Content of Study and Implementation of the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of CPC in our journal

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    The Core Essence and Times Value of Mao Zedong's Important Discourse on the History of the Party
    XIAO Wen-yan, ZHANG Hong-qing
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 13-21.  
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    Mao Zedong's view of the Party history is an important part of Mao Zedong Thought. Connecting history and reality, analyzing problems in a broad historical depth and historical comparison, and responding to realistic concerns are the distinctive theoretical characteristics of Mao Zedong's view of the Party history. From the four aspects, i.e., the function and role of the Party history, the collection and arrangement of the history materials of the Party, the building of the research teams of the Party history, and the long-term and holistic view of the Party history, this paper sorts out and explores the core meaning of Mao Zedong's important expositions on the Party history. Mao Zedong's important expositions on the history of the Party has important practical significance and times value in establishing a correct view of the Party's history, attacking historical nihilism, and letting the “people-centered”view of the Party history running through the whole process of the Party's revolution and construction. This has important practical guiding significance for the Communist Party of China to promote the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.
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    The Exploratory Course and Basic Experience of the Fiscal Policy of the Communist Party of China
    LIU Xiao-quan, ZHONG Jin-fang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (3): 3-12.  
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    The exploration of the financial policy by the Communist Party of China has experienced four periods, i.e., the creation of the new democratic finance in the context of the new democratic revolution war, the implementation of the planned economy under the conditions of the planned economy during the socialist revolution and construction, the construction of the public finance under the conditions of market economy during the period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and the establishment of the modern financial system in the context of the national governance during the socialist new era with Chinese characteristics. The role of fiscal policy has undergone an evolution from being an important way to raise funds for the Revolutionary War at the beginning, to an important means of regulating the economy and public services later, and to becoming an important tool of national governance today.
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    The Threefold Logic of the Revolutionary Culture Generation of the Communist Party of China
    CAO Kai-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (2): 3-9.  
    Abstract27)            Save
    The revolutionary culture is an excellent culture with red genes and Chinese characteristics created by the Communist Party of China in the historical course of the past century. The formation of the revolutionary culture has a certain logic; Marxist revolutionary theory, Leninist revolutionary theory, and Mao Zedong Thought constitute the theoretical logic of the formation of the revolutionary culture. The birth of the Communist Party of China, the development and growth of the proletariat, and the Chinese revolutionary struggle are the practical body of the formation of the revolutionary culture, the class foundation and the practice approach, highlighting the practical logic of the generation of the revolutionary culture. Not forgetting the original mission, being brave in self-revolution, and establishing cultural self-confidence are the value background, value reconstruction and value goal of the revolutionary culture generation, reflecting the value logic of the generation of the revolutionary culture. To explore and analyze the generation logic of the revolutionary culture from the three dimensions of theoretical logic, practical logic and value logic will help to correctly grasp and understand the connotation and essence of the revolutionary culture, so as to further inherit and carry forward the revolutionary culture in the new era and give full play to its unique theoretical value and practical significance.
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