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    25 September 2020, Volume 0 Issue 5
    Xi Jinping’s Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
    On Xi Jinping's View of Honesty: Origin, Connotation and Characteristics
    LI Ping, ZHANG Fang-lin
    2020, 0(5):  3-11. 
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    In the practice of governing the country, Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches on the issue of honesty, and carried out theoretical exploration and practical innovation around the construction of honesty, which embodies Xi Jinping's view of honesty. Xi Jinping's concept of honesty originates from the excellent traditional honesty culture of the Chinese nation. It is the inheritance and development of the Marxist theory of honesty and has been formed in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the four aspects of honesty, i.e., being an important guarantee for building a pragmatic, upright and efficient government for the people, being the most basic ethical requirement of the market economy, being the cornerstone and important feature of a harmonious society, and being the important standards for international exchanges, this paper fully expands the value of times of honesty. Then from focusing on the construction of the integrity system, emphasizing the solution to both the symptoms and root causes, and integrating the integrity building into the daily norms of behavior, it stresses the two ways by which to put Xi Jinping's view of honesty into practice through actively broadening the effective path of honesty building, so as to deeply grasp the rich connotation of Xi Jinping's view of honesty. Xi Jinping's concept of honesty has distinctive features, which is the unity of scientificity and practicality, inheritance and openness, and adheres to the combination of the system theory and the focal-point theory.
    Economy & Management
    On the Construction of an Emergency Management System of Public Health Emergencies with Systematic Thinking
    LI Xiu-xiang, HUANG Wei-feng
    2020, 0(5):  12-20. 
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    Public health emergencies are a serious challenge the world is faced with. Fighting against the COVID-19 is a big test of the emergency response and governance capabilities of the countries around the world. Under the solid leadership of the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core, China has made great achievements in fighting against the epidemic and won the widespread recognition of the international community. However, during the course of fighting against the epidemic, some weaknesses in the emergency management of public health emergencies have been exposed, and it is necessary to use systematic thinking to find out the differences, make up for shortcomings, and plug loopholes. As for the improvement of the system construction of relative laws and regulations, such laws and departmental regulations as “The Public Health Emergency Response Act” , “The Biosecurity Law”, “The Public Health Risk Early Warning Management Measures” and other relevant laws and regulations should be formulated as soon as possible, and relevant supporting laws and regulations should be revised. Reform and innovation should be carried out in improving the emergency command system, the prevention and warning system, the treatment system, the information dissemination system and other aspects. Great efforts should be made to build a long-term and effective mechanism for emergency management of public health emergencies with Chinese characteristics.
    The Choice of R&D Investment of China's Manufacturing Enterprises under High-Quality Development: From the Perspective of Output Fluctuation
    JIANG Yu-jie, CAO Jing-lin
    2020, 0(5):  21-31. 
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    Taking the transmission mechanism of horizontal and vertical innovation growth model as the theoretical basis, this paper makes use of the data of listed manufacturing enterprises and employs the multivariate statistical model and the panel threshold model to study the R&D investment choice of China's manufacturing enterprises during their high-quality development. The findings show that there is an inverted U-shape relationship between R&D investment and output fluctuation of all the sample manufacturing enterprises, which is consistent with the transmission mechanism of vertical innovation. There is a single threshold in R&D investment, the threshold value is regarded as the critical point, and the enterprises carry out their R&D investment on their horizontal and vertical innovation systems respectively, the output fluctuation is thus affected. The asset scale has double thresholds, the enterprises with a scale lower than the first threshold value may carry out their R&D investments according to their horizontal innovation mechanism. The enterprises with a scale higher than the second threshold value are not suitable to change their R&D investments frequently, so as to avoid sharper output fluctuations. The enterprises with a scale between the two threshold values should increase their R&D investment continuously, so as to enhance the stability of their output in the process of achieving high-quality development.
    A Study of the Influencing Factors of China's Carbon Emission in the Context of Aging Population: An Empirical Analysis Based on PET Model
    LI Chang-bao, GAO Li, YANG De-cao
    2020, 0(5):  32-44. 
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    Based on the PET (Population, Environment and Technology) model, this paper establishes an analytical framework for the equilibrium of the three sections, i.e., production, consumption and government. On this basis, it makes use of China's population, economy and carbon emission data from 1995 to 2016 to carry out the biased estimation of ridge regression. The findings show that economic factors are still the main cause of carbon emission growth in China, but factors of population and consumption, especially the relationship between aging and carbon emission, are becoming positively related increasingly; the impact of energy consumption on carbon emissions is increasingly obvious. China's energy conservation and emission reduction should not only start from traditional economic factors to reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP, but also pay attention to the balanced development of population size, population growth and population structure, improve the quality of the population, strengthen the technological innovations, advocate the consumption concept of energy conservation and environmental protection, and effectively transform the mode of economic growth.
    Has Regulated Industries Got More Favorable Bank Loans
    XIE Jian
    2020, 0(5):  45-57. 
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    The efficiency of bank loan allocation is critical for China's economic development in the process of transition economy. The existing researches mainly focus on regional allocation efficiency and enterprise micro allocation efficiency, while the allocation efficiency of credit resource industries draws less attention. Taking the hand-collected single bank loans disclosed by A share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2007 to 2013 as research data, this paper tries to examine the impact of industry regulation on bank loan contracts. The result shows that the regulated industries can obtain bank loans with larger amounts, longer terms and lower interest rates. The findings of further study show that among the regulated industries, non-state-owned enterprises cannot enjoy the same treatment as state-owned enterprises in their credit allocation.
    Insurance and Security
    On the Economic Value of the Family Care of the Aged: From the Perspective of Long-Term Care Policy
    YUAN Di, CHEN Tao
    2020, 0(5):  58-69. 
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    Based on the data of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS) of 2011, this paper estimates the economic value of family care of the aged by means of the well-being evaluation method. The findings show that according to the sample average, the economic value of an hour of family care of the aged is worth about 10.3 Yuan. Due to the difference of time spent on the care, the monthly financial compensation for caregivers is between 581 Yuan and 2,611 Yuan. Limited by the regional development gap in the level of care services, paid family care is an attempt to gradually solve the problem of long-term care of the aged. The government should give priority to encouraging and supporting family care services, make up for the welfare losses due to the high-strength family care work, meanwhile, promote the balanced development of care service market, and put the high-quality and accessible long-term care service into practice.
    A Proposal for the Construction of China's Insurance Trust
    CHEN Xi-cang, YANG Xiang
    2020, 0(5):  70-80. 
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    As China's economic development entering the new normal stage, the insurance industry and the trust industry have entered a new period of industrial development. Since 2016, the premium growth rate of China's insurance industry has slowed down, and the original channel business of the trust industry has been limited heavily as a result of the fierce competition of wealth management business and the diversion of the overlaid regulatory policies. Therefore, returning to the industry origin and looking for the new growth points have become the urgent need for the development of the industries. With the strength of integrating the advantages of the insurance industry and the trust industry, and because of possessing such functions as tax planning, professional asset management, flexible distribution, wealth inheritance and so on, the insurance trust is placed with great hopes by the insurance industry and the trust industry. However, due to the weak foundation of theoretical researches and practice, China's insurance trust has not yet formed a sustainable business model at present. Therefore, drawing on the theories and practical experiences from foreign countries and regions is conductive for China's insurance trust to break the development limits and the theoretical disputes and to form a better business development model.
    Agricultural Research
    Poverty Alleviation and Development with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era: Theoretic Logic and China's Contribution
    CHEN Yang-geng, HU Jun-hua
    2020, 0(5):  81-91. 
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    In the new era, China's poverty alleviation and development work has made remarkable achievements, but its successful internal theoretic logic and contribution to the world's poverty alleviation have not been systematically analyzed. This paper employs the holistic governance theory to conduct a systematic analysis of the poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The findings show that the experience of poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics in the new era has achieved transcendence in the practice through value integration, structure integration, mechanism integration of poverty governance that highly conforming to the holistic governance theory. On such a basis, it constructs a framework to explain the contribution of poverty alleviation and development with Chinese characteristics in the new era to the world's poverty reduction, which includes the two key words:“new era”and“China”. The“new era”embodies the core meaning of adaptive governance, while“China”manifests the“people-centered”value concept and the unique advantages of the strong mobilization ability of the socialist system.
    An Analysis of the Stage Characteristics and Factor Bottlenecks of the Expansion of Farmers' Operation Scale since Reform and Opening-up: From the Perspective of Factor Allocation
    CAI Jian, HUANG Ying
    2020, 0(5):  92-102. 
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    The expansion of farmers' operation scale can be attributed to the combinatorial allocation of factors. As the level of factor marketization keeps increasing, the combinatorial allocation of factors can be achieved through the circulation and substitution of market channels. The findings show that, firstly, it is its natural property that makes the agriculture have absolute dependence on the land, thereby resulting in the fact that the development of the land market or land leasing (transferring) market is the basic conditions for the expansion of farmers' operation scale. Secondly, the expansion of farmer's operation scale is a result of the combinatorial allocation of the factors of land and labor, and the reality of China's agricultural labor flowing to urban areas leads to the fact that the development of agricultural machinery market and the relevant operational service market is a general condition for farmers to further expand their business scale. Thirdly, the constantly improved marketability of land, labor, and their substitutes makes the development of capital (credit) market a threshold condition for farmers to realize scaled operation.
    Integration of the Three Industries in Rural Areas:Rural Households' Participation and Its Income-Increasing Effects
    LI Jiao-yuan, QIN Cheng, FANG Xiang-ming
    2020, 0(5):  103-116. 
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    The income-increasing effect of rural households' participation in the integration of the three industries is one of the important aspects in evaluating the effects of the integrated development of the three industries in rural areas. Based on the survey data of 714 rural households from Zhejiang, Hubei, and Sichuan provinces in 2019, this paper tries to analyze the participation of rural households in the integration of the three industries. It makes use of the Logit model to explore the influencing factors of the participation and employs the propensity score matching method (PSM) to evaluate the effects of the participation on farmers' income. The results show that such factors as the education the head of a household received, family's social capital, whether a family being the subject of the new-type agricultural operation, the level of economic infrastructures related to the development of village industries, and the location are the major causes to the households' participation in the integration of the three industries. The participation has significantly increased the per capita operational income by 164.7%, but no significant effect can be found on the income of other types. Compared with other groups, the participation has a more significant effect on the per capita operational income of the rural households with the heads aged 45 or above, the households with education level of high school or over, and the ordinary households not registered as subjects of new agricultural operation.
    Literature, History and Philosophy
    An Analysis of the Party's Shared Development Thought since the Founding of New China: History, Reasoning and Enlightenment
    CHEN Shi-fa, ZHU Ge-feng
    2020, 0(5):  117-125. 
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    Shared development is the value pursuit always upheld and insisted on by the Communist Party of China since it was founded. Since the founding of New China, the Party's shared development thought has gone through a gradual progress, from the establishment of the theme and the foundation-laying of the system in the first thirty years of New China, to the theoretical formation and practical innovation in the new period of reform and opening up, then to the theory sublimation and vision expansion of the new age of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The evolutionary course presents a path with ever enriched connotations, continuously expanded scope and constantly widened vision. The formation and development of the idea of shared development is not only the value projection of the ideals and pursuits of the Communist Party of China in practice, but also the historical and logical certainty of the continuous development of the socialist cause, which embodies the unity of value concepts and practical paths. To promote the shared development, we must always adhere to the people-centered approach, we must correctly handle the relationship between fairness and efficiency in response to the changes in major social contradictions, and we must take care of the world development.
    Crisis Response: Ma Yukun and Chaoyang Huazigou Religious Case with a Focus on “He Zongxun’s Diary”
    HAN Ning-ping
    2020, 0(5):  126-133. 
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    Ma Yukun is not known for being open-minded, nor is one of the stubbornness. After the year of Gengzi, in the context of the imperial court repenting for what had done wrong and trying to consolidate its diplomatic relations, Ma Yukun“painfully reconciled”“did his best”and “kept cautious and decisive”when handling the Chaoyang Huazigou religious case. He well balanced the relationship between loyalty to the Emperor and caring for the people, avoided the previous short-sightedness of“although the present safety being maintained, future troubles being left”, and fulfilled the task of“reconciling the relationship between the people and the missionaries, and maintaining the local appeasement”, thus set a successful example with“more stable measures and more satisfactory effects”in the Gengzi religious case. Ma Yukun's successful experience in dealing with crisis is of useful reference to the prevention and response of various emergencies today.
    Law & Economy
    Research on the Effectiveness System of Personal Data Rights
    NIU Bin-bin
    2020, 0(5):  134-147. 
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    In the era of big data, realizing data subjects' control over personal data is an important link in protecting data subjects' data privacy and constructing a multiple data governance system. In order to achieve a balance of interests between the privacy interests of personal data and the property interests of corporate data, in judicial practice, the ownership of personal data is recognized as being shared by individuals and platforms, however, this has also resulted in the binding of rights over data, and the failure of the distinction between personal data and non-personal data also exacerbates the conflicts between the two rights. Therefore, it is necessary to detailing the sharing system between personal data and corporate data and to construct a system for the effectiveness of personal data rights. The construction of the anti-effectiveness system of personal data rights should follow the principle of balancing the interests, the principle of risk orientation, and the principle of classification. The personal data should be divided into“content-oriented”personal data and“purpose-oriented”personal data. As for the former, the data subjects need to be endowed with the right to access, the right to modify, the right to delete, the right of portability, and the data property right as opposed to enterprises; while for the latter, the data subjects need to be given the right to object and the right to interpret the algorithms. In order to ensure data quality, the right to modify, the right to delete, and the right to be forgotten can only be realized through indirect means.