Content of Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China in our journal

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    The Development Process, Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Cooperative Theory of the Communist Party of China in the Past 100 Years
    WANG Yao-de, MA Ling-bing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (6): 3-12.  
    Abstract783)            Save
    Cooperatives are an important organizational carrier for the economic and social development of China’s rural areas. Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to the exploration and practical application of the cooperative theory. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China is based on the Marxist cooperative theory; while criticizing and surpassing the Western capitalist cooperative economic theory, it has realized the splendid evolution of localization and modernization. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China has experienced a century of development of preliminary exploration, gradual deepening, and theoretical sublimation, thus presenting the theoretical characteristics and evolutionary path from focusing on ideas to returning to reality, from relatively closed to open and inclusive, from single concentration to multiple coexistence. To scientifically grasp and implement the theory of cooperatives of the Communist Party of China at the new development stage, we must adhere to the people-centered development concept, insist on the practical method of combining the subjectivity and creativity of the masses, and stick to the practical demands of productivity standards and market orientation.
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    The Early Exploration of the Chinese Communist Party's Cultural Anti-Poverty: Taking the Workers' and Peasants' Correspondent Movement in the Central Soviet Area as an Example
    LIN Ke, WANG Jian-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (5): 3-12.  
    Abstract427)            Save
    Freeing individual thoughts and opposing class poverty are the established goals of Marxist parties. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the Communist Party of China drew on Soviet Russia's experience in running newspapers, mobilized the masses to write articles for the Party newspaper, and organized a team of workers' and peasants' correspondents. Under the guidance of the propaganda departments in the base area, the masses observed the actual progress of rural social transformation, expressed their views and offered suggestions in their manuscripts, and at the same time deepened their knowledge and understanding of the revolution. Because of the complex situation of anti-encirclement and suppression, the workers' and peasants' correspondent movement were not able to fully develop, but it encouraged the proletariat to be involved in the construction of the base area, to move gradually from“being unrestrained”to“acting-by-themselves”, and to get rid of ideological and cultural poverty. The methodology contained therein provides endogenous motivation from the people to the Chinese Communist Party for the realization of its cultural anti-poverty proposition. It also possesses significant reference for the construction and consolidation of a poverty alleviation system with Chinese characteristics.
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    The Optimization Dimension of Rural Grassroots Party Construction under the Action of Rural Construction: From the Perspective of Rural Construction of the Communist Party of China in the Past Century
    BAO Xu-yuan, LI Hong-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (5): 13-22.  
    Abstract381)            Save
    The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee put forward the rural construction action for the first time in the deployment of giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas. As the development goal of the 14th Five Year Plan period, the rural construction action not only affirms the phased achievements of the rural revitalization, but also makes an overall planning for the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and the rural revitalization. The leadership role of rural grassroots Party organizations in the allocation of rural interests plays an important role in safeguarding farmers' interests and leading rural development. From the experience of 100 years of rural construction of the Communist Party of China, the coupling of rural construction action and rural grassroots Party construction is the logical necessity of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. However, in the core of rural construction, the abilities of rural grassroots Party organizations to play a leading role, to lead rural economic development and rural civilization, and to promote effective rural governance are still restricted by organizational, material, cultural, social and other practical difficulties, which also makes exploring the optimized strategy of rural grassroots Party construction in line with rural construction action become an important way to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and rural governance, and to speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas as well.
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    “Governance of China”under the Leadership of the Century-Old Large Party: Theoretical Paradigm and Institutional Panorama
    WANG Xiao-peng, LIU Xian-chun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 3-13.  
    Abstract552)            Save
    The national development and state governance of China cannot be separated from the leadership of the Communist Party of China; however, the roles of political parties have been obscured in theoretical researches. The theoretical paradigm of“the governance of China”under the leadership of the century-old large Party can reveal the unique logic of“the governance of China”. The“governance of China”under the leadership of the century-old large Party is based on the system, which is reflected in the structure of China's national system and the operation of the national governance system. The institutional panorama and functional mechanism of the century-old large Party are mainly manifested as follows: first, the Party's central organization and its institutionalized operation have an overall leadership over the national governance; second, the deliberation and coordination agency system for the central decision-making has an overall planning and leadership over major tasks; third, the Party group (Party committee) system exerts an embedded leadership to non-party organizations; the fourth is the classified leadership of the centralized and coordinated management system for specific governance matters; the fifth is the unified leadership of the discipline inspection and supervision system over the supervision system; the sixth is the Party's absolute leadership system over the people's army with a firm grasp of military power; and the seventh is the effective integration of social forces by the system of unified leadership of the Party committee over the mass groups. The main body shaping of the century-old large Party is the biggest independent variable and decisive factor in determining the efficiency of national governance. Therefore, it is necessary to drive the governance of the country through the governance of the Party, so as to promote the efficiency of national governance.
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    From Establishment of Regime to Governance Modernization: The Hundred Years of Consultative Governance of the Communist Party of China and Its Practical Approach
    FU Jian-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (4): 14-24.  
    Abstract519)            Save
    During the one century's development, the Communist Party of China has gone through a long process of applying consultative governance from the establishment of the regime to the state governance modernization. The Communist Party of China has formed such modes in consultative governance as political parties consultation, political consultation, social consultation and dialogue, etc., and finally become mature and set in the mode of socialist consultation democracy. The development of the consultative governance is the result of the Communist Party of China's deepening understanding of regime building and state governance in its one hundred year development history, which determines that the Communist Party of China occupies a core position in the consultative governance; in turn it gives rise to institutional advantages different from western deliberative democracy. In the context of the downward shift of the governance focus, the Communist Party of China can promote the advantages transformation of the consultative governance by granting more power to the grass-roots governance, and the in-depth integration of information technology and consultative governance may become a new direction for advantage transformation.
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