Content of Xi Jinping’s Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era in our journal

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    The Practical Approach for Rural Grassroots Party Building to Lead to Poverty Alleviation in the New Era
    DUAN Yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (1): 8-15.  
    Abstract275)            Save
    Under the Party-led poverty alleviation model, the grassroots Party building is an important guarantee for leading the fight against poverty to advance effectively and complete on schedule. As the governing unit of the Party rooted in rural society, rural grassroots Party organizations provide political guarantees, ideological guidance and organizational support for poverty alleviation with their roles as a bridge between the Party center and the lower levels and as the leadership leading the way. The rural grassroots Party building should focus on consolidating the organizational foundation, improving the ability of rural grassroots Party organizations to treat poverty, and keeping rigorous Party style and Party discipline in rural grassroots Party organizations, so as to promote the practical approach for rural grassroots Party building to lead to poverty alleviation in the new era, and turn the Party's political advantages and organizational advantage into a winning advantage in the decisive battle against poverty and in the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way.
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    The Spiritual Essence of Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on the Study of the“Four Histories”
    XIAO Wen-yan, LUO Chun-xi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (6): 11-19.  
    Abstract473)            Save
    Xi Jinping's important exposition on the study of the“Four Histories”is the latest requirement for the Sinicization of Marxism and an important guarantee for advancing the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasizes that the study and implementation of the Party's innovative theory should be the top priority of ideological arming and should be combined with the study of the Party history, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development. The study of the“Four Histories”has made us realize that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the dominant practical logic running through the“Four Histories”, that the“Four Histories”is the historical logic formed by the four self-confidences, and that the“Four Histories”contains the law of the Communist Party's governance, the law of socialist construction and the law of social development of human being. A profound understanding of the spiritual essence of Xi Jinping's important exposition on the study of the“four histories”lies in being truly aware of: knowing history and loving the Party, studying history and understanding“Tao”, and knowing history and being wise.
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    On Xi Jinping's View of Honesty: Origin, Connotation and Characteristics
    LI Ping, ZHANG Fang-lin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (5): 3-11.  
    Abstract435)            Save
    In the practice of governing the country, Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches on the issue of honesty, and carried out theoretical exploration and practical innovation around the construction of honesty, which embodies Xi Jinping's view of honesty. Xi Jinping's concept of honesty originates from the excellent traditional honesty culture of the Chinese nation. It is the inheritance and development of the Marxist theory of honesty and has been formed in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the four aspects of honesty, i.e., being an important guarantee for building a pragmatic, upright and efficient government for the people, being the most basic ethical requirement of the market economy, being the cornerstone and important feature of a harmonious society, and being the important standards for international exchanges, this paper fully expands the value of times of honesty. Then from focusing on the construction of the integrity system, emphasizing the solution to both the symptoms and root causes, and integrating the integrity building into the daily norms of behavior, it stresses the two ways by which to put Xi Jinping's view of honesty into practice through actively broadening the effective path of honesty building, so as to deeply grasp the rich connotation of Xi Jinping's view of honesty. Xi Jinping's concept of honesty has distinctive features, which is the unity of scientificity and practicality, inheritance and openness, and adheres to the combination of the system theory and the focal-point theory.
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