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    25 November 2021, Volume 0 Issue 6
    Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
    The Development Process, Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Cooperative Theory of the Communist Party of China in the Past 100 Years
    WANG Yao-de, MA Ling-bing
    2021, 0(6):  3-12. 
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    Cooperatives are an important organizational carrier for the economic and social development of China’s rural areas. Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to the exploration and practical application of the cooperative theory. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China is based on the Marxist cooperative theory; while criticizing and surpassing the Western capitalist cooperative economic theory, it has realized the splendid evolution of localization and modernization. The cooperative theory of the Communist Party of China has experienced a century of development of preliminary exploration, gradual deepening, and theoretical sublimation, thus presenting the theoretical characteristics and evolutionary path from focusing on ideas to returning to reality, from relatively closed to open and inclusive, from single concentration to multiple coexistence. To scientifically grasp and implement the theory of cooperatives of the Communist Party of China at the new development stage, we must adhere to the people-centered development concept, insist on the practical method of combining the subjectivity and creativity of the masses, and stick to the practical demands of productivity standards and market orientation.
    Economy & Management
    Research on the Growth Mechanism of Rural Tourism Destination Brands from the Perspective of Ecological Niche: Taking Huangling of Wuyuan County as an Example
    YU Ke-fa
    2021, 0(6):  13-28. 
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    From the perspective of brand niche, this article uses case study method and takes Huangling of Wuyuan county as the research object to explore the dynamic evolution mechanism of the growth process of rural tourism destination brands. The findings show that brand growth is essentially caused by the adjustment or transition of the brand niche. With the continuous optimization of the brand niche, the brand’s market position will be gradually improved, and eventually grows into a market-leading brand. The brand niche is composed of three dimensions, i.e., the breadth, the degree of overlap and the degree of dominance. The best direction for brand niche changes is to maximize the niche breadth, minimize the degree of overlap, and maximize the degree of dominance. The factors that cause the brand niche changes mainly come from the pressure of market demand and the pressure of market competition, effective response to these two influencing factors can promote the optimization of the brand niche.
    The System Construction and Realization Path of the Intelligentization of Municipal Social Governance
    XU Xiao-dong, RUI Yue-feng
    2021, 0(6):  29-36. 
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    Municipal social governance is the specific reflection of national governance within all the areas under the jurisdiction of the cities, and is the basic composing unit of the national governance system. The intelligentization of municipal social governance is an important path to promote the modernization of municipal social governance. However, the intelligentization of municipal social governance faces the problem of insufficient understanding in actual work. The lack of an application system for the intelligent system that is relatively complete and can be used across the country cannot trigger a qualitative change in the blueprint of intelligent social governance across the country. There is a lack of connectivity between the existing theoretical researches and the specific practice, which results in the problem that the central government’s top-level design of municipal social governance is difficult to implement and slow to yield results. In view of this, this paper attempts to answer such questions as “how to understand”, “how to build” and “how to realize” the intelligentization of municipal social governance theoretically. On the basis of clarifying the connotation of the intelligentization of municipal social governance, and combining the actual problems of municipal social governance, this paper constructs a system framework of intelligent municipal social governance from the three dimensions of intelligent interface reconfiguration, intelligent governance application and intelligent technical support. It also explores the realization path of the intelligentization of municipal social governance from the aspects of technical system, institutional mechanism, and so on.
    Household Leverage, Consumption Upgrading and Stable Economic Growth: the Transmission Mechanism and Time-Varying Impact Test Based on TVP-SV-VAR Model
    PENG Wei
    2021, 0(6):  37-48. 
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    Based on the TVP-SV-VAR model and the macroeconomic data from 2002 to 2019, this paper explores the dynamic transmission mechanism and the time-varying impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth. The results show that, firstly, there exists an interactive impact among the leverage ratio of the residential sector, the consumption upgrading and the stable economic growth, the degrees and the direction of the impact are different at different time point, showing the time-varying and heterogeneous characteristics. Secondly, in terms of the impact in the same period of the variables, the increase of the leverage rate of residential sector has a negative impact on the current consumption upgrading, and a positive impact on the current stable economic growth. Thirdly, in terms of the evenly-spaced impulse response, the transmission effect of residents’ leverage rate changes on the consumption upgrading has experienced a changing process of “first decease and then increase”, while the transmission effect on the stable economic growth has experienced a changing process of “first increase and then decrease”. Fourthly, in terms of the impulse response at specific time points, the household leverage at the specific time-points has not been able to effectively promote the consumption upgrading, and the medium and long term house loans have “squeezed out” the consumption expenditures. But with the promotion of the supply side structural reform, this negative impact will be gradually weakened. This also puts forward higher requirements for the in-depth promotion of “promoting consumption” and “stabilizing growth” through “the structural deleveraging”.
    Insurance and Security
    Risk Structure and Prevention Mechanism of Long-Term Care Service Delivery in Principal-Agent Relationship
    WAN Yi-na, ZHANG Zhong-fang
    2021, 0(6):  49-60. 
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    Long-term care service delivery includes three links: service access, disability assessment and service supply. During the process of long-term care service delivery, there exists a complex principal-agent relationship among the disabled elderly and their families, the government and the long-term care service providers. In this relationship, according to the occurrence time of information asymmetry, the risks of long-term care service delivery can be divided into adverse selection, moral hazard of hiding information and moral hazard of hiding action. These three types of risks show different forms at different links of the service delivery. In order to reduce the probability of risk occurrence, the risk prevention mechanism should include the three important dimensions: the institutional norms, the constraints and incentives, and the process control, and the risk prevention policies at each link should be optimized based on the domestic practice.
    A Study on the Evaluation of the Quality of Long-Term Care Service for Urban and Rural Residents
    LIU Hao, LI Qiang, XUE Xing-li
    2021, 0(6):  61-74. 
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    Meeting the needs of multiple care services for disabled elderly and improving the quality of care services are the currently urgent issues to be resolved. By revising the customer perception service quality model, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of the quality of long-term care services for urban and rural residents. By employing the method of combing the multi-stage stratified cluster sampling and simple random sampling, it obtains a total of 301 pieces of data of disabled elderly from the four pilot cities of Shanghai, Qingdao, Changchun and Nantong, and then it uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the quality of the long-term care services for urban and rural residents. The results show that on the whole the quality of long-term care services for urban and rural residents has been recognized to a certain extent, but there is still much room for improvement, especially in the dimensions of tangibility and effectiveness. The quality of long-term care service for urban and rural residents in urban areas is significantly higher than that in rural areas. Based on the empirical results, this article puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as paying attention to the spiritual world of the elderly, making professionally customized and personalized service scheme, promoting the intelligent long-term care service facilities, improving the supervision mechanism for long-term care service, and vigorously promoting the equalization of long-term care service in urban and rural areas, etc..
    Agricultural Researches
    The Nonlinear Dynamic Impact of Mass Entrepreneurship on Rural Multidimensional Poverty: Based on the Dynamic Threshold Regression Model
    PING Wei-ying, ZONG Xiao-yong
    2021, 0(6):  75-87. 
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    Mass entrepreneurship is an important way to reduce rural poverty; at the same time it is also the measure taken by the government departments at different levels to encourage farmers to increase their income. By making use of China’s provincial panel data, this paper checks the impact of mass entrepreneurship on the multidimensional rural poverty (the poverty from income, education and medical treatment). The results show that mass entrepreneurship has a significant dynamic nonlinear effect on the rural multidimensional poverty of China’s provinces, of which the inclusive financial development level and the marketization?degree are at a lower level. The role of mass entrepreneurship in reducing multidimensional rural poverty is weaker, even some indicators are not significant. But once the threshold value is breached and reaches a higher stage, the reduction effect of mass entrepreneurship on rural income poverty and education poverty will be significantly enhanced. However, in the regions with higher marketization degree, mass entrepreneurship has “squeezed out” rural medical facilities by promoting the development of urban medical institutions, which exacerbates rural medical poverty.
    How Farmland Ownership Affirmation and Informal Rules Affect Farmland Transfer Rents
    LI Xing-guang, HUO Xue-xi
    2021, 0(6):  88-97. 
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    In the context of the imperfect systems of farmland property rights, farmland ownership affirmation and informal rules will determine the risk level of farmland property rights, and further affecting farmland transfer rents. Through establishing a theoretical model to display the impacts of farmland ownership affirmation, informal rules and their interactions on farmland transfer rents, this paper adopts the microscopic survey data of 762 apple growers from Shandong province and Shaanxi province to conduct an empirical examination. The results indicate that farmland ownership affirmation and third-party involvement could increase the rents of farmland transfer, but the closer reciprocal relationship of the farmland transacting parties could decrease farmland transfer rents, and farmland ownership affirmation could strengthen the inhibiting effect of the reciprocal relationship of transacting parties on farmland transfer rents. The punitive default clauses in farmland rental contracts could increase farmland transfer rents, but weaken the impact of informal rules on farmland transfer rents. The third-party involvement could have the function of default regulation in the formation process of farmland rental contracts and within the validity period of rental contracts.
    Household Income, Income Gap among Farmers and Trust in the New Rural Insurance System
    YE Cheng-yan, ZHANG Xing
    2021, 0(6):  98-112. 
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    Starting with the farmers’ income and the income gap among the farmers, this paper analyzes their impact on the trust in The New Rural Insurance System. The findings show that the relationship between farmers’ income and the income gap and the trust level in the New Rural Insurance System presents the characteristics of multi-layer nesting. The rural households with higher-incomes in both the economically developed and underdeveloped towns show a lower level of institutional trust, that the rural households with lower-incomes in economically underdeveloped towns show a higher level of institutional trust, and that using relevant income to measure farmers’ income and the income gap between farmers can better reflect the impact of income on the institutional trust, which is in line with the actual situation. The relationship between the subjective expectation of farmers at different income levels on the regional economic development and the level of trust in the old-age insurance system presents some differences; the higher-income farmers will subjectively reduce the level of trust in the current old-age insurance system, while the lower-income farmers show a high degree of trust. There exist some differences between farmers’ subjectively perceived income gap and the actual income gap, and the“egalitarian tendency”will expand this difference, resulting in a too high level of trust evaluation. The survey results show that the “egalitarian tendency” of farmers living in poor towns is more serious, and they have a higher level of trust in the old-age insurance system.
    Literature, History & Philosophy
    The“Extension”and“Changes”of Literary Symbols and Structures
    GUI Qing-yun, ZHANG Xin-mu
    2021, 0(6):  113-121. 
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    Literary symbols and structures are extending in the precipitation of cultures, and their deep deposits are formed in the confluence of collective emotions and the accumulation of collective wisdom. However, the solidification of literary symbols and the closure of literary structures also create crises. The lack of perceptual experience and rational understanding causes the loss of the rationality of signification, the literary expression tends to become rigid, and the fundamental meaning of literary symbols and structures is difficult to maintain. The emotions and cognition of the authors as the internal driving force generated by the literary symbols and structures provide the basis for their existence, and are also the factors that promote the “extension” and “changes”. The unique emotions and the renewed cognition stimulate the authors’ desire for change, and promote the evolution of the referred form or content, thereby injecting continuous vitality into the literary symbols and structure. In order to meet the needs of literary expression, literary symbols and structures will maintain the sensible power and referential power in the continuation and evolution of nature.
    Law & Economy
    The Judicial Dimension of the Implementation of The Emergency Handling Law: Scene Deviation, Two Tensions and Review Mode
    JIN Xiao-wei, LENG Si-lun
    2021, 0(6):  122-138. 
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    Judgment documents are a unique perspective to observe the implementation of emergency laws and regulations. From the judicial dimension, this paper analyzes the 684 judgment documents citing The Emergency Handling Law. The findings show that this basic law for emergency field has obvious scene deviations in the law enforcement and judicial application, which urgently needs to be corrected in terms of law amendment and law application. The study also reveals that, around specific issues such as the justiciability of emergency administrative actions and the identification of emergencies, there maintains a tacit and divergent tension between the administration and the judiciary. In this regard, the “cooperative degree” analytical framework based on the theory of “functional decentralization” can help to reshape the relationship between the two parties. On this basis, the court should explore and construct a set of judicial review models suitable for emergency situations in accordance with the characteristics of emergency administrative actions.
    Public Interest Litigation on?Securities: Derivative Logic, Theoretical Interpretation and System Moulding
    FAN Wei-guo
    2021, 0(6):  139-148. 
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    The violations in the securities field have the dual consequences of harming both the public interests and the private interests, the appearance of public interest litigation on securities can make up for the defects of the existing “private relief” and the governance path of “public law enforcement”. However, being short of legal provisions and juridical practice, it remains to be explored as whether or how to carry out institutional construction for the public interest litigation on securities. In order to comprehensively solve the problem of damaging the public interest on securities and safeguarding the public interests in a timely way, the two kinds of public interest litigation systems on securities should be completely established for civil and administrative lawsuits. The institutional differences should be distinguished so as to accurately set the litigation subjects, applicable conditions, litigation requirements, etc. of the two types of litigation. At the same time, we should strengthen the effective connection and interactive cooperation between the public interest litigation on securities and the private relief or the public power supervision, so as to practically promote the protection of public interests in the securities markets, urging the securities supervision departments to perform their duties according to law, and maintain the healthy development of the securities markets.