Content of Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress in our journal

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    The Generating Logic, Scientific Connotation and Development Path of the Struggle Spirit of the CPC
    LUO Hong-jie
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 3-13.  
    Abstract58)            Save
    The spirit of struggle is the spiritual outlook and state generated by the struggle subject in the practice of struggle, based on grasping the laws of struggle. The struggle spirit of the CPC is not only the need to cope with the great struggle with new historical characteristics, but also embedded in the Marxist struggle character, the Chinese excellent traditional struggle gene and the CPC’s hundred year struggle practice. It is the key element for the Party to have succeeded in the past and continue to succeed in the future. The struggle spirit of the CPC in the new era has new scientific connotations: the struggle purpose of relying on and for the people; the struggle strategy of striving for excellence and paying attention to practical results; the will to struggle with the knowledge of heavy burdens and overcoming difficulties; the fighting attitude that dares to fight and win. We should rationally examine the struggle and its spirit, and clarify that struggle is not an emotional impulse, but a rational practice; struggle is not about seeking personal gain alone, but about unity and struggle; and struggle is not a passive act, but a responsible and capable one. In the new era and during the new journey, we need to strengthen ideological refinement, continue the spiritual bloodline, grasp the historical initiatives, and strengthen the practical improvement to cultivate and carry forward the spirit of struggle, enhance the ability and skill to dare to struggle and excel in struggle, and provide strong spiritual support for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.
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    “One Core Two Subjects”: Research on the Society Governance Subjects in Soviet Area from the Perspective of Grassroots Governance
    GONG Zi-fang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 3-12.  
    Abstract87)            Save
    The Soviet Republic of China was the first national democratic government of workers and peasants in Chinese history. The social governance of the Soviet region broke through the traditional power framework, and the governance subjects presented a structural feature of“one core and two subjects”. The CPC has played a core leadership role in the social governance of the Soviet area and has undertaken an important historical mission. The Soviet government’s leadership in social governance in Soviet areas is an inevitable result and practical need of the construction of the revolutionary base areas. By fully leveraging the role of various mass organizations, the efficiency of social governance in Soviet areas can be maximized. The Soviet group organization undertook the organizational and educational functions of the masses, incorporating the most basic units and individuals of society into the Soviet political system, embedding them into various levels and links of Soviet social governance, and collaborating with the Soviet government to ensure the implementation of the will of the Soviet government. The opening and sustaining mechanism of the democratic system has led to the modern social governance characteristics of the Soviet region, opening up the grassroots democracy and people’s autonomy in modern China. .
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    Popularization of Marxism during the Jinggangshan Period: Audience Shift and Communication Practice
    ZHANG Pin-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 3-10.  
    Abstract231)            Save
    During the Jinggangshan period, the CPC, represented by Mao Zedong, found a revolutionary road suitable for China’s national conditions, opened the prelude to the sinicization of Marxism, and the popularization of Marxism in rural China took a new step. The Party and the Red Army, based on the fact that the majority of the audience in Jinggangshan is farmers, actively reformed, innovated, and explored ways and means of news propaganda. The popularization of Marxism has achieved a shift towards farmers and opened up a new direction for the localization of Marxist communication in China. This dissemination practice has formed a series of characteristics of the Jinggangshan Red News propaganda in terms of dissemination theory, propaganda methods, media means, and dissemination subjects, and achieved tremendous dissemination results. It has sublimated the ideological concepts of the Jinggangshan military and civilians, and laid a solid ideological foundation for the Chinese revolution. The Red Jinggangshan Mountains have become a historic node in the transformation of Marxist mass communication among farmers during the New Democratic Revolution, and a new starting point for the combination of Marxist news theory with the specific news propaganda practice of the Chinese revolution. The practice has proven that this innovative popularization of Marxism has accumulated rich experience for the Party to continue promote the popularization of Marxism in the future and provided important insights for the dissemination of Marxism in the new era.
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    The Realization of a Better Life for the People from the Perspective of the Whole Process of People’s Democracy: Internal Mechanism and Implementation Path
    LI Song
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 13-22.  
    Abstract106)            Save
    As the latest achievement of China’s democratic political practice, the whole-process people’s democracy pursues a“people’s orientation”in terms of values, achieves a full chain, all-encompassing and comprehensive coverage of the process, and effectively safeguards the fundamental interests of the people in terms of results, thus achieving an intrinsic fit with the people’s need for a better life. On the one hand, the whole-process people’s democracy provides a strong institutional guarantee for the realization of a better life for the people;on the other hand, the realization of a better life for the people has consolidated the social foundation of the whole process of people’s democracy and formed an organic interaction between the two. In the new era, through the mechanisms of political leadership, institutional provision and social participation, the whole process of people’s democracy keeps enhancing the“people’s character”,“all-round character”and“high-quality character”of the people’s better life. By practicing the concept of“people-centered development”, expanding the space for democratic practice and enhancing the governance effectiveness of democratic institutions, it can truly fulfill the people’s needs for a better life.
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    What Kind of New Civilization to Create: A Pioneering Study of Civilization in Chinese-Style Modernization
    LIU Wei-bing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 3-10.  
    Abstract103)            Save
    Chinese-style modernization is a socialist modernization construction under the leadership of the CPC in the process of promoting the localization of Marxism in China. Chinese-style modernization is to generate the unique logic of localization of Marxismin China and modernization logic in the process of practicing the logic of political parties, and to open up a unique modernization path with both common characteristics of modernization and Chinese characteristics in the unity of the three. Chinese-style modernization has formed a new civilized structure under the leadership of the CPC in the civilized structure of the state-party-people. Chinese-style modernization is also involved in the interaction between individuals and society, which is closely related to the existence of labor, and promotes the free and comprehensive development of people in the path of enriching free time. This is because Chinese-style modernization, by controlling the logic of capital, has gone beyond the cover of capital to people, made it clear that the subject of civilization is the people, and built a modern people’s civilization. Under the leadership of the CPC, Chinese-style modernization has formed a theoretical consciousness, a methodological consciousness and a road consciousness of civilized development, and has constructed a conscious civilization process.
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    The Theoretical Connotation and Core Essentials of the New Security Pattern
    CHEN Shi-fa, BI Lei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (3): 3-13.  
    Abstract249)            Save
    Since the 18th National Congress of CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important expositions on the issue of national security and put forward the important argument of the New Security Pattern in the report of the 20th National Congress of CPC. Interpreting the theoretical connotation and core essence of the new security pattern from a theoretical perspective and consolidating the theoretical foundation of the new security pattern can provide scientific theoretical guidance for the great practice in the new era and on the new journey. The new security pattern refers not only to the risk society in general sense, but also to the risk complex with special significance formed in the process of modernization in China. The new security pattern has evolved from the traditional security pattern, which is closely fitting China's national conditions and has formed a system of elements based on the“sixteen aspects”and combined with the“five cores”and“five pairs of relationships”. The strategic goal of the new security pattern is to coordinate security and development, promote a healthy balance between high-quality development and high-level security, and safeguard the new development pattern with the new security pattern. To construct the new security pattern, we must always adhere to the core leadership position of the Party, adhere to the co-construction of multiple entities, fully mobilize social forces to play the“collective power”, and effectively deal with the serious tests of the major challenges with high winds, rapid waves, and even turbulent waves.
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    Chinese Path to Modernization: A Three-Dimensional Interpretation Based on“Spanning-Stability-Surpassing”
    FU Wen-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 3-12.  
    Abstract99)            Save
    The Chinese path to modernization is a scientific path to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The three-dimensional interpretation framework of“spanning-stability-surpassing”can effectively explainthe internal logic of the Chinese path to modernization.The Chinese path to modernizationis neither“the old closed and rigid way”nor“the evil way to change the flag”; but a scientific socialist way to leaping over Caudine Forks. While carrying the mission of the times of saving China and developing China, the Chinese path to modernizationwill guarantee a continuous stabilityand a healthy developmentof the social conditions after the“spanning”. The Chinese path to modernization is also a scientific way to achieving“double transcendence”in the interaction of theory and practice and leading to the new form of human civilization. The Chinese path to modernizationis just the effective connection between the basic principles of scientific socialism and China's reality creatively achieved by Chinese people. It is the finest example of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. It is the way of the negation of“spanning-stability-surpassing”. The Chinese path to modernization is a scientific way to leading Chinese people to build a beautiful homeland and to realize the national rejuvenation whole-heartedly and leading Chinese nation to building China into a“Model of the Times”of socialist modern power.
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    Theoretical Evolution and Basic Characteristics of People's Democracy in the Whole Process
    XIAO Cun-liang, YUAN Feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (1): 3-9.  
    Abstract104)            Save
    From the perspective of Marxism, the whole process of people's democracy has experienced its own theoretical evolution. Marx and Engels pointed out that bourgeois democracy belongs to limited democracy, while the new democracy replacing the old one should run through the whole process of political, economic and social life. Lenin created Soviet democracy in the process of leading the Russian revolution, and organically combined the leadership of the Party with the construction of Soviet democracy. The Communist Party of China has inherited the Marxist democratic theory, put democracy through political parties, politics, economy and society, and created people's democracy in the whole process. The whole process of people's democracy is a kind of compound democracy, which cannot be realized without the leadership of the Party. It is necessary to organically combine the leadership of the Party and people's democracy.
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