Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (01): 81-.

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FDI Knowledge Spillover, Level of Informatization and Ability of Technological Innovation

JIANG Han-ming   

  1. (Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: By making use of China’s provincial panel data during the period of 1997-2016 and through constructing a dynamic spatial panel model, this paper conducts an empirical test of the impact of FDI knowledge spillover and informatization level on the improvement of China’s regional technological innovation ability. The findings show that: (1) the overall ability of technological innovation presents significant agglomeration features among the different regions of China, which has very obvious spatial correlation on the spatial distribution; (2) the ever improved level of informatization at the provincial level has effectively pushed the innovation promotion effect of FDI knowledge spillover through promoting the spread of the visible and invisible knowledge; (3) from the regression result of the classified samples, the innovation promotion effect of FDI knowledge spillover has significant heterogeneity in China’s different regions, and this kind of heterogeneity is restricted and impacted by the development level of informatization at different regions. The western region should make great efforts to improve the institutional environment to attract business and investment, and improve the construction of the information infrastructure and the level of human capital, so as to improve the ability of absorbing FDI knowledge spillover.

Key words: knowledge spillover; informatization level; ability of technological innovation; FDI; human capital