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    25 March 2020, Volume 0 Issue 2
    Economy & Management
    The Influence of the Urban Network Connectivity along the “Belt and Road” Route and the Domestic Key Nodal Cities
    LIU Jiang-hui, TANG Yao-qi, WANG Qiang, CHEN Lei
    2020, 0(2):  3-12. 
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    Based on the fact that enterprises' transnational operations in the countries along the “Belt and Road” route have promoted the flow of goods, funds, technology, personnel and information among different cities which leads to the cities along the“Belt and Road”route being linked into a network, this paper makes use of the spatial distribute data of 5,534 different level institutions of 363 globally influential multinational companies in 142 cities along the Belt and Road route to measure the economic linkage strength of the cities along the“Belt and Road”route and the influence of the key domestic nodal cities from multiple dimensions by employing the complex network analysis method. The results show that in the urban network system along the“Belt and Road”route, the network connectivity of the cities along the“21st Century Maritime Silk Road”is stronger than that of the cities along the “Silk Road Economic Belt”, that such representative cities of China as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hang Kong have higher network node status and linking strength, while the inland cities have relatively insufficient network linking strength, and that, in the key domestic nodal cities, the influence and the linking strength of urban networks built by multinational companies with advanced production services are relatively weaker and need to be improved.
    The Impact of Import Competition on China's Human Capital Investment
    WANG Wei, YAN Wei-tao
    2020, 0(2):  15-25. 
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    Based on the WTO Tariff Database, China Industrial Business Performance Data, Customs Trade Database and World Bank's Investment Climate Survey Database, this paper conducts an empirical study of the impact of import competition on China's human capital investment by employing the tool variable least square method. The findings show that the import tariff has a significant negative impact on the education level and vocational training of enterprises' workers, and the import penetration rate has a significant positive impact on the education level and vocational training of enterprises' workers. This indicates that the import competition can expand the internal wage gap in China's enterprises as a whole, which is conducive to the human capital investment of enterprises'workers. At the same time, the correlation coefficient of the impact of intermediate import tariff on the improvement of enterprise workers' education level and vocational training is significantly positive, which indicates that the competition of intermediate product import narrows the internal wage gap in China's enterprises, therefore, it is not conducive to the human capital investment of enterprises' workers. The workers in the enterprises with higher capital-labor ratio, higher total profit, better operating conditions and economic benefits, and performance-based wage system are more inclined to invest in human capital.
    A Study of the Green Efficiency of Industrial Water Resource in Yangtze River Economic Zone Based on the Two-Stage Evaluation of Production and Treatment
    ZHANG Xi-yue, SUN Fang-cheng, WANG Huai-zu
    2020, 0(2):  26-36. 
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    To improve the green efficiency of industrial water resource in Yangtze River Economic Zone, it is necessary to consider systematically the impact of the two stages of production and sewage treatment. By employing the network SBM-Malmquist method, this paper evaluates respectively the industrial water efficiency, sewage treatment efficiency and the integrated green efficiency of the two stages in Yangtze River Economic Zone from 2010 to 2015. The findings show that the efficiency at production water-using stage in Yangtze River Economic Zone is higher than the efficiency at the sewage treatment stage. The integrated green efficiency at the two stages has better increased due to the technological progress at the production water-using stage, whereas the management efficiency and technological progress level need to be improved at the sewage treatment stage. The growth of production water-using efficiency is comparatively higher in the upstream and downstream areas of the Yangtze River; however, the growth of sewage-treating efficiency is comparatively lower in the upstream area, while that in the midstream area is the opposite. This study can shed some lights on the systematical evaluation and improvement of the green efficiency of industrial water resource in Yangtze River Economic Zone.
    Research on the Impact Mechanism of Social Interaction and Household Debt on Income Gap
    HU Zhong-li, WANG Shu-hua, CUI Ze-yuan
    2020, 0(2):  37-50. 
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    By establishing an interactive basic model including household debt and a two-sector model of household debt and income gap, this paper tries to mathematically prove the impact mechanism of social interaction and household debt on income gap, then combined with the data from the 2013 China Household Finance Survey, it conducts an empirical test by means of Probit, Tobit and other methods. The research results show that social interaction has a positive effect on household debt, that the increase in household debt is one of the factors leading to the widening of the income gap, and social interaction has a promoting effect on this impact, and that the impacts of social interaction on household debt are different due to the differences of family location, educational background and risk attitudes. The policy authorities need to broaden the channels for exchange of financial information, strengthen the supervision on informal finance, control the proportion of formal and informal financial channels, and increase the attention to household assets and liabilities.
    Insurance and Security
    A Study of Purchase Intention of Tax-Deferred Commercial Pension Insurance: Based on the Data of China's Pension Reserve Index Survey
    ZHANG Xin, SUN Li-juan
    2020, 0(2):  52-61. 
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    Based on the data of China's pension reserve index survey of 2017, this paper conducts an empirical analysis of employees' purchase intention of tax-deferred commercial pension insurance and the influencing factors by employing the logistic regression model. The results show that more than 40% of employees are willing to purchase tax-deferred commercial pension insurance. Such factors as economic purchasing power, education level and knowledge of insurance can significantly promote the employees' purchase intention. While lacking of pension planning awareness and excessive reliance on social basic endowment insurance and child support would reduce their purchase intention. The increase of real estate is negatively correlated with the demand for purchasing tax-deferred commercial pension insurance. There are also differences in the influencing factors among employees working in companies with different natures.
    The Impact of Residents' Happiness on Family Commercial Insurance: A Test of Transmission Mechanism from Heterogeneity Perspective
    CAO Zhi, YE Xian, WU Fei
    2020, 0(2):  62-75. 
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    Based on the mixed panel data of China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) in 2011, 2013 and 2015, this paper explores the impact of happiness on the family commercial insurance consumption behavior. Different from the previous researches, this article incorporates the type differences of commercial insurance into the analytical framework while examining the relationship between happiness and the overall family commercial insurance. The findings show that happiness can significantly increase the possibility of family commercial insurance participation and the scale of family commercial insurance participation. This promotion is mainly manifested in the overall commercial insurance and life insurance behaviors, and the above conclusion is still the same after the two-stage instrumental variable regression is used to test with the average precipitation data of year, day and night. The mechanism path analysis shows that happiness can affect the participation behavior of commercial insurance through the channels of life expectation and social interaction. The heterogeneity analysis shows that happiness has a more prominent effect on the promotion of commercial insurance participation in the family groups in rural areas with higher income.
    Agricultural Research
    Research on the Occurrence Mechanism of Residential Energy-Saving Investment Behaviors of Rural Residents
    LI Shi-cai, LIU Chang-jin, TENG Yu-hua
    2020, 0(2):  76-85. 
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    Architecture is one of the key fields of energy-saving, building energy conservation can continuously and effectively save energy. Based on the survey data of rural residents in Jiangxi Province, this paper conducts a regression analysis of the occurrence mechanism of the energy-saving investment behavior of rural residents in their residential buildings by employing the regression analysis method and the interpretive structural modeling (ISM). The results show that, energy saving habits, energy saving intention, Chinese traditional culture value, shame culture, descriptive norms and command-control policies have a significant impact on rural residents' energy-saving residential investment behavior. Among them, energy saving intention and command-control policies are the surface direct influencing factors, energy saving habits, Chinese traditional culture value, shame culture and descriptive norms are the deep root factors.
    Agricultural R&D Input and Agricultural Total Factor Productivity: An Explanation and Evidence from the Perspective of Spatial Spillover
    CHEN Ming, DENG Rong-rong
    2020, 0(2):  86-97. 
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    On the basis of building a theoretical analytical framework by employing the theory of spatial economics to analyze the influencing mechanism of agricultural R&D investment on the promotion of the growth of agricultural total factor productivity, this paper adopts the spatial Dubin model to empirically test the spatial spillover effect of agricultural R&D input on agricultural total factor productivity with the data of 31 provinces in China from 2000 to 2018. The results show that there is a significant spatial positive correlation between agricultural R&D input and agricultural total factor productivity. Agricultural R&D investment has promoted the increase of agricultural total factor productivity, and its spatial spillover effect has been more fully exhibited in eastern provinces, while the differences between the central and western regions are not obvious. Such factors as economic development level, human capital, opening to the outside world, and fiscal support for agriculture also exhibit different degrees of spatial spillover and regional heterogeneity. This conclusion can provide policy inspiration for promoting the rational allocation of agricultural R&D elements, improving agricultural total factor productivity and promoting agricultural economic growth.
    Literature, History and Philosophy
    Big Data and Its Transparent World from the Perspective of Positive Ethics
    HUANG Xin-rong, LUO Xiao-yan
    2020, 0(2):  98-106. 
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    Big data digitizes everything in the world and makes the world transparent, so the human nature being accustomed to hiding is suddenly and completely exposed to the public, which has caused many ethical issues. The traditional ethics starts from a negative ethical view to believe that big data has brought about such issues as privacy, fairness and security to human beings. Then it gives prescriptions for prevention and governance in an attempt to regulate big data with old ethics. But from a positive ethical point of view, big data and its transparent world may also bring us the true return of humanity, such as sincerity, equality, freedom, safety and personality. The historical wheel of the big data revolution cannot be stopped. We can only insist on data openness, improve data capabilities, narrow the data gap, change the concept of privacy, rebuild the ethical system, pursue limited freedom, and embrace the big data era with a positive ethical attitude.
    The Metaphysics of“I”: A Philosophical Issue in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    CAI Heng-jin
    2020, 0(2):  107-114. 
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    The development of artificial intelligence technology is beyond imagination, and it has become an unquestionable development trend that machines will surpass humans one by one in various professional fields. Under such a background, human beings will doubt the value of their existence; thereby generate subversive questions about ethics and morals. However, humans still have their particularity that cannot be replaced by machines, which lies in the fact that human being has strong self-consciousness that can control the future. Then where does this particularity come from? Can this particularity be used to break through the current bottleneck in the development of artificial intelligence? In the era of artificial intelligence, philosophy bears the heavy responsibility of unprecedented guidance; the development of AI technology is both a scientific issue and a philosophical issue. By explaining the three level contents of where“I”comes from, where“I”am and where“I”am going to, the human-machine relationship can be clarified from the philosophical perspective, which can provide new ideas for the future co-existence and common prosperity of human being and machine.
    Law & Economy
    Insisting on and Revision of the Informed Consent Rule in Personal Information Protection
    NING Yuan
    2020, 0(2):  115-127. 
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    Such imperfections as a form being bigger than its essence, obvious negative externality, inconsistence with the social attributes of personal information and so on will drive the negativists to try to weaken or even abandon the informed consent rule, thus it is necessary to remove the above-mentioned doubts and reshape the legitimacy of the informed-consent rule. The informed consent rule is a necessary path to realize the risk prevention essence of personal information protection. It is not desirable to pin one's hope on the afterwards responsibility rule that has weaker risk prevention function. The economic negative externality of the informed consent rule is exaggerated; its inherent consistency with data economic development and innovation should be fully recognized. To insisting on and to improve the informed-consent rule is the long-term solution. On the one hand, the informed consent rule should be untied from the right of self-determination on personal information, not deriving absolute right, nor deviating from the social attribute of personal information. On the other hand, since the informed consent rule is a general rule to protect personal information, the obligation to disclose should be detailed, so as to ensure that the individual's consent meets the corresponding substantive and formal elements.
    Probe into the Validity of Divorce Property Settlement Agreement: From the Perspective of Lawsuits of Objection to Real Estate Enforcement
    XIONG Yu-mei
    2020, 0(2):  128-136. 
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    In the judicial practice, there are different court decisions and different reasons for the lawsuits of objection to real estate execution based on the divorce property division agreement. The reason is that there are different understandings about the legal effect of the divorce division agreements. The divorce property division agreement is a kind of property legal act with individual identity. Different from general property legal act, the Marriage Law should be applied preferentially. It should be identified that the divorce property division agreement has the effect of real right change; it has the legal legitimacy and legal feasibility, not violating the protection of the interests of the third party. When the court hears the lawsuit of real estate execution objection based on the divorce property division agreement, it can mainly clarifies the judgment ideas from the aspects of the real estate register, the real right change effect of the divorce property division agreement and the third party interest review. If the divorce property settlement agreement has the effect of directly leading to the change of real rights, the owner of the property stipulated in the agreement is the owner of the property, and, in general, enjoys the substantive right to exclude enforcement.
    Further Discussion on the Nature and Effect of the Paying-a-Debt-in-Kind Behavior
    HUANG Yao-wen
    2020, 0(2):  137-147. 
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    The theoretical system of the civil law in China is“transplanted”from the continental law system and is established mainly by inheriting or accepting the theory of civil law of Germany and Taiwan Province of China. There is no provision on the system of paying debts with property in Chinese current law, but there are a large number of cases of paying debts with property in judicial practice. Due to the inherent defects and deficiencies of the system of datio in solutum in the traditional civil law, and the abuse between paying debts with property and datio in solutum, the judgment rules of the above cases are relatively in chaos and seriously affect the judicial justice. Therefore, it is urgent to further clarify it in theory. In essence, the act of paying debts with goods is a consensual contract of liquidation, the solvency is the main difference between it and the novation of obligation object. Its extension can cover such concept categories as the traditional datio in solutum, the appointment of datio in solutum and new debt paying-of, which belong to the type of receiving other payment in reality, thus it is more open and inclusive.