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    Building a High-Standard Socialist Market Economy in all Respects and Reforming the Fiscal and Tax Systems
    DENG Li-ping, CHEN Li
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 3-11.  
    Abstract176)            Save
    Building a high-standard socialist market economy in all respects is an important reform goal made clear at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which highlights the importance of further deepening the reforms in all respects in the new journey, with the reform of the economic system as the leading force. Xi Jinping’s economic thought, especially the related exposition on the socialist market economic system, is the basic guideline for comprehending the profound connotation of building a high-standard socialist market economic system in all respects. The profound connotation should be grasped at five aspects: first, insisting on the decisive role of the market in resource allocation; second, insisting on the close integration of the socialist system with the market economy; third, insisting on the construction of a socialist market economic system supported by the institutions; fourth, insisting on the establishment of a high-standard socialist market economic system; and fifth, insisting on the completion of a comprehensive high-standard socialist market economic system. In the practical path, the fiscal and tax system is a key basic system for the socialist market economy, therefore, a new deployment of fiscal and taxation system reform is needed from the three aspects: the budget system, the tax system, and the relationship between the central and local finances to improve the macroeconomic regulation and optimize government governance, so as to contribute to the building of a high-standard socialist market economy in all respects.
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    The Real Economic Effects of Electronic Consumption Vouchers: Evidence from Unionpay Platform
    XI Ming-ming, LIU Xu-yan, LI Ting
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 12-26.  
    Abstract170)            Save
    Government consumption vouchers serve as an important economic stimulus tool designed to invigorate the market and provide necessary support to businesses that are affected by economic pressures. In order to thoroughly investigate the actual effects of this policy tool, this paper conducts a quasi-natural experiment with the distribution of electronic consumption vouchers by various levels of governments in Jiangxi Province. Taking the data from 264, 000 active merchants contracted with Jiangxi Unionpay platform from 2019 to 2022 of totaling 968, 000 observation values as the samples, this study constructs multi-period difference-in-differences models and triple difference models to examine the impact of government-issued electronic consumption vouchers on the operations of physical merchants and their mechanisms of action, as well as to discuss the social welfare effects of government electronic consumption vouchers. The results show that: firstly, the leverage effect of government e-coupon on the real economy is between 1.308~3.250 times, and the elasticity coefficient of the coupon is between 0.152~0.395. Secondly, e-coupon mainly have a positive impact on the operation of physical merchants through the three mechanisms: price discrimination, small profits and good sales, and brand effects. Thirdly, the unique way of issuing and canceling government e-vouchers will neither cause the crowding out of consumer welfare nor increase the financial burden. Therefore, to further stimulate domestic market demand in the future, it is recommended to refine the distribution channels and mechanisms of government electronic consumption vouchers, ensure the accurate allocation of consumer vouchers to the target groups and efficient conversion, thereby maximizing their economic and social benefits.
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    A Study of the Impact of ESG“Greenwashing”on Corporate Performance
    ZOU Yan-fen, XIAO Zhi-wen
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 152-164.  
    Abstract94)            Save
    Practicing ESG is an important way to promote the green and low-carbon development of the economy and society. Taking the A-share listed companies from 2011 to 2021 as the research samples, this paper empirically tests the impact of ESG“greenwashing”on enterprise performance and its mechanism on the basis of measuring enterprise ESG“greenwashing”. The findings show that ESG greenwashing, social information greenwashing, and corporate governance greenwashing can all significantly reduce a company's financial and market performance, while environmental responsibility greenwashing will significantly improve a company's financial and market performance. The analysis of the influencing mechanism reveals that ESG greenwashing can weaken a company's operational capabilities, damage its reputation, and increase its financing constraints, thereby reducing its performance. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that in non-state-owned enterprises and enterprises with higher analyst attention, ESG“greenwashing”has a more significant effect on the declining corporate performance. To this end, enterprises, the society and the government should work together to promote the construction of China's distinctive ESG governance system.
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    House Price Expectation Shocks, Endogenous Uncertainty and Aggregate Demand Shortage
    GUO Ling-yi, XU Wen-li
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 27-41.  
    Abstract75)            Save
    The downward trend of economic expectations is an important reason for the lack of aggregate demand in China. Based on China's macroeconomic quarterly data from the year 2009 to 2022, this paper analyzes the impact of the expectations of housing price shocks on the aggregate demand and its transmission mechanism by constructing a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that includes the irrational expectations shocks of housing prices and the endogenous uncertainty. The results indicate that: firstly, a downward expectation shock of housing prices will lead to a decline in aggregate demand, the transmission mechanism including the illusion of housing wealth, the financial accelerator, and uncertainty. Secondly, the uncertainty mechanism amplifies the suppressive effect of the negative housing price shock on the aggregate demand, resulting in a more significant decline in total demand. Thirdly, there is an asymmetric effect between the negative and positive expectation shocks of housing prices on aggregate demand, with the impact of price decline expectations being more substantial. Fourthly, in the face of a negative expectation shock, the macroprudential policy tools that focus on the observed housing price expectations are more effective in smoothing aggregate demand fluctuations. Therefore, government departments should strengthen the expectation management, implement policies tailored to individual cities, and adopt more policy tools to boost the real estate demand and reduce uncertainty.
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    The Impact of Value-Added Tax Retention and Refund Policies on Cross Regional Capital Flows: Evidences from the Remote Investment of Listed Companies
    LI Hua, GU Lan-juan, WANG Ai-ai
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 42-56.  
    Abstract63)            Save
    As the highlight of the combined tax and fee support policies, the VAT retention and refund is a key measure to help enterprises alleviate difficulties, which has an important impact on the cross regional flow of capital. To this end, based on a quasi natural experiment of the 2018 value-added tax retention and refund policy, this paper makes use of the manually collected data of the registered locations of the subsidiaries of listed companies in China from 2014 to 2019 to empirically analyze how the value-added tax retention and refund policy affects the cross regional capital flows. The findings show that the VAT retention and refund policy has promoted the investment of listed companies in other places and effectively promoted the cross regional flow of capital. This effect is more obvious in non-state-owned enterprises and enterprises in highly competitive industries, and it has a positive impact on enterprises with different levels of VAT retention and refund. This effect is stronger in enterprises with no tax retention and refund or lower scale of tax retention and refund. The mechanism analysis reveals that VAT retention and refund policy can impact across regional capital flows mainly by alleviating financing constraints and reducing the perception of uncertainty. Therefore, it is recommended to continuously optimize the VAT retention and refund policy to create a better business environment for enterprises to invest in other regions, precisely implement the tax support policies to improve the targeting of policy support, strengthen the synergy between fiscal and financial policies to stabilize the expectations of market development.
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    Signaling Effects, Economic Uncertainty, and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy
    CHEN Guo-jin, GUO Jun-ying, ZHAO Xiang-qin
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 57-69.  
    Abstract62)            Save
    The effectiveness of monetary policy is closely related to the stability of the macro economy. Therefore, a thorough discussion of the effectiveness of monetary policy is of great significance for achieving China's economical goal of stable growth. By constructing a three-period model incorporating the banking and enterprise sectors, this paper studies the intrinsic relationship between signal effect, economic uncertainty, and the effectiveness of monetary policy, and conducts empirical tests using the instrumental variable partial projection method. The findings show that, first, there exists a signal effect of monetary policy in China, and the monetary policy released by the central bank will affect the public expectations of the economic fundamentals, thus influencing the effectiveness of monetary policy. Second, the loose monetary policy can stimulate economic growth by extending the credit term, however, the existence of the signal effect will weaken the effect of monetary policy on regulating the credit term structure, further reducing the effectiveness of monetary policy. Third, when economic uncertainty intensifies, the signal effect will be amplified, which will further weaken the ability of monetary policy to regulate the credit term structure and reduce its role in stabilizing the economy. Therefore, the People's Bank of China should improve its expectation management, increase public confidence in the effectiveness of monetary policy, and at the same time unblock the regulatory channels of monetary policy's credit term structure, especially in the context of higher economic uncertainty.
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    The Research on Policy Semantics and Expectation Channels of the Central Bank's Forward Guidance
    NIE Li, SHI Kai
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 70-83.  
    Abstract60)            Save
    Forward guidance is an innovative monetary policy tool used to manage expectations. Clarifying the policy semantics and mechanism of the central bank's forward-looking guidance is of great significance for improving the monetary policy framework. This paper adopts the text analysis techniques to measure the policy semantics of China's monetary policy forward guidance from the two dimensions: policy orientation and economic prospects. It also separates interest rate expectations and term premiums through a macro financial affine term structure model. On such a basis, this study explores the transmission mechanism of the forward guidance using an exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model and a time-varying Granger causality test. The findings show that the forward guidance emphasizes more the noise reduction function of the expectation channel, but cannot affect the interest-rate expectations through transmitting new information. The policy-inclination forward guidance can more effectively fulfill the noise reduction function, whereas the economic-outlook forward guidance cannot guide the direction of future interest rate expectations. Further analysis reveals that an increase in the semantic similarity of policy-inclination forward guidance can significantly reduce the volatility of short-term interest rate expectations, and that economic-outlook forward guidance is more likely to influence the medium and long-term interest rates through uncertainty channels dominated by term premiums. Therefore, it is recommended that the People's Bank of China should steadily advance forward communication, refine the cross-cycle policy design based on expectation management, and construct an expectation management system framework with Chinese characteristics.
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    Social Effects of Local Government Debt Management: From the Perspective of Private Enterprises' Social Responsibility
    LIAO Wang, LI Wen, TANG Xue-song
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 84-97.  
    Abstract48)            Save
    The problem of local governments defaulting on payments to private enterprises has been a major obstacle on the road to building a new type of close and upright government-business relationship. Using the State Council's special supervisory action to clean up government arrears as a quasi-natural experiment, this paper applies the difference-in-difference method to systematically examine how the settlement of local government arrears exerts a positive social effect and influences the assumption of social responsibility by private firms, intending to provide empirical evidence on how the governance of government debt positively induces the private economy. The findings show that this special action has significantly improved the level of social responsibility of private enterprises in the supervised areas. This action has enhanced the willingness and ability of private enterprises to undertake social responsibility by increasing the public attention to them and alleviating their internal liquidity constraints, and has had a positive impact on corporate charitable donations. The heterogeneity test reveals that the above-mentioned effect is more significant in regions with lower social credit levels, poorer market environments, and in private enterprises that lack political connections. Therefore, in order to promote the healthy development of the non-public economy and build a new type of government-business relationship, the governance of local government arrears should be institutionalized and long-term. While building a service-oriented government, private enterprises should be encouraged to actively fulfill their social responsibilities and play a positive role in social development.
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    Does Digital Products Import Promote the Quality Improvement of Export Products of Multi Product Enterprises?
    LU Jing, WANG Tao-xuan, XIAO Qing-lan
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 111-127.  
    Abstract57)            Save
    The digital economy creates new opportunities for the high-quality development of China's exports. Accelerating the development of digital trade and fully leveraging the technological advantages of digital products are important ways to promote the upgrading of the quality of exported products by enterprises. Multi product enterprises are the main form of China's foreign trade enterprises, occupying a dominant position in export activities. Using the micro matching data from the China Customs Database, China Patent Database, and China Industrial Enterprise Database from 2000 to 2014, this study examines the impact of digital product imports on the quality of exported products from multi product enterprises and its underlying mechanisms. The findings show that the import of digital products can generate significant product quality upgrading effects, prompting enterprises to improve the quality of their exported products. The mechanism analysis reveals that the“cost saving effect”, the“digital technology spillover effect”, the“product conversion effect”, and the“intermediate goods import selection effect”caused by the import of digital products are the main mechanism paths for enterprises to improve the quality of their exported products. The heterogeneity results show that the higher the knowledge endowment of enterprises, the more obvious the product differentiation, and the higher the development level of export destination countries, the more significant the quality upgrading effect brought by imported digital products. Further analysis shows that the entry of new products, the exit of old products, the improvement of the existing product quality, and the internal resource reallocation all have an impact on the export product quality of multi product enterprises. Focusing on the dynamic discovery of the existing product quality, it can be seen that the import of digital products can improve the export product quality of non core products, bridge the quality gap between products of different natures, and drive the overall improvement of product quality. Based on the above conclusions, it is necessary to actively guide enterprises to import digital products, fully leverage the role of digital products in product quality and upgrading export trade models, and promote China's high-level opening-up to the outside world.
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    The Market Reaction to the Security Representative Litigation System
    CHEN Liang-yin, HUANG Jun
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 140-151.  
    Abstract41)            Save
    Based on the“Provisions on Several Issues Concerning Representative Litigation in Securities Disputes”implemented by the Supreme People's Court on July 31, 2020, this paper studies the market response to the securities representative litigation system. The findings show that the securities representative litigation system will generate positive market reactions. The mechanism test reveals that the implementation of the securities representative litigation system not only significantly increases the number of independent directors resigning and expressing dissenting opinions, but also strengthens the supervision of small and medium-sized shareholders over the company. Therefore, the securities representative litigation system will have a positive market response. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that in companies with lower proportion of independent directors, higher agency costs, and lower shareholding ratio of institutional investors, the positive market response generated by the securities representative litigation system is more significant. Therefore, it is necessary to actively guide investors to use the securities representative litigation system to safeguard their own rights and interests, and the regulatory authorities should further strengthen the support role of the investment service centers for the securities representative litigation system.
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    Disclosure of Government Audit Results and Perception of Audit Anti-Corruption Effectiveness: An Empirical Study Based on Cognitive Psychology
    ZHENG Xiao-rong
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 143-156.  
    Abstract83)            Save
    The effectiveness of auditing anti-corruption is the key to achieving success in auditing anti-corruption work, and it is also an important factor that affects the public’s perception of the effectiveness of auditing anti-corruption. Then, how can the perception of audit anti-corruption effectiveness of the public be improved? This paper studies the influence of public contact with audit result announcement information on their perception of audit anti-corruption effectiveness by employing the acculturation theory and designing questionnaires. The findings show that the higher the frequency of public contact with audit results, the stronger the public perception of audit anti-corruption effectiveness. Compared with unofficial channels, the public’s access to audit results through official channels has a greater effect on the improvement of their perception of anti-corruption effectiveness. Different types of audit result information have different effects on the improvement of the public perception of anti-corruption effectiveness. The effect of the transfer and settlement results of audit is the strongest, which is followed by the effect of the rectification results of audit, while the effect of the wrong and fraud information disclosed by audit is the weakest. Therefore, in order to improve the public perception of audit anti-corruption effectiveness, it is necessary to increase the opportunities that the public has access to the audit result announcement information and improve the arrival rate of the audit result information.
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    Can Corporate Digital Transformation Curb Stock Mispricing?
    LI Zhen-zhen, WANG Ai-Dong, LI Hai-jian
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 133-143.  
    Abstract83)            Save
    Solving the problem of mispricing is an important prerequisite for the healthy operation of China’s capital market. Taking China’s A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2021 as samples, this paper analyzes the impact of enterprise digital transformation on stock mispricing. The findings show that the digital transformation of enterprises can effectively curb stock mispricing. The mechanism test reveals that the digital transformation of enterprises can reduce information asymmetry and alleviate investor irrationality, thereby helping to curb stock mispricing. The analysis of the regulatory effects reveals that media coverage and high public attention can enhance the inhibitory effect of enterprise digital transformation on stock mispricing. The heterogeneity test reveals that the inhibiting effect of digital transformation on stock mispricing is more significant in enterprises with a higher proportion of institutional investors’ shareholding and a higher level of digital strategy leadership in the management. Therefore, it is necessary to establish, improve and promote the long-term supporting mechanism for the digital transformation of enterprises.
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    Research on the Impact of“Green Factory”Certification on Enterprise Green Innovation
    ZHU Zhao-hui, LIN Wen, ZENG Ai-min, HU Ying-jie
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 3-16.  
    Abstract163)            Save
    How to stimulate enterprises’ green innovation to promote the overall green transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry has become a key issue that needs to be solved urgently in environmental regulation policy and theoretical research. Taking the implementation of the voluntary environmental regulation policy of“green factory”certification as a quasi-natural experiment, this paper employs the multi-time point PSM-DID model to investigate the guiding effect of green innovation. The findings show that the level of green innovation of enterprises increases significantly after obtaining the“green factory”certification, which is mainly reflected in the breakthrough of innovation quality rather than quantity. The result of the mechanism analysis shows that the“green factory”certification, in conjunction with government subsidies and green credit policy tools, can effectively help enterprises obtain more government environmental subsidies, ease long-term credit costs and scale constraints, and serve as a signal to attract support from long-term institutional investors to improve the quality of green innovation. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that the quality of green innovation is moresignificantly enhanced when the“green factory”has been recognized for many times, its environmental information is more transparent and no environmental violation has been found, while the effect of the green innovation quality improvement is rather weak when the“green factory”is in heavy pollution industries. These findings suggeststhat the policy-makers should further strengthen the synergy between the certification policy and other policy tools in combination with industry attributes to enhance the incentive effect, improve the“green factory”information disclosure system to give full play to the role of signals, strengthen the pre-qualification examination and post-assessment supervision and the dynamic adjustment of the accreditation list, so as to continue to provide impetus for green innovation. The above conclusions not only provide empirical evidences for the implementation effect and function mechanism of the green certification policy, but also have great practical significance for constructing a diversified policy system, giving full play to the complementary role of government and capital markets in green transformation and upgrading, and promoting the construction of green manufacturing engineering.
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    Nonlinear Spillover Effects of US Economic Policy Uncertainty on China’s Technological Innovation
    CHEN Pu, OUYANG Zhi-gang
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 15-28.  
    Abstract174)            Save
    The economic policy uncertainty of the technology leading countries can produce spillover effects on the scientific and technological innovation of the technology following countries through the technology following channel and the uncertainty inducing channel. The direction of the spillover effects depends on the influencing mechanism of the EPU of the technology leading country and the technology following country on the domestic scientific and technological innovation. On the basis of a nonlinear threshold GVAR model, this paper studies the non-linear spillovereffect of the EPU of USA on the scientific and technological innovation of China. The results show that as a whole the EPU of USA can suppress the scientific and technological innovation of China through the technology following channel and the uncertainty inducing channel, and that the inhibiting effect is greaterin the low growth mechanism. In terms of different industries, the EPU of USA in its industries with more innovative advantages can have negative spillover effects on China’s industrial innovation mainly through the technology following channel; among which, the inhibiting effect is greater in the low growth mechanism. In the industries of USA with relative innovative advantages, the EPU of USA can have spillover effects on the industrial innovation of China through the technology following channel and the uncertainty inducing channel; among which, the positive effects are smaller in the high growth mechanism and the negative effects are greater in the low growth mechanism. As for the industries of China with innovative advantages, the EPU of USA can produce spillover effects on the industrial innovation through the uncertainty inducing channel; among which,the spillover effect is not clear in the high growth mechanism, and the negative spillover effect is obvious in the low growth mechanism.
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    A Study on the Impact of the Host Country/Region’s Digital Economy Development on China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment
    LIU Zhen-lin
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 118-130.  
    Abstract221)            Save
    With its increasingly extensive impact, digital economy has made profound changes in the efficiency, structure, regional layout and investment mode of transnational enterprises in the field of current international investment. Based on the panel data of 125 host countries (regions) around the world from 2003 to 2020, this paper explores the impact, mechanism and spatial effect of the development of digital economy on China’s outward foreign direct investment. The findings show that China is inclined to invest in the host countries (regions) with a higher level of digital economy development, and that in the host countries (regions) with higher levels of income, economic development, human capital, financial openness and economic freedom, the development of digital economy can play a greater role in promoting China’s OFDI. The results of Ward system clustering and natural breakpoint grouping show that only a high level of comprehensive development of the digital economy in the host country (region) can significantly increase the scale of China’s OFDI. The result of the function mechanism test shows that the development of the digital economy of the host country (region) will affect China’s OFDI through the two important channels: trade cost effect and investment convenience effect. The result of the spatial Durbin model shows that the digital economy of the host country (region) will have a crowding-out effect on the OFDI in the neighboring regions, and this crowding-out effect will not fall off with the increase of the distance threshold.
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    Correlation of Assets, Degree of Integration, and Achievement of Performance Commitments in Mergers and Acquisition
    LIU Jian-yong
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 131-144.  
    Abstract123)            Save
    The correlation between the assets of both parties in a merger and acquisition transaction can affect the difficulty and effectiveness of subsequent integration, which in turn affects the performance of the target company. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the impact of asset correlation and integration on the achievement of performance commitments in mergers and acquisitions. Based on the manually collected performance commitment data of mergers and acquisitions of listed companies from 2009 to 2019, this paper employs the input-output method to construct an asset correlation index for mergers and acquisitions. Then it explores the impact of asset correlation between the two parties in the merger and acquisition transaction on the achievement of performance commitments and its mechanism. The findings show that the stronger the asset correlation between the two parties in the merger and acquisition transaction, the better the achievements of the target company’s performance commitments will be. The stronger the correlation between M&A assets, the more conducive it is to the integration of the target enterprise, and the higher the degree of M&A integration. The degree of integration in mergers and acquisitions plays a mediating role between the correlation of assets acquired and the achievement of performance commitments. Further analysis reveals that share based payment, share based compensation, two-way performance commitments, and lower degree of aggressive performance commitments will enhance the positive correlation between the asset correlation and the achievement of performance commitments in mergers and acquisitions. Therefore, the listed companies should prioritize the mergers and acquisitions for the assets related to their own industries, so as to enhance the degree of integration and promote the achievement of performance commitments.
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    The Influence of Customer Incivility on Coworkers as Bystanders: Schadenfreude or Emotional Support
    ZHAN Xiao-jun, WANG Tao
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 80-92.  
    Abstract154)            Save
    Service industry employees often encounter customer incivility, which will not only have a negative impact on employees’ emotions, attitudes, behaviors and performance, but also have a greater impact on bystanders. At present, few scholars have explored the impact of customer incivility on service employees from the perspective of bystanders, especially from the perspective of colleagues as bystanders. Based on the theory of social information processing, this paper explores the double-edged sword effect of the helping behaviors and the negative workplace gossip performed by the colleagues as bystanders who observed customer incivility on the employees that encountered uncivil behaviors by taking emotional support and schadenfreude as mediators and task interdependence as moderators, respectively. The results of the data analysis of 320 valid questionnaires collected in three stages show that the emotional support and schadenfreude of the coworkers can play a mediating role between OCI and helping behaviors, and between OCI and negative gossip behaviors. The task interdependence plays a moderating role, when task interdependence is high, OCI is positively correlated with bystanders’ emotional support; when task interdependence is low, OCI is positively correlated with bystanders’ schadenfreude. The task interdependence moderates the mediating effects of emotional support and schadenfreude. When the task interdependence is higher, the indirect effect of OCI on employees’ helping behaviors through coworkers’ emotional support will be stronger, and the indirect effect of OCI on employees’ negative gossip behaviors through coworkers’ schadenfreude will be weaker. These research conclusionshave enriched the researches in the field of bystander of customer incivility, providing some enlightenment for managers to reduce the negative impact of customer incivility.
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    How Does Digitalization Empower the Green Development of the Manufacturing Industry
    LUO Jun
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 108-120.  
    Abstract114)            Save
    The green development of the manufacturing industry is the key to achieve the“dual carbon”goal and the strategic goal of a strong country in manufacturing. The digital technology has the characteristics of knowledge-intensive and clean, and its deep integration with the manufacturing industry has become a new engine driving the green development of the manufacturing industry. On the basis of systematically analyzing the functioning mechanism of digitalization empowering the green development of the manufacturing industry, this paper empirically tests the effect of digitalization on the green development of the manufacturing industry. The findings show that, in general, digitalization has promoted the green development of the manufacturing industry. The heterogeneity study indicates that heterogeneity in manufacturing industry and the heterogeneity in digital technology can have an impact on the effectiveness of digital empowerment. The mechanism test reveals that digitalization can promote the green development of the manufacturing industry mainly through the four paths, i.e., optimization of the factor structure, improvement of resource allocation, reduction of costs, and technological innovation, but the expansion of the production scale will play a certain inhibiting role. Environmental regulation plays an important role of regulating in the process of digitalization empowering the green development of manufacturing industry, and there is an optimal range of the environmental regulation intensity; within the range, the effect of digitalization empowerment is the greatest. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, smooth the transmission path of digital technology empowerment, and maintain the intensity of environmental regulation within a reasonable range, so as to achieve green and high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.
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    The Impact of Inefficient Capital Market Pricing on Enterprise Innovation Quality
    LI Qi-jia, LUO Fu-kai, PANG Ting-yun
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 82-93.  
    Abstract71)            Save
    The improvement of innovation quality has become an important driving force to promote the breakthrough of the key core technologies and the high-quality development of enterprises, but the problem of “low quality and low efficiency”still exists in the innovation activities of China. In the context of realizing technological independence and self-improvement and practicing innovation-driven development, it is of great significance to explore the influence of the capital market environment on the quality of corporate innovation and to seek breakthrough paths for corporatehigh-quality innovation. This paper conducts and empirical study based on China’s A-share non-financial listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. The findings show that the inefficient capital market pricing will significantly weaken the quality of corporate innovation and makes them fall into an innovation dilemma. The analysis of the mechanism of action shows that overvaluation of stock prices will lead companies to adopt strategic innovations to cater to investors, while undervaluation of stock prices will weaken the enthusiasm of enterprises to invest in R&D. Both of the two tendencies are not conducive to the improvement of corporate innovation quality. The heterogeneity test reveals that the negative impact of inefficient capital market pricing on corporate innovation quality is more prominent when the corporate equity financing is highly dependent, the short-term performance pressure is high, the information asymmetry is strong, and the agency problems are relatively serious. According to the above empirical evidences, the government can take advantage of the market-oriented reforms to further improve the pricing efficiency of the capital markets; while the enterprises should actively respond to the low-quality innovation-induced tendency under the short-term pressure of the capital market through the optimization of the corporate governance level and the information disclosure environment, so as to effectively enhance their high-quality innovation capabilities.
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    Capital Market Openingand Quality of Enterprise Environmental, Social and Governance Information Disclosure
    BA Shu-song, CHAI Hong-rui, ZHAO Wen-yao, ZHANG Shuai
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 56-68.  
    Abstract95)            Save
    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments are important means for China to achieve green development, inclusive growth, and consolidating its international image as a responsible major country. At present, the disclosure of environmental, social and governance information in China is still not standardized, and ambiguity and selective disclosure behavior are still widely existed, seriously restricting the development of ESG investment practices. This paper conducts a double difference regression analysis based on the annual data of A-share listed companies from 2011 to 2020. The findings show that the opening of the Shanghai (Shenzhen)-Hong Kong Stock Connect can significantly improve the quality of the environmental, social, and governance information disclosure of the listed companies. In addition, the empirical results of time heterogeneity indicate that the improvement of information disclosure quality under the Shanghai (Shenzhen)-Hong Kong Stock Connect trading system becomes increasingly significant over time. The mechanism analysis reveals that the Shanghai (Shenzhen)-Hong Kong Stock Connect trading system can improve the quality of ESG information disclosure of listed companies through“foot voting”and the use of“external supervision”effects. Further research has found that while playing an external supervisory role, the Shanghai (Shenzhen)-Hong Kong Stock Connect trading system also plays a role in optimizing the external supervisory environment of China’s A-share market. The above analysis indicates that in the early stages of ESG ecological environment construction, China should fully attach importance to the important role of capital market openness in the quality of ESG information disclosure, and promote China’s ESG ecological environment construction through planned and step-by-step capital market openness.
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    The Collaborative Development among Large-Medium-Small Enterprises Driven by Digital Economy: Mechanism, Model and Path
    LI Xian-jun
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 3-14.  
    Abstract204)            Save
    As the new driving force of the world economic development and the important engine for the new round of scientific and technological revolution, the digital economy has become an important force to drive the improvement of the efficiency of the economic system and the optimization of the structure, and has injected new impetus into the collaborative development of the large, medium and small enterprises. The digital economy can not only drive the information links among the large, medium and small business through the factor supple and tool support of the infrastructure, but also create and promote the collaborate ecological construction to drive the effective integration of the large, medium and small enterprises through the opportunities created by the digital scenarios, so as to form such typical integrative modes as the platform integration to enable digitally the large, medium and small enterprises, the industrial chain integration pulled by the chain hosts, and the ecological integration with the characteristics of innovation and entrepreneurship. Faced with the practical problems such as weak willingness, insufficient impetus and unclear modes, it is necessary for the large,medium and small enterprises to smooth the data connecting channels, let the large enterprises play the driving role, increase the willingness of SMEs to integrate actively, and building a long-term mechanism to ensure the effective integration among the large, medium and small enterprises. It is recommended to further strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure and digital platforms, give priority to the integrative development of the key industries, support the construction of the digital integrative carrier, accelerate the digital transformation of the service system for SMEs,and strengthen the governance to digital platforms.
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    VAT Rate Simplification and Enterprise Equity Financing
    LI Ying, ZHANG Yu-feng
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 68-80.  
    Abstract89)            Save
    Raising the level of equity financing is the key path for enterprises to activate the capital market, increase the proportion of direct financing and improve the function of the capital market. Then, does the high efficient resource allocation effect of Value-added Tax (VAT) rate simplification help to promote corporate equity financing? By choosing the sample data of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2012 to 2021, this paper empirically analyzes the impact of the VAT rate simplification policy implemented in 2017 on corporate equity financing. The results show that the implementation of the simplified tax rate policy has significantly promoted the equity financing of enterprises; its influencing mechanism is to improve the internal value of enterprises and the information efficiency, then further improve the equity financing of enterprises. At the same time, the effect of the simplified tax rate policy on promoting equity financing of enterprises is more significant in the enterprises with higher credit discrimination and more applicable tax brackets. In addition, the good institutional environment of capital market has improved the effect of the VAT rate simplification policy on the promotion of corporate equity financing. Specifically, in the groups with a higher degree of marketization and higher degree of capital market openness, the positive effect between the simplified tax rate and corporate equity financing is more significant. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to continue to optimize the VAT rate simplification policy, formulate differentiated tax supporting policies for different kinds of enterprises, play the combined role of tax reduction policies and the capital market system, and boost investors’ confidence, so as to promote the equity financing of enterprises.
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    Research on the Enhancement Mechanism of Digital Capability on the Innovative Ecosystem Resilience of Platform E-Commerce Enterprises
    WU Qun, HAN Tian-ran
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 81-93.  
    Abstract94)            Save
    The in-depth promotion of the digital economy has accelerated the complex and changeable market ecology. In the face of the dynamic environment of high-frequency innovation and fierce competition, how to leverage digitalization to improve the resilience of the innovative ecosystem has become an important issue for platform e-commerce enterprises to achieve high-quality development. This paper explores the impact of digital capability on the resilience of the innovative ecosystem of the platform e-commerce enterprises. The results of the empirical test based on 608 questionnaires collected from platform e-commerce enterprises show that digital capability can exert a significant positive impact on the innovation ecosystem resilience of the platform e-commerce enterprises, that the supply chain collaboration plays a mediating effect between digital capability and the innovative ecosystem resilience of the platform e-commerce enterprises, and that the value co-creation willingness can positively regulate the relationship between the digital capability, the supply chain collaboration and the resilience of the innovative ecosystem of the platform e-commerce enterprises. The above conclusions indicate that cultivating digital capability can enhance the shock resistance capability of platform e-commerce enterprises, and enhance the adaptability and learning ability of platform e-commerce enterprises by building a supply chain collaboration platform and improving the value co-creation willingness of innovation subjects, so as to enhance the resilience of the innovative ecosystem of platform e-commerce enterprises.
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    Can Tax Incentives Promote the Digital Transformation of Enterprises?
    HUANG Yi-song
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 144-156.  
    Abstract121)            Save
    Digital transformation has a profound impact on the business, process and modes of enterprises. How to promote enterprise digital transformation has become a hot topic in the current practical and academic circles. Taking China’s A-share listed companies from 2008 to 2020 as the research samples, this paper examines the impact of tax incentives on the digital transformation of enterprises and its mechanism. The findings show that tax incentives can promote the digital transformation of enterprises. The analysis of the function mechanism shows that tax incentives can promote the digital transformation of enterprises by improving enterprise innovation and easing enterprise financing constraints. Further test reveals that when enterprises are faced with greater environmental uncertainty and stronger competitive advantages, tax incentives have more significant effects on the promotion of enterprise digital transformation. The above research results have expanded the researches on the impact factors of enterprise digital transformation and the economic consequences of tax incentives, providing empirical evidences and policy references for Chinese government departments to adhere to the policy of reducing taxes and fees, increase the strength of tax returns, and promote enterprises to realize digital transformation faster and better.
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    The Peer Effect of Share Repurchase Behavior of Listed Firms and Its Economic Consequences
    WANG Jun-yi, ZHAO Xiu-yun
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (1): 75-85.  
    Abstract116)            Save
    Share repurchase is a kind of supply adjustment behavior in stock markets and has the advantage of being a price stabilizer. The existing researches mainly explore the motivations for corporate share repurchase from their own factors of the enterprises. Then, will the company’s stock repurchase decision be influenced by other companies in the same industry? What is the mechanism of this impact? By making use of the data from Chinese listed companies from 2005 to 2021, this study explores the peer effect and its impacting mechanism of share repurchase at the industry level. The findings show that there is a significant peer effect in the share repurchase behaviors of China’s listed firms, and there is also a peer effect in the amount and the frequency of share repurchases. The mechanism analysis reveals that the peer effect of share repurchase in listed companies is generated by the learning and imitating behaviors and the competitive pressure among the companies in the same industry. The moderating effect analysis reveals that the more abundant a company’s cash flexibility reserve is, the higher the media attention received by the peer companies, and the stronger the peer effect of share repurchase. The findings of the economic consequence analysis show that the share repurchases based on the peer effect have an increasing effect on corporate value. To this end, it is necessary to guide enterprises to make stock repurchase decisions that meet their substantive needs, while at the same time strengthening the supervision of the share repurchase behavior of the listed companies.
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    Intermediate Trade Network and Enterprises’ Labor Income Share
    YANG Zhi-hao
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 107-119.  
    Abstract82)            Save
    The income distribution under the open economy is the core issue to achieve the goal of common prosperity. Based on Page Algorithm, this paper makes use of the data from the China Industrial Enterprise Database, the customs database and the global bilateral trade database etc. to estimate the corporate centrality of intermediate trade network, and then explores how the centrality of intermediate trade network acts on the corporate labor income share. The findings show that improving the centrality of intermediate trade network of enterprises can significantly reduce the share of labor income. The conclusion is still robust when the impacting threshold value test with mixed variable, the instrumental variables and the quasi natural experiments are adopted to relieve the endogeneity. The mechanism analysis shows that the centrality of intermediate trade network affects the share of labor income through the factor costs, technical progress and wage raising mechanisms. The expansion analysis reveals that increasing the support of education and technology, improving the domestic upstream supply capacity, and expanding the scale of domestic demand will alleviate the inhibition of the centrality of intermediate trade network on the share of labor income. Thus, we should actively promote the construction of the secondary distribution mechanism led by the government and the tertiary distribution mechanism represented by charity activities, increase financial investment in education, scienceand technology, improve the supply capacity of the domestic supply chain, cultivate the potential demandsin the domestic markets, and then achieve the goal of common prosperity in the process of high-level opening up.
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    Can Environmental Target Constraints Promote the Upgrading of Heavily Polluting Manufacturing Industries? Evidence from the Emission Reduction Targets of the 11th Five Year Plan
    BAO Tong
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 120-132.  
    Abstract89)            Save
    In the context of actively promoting green development in China, the environmental target constraints are of great significance for leading the energy conservation, consumption reduction and green transition of the manufacturing industry. Regarding the target responsibility system of environmental protection implemented in the 11th Five-Year Plan as a quasi-natural experiment and based on the data of Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database from 1998 to 2009, as well as the COD emission reduction targets data of the provinces (the autonomous regions or the municipalities directly under the central government) during the 11th Five-Year Plan period, this paper constructs a three-dimensional panel set of“year-city-two-digit manufacturing industries”. It then conducts an empirical test of the impact of the target responsibility system of environmental protection on the upgrading of the heavily polluting manufacturing industry with the difference-in-difference-in-difference model. The results show that the target responsibility system of environmental protection has significantly promoted the upgrading of heavily polluting manufacturing industries, and that this effect does not exist in the short term. In the regions with lower degree of marketization and lower pollution control ability, this effect is more obvious. The mechanism analysis reveals that, on the one hand, the target responsibility system of environmental protection has promoted the upgrading of the heavily polluting manufacturing industry through the resource reallocation between cities, intra-city industries and intra-industry enterprises; on the other hand, it has realized the upgrading of the heavily polluting manufacturing industry through increasing the innovation numbers of the polluting enterprises and strengthening the strategic innovation behaviors of polluting enterprises. Further research reveals that with the help of the upgrading effect of the heavily polluting manufacturing industry the target responsibility system has improved the industrial energy efficiency and cleanliness, achieved energy conservation and emission reduction, and thus promoted the green transition of the heavily polluting manufacturing industry. Therefore, it is necessary to establish specific and rolling emission reduction targets to break market segmentation, guide the regions to create products based on comparative advantages, improve the evaluation accuracy and support of governments for high-quality innovations, and fully leverage the empowering role of the environmental protection target responsibility system in the high-quality transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.
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    Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Financial Asset Allocation: Empirical Evidences from the National AI Innovation and Application Pioneer Zone
    FENG Wan-xin
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (4): 141-152.  
    Abstract233)            Save
    Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) serves as an important driving force for the intelligent transformation of China’s manufacturing industry and the development of the real economy. Taking China’s A-share listed manufacturing companies from 2011 to 2021 as samples, this paper empirically examines the influence of the national AI innovation application pilot zone policy on the financial asset allocation of the manufacturing enterprises within the pilot zones, as well as its underlying mechanisms, by employing a multi-period Difference-in-Differences (DID) model. The results reveal that the national AI innovation pilot zone policy has significantly reduced the level of the financial asset allocation among the manufacturing enterprises within the pilot zones. The mechanism analysis indicates that the policy of the national AI innovation pilot zone has enhanced the total factor productivity of the manufacturing enterprises and alleviated their financial constraints, thereby suppressing the financial asset allocation level of these enterprises. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that the inhibitory effect of the national AI innovation pilot zone policy on the financial asset allocation in the manufacturing sector is stronger when the human capital of enterprises is of higher quality or when asset specificity is lower. The economic consequences analysis reveals that the policy has the potential to increase R&D investments in manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, the pilot zones should further build innovative application scenarios for artificial intelligence, and the non pilot zones should actively learn from the beneficial experiences of the pilot zones.
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    The Breaking of“Rigid Payment”in Bond Market and Enterprise Risk Information Disclosure
    BAI Jun, QIAO Jun, WU Shuang
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 53-67.  
    Abstract99)            Save
    Breaking the“rigid payment”of the bond market is an important measure of China’s financial market reform. This paper conducts a study based on the data of the listed companies from 2008 to 2021 and the difference-in-difference model. The findings show thatwhen the“rigid payment”of the bond market is broken, the level of enterpriserisk information disclosure will be significantly lowered. This negative effect is more significant among the enterprises with weaker implicit government guarantee capacity, with insufficient regional financial resources, with lower credit rating, or without third-party guarantee. The impact of the breaking of the“rigid payment”in the bond market on the internal mechanism of the bond-issuing enterprises to reduce risk information disclosure is realized through increasing the negative sentiment of investors and intensifying the financing constraints of enterprises, thus improving the motivation of enterprise information manipulation. The results of the economic consequence reveals that when the“rigid payment”is broken, although enterprises’ reducing the risk information disclosure will reduce the costs of corporate debt financing, the abnormal volatility of the capital markets will be intensified, which goes against the capital market stability. Therefore, efforts should be made to improve the bond risk hedging mechanism, to build a market-oriented credit mechanism, and to strengthen the supervision of enterprise text information, so as to alleviate the credit impact of the breaking of“rigid payment”on the market.
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    The Productivity Growth Effect of Digital Economy: Dividend or Divide?
    ZHENG Guo-qiang, WAN Meng-ze
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (12): 3-16.  
    Abstract160)            Save
    The digital economy has become a key force driving the improvement of production efficiency, but the unbalanced development trend of the digital economy may exacerbate the production efficiency gap between regions. The regional coordinated development and common prosperity in the era of digital economy are faced with new problems and new challenges. Based on the panel data of prefecture-level cities in China from 2011 to 2019, this paper conducts an empirical study of the relationship between the development of digital economy and the total factor productivity and the regional heterogeneity. The findings show that digital economy has a significant productivity growth effect, which is mainly reflected in pure technological progress. The digital economy has failed to empower the growth of total factor productivity through the improvements in technical efficiency and scale efficiency. The mechanism analysis reveals that digital economy mainly promotes the growth of total factor productivity through the innovation-driven effect, the entrepreneurial incentive effect, the industrial upgrading effect and other channels, but the impacting effect is only significant in the eastern region. The results of the regional heterogeneity show that the higher the productivity efficiency and economic development level of the city, the more obvious the productivity growth effect of the digital economy, which leads to the“productivity gap”between regions. The results of the threshold effect test reveal that the increasing marginal effect of digital economy and the relative insufficiency of the less developed cities in talent agglomeration, financial development and fixed investment has strengthened the“productivity gap”between regions.
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    Value Justification for Equity Pledge: From the Perspective of Business Reputation
    ZHAO Yi-yi, ZHENG Deng-jin, SONG Zi-wei
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (11): 54-66.  
    Abstract110)            Save
    Referring to the hypothesis of“compensation justifying”, this paper believes that the controlling shareholders have the motive to conduct“value justifying”when they are trying to make equity pledge, i.e., in order to obtain higher financing, the controlling shareholder is motivated to assure the pledgee of the promising value of the pledged shares. The premium M&A is an effective way to increase market value, the measurement attribute of M&A goodwill represents the expected future value of the acquired assets. Does the controlling shareholder take advantage of the goodwill asset as a defense for equity pledge? The findings show that controlling shareholders are more likely to pledge their equity when the firm has good business reputation, business reputationis a justification for equity pledge. Especially in companies with poorer information environments, more powerful controlling shareholders and experiencing M&A of tunneling motivation, it is more common for controlling shareholders to use goodwill for equity pledge, and goodwill is more likely to be impaired in the future, indicating that controlling shareholders use goodwill as a false defense rather than a legitimate defense for equity pledge. The tests of internal demand, external environment, and pledged fund flow based on value defense also unanimously prove the above-mentioned pseudo defense behavior. In addition, compared to the bank pledgee, the securities firm pledgee has a lower level of risk prevention against the above-mentioned false defense behavior. The above conclusion indicates that the“double high”risks of“high goodwill”and“high pledge”are related to the arbitrage behavior of controlling shareholders, as well as the currentincomplete goodwill standards and equity pledge regulatory regulations. Therefore, while standardizing the principle of goodwillconfirming in mergers and acquisitions, it is particularly important to strengthen the prior supervision of equity pledge behaviors.
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    How Does Trading Mechanism Reform in Interbank Market Affect Interbank Financing Structure?
    ZHU Bo, XIA Cong, SUN Kai-si
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (11): 67-79.  
    Abstract82)            Save
    The structure of interbank financing affects the financing cost and liquidity conversion of commercial banks and is an important factor for the stable operation of commercial banks. In 2015, the National Interbank Funding Center launched the anonymous order instruction book trading mechanism in parallel in the pledge repo market, which changed the single inquiry trading mechanism that has long been used in the interbank market. Then, what impact will the reform of the trading mechanism have on the interbank financing structure of commercial banks? The theoretical model including the guaranteed and non-guaranteed funding markets and search frictions and the double difference empirical testshow that the reform of the interbank market trading mechanism can reduce the cost of guaranteed financing and increase the proportion of guaranteed financing in interbank financing. Further analysis reveals that in the banks with a high proportion of initial interbank financing, fast initial asset growth, and a large scale of initial shadow banking business, as well as the banks with lower reserve adequacy, the non listed banks, and the small and medium-sized banks, their interbank financing structures are more significantly affected by the reform of trading mechanisms. The reform of the interbank market transaction mechanism can promote the liquidity creation of commercial banks. Therefore, we should continue to expand the coverage of anonymous click trading mechanisms, actively pay attention to the spillover effects of the changes in trading mechanisms, and further improve the reform of trading mechanisms in interbank financing markets.
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    Research on the Path of Digital Transformation to Promote the Green Development of the High-End Manufacturing Industry
    JIANG Xu-han, ZHANG Li-ping
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (9): 16-27.  
    Abstract182)            Save
    The green development of China's high-end manufacturing industry is of great significance for the sustainable development of the national economy. Taking the digital economy as the research background and thehigh-end manufacturing industry as the research object, this paper constructs agreen development evaluation index system by combining the characteristics of the high-end manufacturing industry, so as to describe the dynamic evolution process of digital transformation on the green development of the high-end manufacturing industry from the perspective of enterprise dynamic capability. The findings show that the digital transformation has a positive impact on the green development of China's high-end manufacturing industry. This conclusion is still valid after controlling the endogeneity and conducting a robustness test. The mechanism analysis reveals that in the process of digital transformation, the high-end manufacturing industrycan reduce resource consumption, cut down environmental pollution and promote green technology innovation mainlythrough the dynamic capability path of enterprises, thus promoting the green development of the high-end manufacturing industry. The regulatory effect reveals that sound internal control can positively adjust the relationship between digital transformation and green development of enterprises. The heterogeneity analysis finds that Digital transformation has a more significant role in promoting green development of the high-end manufacturing enterprises in the eastern region, where senior executives have financial backgrounds and where the two positions are separated. Therefore, it will empower China's high-end manufacturing industry to develop in a green way by widely applying digital technology tools to improve the green financial system, establishing a digital system management system to optimize the transformation environment, cultivating digital social capital to regulate enterprise resource allocation, and building a digital innovation network to reduce regional development differences.
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    The Influence of Financial Literacy on Household Property Income: An Analysis fromthe Perspective of Common Prosperity
    TANG Dan-yun, LI Jie, WU Yu
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 55-67.  
    Abstract190)            Save
    It is the inevitable requirement for achieving common prosperity to increase the property income of residents. Based on China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) from 2013 to 2019 and using the Probit and Tobit models, this paper conducts an empirical study. The findings show that financial literacy is an important factor affecting household property income. The improvement of financial literacy can not only improve the probability of increasing household property income, but also improve the proportion of the total household property income and the property income in the household total income. This conclusion still holds after changing the explanatory variable and deleting the samples of families with financial industry professionals and after the endogenous test using the average financial literacy of other households at the same income level in the same community as the instrumental variable. Compared with non-financial property income, financial literacy has a more obvious impact on the household financial property income, especially the non-deposit financial property income. The result of the mechanism analysis shows that raising the proportion of risky assets, increasing the rate of return on risky assets, promoting the holding of investment in real estate, and promoting land renting are four channels through which financial literacy affects household property income. Further analysis reveals that the marginal effect of financial literacy is more pronounced on the property income of the groups with lower income, which indicates that the improvement of financial literacy can promote the faster growth of property income of the low income groups and help them to accumulate wealth quickly, thus contributing to the realization of common prosperity. The above conclusion suggests that to improve household financial literacy, especially the low income families,is an important means to narrow the income gap, which is significant in realizing common prosperity.
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    The Industrial-Financial Integration between Entity Enterprises and Stock Price Synchronicity
    XU Hui, ZHOU Xiao-hua
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 68-79.  
    Abstract129)            Save
    The basic function of capital markets is to realize the optimal allocation of resources by means of the stock price signal mechanism, and the key of stock price to play the optimal allocation function depends on its ability to reflect the real information of the company. From the perspective of stock price synchronicity, this paper conducts an empirical study by making use of the panel data of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2008 to 2020. The findings show that the industrial-financial integration can help suppress the stock price synchronicity of the real enterprises, and this phenomenon is more significant in private enterprises. Further examination reveals that the mechanism of the financial-industrial integration to inhibit the stock pricesynchronicity is to alleviate information asymmetry, attract investors’ attention and improve corporate governance. The shareholding of institutional investors and the media reports can strengthen the inhibition effect of the financial-industrial integration on stock price synchronicity. The above conclusions can explain the formation mechanism of stock price synchronicity from the perspective of the financial-industrial integration, reveal the special company information with micro-individual differences of the financial-industrial integration policies, help to deepen the theoretical cognition of the high stock price synchronicity of China’s capital markets and its information transmission mechanism, and provide new ideas for the re-understanding of the“view of information efficiency”and the reasonable evaluation of the micro-governance effect of the industry-finance integration model.
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    Regional Trade Agreements and Enterprise Export Resilience
    WEI Yun-yan, YUE Wen, HAN Jian
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (4): 106-117.  
    Abstract237)            Save
    Regional trade agreements are not only an important driving force for China to promote high-level opening-up and achieve high-quality economic development, but also a key factor to stabilize trade development and ensure economic recovery in times of crisis. Taking the 2008 global financial crisis as the research context, this paper focuses on the impact of the regional trade agreements signed and brought into effect before the crisis on the export resilience of Chinese enterprisesand its mechanism. The results show that regional trade agreements are the important reason for the enhancement of the export resilience of enterprises, and this conclusion is still valid after the robustness test and the endogeneity treatment. The results of a function mechanism show that reducing corporate export risks and improving the quality of export products are important channels for regional trade agreements to enhance the export resilience of enterprises. The heterogeneity analysis reveals that regional trade agreements are more conducive to enhancing the export resilience of the older firms with higher financing constraints. Further research shows that compared with the degree of export recovery, regional trade agreements can play a stronger role in promoting the degree of risk resistance of enterprises. Based on the above empirical results, it is suggested that the government should further promote the process of regional economic integration, and enterprises can take the destination country of regional trade agreement as their important export markets, so as to reduce the negative effect resulted from external impact as far as possible. In addition, it is also necessary to fully consider the different impacts of regional trade agreements on different enterprises, so as to effectively enhance the export resilience of enterprises.
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    Decentralization of Fiscal Expenditure, Livelihood Related Fiscal Expenditure, and Quality of Fiscal Revenue
    CHEN Xu-dong, WANG Xue-tao
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 31-43.  
    Abstract80)            Save
    This paper constructs a comprehensive indicator of fiscal revenue quality, calculates the fiscal revenue quality index with the entropy evaluation method, andempirically examines the relationship between fiscal expenditure decentralization, livelihood fiscal expenditure, and fiscal revenue quality. The results indicate that the overall quality of China’s fiscal revenue is on a continuous upward trend. The decentralization of fiscal expenditure and livelihood related fiscal expenditure have a significant positive impact on the quality of fiscal revenue through the quantity, structure, and sustainability of fiscal revenue; and there is a certain interactive relationship between fiscal expenditure decentralization and livelihood related fiscal expenditure. From a regional perspective, the decentralization of fiscal expenditures and livelihood related fiscal expenditures in the eastern region can significantly promote the improvement of fiscal revenue quality. From the perspective of branching out projects, the impact of technology, education, and cultural expenditures on the quality of fiscal revenue is the most significant among the livelihood related fiscal expenditures. According to the results of further research, it is found that the fiscal expenditure decisions made by local officials under the promotion pressure would weaken the promoting effect of fiscal expenditure decentralization and livelihood fiscal expenditure on the quality of fiscal revenue. Therefore, we should adhere to the concept of high-quality development and establish a reasonable financial operation mechanism that matches the financial and administrative rights by adjusting the relationship between financial and administrative rights; establish a“people-oriented”financial and tax ideology, and increase public expenditure for people’s livelihoods; optimize the assessment mechanism for local officials, reverse their short-sighted behaviors, so as to promote the improvement of the quality of fiscal revenue.
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    Research on the Innovation Effect of Digital Enterprises’ Outward Foreign Direct Investment
    WANG Jing-jing
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 121-131.  
    Abstract122)            Save
    External investment and cooperation in the digital economy are important engines driving the high-quality development of the digital economy. Based on the annual reports of the listed companies of Chinese digital enterprises from 2002 to 2020 and the China Innovation Patent Research Database, this study empirically tests the innovation effect and its internal mechanism of digital enterprise outward direct investment by employing anasymptotic difference-difference model. The research results indicate that, firstly, the innovation effect of digital enterprises’ outward foreign direct investment is significantly positive, and its promotion effect on high-quality innovation is more significant. Secondly, the outward foreign direct investment of the digital enterprises can drive the innovation of the digital enterprises by saving transaction costs, expanding market size, and leveraging digital upgrading mechanisms. Thirdly, the test results of enterprise ownership, enterprise size, and industry heterogeneity indicate that the innovation effect of the outward foreign direct investment by the small and medium-sized digital enterprises and the non-state-owned digital enterprises is more significant; the innovation effect of the outward foreign direct investment by the enterprises in the telecommunications, radio and television, satellite transmission services, and computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industries is significant. Therefore, efforts should be made to promote the external investment and cooperation in the digital economy, encourage enterprises to actively participate in the host country’s digital platforms, align with the host country’s digital standards and rules, effectively seize the opportunities in the global digital market, and reasonably arrange digital enterprises to“go global”, so as to enhance the innovation capabilities of digital enterprises and achieve high-quality development of the digital economy.
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    How to Depict the Firm Life Cycle Smoothly: Optimization of Measurement Methods Based on Growth Rate Classification Method
    ZOU Wen-li, XIE Xiao-ping, YE Jun-kai
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2024, 0 (11): 98-110.  
    Abstract37)            Save
    Accurately measuring corporate life cycle is of great significance for enterprises to make management decisions. However, corporate life cycle obtained on the basis of the existing methods exhibits significant fluctuations, leading to frequent jumps or reversals in a short period of time, making it difficult to smoothly depict the process of cyclical development and changes in the enterprises. By comprehensively analyzing the vertical and horizontal changes of enterprises, this paper sets a broad range of maturity periods rationally for enterprises, optimizes the growth rate classification method, and proposes a more economically logical method for measuring corporate life cycle. Using the data from A-share listed companies from 1991 to 2021, it applies the above methods to measure the life cycle of enterprises. The results show that the improved method can more reasonably reflect the gradual and stable changes of enterprises, effectively reduce the jumping and reversal phenomena in the measurement of corporate life cycle, more comprehensively depict the changes of corporate life cycle, and more in line with the logic of enterprise development. The above research results not only provide theoretical researchers with a new method for measuring the life cycle of enterprises, but also provide new references for future empirical researches. At the same time, they can help enterprise managers to more clearly identify the life cycle stage of the enterprise and provide strong support for them to make business decisions.
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    Can Digital Transformation Effectively Reduce Companies’ Reliance on Large Customers?
    YUAN Ye-fang, WAN Yi-jian
    Contemporary Finance & Economics    2023, 0 (7): 94-107.  
    Abstract128)            Save
    China’s traditional informal system of“relationship contract trust”has contributed to the widespread dependence of enterprises on large customers, which is not conductive to their long-term development in the era of rapid development of the digit economy. Based on the samples of non-financial listed companies in China from 2007 to 2019, this paper analyzes the relationship between the digital transformation and the dependence on large customers. The results show that the digital transformation can effectively reduce customer concentration and then reduce their dependence on large customers. The results still hold after the robustness tests, such asthe parallel trend and placebo tests, changing the variable measurement indicatorsand the instrumental variables. In terms of the mechanisms of action, the improvement of corporate competitiveness and information transparency are two important mechanisms of the digital transformation affecting the customer concentration. Further examination of the cross-sectional differences reveals that the negative effect of digital transformation on the customer concentration is more significant among the firms with stronger management capabilities, higher technologies, higher market shares and higher levels of external digitization. The above findings can not only enrich the study of the influencing factors of customer concentration and provide empirical evidences for enterprises to reduce their dependence on large customers,but also provide a decision-making basis for local governments to formulate differentiated policies to promote enterprises’ digital transformation.
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