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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 01
    The Dimension of Rural Governance between Autonomy and Rule of Law: From the Perspective of Reflexive Law
    WANG Xin, LI Du
    2019, 0(01):  71. 
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    The rural governance system, which combines self-governance, rule of law, and rule of virtue, is an important field of promoting the modernization of national governance system. When re-constructing the rural governance system, the selection of path combining self-governance with rule of law is the key point as well as the difficult point. There are such opinions as “limited autonomy”, “legal intervention” and “coordination and interaction relationship” in the existing researches on the relationship between villagers’ autonomy and rule of law, but all of these opinions are lacking reflective thinking, with a certain negative effect. Therefore, this paper takes the theory of the reflexive law as the entry point and tries to achieve the “three-in-one” rural governance through the path of “regulated autonomy” combined with villagers’ self-governance and rule of law. Accordingly, the reflective route of villagers’ self-governance combined with rule of law need to improve the formulation and implementation of village regulations, strengthen the procedure regulation of villagers’ self-governance, improve the internal supervision and relief system of villagers’ self-governance and optimize the flexible governance of rule of virtue in rural governance.
    Also on Whether the Bequest Can Directly Cause the Change of Property Rights
    WANG Zhi-gang1, WANG Xiao-bing2
    2019, 0(01):  72. 
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    Article 29 of the Property Law directly grants bequests the effect of property rights changes, on this practice, those with negative opinions have put forward various criticisms, but these criticisms are debatable. Under the current law, to directly grant a bequest the effect of property rights change will not cause significant system conflicts and bring harm to transaction safety, instead, it can better implement the legal principle that the changes of property rights due to bequests should be in line with the changes of the property rights due to the legacy division for the application of the same rules, thus it is worthy of recognition. Since the changes of property rights due to inheritance has been interpreted as beginning with the death of the decedent, the retrospective interpretation of the “beginning of the bequest” as stipulated in Article 29 of the Property Law shall also be the same, that is, the property right obtained from the bequest should be interpreted as having come into effect from the death of the legator.
    Cultural Memory of Shanghai Style Literature: A Nostalgic Writing of Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls
    OUYANG Li-hua, XU Zhong-jia
    2019, 0(01):  73. 
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    The cultural memory of Shanghai style literature, on the one hand, is the construction of a nostalgic Shanghai with specific memories, such as new utensils, daily life, social worldly affairs and so on, as in Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls; on the other hand, it is a kind of aesthetic construction of nostalgic memory of Shanghai. Nostalgia is the value recognition and aesthetic imagination based on memories. The value recognition and aesthetic imagination of Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls and Shanghai style literature towards Shanghai’s intertextual memories not only indicate that Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls is the starting point of nostalgic Shanghai in Shanghai style literature, but also present the cultural memory of Shanghai style literature, what’s more, it opens up a paradigm research of memory imitation for analyzing the aesthetic internal relationship of literature texts.
    An Overview and Outlook of the Researches on Cross-Industry Alliance
    XU Sheng-hua, WANG Qu-shu
    2019, 0(01):  74. 
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    In the context of industrial boundaries gradually becoming blurred, to form cross-industry alliance is an effective way for enterprises to complement each other’s advantages, share their resources, save their costs, improve their performance, and achieve their innovative development. The researches on the cross-industry alliance abroad started from the beginning of the 21st century, while the domestic related researches started very late. This paper first reviews the research literatures on cross-industry alliance both at home and abroad in recent ten years, then it induces and analyzes them according to such aspects as the concept connotation, cause of formation, partner selection, governance, and the multiple effect of the cross-industry alliance. After finding out the shortages of the existing researches, this paper studies the problems and puts forward the related policy suggestions for the future researches, such as how to improve and expand the connotation of the cross-industry alliance, how to construct the multi-dimensional distance measurement method, and how to find out the factors affecting the performance of the cross-industry alliance, etc..
    On the Difficulties in Implementing Anti-Monopoly Policies in China’s After-Sales Market and the Construction of Policy System
    WU Chang-nan, ZHONG Jia-fu
    2019, 0(01):  75. 
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    In recent years, China’s anti-monopoly policy has taken action in the after-sales market. However, there are still many theoretical and policy difficulties in the implementation of the anti-monopoly policy in the after-sales market. The theoretical difficulty is how to judge whether the manufacturer has market dominance in the after-sales market and abuses its market dominance, as well as how to define in the related after-sales market. The practical difficulty is whether the implementation of the anti-monopoly policy in the after-sales market will damage the industry performance in the context of the state strongly encouraging the manufacturing industry to transform into services. On the basis of summarizing the different views and policy opinions of anti-monopoly in the after-sales market in the West, this paper analyzes the difficulties in the implementation of anti-monopoly policies in China’s after-sales market and puts forward the opinion of constructing an anti-monopoly policy system in China’s after-sales market.
    Higher Contribution rate, Lower Treatment and Fund Imbalance: The Dilemma of China’s Social Insurance System
    WANG Run-quan1, ZHANG Chong2
    2019, 0(01):  76. 
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    Higher contribution rate and lower treatment is a typical feature of China’s social insurance system. In the practice of each province, higher contribution rate has never brought any high treatment, on the contrary, it is faced with a serious fund imbalance. Therefore, this paper constructs an explanatory framework and demonstrates its validity from the angle of labor participation. The results show that labor participation of the people near the legal retirement age is insufficient, which leads to the higher support rate of the social insurance system and insufficient effective contribution. In order to relieve the payment pressure on the fund, the government has the internal demand to reduce the treatment and raise the contribution rate, while the increase of the legal contribution rate would strengthen the motivation of enterprise to avoid the payment, at the same time, it also would reduce the work willingness of the employees who are going to retire, thus leads to the insufficient participation of the elderly labor, in turn it results in further insufficient effective payment, in this way, a“vicious circle”is formed, finally the legal rate of China’s social insurance system is staying at a higher level, and there is an asymmetric relationship among the contribution rate, treatment and the fund balancing ability in different provinces.
    Research on Expanding the Coverage of Unemployment Insurance in the Context of Overall Implementation of the Nationwide Insurance Program
    YANG Bin1,DING Jian-ding2
    2019, 0(01):  77. 
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    Through constructing a model of unemployment insurance participation rate and benefit rate and making use of the macro panel data from 2000 to 2016, this paper studies the coverage of China’s unemployment insurance. The findings show that the participation rate and the benefit rate of the unemployment insurance in China are both very low. The reasons for the low participation rate and benefit rate of unemployment insurance include the lower participation rate of high unemployment risk groups, the higher participation rate of low unemployment risk groups, and the higher payment terms for unemployment insurance benefits. It is suggested that we should expand the coverage of unemployment insurance for migrant workers, flexible employees, and lower-income workers, optimize the design of unemployment insurance system, improve the unemployment insurance floating rate system, and lower the terms to pay unemployment insurance benefits.
    The Impact of Precisely Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy on the Consumption of Rural Poor Residents: An Analysis Based on Household Survey Data in Gannan Old Soviet Area
    BIAN Jun-jie1, ZHAO Tian-yu2
    2019, 0(01):  78. 
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    In recent years, the precisely targeted poverty alleviation policy has promoted the fast growth of the family income of the rural poor residents. After the increase of their income, this policy will surely exert an influence on the consumption behavior and consumption structure of the households of rural poor residents. This paper makes use of the household survey data of 315 households in one county of Jiangxi province and divides them into two groups, namely, the poverty relief group and the control group, then it employs the propensity score matching (PSM)method to estimate the effect of the precisely targeted poverty alleviation policy on the consumption of rural poor residents. The findings show that the precisely targeted poverty alleviation policy has a significant impact on the consumption of rural poor residents, of which, the promotion effect on the living expenses and education expenditure is the greatest, with an increase by 31.3% and 47.7% respectively. The precisely targeted poverty alleviation policy has a slightly lower degree of impact on communication expenditures, other expenditures, and clothing expenses, and its impact on food expenditure and transportation expenditure is the smallest. During the process of in-depth promotion of the precisely targeted poverty alleviation policy, it is necessary to focus on the policies that can help poor households to increase income and achieve sustainable poverty alleviation, eliminate the inefficient poverty alleviation policies, and reduce the cost of poverty alleviation policies. Meanwhile, it is also necessary to exercise classified management of such policies, strengthen the effect evaluation on different targeted poverty alleviation policies, pay close attention to the changes of the consumption demand of the poverty group, so as to further carry out the precisely targeted poverty alleviation policy
    China’s Staged Achievements of Poverty Alleviation in the New Era and Its Prospects
    HUANG Cheng-wei
    2019, 0(01):  79. 
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    Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has continuously promoted poverty alleviation and development and made great contributions to the cause of global poverty reduction. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the General Secretary has placed poverty alleviation and development in a prominent position in governing the country, by setting clear objectives and tasks, formulating a strategy for precise poverty alleviation and targeted poverty reduction, a fight against poverty has been comprehensively launched. China’s poverty alleviation and development has entered a problem solving stage in the new era and has made phased progress. The successful practice of getting rid of poverty in China in the new era is the preliminary result achieved with the guidance of Xi Jinping’s important statement on poverty alleviation, which has important reference significance for the precision fight against poverty in the next three years. Of course, China will continue to strengthen the poverty alleviation work and speed up the formulation of new poverty alleviation strategies after 2020.
    Has the Government-Led Regional Integration Strategy Driven High Quality Economic Development? A Study from the Perspective of Industrial Structure Optimization
    CHEN Xi-qiang, DENG Li
    2019, 0(01):  80. 
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    It’s a characteristic fact that the integrated regional development of China is mainly driven by the government of China, which has a profound impact on the regional high-quality economic development. Based on the theoretical analysis of the driving effect and its specific path mechanism of the government-led regional integration strategy on the high-quality economic development, this paper conducts an empirical test of the policy effect by adopting the data of the Pan-Pearl River Delta region. The findings show that the government-led regional integration strategy did drive the high-quality economic development. Further research with the mediating effect model confirms that the government-led regional integration strategy can drive the high-quality economic development through the two paths, i.e., the industrial structure differentiation and the industrial structure supererogation; however, the driving effect of the two paths has obvious differences.
    FDI Knowledge Spillover, Level of Informatization and Ability of Technological Innovation
    JIANG Han-ming
    2019, 0(01):  81. 
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    By making use of China’s provincial panel data during the period of 1997-2016 and through constructing a dynamic spatial panel model, this paper conducts an empirical test of the impact of FDI knowledge spillover and informatization level on the improvement of China’s regional technological innovation ability. The findings show that: (1) the overall ability of technological innovation presents significant agglomeration features among the different regions of China, which has very obvious spatial correlation on the spatial distribution; (2) the ever improved level of informatization at the provincial level has effectively pushed the innovation promotion effect of FDI knowledge spillover through promoting the spread of the visible and invisible knowledge; (3) from the regression result of the classified samples, the innovation promotion effect of FDI knowledge spillover has significant heterogeneity in China’s different regions, and this kind of heterogeneity is restricted and impacted by the development level of informatization at different regions. The western region should make great efforts to improve the institutional environment to attract business and investment, and improve the construction of the information infrastructure and the level of human capital, so as to improve the ability of absorbing FDI knowledge spillover.
    Industrial Development, Urban Expansion and Innovative City Construction: From the Perspective of Industry-City Integration
    YANG Si-ying1, LI Zheng1, SUN Guang-zhao2
    2019, 0(01):  82. 
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    By making use of the urban panel data and detailing the indexes of industrial development and urban expansion, this paper examines the action mechanism of industrial development and urban expansion on the level of urban innovation. The results of the empirical research show that the impact of industrial structure upgrading on the level of urban innovation is not significant, and that industrial clustering, urban population expansion and urban area expansion can all promote urban innovation. Further study shows that industrial development and urban expansion have a significant threshold effect on the level of urban innovation. When the degree of city-industry integration is low, the upgrading of industrial structure, industrial clustering and urban area expansion can all significantly inhibit the improvement of urban innovation. However, when the degree of integration reached a certain level, the promotion effect of the three factors on the level of urban innovation is gradually highlighted. With the improvement of the integration degree, the promotion effect of industrial clustering, urban population expansion and urban area expansion on urban innovation is also gradually increasing.
    A Study on Xi Zhongxun’s Thought of Reform and Opening-Up: Germinal Logic, Core Principles, and Contemporary Implications
    ZHENG Zhao-xia, XU Chong
    2019, 0(01):  83. 
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    Xi Zhongxun’s thought of reform and opening-up during his administration of Guangdong is the precious wealth for the development of China’s reform and opening-up. Its generation is derived from the profound essence of Marxist theory, based on many practical problems in Guangdong’s development and refined from abundant practice accumulations of revolution and construction. The core contents of the thought include demanding power boldly, leading the reform and opening-up in Guangdong one step ahead, having the courage to think and act, creating special economic zones, encouraging a comprehensive development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and fishery according to the local conditions, setting up models firmly and expanding the autonomy of state-owned enterprises, etc.. These thoughts and practices have not only promoted the development of Guangdong and led the historical journey of China’s reform and opening-up at that time, but also have important practical significance in going on to push and deepen the reform and opening-up in the new era.
    The Generating Logic of the Discourse of“Good Life”in the New Era and Its Real Implications
    PAN Li-wen, WAN Xin-rong
    2019, 0(01):  84. 
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    “Good life”is the bright words and important content of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and it is the direct focus of the Party’s “people centered” value orientation. The generation of this discourse has its rich theoretical logic, profound historical logic and distinct practical logic. The philosophical thoughts about the ideal life from the wise men and scholars of the past, Marxist “view of masses of people”, and the Chinese Marxist objective theory for the construction of the Party all have laid a solid ideological foundation for the generation of the discourse of “good life”. The word “good life” has been deposited in the great achievements during the historical process of revolution, construction and reform, and in the historical logic driven by reform and opening up. The word “good life” has been sublimed in the practice logic of the comprehensive building of a well-off society and in the transformation of the main contradictions in the society of the new era. The essence of the discourse of “good life” is the universal right and the pursuit of justice of the broad masses of the people and the Party’s response to this pursuit, at the same time, the universal rights and justice are also the inevitable practical logic for achieving the good life.