This paper conducts a study based on the micro-survey data of 622 farmer households in Shaanxi Province, the findings show that the policy incentives can significantly promote farmer households to adopt the WSCT. This promotion effect is achieved by increasing the awareness of farmers about the ecological and economic benefits of the soil and water conservation technology. Further research has found that different policy incentives (technology training, technology subsidies, technology demonstrations) can all significantly promote the adoption of WSCT by farmers, and policy incentives have a significant promoting effect on the adoption of WSCT with different attributes by farmers. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that policy incentives have a more significant promoting effect on the adoption of WSCT by farmers, particularly among those with high levels of specialization, education, large-scale operations, and high levels of disaster. The government should increase publicity, enrich the forms of technology promotion, improve the subsidy systems, and adopt different policy incentives for different attributes, so as to guide and promote farmers to adopt WSCT.
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    Scaled Farmer Management and Transformation of Outsourced Grain Production Services: A Discussion on the Theoretical Logic of Replacing Inter-Regional Services with Intra-Regional Services
    LIU Jia-cheng, XU Zhi-gang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (2): 69-81.  
    Abstract30)            Save
    In recent years, the cross regional services of China’s grain production is continuously shrinking, and the“dual scale”(providing intra-regional scaled outsourcing services while transferring to large-scale cultivation of land) operation style is increasingly visible. On the basis of comparing the differences in economies of scale between two types of service forms, this paper analyzes the theoretical logic of China’s grain production outsourcing service supply transformation, and uses thematic research data from 504 outsourcing service organizations in Jilin, Jiangsu and Sichuan, provinces to test the differential impact of large-scale operation of farmers on the cost and benefits of different forms of outsourcing services. The research results indicate that the substitution of intra-regional services for inter-regional services is a fundamental trend in the present transition of outsourcing service supply. The large-scale operation of farmers, characterized by concentrated and contiguous plots of land and the expansion of the total area of household operations, is an important reason for the transformation of outsourcing services from cross regional to intra regional. From the perspective of the internal mechanisms, although large-scale operation of farmers has a cost reducing and efficiency increasing effect on both intra-regional and inter-regional services, the marginal benefits of intra-regional services are higher than those of inter-regional services. Therefore, policy support should be provided for the transformation of outsourcing services from three aspects: further strengthening the quality of concentrated land parcels, improving the flexibility of policy adjustments to support the development of outsourcing services, and breaking the constraints of regional concepts to enhance regional exchanges and cooperation.
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    Will Clean Energy Application Affect the Subjective Well-Being of Chinese Rural Residents?
    LI Na, ZHANG Guang-lai, REN Ya-yun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (2): 82-93.  
    Abstract41)            Save
    In the process of promoting the application of clean energy, China should fully consider the farmer’s benefits and conform to the aspirations of rural residents for a better life. Based on the data from five consecutive China Family Panel Study (CFPS) from 2010 to 2018,this study constructs a“counterfactual”framework to analyze whether the clean energy application has an impact on the subjective well-being of rural residents in China with the method of difference in difference (DID), then it further tests the internal mechanism of such impact. The results show that the application of clean energy can significantly improve the subjective well-being of Chinese rural residents, and that the middle-aged group, the non-illiterate group and the working group show a higher increase in subjective well-being than their counterparts. In addition, the indirectmechanism of the impact of clean energy application on the rural residents’ subjective well-being mainly stems from three aspects, i.e., the improvement of the comprehensive economic effect, the increased confidence in the future, and the improvement of air quality. Therefore, China should consolidate the achievements of rural clean energy development and continue to strengthen the construction of rural clean energy, focusing on the young, the old, the illiterate, and the unemployed groups, and actively solve the inter-generational equity and social equity problems in the application of rural clean energy.
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