Content of Study and Implement the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of CPC in our journal

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    The Logic, Experience and Direction of the International Image Construction of the Chinese Communist Party over the Past Century
    RAO Wu-yuan, LIU He
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (1): 21-31.  
    Abstract345)            Save
    The international image of the Communist Party of China over the past century has been generated, refined and shaped during the Party’s struggle and practice. It was established, prospered, and become strong because of the Party; and it has always been closely connected with the cause of the Party and the people. The construction of the international image of the Communist Party of China contains the triple internal logic of the unity of the self-shaped subject and the object shaped by others, the balance of the national interests and the global interests, and the coordination of national strength and international rights. During the historical development process of continuously enhancing the Party’s international reputation, international influence, and international discourse power, it has accumulated experience in building the international image of a great Party as a selfless ruler for the people, a world-minded struggler, and a global governance leader. In the new era, when approaching the spotlight on the world stage, the Communist Party of China need to further coordinate the“two overall situations”to consolidate the objective presentation of the Party’s international image, adhere to internationalism and improve the subjective construction of the Party’s international image, and strengthen the guidance of public opinion and improve the spreading effect of the Party’s international image.
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