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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 03
    A Study of the Legal Regulation on Telemarketing: the U.S. Experience
    LIU Guo
    2012, 0(03):  650. 
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    Telemarketing is an important means used by sellers to sell goods or services in the electronic information era. In order to protect public interests and the privacy of telephone subscribers and to prevent sellers from passing on their operating costs to others, the legal regulation on telemarketing should be strengthened. The United States has formulated a series of legal documents to regulate telemarketing; a more stringent restriction is placed on the subject, object and time of telemarketing. Although there exist some deficiencies in the U.S. telemarketing legal regulations, for example, the protection scope for the telephone users is too narrow, these provisions still can provide a certain reference for China to improve the Chinese telemarketing legal regulations. China should improve the telemarketing legal regulations from such aspects as the scope, the rank and the contents, so as to safeguard the healthy development of telemarketing.
    The Paradox of Private Gains from the Controlling Power in State-Owned Companies and the Legislation Option
    CHEN Xiao-Jun
    2012, 0(03):  651. 
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    The issue of private gains from controlling power appears along with the generation of the system of corporate juridical person and is increasingly becoming a problem of corporate governance. The discussion and legislative rules concerning the private gains from the controlling power in foreign countries rarely directed towards the state-owned companies, thus the theory and experience of foreign countries used in the analysis of China’s state-owned companies are often difficult to obtain convincing conclusions. Around the problem of private gains from controlling power in China’s state-owned companies, there appear the three logical paradoxes: the inside control generated from a highly concentrated ownership structure, the incentive mechanism exacerbating the private gains from the controlling power, and the denial of the private gains from controlling power going against the corporate long-term development. Thus, these paradoxes have led Chinese state-owned companies into the predicament of corporate governance in both aspects of the concept and reality. The key to solve the problem lies in that we must face the unique nature of the Chinese state-owned companies in such aspects as the value targets, market position and so on. In legislation, no concession should be given to any private gains from controlling power generated from inside control.
    A Reflection on the Rights of the General Contributor Stipulated by Law: A Review of Article 3 of the Law on the State-Owned Assets of Enterprises
    WANG Xin-hong
    2012, 0(03):  652. 
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    The state-owned assets of enterprises are the rights and interests formed by the various investments from the state to the enterprises, which is not the object of proprietary rights. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the State-Owned Assets of Enterprises is not the special law of property law. It is not proper that the article 3 of the Law on the State-owned Assets of Enterprises stipulates that “the State Council, on behalf of the state, exercise the ownership of state-owned assets”. It should be amended to be that “The state-owned assets shall be owned by the state, i.e. owned by the whole people. The State Council, on behalf of the state, exercises the rights as the general contributor of state-owned assets.” .The rights of the general contributor are the legal expression?of the State’s unified possession, which is performed by the State Council. The content includes four aspects: the right of deciding and changing the representation of the contributor, the right of transferring state-owned assets, the right of making rules about the rights and interests of the contributors, and the right of supervising the behavior of local government who acts as the contributor.
    Performance and Shortcomings: An Examination Centered around Jiangxi Agricultural Institute in the Republic of China
    ZHANG Hong-qing
    2012, 0(03):  653. 
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    During the 14 year history, Jiangxi Agricultural Institute in the Republic of China made a lot of achievements, such as vigorously engaged in the researching and popularizing of agricultural science and technology, promoting agricultural education, and so on. To a certain extent, it promoted the modernization of Jiangxi rural society. However, in general, although the staff engaged in science and technology work at Jiangxi Agricultural Institute made ??unremitting efforts, the social and economic performance of the institute was far from satisfaction, not reaching the ultimate goal of reviving the rural areas. This historic lesson is worth reflection by our contemporaries: to solve the agricultural issues, we should depend on agricultural science and technology; also the introduction and cultivation of rural talents is of vital importance; while the most important factor is the farmers’ own participation and a stable social environment.
    On the Complementation and Integration of Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Typology
    CHEN Li-xia
    2012, 0(03):  654. 
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    It is more and more obvious that cognitive linguistics in the narrow sense shares complementation and integration functions with the modern linguistic typology in many aspects, which signs the intimate relationship of the two disciplines. The two disciplines may differ in their theories and research methodologies; however, each can use them for reference. To adopt the advantages and to avoid the shortcomings between them can enrich their own theories and methods, so that, both disciplines can become more scientific and have more explanatory power. On the other hand, the differences and similarities between the two indicate that the two disciplines have a certain complementation at such aspects as theoretical guidance, technical support, cross-linguistic support, and discipline division; this kind of complementation also leads to the inevitable integration between the two. As a result, their complementation and integration give birth to a new discipline – Cognitive Typology.
    On the Selection of Economic Development Strategy for the Poor Counties from the Perspective of Rising of Central China: A Case Analysis of Guangchang County in Jiangxi Province
    WANG Wen-xiang
    2012, 0(03):  655. 
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    In the context of the rising of central China, whether the poor counties in the central region can quicken their economic development speed and improve their economic development quality is directly related to the realization of the strategic goals of economic development of the central provinces. By analyzing the case of Guangchang, a national poverty-stricken county in Jiangxi Province, this paper conducts a targeted study of the economic development strategy options for the specific poverty-stricken counties in Jiangxi. Based on the basic county conditions and the opportunities for development, it puts forward the basic principles for the selection of economic development strategy at county level; then it clarifies the selection of strategic goals for county economic development and the specific strategic positioning to realize these goals.
    A Study of the Financial Support Scale and Efficiency in Poyang Lake Eco-Economical Zone
    FU Xue
    2012, 0(03):  656. 
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    The Poyang Lake Eco-economical Zone has lots of basic features different from other natural ecological systems. Still, it has experienced the development process of regional expansion, industrial extension and connotation enrichment. In order to strengthen the support of finical investment to the construction of Poyang Lake Eco-economical Zone, the domain of the finical expenditure for the zone should be clarified and reasonable methods should be selected. Through quantitative analysis, this paper provides the fiscal support scale for the zone. It also estimates the input-output efficiency of each local government in the zone by means of the data envelopment analysis, so as to analyze the rationality of the existing system. The result shows that in recent years the fiscal scale has increased fast and the fiscal efficiency has been improved. From the point of the entire inputs, the output efficiency of Poyang Lake Eco-economical Zone is higher than that of other non-lake areas, but the entire efficiency is decreasing year after year, so it is necessary to take measures to improve the environment output efficiency.
    On the Tax Reform before and after the Revolution of 1911 and Its Enlightenment
    GONG Ru-fu
    2012, 0(03):  657. 
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    Before and after the Revolution of 1911, China’s finance was on the verge of bankruptcy. At the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of Republic of China, the Chinese governments carried out a series of tax reform measures to rectify the old tax system and levy new taxes, so as to save the difficult financial state from the crisis. These tax reform measures objectively promoted the transition gradually from China’s traditional agricultural tax system into the business tax system. However, such tax legislation and their implementation failed to effectively protect the development of the infant national industries and commerce, the reform encountered a lot of obstacles. The original intention of the reform, to cut expenditure, was far from the social evaluation of “draining the pond to get all the fish”, which left behind a profound historical revelation. In order to implement a new tax system, there should have a certain social and economic foundation; only in this way can the tax purpose of “from the people and for the benefit of the people” be truly realized.
    An Analysis of the Structural Dimension of Psychological Contract between Farmers and Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Products Marketing: Based on Investigation of Farmers in Jiangxi Province
    CAI Wen-zhu
    2012, 0(03):  658. 
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    It is not enough to pay attention only to the written contract signed by the leading enterprises and the farmers during the research of the marketing cooperative behavior of the leading enterprises and the farmers, the psychological contract contents existing in the minds of the representatives of the leading enterprises and the farmers should also be dug out. Therefore, by introducing the concept of the psychological contract into the relation research between the farmers and the leading enterprises, this paper conducts an analysis of the exploratory and confirmatory factors with the sample data of farmers in Jiangxi Province. The results confirm that the psychological contract between farmers and the leading enterprises consists of the two dimension structure: the “transactional psychological contract” and the “relational psychological contract”.
    On the Construction and Selection of the Construction Mode of China’s Regional Agricultural Informationization
    LIAO Jin-qiu
    2012, 0(03):  659. 
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    To construct China’s typical regional agricultural informationization mode from the two dimensions of the regional agricultural economic development level and regional agricultural economic types can break the limitation of the existing administrative division. When selecting the informationization construction mode, such factors must be considered, i.e. the natural conditions, economic and geographic locations, national traits and regional functions, etc. At the same time, the selection of the construction mode for the non-typical regions should meet the appropriate conditions and methods.
    An Empirical Analysis of the Scale of Implicit Debt in Individual Pension Insurance Accounts
    LI Lan-ying
    2012, 0(03):  660. 
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    In recent years, the reform of the pension insurance system is deepening in China. Since the management mode of the unified social pooling and individual pension account was put forward during the transition period, there exists the running of “empty account” of individual accounts, which has brought a lot of transition cost and fiscal running risks to the state finance. This paper makes an empirical estimation of the present value of the scale of “empty accounts” formed in the past decade in the pension insurance individual accounts, then it offers some policy suggestions as countermeasures to the pilot reform scheme to “consolidate” the individual accounts.
    The Defects of China’s Old-Age Insurance System?for?Urban?Employees and Some Suggestions for Improvement
    ZHANG Zu-ping
    2012, 0(03):  661. 
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    China’s three-pillar old-age insurance system has played an important role in improving the reform of state-owned enterprises and protecting the basic living standard of the retirees. However, it has encountered many unexpected problems in the actual operation. These problems make it impossible to bring a good demonstration effect to the upcoming old-age insurance reform of the government organizations and institutions. In addition, they have intensified the social stratification and brought lots of new social risks to the future society. To change the three-pillar mode into the binary-level old-age insurance system composed of the basic old-age pension and the pension fund can be the effective solution to overcome the defects of the existing old-age insurance system.
    A Study of Technological Innovation Modes of IT Enterprises Based on Technological Convergence
    XU Ye
    2012, 0(03):  662. 
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    As the industrial boundaries getting fuzzy, the tendency of technological convergence is becoming more and more obvious. This new competitive-cooperative trend pushed by technological convergence compels enterprises to think over their strategies of product innovation once again. Based on redefining the concept of technological convergence, this paper tries to analyze the three major innovation modes of technological convergence in IT enterprise, i.e. technology sharing, technology merger and acquisition, and technology licensing. It also analyzes the influence of technological complementarities, absorption capacity of enterprise, technology spillover coefficient and innovation coefficient on corporate equilibrium cost, equilibrium investment in R&D, equilibrium output and profit which are involved in the technological convergence and innovation by constructing the relative game models. Finally, it makes a comparison between the technological contribution and the equilibrium solution of equilibrium output and equilibrium profit under the three innovative methods.
    On Economic Ethics and Its Inspiration for the Construction of Modern Business Ethics
    HU Yu-chen
    2012, 0(03):  663. 
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    The broad and deep impact of business ethics on the economy and society makes enterprises unable to avoid the existence of ethics; its orientation function to economy and the dominant role in economic behaviors are significant and outstanding. The advantage of business ethics will form the ultimate advantage of sustainable development in the enterprises. The ethical thoughts revealed in the welfare economics, neo-institutional economics, Marxist economics and ecological economics demonstrate the necessity of business ethics for the sustainable development of enterprises, which offers the enlightenment for the construction of business ethics.
    An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Governance Structure and Operating Performance in Listed Family Businesses
    HU Shi-qi
    2012, 0(03):  664. 
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    A sound governance structure of family business is an important means to strengthen its economic vitality and to improve its operating performance; and the operating performance is the most effective and most direct reflection to see whether the governance structure of a family business is sound or not. By selecting 108 family firms listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in 2009 as the research samples, this paper conducts an empirical analysis of the relationship between their governance structure and their operating performance. The results show that there is a positive correlation between the number of annual board meetings, the annual income of general managers and the operating performance of listed family firms; however, there is a significant negative correlation between the general asset-liability ratio and the operating performance.
    A Comparative Study of the Innovation Efficiency of High-Tech Development Zones at State Level
    LIU Man-feng
    2012, 0(03):  666. 
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    The high-tech development zones have been playing a leading role in the process of economic development of every region in China. By analyzing the data of 56 high-tech development zones in China from 2008 to 2009, with the help of the general DEA and super-efficiency DEA models, this paper tries to evaluate the relative effectiveness of technical innovation of the high-tech zones and provide the demonstration zones for the ineffective high-tech zones. It also offers the index target values for the ineffective high-tech zones to achieve technical efficiency by making use of the goal setting method. The results of the research show that the innovation efficiency in China’s high-tech zones are generally low; the innovation efficiency is ineffective in more than two thirds of the high-tech zones and is quite low in more than one half of the high-tech zones. Moreover, the innovation resources are not well structured and are wasted seriously. Especially in the centre region, the innovation efficiency averages only 64.9% (that means only 64.9% of the input resources has been used effectively), taking the last seat in the ranking in the whole country. Such kinds of problems as serious insufficient innovation investment and the unreasonable structure should arouse the attention of the local governments.