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    The Early Exploration of the CPC’s Thinking of Rule of Law: Taking the Referee Committee of Anyuan Railway-Mine Workers Clubas an Example
    ZHANG Tian-tian, WANG Bing-lin
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (2): 94-104.  
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    The rule of law thinking is an important way of thinking of the CPC, and an important magic weapon for the Party to lead the revolution, the construction and the reform cause to continuously achieve victories. The full affirmation of the status and role of the law, the active advocacy of breaking the old legal system and formulating a new legal system, and the ingenious reference and use of the old legal system of the early CPC members are the starting point of the CPC’s legal thinking. The referee committee established by Anyuan Railway-Mine Workers Club is the embryonic form of the people’s justice established by the leadership of the CPC, which opened the early attempt of the Party to use the rule of law thinking. The referee committee of Anyuan Railway-Mine Workers Club clarified the“fate”of legal thinking by resolving conflicts and disputes and achieving worker autonomy, demonstrated the“correctness”of the rule of law thinking by adhering to democracy and justice and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and highlighted the“contribution”of legal thinking by consolidating revolutionary organizations and promoting the vigorous development of workers movements. Adhering to the value support of justice and fairness, adhering to the basic requirements of serving the overall situation, adhering to the fundamental position of taking the people as the center, and adhering to strengthening the construction of the rule of law to build a good rule of law environment are the profound enlightenment of the early exploration of the CPC’s rule of law thinking for the improvement of the Party’s rule of law thinking ability in the new era.
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    Ideological and Political Education Empowered by ChatGPT: Technical Paths and Possible Issues
    HUANG Xin-rong, LIU Liang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (6): 104-113.  
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    ChatGPT has attracted global attention with its powerful generative intelligence; while providing a more specific technical application path for empowering ideological and political education with artificial intelligence, it also brings about various new problems. From a technical perspective, ChatGPT may make it easier for ideological and political theory and practice to obtain the necessary information and discover the hidden ideological and political laws from the vast amount of information. ChatGPT may allow educators to study and analyze educational objects from a multidimensional perspective, to gain easier access to interactive experiences between educators and educational objects, and to have more convenient access to ideological and political work consulting services. In terms of possible issues, the language model of ChatGPT may generate and disseminate erroneous information, making it difficult for educators to distinguish. ChatGPT may generate certain ideological biases during the learning and training process. The powerful functions of ChatGPT can easily lead to educators’ dependence on it. In addition, there are still a series of ethical issues that cannot be solved at present.
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