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    The Early Exploration of the CPC’s Thinking of Rule of Law: Taking the Referee Committee of Anyuan Railway-Mine Workers Clubas an Example
    ZHANG Tian-tian, WANG Bing-lin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (2): 94-104.  
    Abstract42)            Save
    The rule of law thinking is an important way of thinking of the CPC, and an important magic weapon for the Party to lead the revolution, the construction and the reform cause to continuously achieve victories. The full affirmation of the status and role of the law, the active advocacy of breaking the old legal system and formulating a new legal system, and the ingenious reference and use of the old legal system of the early CPC members are the starting point of the CPC’s legal thinking. The referee committee established by Anyuan Railway-Mine Workers Club is the embryonic form of the people’s justice established by the leadership of the CPC, which opened the early attempt of the Party to use the rule of law thinking. The referee committee of Anyuan Railway-Mine Workers Club clarified the“fate”of legal thinking by resolving conflicts and disputes and achieving worker autonomy, demonstrated the“correctness”of the rule of law thinking by adhering to democracy and justice and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and highlighted the“contribution”of legal thinking by consolidating revolutionary organizations and promoting the vigorous development of workers movements. Adhering to the value support of justice and fairness, adhering to the basic requirements of serving the overall situation, adhering to the fundamental position of taking the people as the center, and adhering to strengthening the construction of the rule of law to build a good rule of law environment are the profound enlightenment of the early exploration of the CPC’s rule of law thinking for the improvement of the Party’s rule of law thinking ability in the new era.
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    Ideological and Political Education Empowered by ChatGPT: Technical Paths and Possible Issues
    HUANG Xin-rong, LIU Liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 104-113.  
    Abstract83)            Save
    ChatGPT has attracted global attention with its powerful generative intelligence; while providing a more specific technical application path for empowering ideological and political education with artificial intelligence, it also brings about various new problems. From a technical perspective, ChatGPT may make it easier for ideological and political theory and practice to obtain the necessary information and discover the hidden ideological and political laws from the vast amount of information. ChatGPT may allow educators to study and analyze educational objects from a multidimensional perspective, to gain easier access to interactive experiences between educators and educational objects, and to have more convenient access to ideological and political work consulting services. In terms of possible issues, the language model of ChatGPT may generate and disseminate erroneous information, making it difficult for educators to distinguish. ChatGPT may generate certain ideological biases during the learning and training process. The powerful functions of ChatGPT can easily lead to educators’ dependence on it. In addition, there are still a series of ethical issues that cannot be solved at present.
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    The Fourfold Dimension of Patriotism in The Communist Manifesto
    ZHU Huang-he, ZHANG Yun-ying
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (5): 115-124.  
    Abstract62)            Save
    Although Marx and Engels did not specifically discuss the topic of patriotism in The Communist Manifesto, they summarized the general outline of patriotism in the text. The connotation of the concept of patriotism in The Communist Manifesto is polysemous and rich, which should be interpreted in multiple dimensions according to the differences of time and space. This is manifested in the following aspects: in the value dimension, it stands on the position of the proletariat and declares that “the workers have no fatherland”; in the time dimension, it criticizes the patriotic ideology of the realistic capitalist countries and affirms the need to maintain the state power of the proletariat in the transitional period; in the space dimension, it opposes national oppression and supports the liberation movement of the oppressed nations; in the transcendental dimension, it calls on proletarians to transcend the boundaries of the nation-state emphasized by patriotism and to realize a broad worldwide union. Now in the new era, China still needs to strengthen patriotic education, reinforce a strong sense of national community, establish a consolidated patriotic united front, and integrate the Marxist view of patriotism with the specific stage of social development in contemporary China.
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    Multivariate Construction of Literary Geographical Space in Song Dynasty: Taking Urban CI in Song Dynastyas the Center
    ZHU Jie, ZHU Wen-rui
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 116-125.  
    Abstract64)            Save
    Due to the rise of urban development in the Song Dynasty, the number of urban CI increased sharply. The urban CI covered a lot of aspectsof urban life and had a wide range of contents, which were unprecedented in the previous generation. They enjoyed profound representativeness in the construction of literary geographical space.From the perspective of the outer space, urban CI in Song Dynasty is based on the real scenes of the real cities, takes the urban material space as the describing objects, truly restores the literary activities and scenes of the Song Dynasty, and constructs a three-dimensional and regional literary geographical space.From the perspective of the inner space, through the spatial experience and memory of the cities, the poetsof Song Dynasty take the urban geographical space as the carrier and symbol of the poets'emotions, and construct a literary geographical space containing implicitly the universalfeelings of the man of letters in the Song Dynasty.From the perspective of space-time structure, the urban Ci of the Song Dynasty adopts the combination of space-time consistency, space-time dislocation and multiple space-time convolution and interleaving to cross integrate the urban geographical space from different angles and levels, and finally achieve the multi-element construction of literary geographical space from outside to inside and from point to surface.
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    The Evolutionary Path and Successful Experience of Chinese Communist Party's Red Movies
    SHEN Lu, LIU Xin-ting
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 116-127.  
    Abstract95)            Save
    In the early days of film entering China, the Communist Party of China successfully led the“Left-wing film movement”from the Marxist view of literature and art, thus forming the Party's red film culture system, which became the important guiding principle and an important part of the national film industry. The subsequent creation waves of“people's film”and“main theme film”have written important chaptersin the history of contemporary Chinese film. In the new era of the development of the socialist cause, the red film tradition and its inner development path have further coexisted into a“new mainstream film”, representing the national film industry level and the image of cultural soft power, pushing the red film cause led by the Party to a new historical and cultural height. The reason why thered film industry of Chinese Communist Party can make continuous progress is that it has always adhered to the fundamental direction of“serving the people”, practiced Marxist literary view with the times, and enjoyed adeep perception of Chinese cultural experiences and a sharp understanding of the world cultural trend.
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    The Operation Logic and Practical Limit of Party Building in Resource-Supported Emotional Governance: Taking C Park as an Example
    REN Yong, WU Kang-wen
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 106-115.  
    Abstract104)            Save
    The grass-roots Party building holds an important position in China’s national governance. As an important part of the grass-roots Party building, the Party building in the industrial parks often has its own internal operation logic. Through the investigation of the case of C Park, it is discovered that there is a kind of Party building operation logic with resource-supported emotional governance. This kind of Party building operation logic in the industrial park is realized through different steps, such as emotional response, emotional restraints and emotional shaping in the grassroots Party building; it also has its own characteristics in such aspects as the basic premise, formal requirements, team support, etc.. But at the same time, from the perspective of the practical process, this type of Party building operation logic in the parks also has corresponding limitations, which are embodied in such aspects as the conflicts between resource supply and demand, the “formalized” tendency of Party building activities, and the limitation of the abilities of the staff. In view of the new situation and new problems in the Party building in the park, it is necessary to continuously optimize the basic premise, the formal requirements and the supporting conditions, so as to better promote the effective development of Party building in the urban grassroots.
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    From Freedom to Self-Confidence: the Humanology Consciousness of “the Governance of China”
    TU Ya-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 103-111.  
    Abstract368)            Save
    After the Fourth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the “governance of China” has ushered in an important point of opportunity for theorization. Different from Western governance which takes bourgeois liberal humanology as the theoretical foundation, the humanology consciousness of “the governance of China” is manifested in the sinicization of Marxist humanology, and there is a development process from freedom to self-confidence in discourse. Mao Zedong laid the foundation for socialist humanology discourse with the “people’s freedom and happiness” as the theoretical core. Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “Three Represents”, and the scientific outlook on development have promoted Marxist humanology self-consciousness on the basis of socialist humanology and shaped the self-confident expression of “the governance of China”. General Secretary Xi Jinping has summarized and sublimated the self-confident discourse of “the governance of China”, which takes the people as the core, reflecting the fundamental interests of the people, the requirements of the times and the essence of “good governance”, and creating a new realm of “the governance of China”.
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    Sartre “the Father of Action”and Camus“the Husband of Literature”: Sontag and Existentialism
    CHEN Wen-gang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 112-120.  
    Abstract492)            Save
    Existentialism in the 20th century is actually a return to the pre-Socrates tradition that combines philosophy and lifestyle into one. The intertwined problem of politics, technology and economics means adding nihility and absurdity to the sense of homelessness to the bourgeoisie that have left the churches. This is the biggest context of the times for the“new left”as Susan Sontag, and the subject of Existentialism as well. Sontag shares strong similarities with Sartre in her many “words”and“deeds”, so Sartre is her father of action, but the“ideal husband”of her aesthetic sensibility is Camus. Sontag’s ambivalent attitude towards the two shows some of her own characteristics. Moreover, the Existentialism still has its constant value towards the self- condition of human freedom and the sense of duty resulting from it, especially at the present time that is under the new media ecology.
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    The Aesthetic Character and Aesthetic Paradox of Micro-Culture from the Perspective of Media Technology
    LI Xu
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (2): 107-115.  
    Abstract370)            Save
    Based on mobile Internet and web2.0 technology, Micro-culture is a network culture formed and dominated by user-produced and disseminated contents, such as Weibo, WeChat, QQ, video websites, and online forums. Since the micro-culture is on the basis of media technology, its aesthetic character reflects distinctive media and technical characteristics, which are mainly embodied in four aspects: visual aesthetic perception across time and space, fragmented virtual aesthetic experience, interactive sharing of aesthetics production, and diversified and fashionable aesthetic fashion. Meanwhile, the micro-culture that is highly dependent on media technology presents a series of unavoidable aesthetic paradoxes: substantial body online and vanity subject presence, satisfaction of aesthetic pleasure and lack of aesthetic emotions, the fullness of aesthetic illusions and the dissolution of aesthetic values, and the freedom of aesthetic choices and the strengthening of aesthetic control, etc.
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    Balance, Coordination and Foundation Laying: An Analysis of the Economic Adjustment from 1979 to 1984
    XIAO Hao-chen, ZHANG Ke-fei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (1): 116-126.  
    Abstract322)            Save
    The economic adjustment from 1979 to 1984 is the beginning of marketization in contemporary China and the beginning of the transformation of development mode, and it is the foundation laying stage of the rapid development in the 30 years since the reform and opening up. This adjustment has promoted the balance between people's livelihood and the economy, the coordination between various industrial sectors of the macro economy, and the continuous optimization of the economic structure. The results of this study show that this economic adjustment is China's effective experience in responding to economic fluctuations, preventing and deflating risks, ensuring economic security and high-quality development, and is a concentrated expression of the transformation of institutional advantages into economic governance efficiency. Adhering to the supply-side structural reform should be regarded as the main line, and it is required that an integrated design of adjustment and reform should be fulfilled from the system and policies, so as to make the reform open the way and point the direction for the development and make the adjustment escort and guard the development.
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    The Features, Effects and Times Value of the Music in the Central Soviet Area
    ZHENG Lu, HU Bang-ning
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (6): 106-113.  
    Abstract432)            Save
    The music of the Central Soviet Area is rooted in the red soil and grew up in the revolutionary struggle. It adheres to the theme of revolutionary works, the core of class value, and the technique of original creation. Among the proletarian revolutionary literatures and arts, the music of the Central Soviet Area has forged the red faith in the Soviet Area, mobilized the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers, and praised the heroes of the Soviet Area. The music of the Central Soviet Area in the new era has the red genes for the prosperity of advanced culture, spreading the red history with the righteous songs, and holding the value of the times by providing the spiritual food of the red culture. The music of the Central Soviet Area can play a powerful spiritual leading role in strengthening the national cultural confidence and prospering the socialist cultural undertakings with Chinese characteristics.
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    An Analysis of the Party's Shared Development Thought since the Founding of New China: History, Reasoning and Enlightenment
    CHEN Shi-fa, ZHU Ge-feng
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (5): 117-125.  
    Abstract342)            Save
    Shared development is the value pursuit always upheld and insisted on by the Communist Party of China since it was founded. Since the founding of New China, the Party's shared development thought has gone through a gradual progress, from the establishment of the theme and the foundation-laying of the system in the first thirty years of New China, to the theoretical formation and practical innovation in the new period of reform and opening up, then to the theory sublimation and vision expansion of the new age of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The evolutionary course presents a path with ever enriched connotations, continuously expanded scope and constantly widened vision. The formation and development of the idea of shared development is not only the value projection of the ideals and pursuits of the Communist Party of China in practice, but also the historical and logical certainty of the continuous development of the socialist cause, which embodies the unity of value concepts and practical paths. To promote the shared development, we must always adhere to the people-centered approach, we must correctly handle the relationship between fairness and efficiency in response to the changes in major social contradictions, and we must take care of the world development.
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    Crisis Response: Ma Yukun and Chaoyang Huazigou Religious Case with a Focus on “He Zongxun’s Diary”
    HAN Ning-ping
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (5): 126-133.  
    Abstract318)            Save
    Ma Yukun is not known for being open-minded, nor is one of the stubbornness. After the year of Gengzi, in the context of the imperial court repenting for what had done wrong and trying to consolidate its diplomatic relations, Ma Yukun“painfully reconciled”“did his best”and “kept cautious and decisive”when handling the Chaoyang Huazigou religious case. He well balanced the relationship between loyalty to the Emperor and caring for the people, avoided the previous short-sightedness of“although the present safety being maintained, future troubles being left”, and fulfilled the task of“reconciling the relationship between the people and the missionaries, and maintaining the local appeasement”, thus set a successful example with“more stable measures and more satisfactory effects”in the Gengzi religious case. Ma Yukun's successful experience in dealing with crisis is of useful reference to the prevention and response of various emergencies today.
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    Big Data and Its Transparent World from the Perspective of Positive Ethics
    HUANG Xin-rong, LUO Xiao-yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (2): 98-106.  
    Abstract176)            Save
    Big data digitizes everything in the world and makes the world transparent, so the human nature being accustomed to hiding is suddenly and completely exposed to the public, which has caused many ethical issues. The traditional ethics starts from a negative ethical view to believe that big data has brought about such issues as privacy, fairness and security to human beings. Then it gives prescriptions for prevention and governance in an attempt to regulate big data with old ethics. But from a positive ethical point of view, big data and its transparent world may also bring us the true return of humanity, such as sincerity, equality, freedom, safety and personality. The historical wheel of the big data revolution cannot be stopped. We can only insist on data openness, improve data capabilities, narrow the data gap, change the concept of privacy, rebuild the ethical system, pursue limited freedom, and embrace the big data era with a positive ethical attitude.
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    The Metaphysics of“I”: A Philosophical Issue in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    CAI Heng-jin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (2): 107-114.  
    Abstract237)            Save
    The development of artificial intelligence technology is beyond imagination, and it has become an unquestionable development trend that machines will surpass humans one by one in various professional fields. Under such a background, human beings will doubt the value of their existence; thereby generate subversive questions about ethics and morals. However, humans still have their particularity that cannot be replaced by machines, which lies in the fact that human being has strong self-consciousness that can control the future. Then where does this particularity come from? Can this particularity be used to break through the current bottleneck in the development of artificial intelligence? In the era of artificial intelligence, philosophy bears the heavy responsibility of unprecedented guidance; the development of AI technology is both a scientific issue and a philosophical issue. By explaining the three level contents of where“I”comes from, where“I”am and where“I”am going to, the human-machine relationship can be clarified from the philosophical perspective, which can provide new ideas for the future co-existence and common prosperity of human being and machine.
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    An Analysis of the Promotion of Consumer Cooperatives in Jiangxi Judicial Circle during the Period of Republic of China
    GONG Ru-fu, LI Yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (1): 111-119.  
    Abstract167)            Save
    During the period of Republic of China, with the original intention of improving the unit employees' welfare, providing low-cost and high-quality goods, and improving employees' economic conditions, the employee consumer cooperatives were organized in governments at all levels, schools, enterprises, and even in the military troops. As the Anti-Japanese War entered a stalemate phase, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Justice, the judicial circle in Jiangxi vigorously promoted the employee consumer cooperative movement. However, under the judicial system that embarrassed employees' livelihoods, the introduction of an equal and mutually beneficial employee consumption cooperation mechanism into the judicial organs not only failed to achieve the expected effect of improving employee welfare, but also became an excellent excuse for a few people to use their power to seek rent. Coinciding with the lack of supplies during the war, coupled with the worsening inflation, consumer cooperatives were distorted and transformed into institutions that harmed the welfare of employees, which exacerbated the process of disintegration of the personnel within the judicial organs, showing the complete collapse of the national government from the level of the judicial system.
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