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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 06
    Path Choice of Realization of Consumers’ Civil Public Benefits Litigation from the Perspective of the New Institutional Economics: Class Action
    JIANG Yan-bo, HONG Yi-jun
    2016, 0(06):  335. 
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    To break through the traditional obstacle of eliminating personal just claim in the consumers’ civil public benefits litigation, it is necessary to compare the institutional justice and institutional efficiency of the group action with other alternative ways from the perspective of the new institutional economics. The private prosecutor initiating mode of group action combines the enthusiasm of the minority with the judicial supervision, which can really compensate the interests of the litigants directly to the consumers, so it is a more effective way approaching justice than other alternatives. The nature of group litigation is a kind of governing mechanism for the majority with uncertain number to eliminate the obstacles in their collective action so as to reach consolidated action; while the representative litigation system cannot consider the transaction cost of law enforcement from the human angle, which would increase the difficulty of litigation. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce group actions so as to improve the implementation mechanism of Chinese consumers’ public benefit litigation.
    An Analysis of Legal Adaptability of Information Disclosure in the Securities Issuance Registration System for the Investors
    FU Qiong, LIAO Yuan
    2016, 0(06):  336. 
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    The reform of the stock issuance registration system with information disclosure as the center should focus on the adaptability of investors during the transition period. The strong irrational investment consciousness and the lower ability of information processing of domestic small and medium investors are the main crux of the problem. To consider from the investor-oriented perspective, the overload and piling phenomenon during information disclosure has objectively caused the facts of investors lacking of information processing capacity and financing cost keeping rising. By optimizing the value-related contents of information disclosure, providing the list of investors’ rights and integrating the data of information disclosure, we can improve the theoretical logic of information disclosure in guiding the investors’ decision-making and win the institutional advantages expected by the reform of the stock issuance registration system.
    On the Spiritual Culture of Audit in the Republic China Era
    ZHU Ling-tong
    2016, 0(06):  337. 
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    The Republic China era has given birth to the spiritual culture of audit with modern significance, which includes the audit concept of learning the West while considering the national conditions, the audit professional ethics of independence, credibility, incorruptibility and diligence, and the audit professional spirit of striving to be better, exploration and innovation. Although the spiritual culture of audit in the Republic China era had not played its full role due to historical limitations, it still can present enlightenment to the contemporary: to cultivate the audit idea of making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China, to be brave enough to touch the old limitations and realize substantive independence in the audit, to foster the partnership culture of accounting firms based on the credibility, and to join in institutional game bravely and practice the innovative culture.
    A Probe into the Concept of Family Land in Chinese Traditional Society: Based on the Investigation of Family Instructions in Past Dynasties
    ZOU Yong-wen
    2016, 0(06):  338. 
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    Family instruction is a kind of education model used by the literati-official class in China’s past dynasties to educate their descendants on how to manage their families and conduct themselves in the society. Learning from this kind of historical materials, we can make a more scientific explanation of their thoughts and behaviors, the way of ruling the family and the desire to treat life. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, how to deal with and treat the specific family economic problems has become an important topic in family training. Among them, land problem is the most representative, which reflects the concept of family land in the late traditional society: the literati-official class stressed that the primary family problem is the land property rights; owning a certain amount of land property is essential for family continuity; moderate accumulation of land is the foundation of existence and development of the landlord families; the determination of land rent should be based on the harvest of tenant farmers as a prerequisite; the relative stability of rent should be maintained; and the unrestricted land expansion should be opposed, especially against compulsory land annexation. The family instructions can reflect the general mentality of the traditional family management; therefore, making full use of these materials is of great significance in the study of the inheritance and development of traditional rural society.
    Research on the Land Use Planning Pattern with Villagers’ Participation from the Perspective of Village Renaissance: Taking D Village in Northern Zhejiang Province as an Example
    SHEN Fei-wei, LIU Zu-yun
    2016, 0(06):  339. 
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    The rural land use planning is a direct means to guide the use of rural land, and it is also the key step to realize and promote the construction and development of the new countryside in China. Based on the field survey of the land use planning mode of D village in northern Zhejiang, this paper makes a study and obtains such results that the villagers participatory land use planning pattern adopted by D village lays emphasis on upgrading the level of participation of the villagers, increasing the participation of the villages and expanding the ways of participation, the performance of planning-making is achieved through the protection from such aspects as organizational support, system construction and ability training. Even so, the villagers participatory land use planning is also faced with such problems as the villagers’ lower degree understanding of the planning, the imperfect villagers’ participation ways, the villagers self-interests threatening the village public interests, the cumbersome planning procedures, and so on. In the future, this pattern of land use planning has to be improved from the following four aspects, i.e., to enhance the villagers’ understanding of the planning, to improve the methods of the villagers’ participation in the planning, to adhere to the concept of public interest in the planning and to smooth and optimize the planning process.
    An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Farmers’ Willingness to Harmless Disposal of Pollution from Livestock and Poultry from the Perspective of Scale: With 754 Pig Farmers in Five Provinces as a Case
    KONG Fan-bin1,2, ZHANG Wei-ping2, PAN Dan2
    2016, 0(06):  340. 
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    The breeding scale of livestock and poultry exhibits an obvious differentiation trend in China. From the perspective of scale, this paper makes use of the survey data of 754 pig farms in five provinces and employs the Logit model to analyze the factors influencing different scale farmers’ willingness to harmless disposal of the pollution from livestock and poultry. The results show that such factors as whether being a village leader, proportion of agricultural labor, proportion of pig raising income, training and government subsidies have significant positive effect on small scale farmers’ willingness to harmless disposal of the pollution; such factors as risk preference degrees, farm-land size, family savings, proportion of pig raising income, industrial organization, training and government subsidies have significant positive effect on middle scale farmers’ willingness to harmless disposal of the pollution; and such factors as education level, risk preference levels, industrial organization, proportion of pollution free pig breeding, cognition of pig quality regulations and government subsidies have significant positive effect on large scale farmers’ willingness to harmless disposal of the pollution from livestock and poultry.
    A Game Theory Analysis of the Applicability of Co-Insurance Applicant Mode in Catastrophe Insurance
    ZHANG Yun-xia, GUAN Heng-ye
    2016, 0(06):  341. 
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    The nuclear co-insurance and agriculture reinsurance co-insurance are two of the successful co-insurance modes in the history of China’s insurance development. Through the game analysis of the above mentioned two co-insurance applicants, this paper observes the strategy choices of the two major interest parties under such mechanism, i.e., the large-scale insurance companies holding the leading position in the market and other small insurance companies participating or potentially participating the market operation. According to the different risk characteristics and market situation of nuclear insurance and agricultural insurance, it discusses the payment function and utility level of the two parties respectively when operating cooperatively in the mode of co-insurance and mechanism, choosing independent operation, or not participating this kind of insurance operation. A conclusion has been drawn that even though the different stakeholders are in different positions, they can all achieve Nash equilibrium in their co-operation strategy under the co-insurance mode. Based on this, this paper further studies the generalities and specific characteristics of these two types of successful co-insurance, and analyzes the risk types and characteristics of the co-insurance mode, including the risk and loss being low-frequency and high-loss and lacking of big data support, disaster relief requiring inputting large amount of manpower, material and financial resources, disaster losses having significant impact on the national strategy and social stability, with typical public characteristics, demanding higher technologies, etc., then it finally draws such a conclusion that the co-insurance mode and mechanism is highly applicable for catastrophe risks and insurances.
    An Analysis of the Difference between Service Modularization and Manufacturing Modularization
    YU Chang-chun1, ZHAO Xiao-ning2, XING Xiao-ming2
    2016, 0(06):  342. 
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    Taking manufacturing modularization as a reference, this paper interpreters the service modularization from the five dimensions, i.e., modularity division, modularity integration, modularity interface, modularity coupling degree, and the customization level of modularity, based on industrial or corporate cases. The findings show that the service modularization has the following different features. 1. It breaks the limitations of division and integration according to standardized interfaces in the manufacturing modularization, which is more conducive to the formation and integration of modularized value network. 2. It has a symbiotic interface of openness and integration, and a dual interface beyond the universal and standardized manufacturing modularization, which is easy to establish a new production cooperation relationship. 3. The complexity of the connector and the flexibility of the calling method can reduce the degree of coupling between modules, which can promote flexible operation of the modular organization. 4. In the aspect of personality customization model and intelligent customization technology, the interactive service modularization model can further improve customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.
    A Study of the Growth Quality of Policy-Sponsored Agricultural Insurance
    ZHU Zhong-kun
    2016, 0(06):  343. 
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    Based on the two-step generalization principal component analysis method, through constructing an evaluation system covering the 21 basic indicators of the three dimensions of coordination, effectiveness and continuity, this paper conducts an evaluation of the growth quality of Chinese agricultural insurance on the national and provincial levels from 2007 to 2014. From the national level, the quality of growth of Chinese agricultural insurance is obviously in the rising channel from 2007 to 2014, for which coordination is the primary factor; this explains that the market optimization and the regional structure should be given more attention. From the provincial level, the quality of the growth of agricultural insurance between provinces is significantly different, in which the development of premium subsidies and professional insurance institutions have boosted the improvement of the quality.
    Does Tax Avoidance Affect Corporate Choice of Extreme Debt Financing Decisions?
    ZHANG Xin-dong, ZHANG Ya-nan
    2016, 0(06):  344. 
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    Based on the financial data of A-share companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2008 to 2014, this paper empirically examines the reasons for the existence of zero-leverage phenomenon from the perspective of corporate tax avoidance. The findings show that similar to the international market, there exists zero-leverage in Chinese capital market. In addition, the higher the level of corporate tax avoidance, the higher the possibility of firms taking extreme debt financing decisions. However, the higher the level of tax collection and management, the lower the probability of zero-leverage will occur. Further analysis finds that tax collection and management can significantly inhibit the positive relationship between corporate tax avoidance and zero-leverage decisions. The above results are verified through the robustness test. The conclusions not only have reference significance to the investment decision of shareholders and creditors, but also provide empirical support for tax and other government agencies to play an effective role in the external governance of tax collection and management and optimizing business financing environment, which is more important.
    A Spatial Econometric Analysis of the Cluster Characteristics and Spillover Effects in China’s Cultural Industry
    WEI He-qing , LI Ying
    2016, 0(06):  345. 
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    Based on the data results of the third China’s national economic census, with the aid of Moran’s I index, this paper conducts a spatial auto-correlation analysis of the distribution?characteristics of China’s cultural industry. Combining the theory of industrial development, step-wise regression analysis and Ramsey test, it analyzes the factors affecting the cultural industry from both of the theoretical and empirical aspects. Then it applies the spatial?econometric?method to conduct an empirical analysis of the main factors influencing China’s cultural industry. The results show that there exist remarkable weak positive spatial autocorrelation in China’s cultural industry regions. Such factors as industry cluster, cultural consuming demands, cultural resources endowment, human capital and government support all have obvious effects on the promotion of cultural industry development. Remarkable positive spillover effect has also been found existing in the cultural industry regions.
    Ownership, Industrial Agglomeration and Regional Urbanization
    CHEN Sheng-ming, ZHANG Ya-bin, PENG Jing
    2016, 0(06):  346. 
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    This paper constructs a semi-parametric spatial lag model which considering regional economic space overflow and the relationship between industrial agglomeration and nonlinear urbanization, so as to investigate the synergistic impact of industry concentration and ownership structure on urbanization. The results show that the higher proportion of the state-owned output value can inhibit the process of regional urbanization significantly. With the deepening of industrial agglomeration, the positive impact of industrial clustering on promoting China’s urbanization will gradually wear off; at the same time, the ownership structure would undermine the positive impact of industry agglomeration on urbanization. The economic efficiency of industrial agglomeration in Shanghai, Guangdong Province and other developed areas currently is difficult to make up for the negative impact on urbanization caused by the overcrowding effect. Therefore, in order to speed up the process of the regional urbanization, each region has to not only further reform the state-owned enterprises, but also actively promote the development of local industrial agglomeration according to the local conditions.
    An Empirical Analysis of Urban Green Innovation Efficiency: Evidences from the City Group along Yangtze River Middle Reaches
    LI Jin-yan, LI Ze-yu, LI Chao
    2016, 0(06):  347. 
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    Applying a SBM-DEA model with undesirable output and the ML index and adopting the data of 28 prefecture-level cities of the city group along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River during 2007-2014, this paper compares the innovation efficiency and the green innovation TFP under the three conditions, i.e., without consideration of environmental pollution, with consideration of environmental pollution, and with green development. The results indicate that most cities along Yangtze River in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces are still enjoying the benefits of innovation and development, while in most cities of Hubei province there appear such phenomena as declining marginal efficiency and lacking of technical efficiency. The technical efficiency of most cities cannot keep up with the technological progress, to simply pursue technological progress is not enough to promote urban sustainable development, which need to combine green and technology innovation. Such factors as the degree of urban transportation, the government support, the number of higher education institutions in the cities, and the development of tertiary industry can play a positive role in the green innovation development of the cities.