Content of Xi Jinping's Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era in our journal

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    The Cultural Origin, Generative Mechanism and Practical Value of XI Jinping’s Important Exposition on the Respect for Elders
    CAO Kun, HU Yong-xin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (3): 3-13.  
    Abstract468)            Save
    In the practice of governing the country, Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important speeches on the issue of respect for elders, and carried out theoretical exploration and practical innovation around the issue of respect for elders, which embodies the thought of Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the respect for elders. Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the respect for elders has inherited the excellent traditional Chinese culture genes, and formed a four-in-one ideological system of honoring, respecting, showing filial piety to and supporting the elderly, which is in line with the Marxist concept of family, the Communist fine family tradition and the behavior model of proletarian revolutionaries. An in-depth study, publicity and practice of Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the respect for elders is of great value to consolidating cultural confidence, inheriting the Party’s fine tradition and work style, promoting socialist core values, and putting the people-centered development thought into practice.
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    Logical Considerations and Practical Direction of Political Risk Prevention of Chinese Communist Party in the New Era
    WANG Lin-lin, SHUANG Chuan-xue
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2021, 0 (2): 3-11.  
    Abstract388)            Save
    The political proposition of“preventing political risks”essentially manifests the rational reflection and dialectical criticism of political party subjects on the issue of governance, which conforms to the theoretical logic of Marx and Engels on the construction of proletarian parties, follows the historical logic of the political risk evolution and introspection of the communist parties of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and meet the realistic logic of the construction of the legitimacy of governance in the new era. However, the diversification of ideology, the deviation of value cognition, the arduousness of social transformation and the interference of power politics have caused the historical and current natures of political risks of communist parties to be superimposed, and the endogenous and exogenous natures to be intertwined. In order to respond to the situation of the times and the political challenges, we must strictly clarify the political bottom line, stick to the political boundaries, keep a firm political stand, optimize the political system, improve the political guarantees, and continuously improve the Party’s political judgment, political insight, and administrative capacity to identify, prevent and resolve risks.
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    Theoretical Interpretation and Value Implication of “People-Centered Development Thought”
    LUO Hong-jie, PING Zhang-qi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2020, 0 (1): 3-10.  
    Abstract233)            Save
    People-centeredness is the fundamental position of the Communist Party of China. Adhering to people-centered thinking is the significant advantage and basic strategy of the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The“people-centered development thought”is a scientific thought with Marxist“humanism”as the theoretical cornerstone and the CPC's“people-oriented”governing philosophy as the ideological foundation, which has comprehensively revised western humanitarian theories, and whose essence has surpassed the traditional Chinese people-based thought. This idea contains rich scientific connotation and profound spiritual essence. In the new era, the“people-centered development thinking”is fully integrated into the“five developments”concept, the“four comprehensives”strategic layout, the“five-in-one”overall layout, the“four greats”historical mission, and the comprehensively deepening reforms. It is of great value and significance to advance the governance of the country in the new era.
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