Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2012, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 654-.

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On the Complementation and Integration of Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Typology

CHEN Li-xia   

  1. (Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce, Shanghai 201620)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: It is more and more obvious that cognitive linguistics in the narrow sense shares complementation and integration functions with the modern linguistic typology in many aspects, which signs the intimate relationship of the two disciplines. The two disciplines may differ in their theories and research methodologies; however, each can use them for reference. To adopt the advantages and to avoid the shortcomings between them can enrich their own theories and methods, so that, both disciplines can become more scientific and have more explanatory power. On the other hand, the differences and similarities between the two indicate that the two disciplines have a certain complementation at such aspects as theoretical guidance, technical support, cross-linguistic support, and discipline division; this kind of complementation also leads to the inevitable integration between the two. As a result, their complementation and integration give birth to a new discipline – Cognitive Typology.

Key words: cognitive linguistics; linguistic typology; cognitive typology