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    Measurement, Regional Differences and Dynamic Evolution of the Construction Level of Livable, Business Friendly, and Beautiful Countryside in China
    ZHAO De-qi, WANG Shi-zhe
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 83-98.  
    Abstract76)            Save
    The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside is a major strategic mission for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization at present. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to conduct in-depth researches on the construction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside. Based on the construction of a horizontal indicator system and the vertical and horizontal leveling method, this paper measures theconstruction level of livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside in 31 provinces from 2011 to 2020, and the regional differences and dynamic evolution are revealed by using Dagum Gini coefficient, Kernel density, and Moran index. The findings showthat, firstly, during the sample period, the construction level of livable, business friendly and beautiful countryside in China is steadily increased, with the highest construction level in the eastern region and the fastest annual growth rate in the western region. Secondly, both intraregional and inter regional differences in the construction level are showing a downward trend, with the inter regional differences being the main cause of regional differences. Thirdly, in terms of time evolution, the absolute differences in the construction levels across the country and the three major regions are gradually decreased, but there has always been a significant gap between the leading and lagging provinces in the country and the eastern regions. Fourthly, in terms of spatial evolution, the aggregation mode mainly manifests as H-H aggregation and L-L aggregation, with only a small number of provinces completing the transition to the promotion or the radiation areas. Therefore, it is recommended that to further strengthen the construction of livable, suitable for work, and beautiful countryside from the three aspects, i.e., to fully activate various production factors, to actively promote regional coordinated development, and to implement policies tailored to different provinces.
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    Digital Economy and Inclusive Employment: From the Micro Perspective of Migrant Workers
    LV Da-qi, ZHOU Li
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 99-111.  
    Abstract71)            Save
    Based on the urban level data from 2011 to 2018 in China, this study explores the impact of digital economy development on the employment of migrant workers from an inclusive perspective. The findings show that digital economy development has enhanced the employment inclusiveness of the whole society. The employment inclusiveness is reflected in three aspects. First, compared to the labor force with urban registered residences, the digital economy plays a greater role in promoting the employment of migrant workers. Secondly, among migrant workers, compared to young and middle-aged workers, the digital economy can better promote the employment of middle-aged and elderly migrant workers. Thirdly, compared to high skilled workers, the digital economy can better promote the employment of the low skilled migrant workers. The mechanism analysis reveals that, on the one hand, the digital economy promotes the employment for migrant workers with insufficient social capital through the Internet and its own search methods. On the other hand, the digital economy promotes the employment of low skilled, middle-aged, and elderly migrant workers by increasing the demands for low skilled service industry positions in the region. Therefore, we need to accelerate digital transformation, promote the development of the digital economy, provide skills training, and optimize financial policies to enhance the inclusive employment for migrant workers.
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    “Grain-Oriented”or“Non-Grain-Oriented”: the Policy Effect of High-Standard Farmland Construction
    GONG Yan-ling, ZHANG Ying-liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 68-83.  
    Abstract49)            Save
    Based on the micro survey data of 1032 farmer households in China’s 10 provinces, this paper systematically analyzes the influence and its mechanism of high-standard farmland construction on the “grain-oriented” or “non-grain-oriented” agricultural planting structure. It is found that the implementation of high-standard farmland construction policy and the increase of construction scale both have a “grain-oriented” impact on agricultural planting structure, and it is still significant under a series of robustness tests of replacing the explained variables, the continuous DID estimation of provincial macro data and the propensity score matching method. The mechanism analysis shows that the high-standard farmland construction encourages farmers to grow grain crops by improving the level of agricultural socialization service. And the farmers’ behavior response is characterized by “grain-oriented” characteristics. The heterogeneity analysis shows that compared with the non-major grain producing areas and the mountainous areas, the high-standard farmland construction can increase the proportion of grain sown area in the major grain producing areas and the plain and hilly areas, and has a more obvious impact on the “grain-oriented” large-scale farmer households than the small farmer households. Therefore, we should promote the high-standard farmland construction according to the actual needs, improve the effectiveness of high-standard farmland construction, at the same time, expand the agricultural socialization service functions and encourage farmers to orderly carry out large-scale planting, thus promoting the “grain-oriented” agricultural planting structure.
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    Research on Altruistic Rent-Seeking and Its Correction in the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Projects: Based on the Investigation of S Town in Central China
    WANG Wen-long
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 84-91.  
    Abstract41)            Save
    In the implementation of rural revitalization projects, the self-interested rent-seeking, due to its self-interested characteristics, has attracted widespread attention from the society and become the focus of the government’s anti-corruption. Along with the continuous improvement of the anti-corruption system and the continuous improvement of the project management level, this kind of rent-seeking has been greatly reduced. While the altruistic rent-seeking has been ignored by the society and is spreading due to its altruistic characteristics, which has caused new hazards. The research based on S town in central China reveals that, compared with ordinary egoistic rent-seeking, the altruistic rent-seeking not only increases the risks of resource misallocation and inefficient use of rural vitalization projects, but also forms a demonstration effect to promote the official rank standard and the path dependence in rural development, thus damaging the credibility of the government. Its potential harm is greater and should be paid more attention by the government. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate reasonable strategies to reduce altruistic rent-seeking, effectively improve the efficiency and fairness of resource allocation in rural revitalization projects, restore government credibility, and enhance rural endogenous development capabilities according to China’s current national conditions from such aspects as establishing a people-oriented ideology and a sense of fairness, improving democracy and the rule of law, correcting the alienation of rural revitalization goals, and strengthening the supervision of rural revitalization projects, and so on.
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    Natural Endowment, Market-Oriented Reform and High-Quality Agricultural Development
    HONG Ming-yong, TIAN Meng-jie
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 92-103.  
    Abstract55)            Save
    The high-quality development of agriculture is a transformation process from quantitative change to qualitative change, and natural endowment and market-oriented reform are crucial to the high-quality development of agriculture. By drawing on the relevant research results of the new institutional economics, this paper constructs a theoretical framework between natural endowments, market-oriented reforms, and high-quality agricultural development. Subsequently, based on the provincial panel data from 2010 to 2020 in China, it describes and analyzes the current situation of natural endowment, market-oriented reform, and high-quality agricultural development. By constructing benchmark regression and spatial econometric models through the extended C-D production function, this paper conducts an empirical test of the impact of natural endowment and market-oriented reform on high-quality agricultural development. It is found that both natural endowment and market-oriented reform can significantly and positively affect the level of high-quality agricultural development, while both have significant negative spatial effects. The findings show that the natural endowment and the market-oriented reforms can both affect the level of high-quality development of agriculture positively, at the same time both of the two have significant negative spatial effect. The above conclusions imply that, due to the existence of the “siphon effect”, the local natural endowment and the level of development of market-oriented reforms will have a significant negative impact on the level of high-quality development of agriculture in the neighboring regions. To this end, it is necessary to improve the utilization rate of natural resource endowments, promote the market-oriented reforms, strengthen the cooperation and exchanges among different regions, and develop agriculture according to local conditions.
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