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    25 July 2022, Volume 0 Issue 4
    Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
    The Generating Logic, Core Essence and Value Implication of Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on Preventing and Defusing Economic Risks
    WU Zong-wei
    2022, 0(4):  3-12. 
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    Xi Jinping's important exposition on preventing and defusing economic risks is generated on the basis of drawing on and sublimating Marx's theory of economic crisis, inheriting and innovating Chinese excellent traditional culture, continuing and extending the successful experience of the Communist Party of China, and examining and grasping the domestic and foreign economic development situation. Xi Jinping's important exposition on preventing and defusing economic risks emphasizes that preventing and defusing economic risks requires the centralized and unified leadership of the Party as the political guarantee, the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability as an important principle, the smooth“domestic and international dual circulation”as the strategic deployment, the systematic financial risk prevention and control as the core link, and the pushing and realization of high-quality economic development as the phased goal, its core essence has raised the understanding of the whole Party on how to prevent and defuse economic risks to a new height. Xi Jinping's important discourse on preventing and defusing economic risks not only expands the cognitive domain of Marxist political economy, but also provides basic guidelines for our country to prevent and defuse economic risks. It also transcends the traditional global economic risk governance discourse system and has profound value implications in such aspects as theoretical innovation, practical orientation and discourse guidance.
    Study and Implementation of the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of CPC
    The Core Essence and Times Value of Mao Zedong's Important Discourse on the History of the Party
    XIAO Wen-yan, ZHANG Hong-qing
    2022, 0(4):  13-21. 
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    Mao Zedong's view of the Party history is an important part of Mao Zedong Thought. Connecting history and reality, analyzing problems in a broad historical depth and historical comparison, and responding to realistic concerns are the distinctive theoretical characteristics of Mao Zedong's view of the Party history. From the four aspects, i.e., the function and role of the Party history, the collection and arrangement of the history materials of the Party, the building of the research teams of the Party history, and the long-term and holistic view of the Party history, this paper sorts out and explores the core meaning of Mao Zedong's important expositions on the Party history. Mao Zedong's important expositions on the history of the Party has important practical significance and times value in establishing a correct view of the Party's history, attacking historical nihilism, and letting the “people-centered”view of the Party history running through the whole process of the Party's revolution and construction. This has important practical guiding significance for the Communist Party of China to promote the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.
    Economy & Management
    Evaluation of Government Governance Efficiency under the New Development Concept:“Do One'sBest”or“Do According to One's Ability”
    DUAN Pei-xin, MENG Wei
    2022, 0(4):  22-34. 
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    The improvement of government governance efficiency is an important starting point to promote the establishment of governance system and the modernization of governance capacity. How to objectively and fairly evaluate the governance efficiency of local governments under the new development concept during the“13th Five-Year Plan”period is of great significance for the realization of the new improvement of the governance efficiency during the“14th Five-Year Plan”period. At present, more attention is paid to local governments'“doing their best”to improve governance efficiency, but less attention is paid to the governance efforts of local governments under the situation of unbalanced development. Based on this, this paper constructs a MINC-U-DEA model to carry out a study that can not only reflect the governance efforts of the local governments under the new development concept of the Party center, but also affirm the local governments'“doing within their capabilities”under the“initial endowment”. Through an empirical analysis of 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) and the eight comprehensive economic zones in China, it is found that, considering the differences in the“initial endowments”, the governments' governance efforts in the greater northwest region can be effectively measured, and the government governance efficiency in the southern coastal regions benefits more from the economic development.During the“13th Five-Year Plan”period, the country has made remarkable achievements in green development, but all the regions need to be strengthened in terms of innovation and development. The regional differences in the efficiency of government governance are relatively larger, and different regions have different ways to “do their best”to improve the government governance efficiency on the basis of“doing within their capabilities”. In addition, based on their own reality, the performance efforts of the provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in their same region are also inconsistent. The most obvious internal difference is found in the northwest region, and the difference in the southwest region is the smallest.
    The Self-Owned Brand Construction Mode of Chain Retail Enterprises from the Perspective of Resource Arrangement: A Case Study of Sinopec Yijie“Zhuomaquan”Brand
    LI Hong, YING Wen-chi, SUN Dao-jun
    2022, 0(4):  35-46. 
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    To develop the self-owned brands is an important competitive strategy for chain retail enterprises. However, few studies have analyzed the construction strategies and specific actions of chain retailers to identify, introduce and transform their own brands at the meso-level. Taking Sinopec Yijie developed its own brand“Zhuomaquan”as an example, this paper conducts an exploratory case study from the perspective of resource arrangement theory; it reveals a private brand building model that empowers new resources through network resource arrangement. The findings show that: (1) the process model includes the brand evaluation stage, the brand cultivation stage and the brand operation stage, as well as the corresponding capability evaluation strategy, the capability update strategy and the comprehensive integration strategy; (2) the scope of the arrangement of internal and external network resources is expanded step by step, so as to gradually realize the brand's resource endowment identification and development potential evaluation, resource authority acquisition and comprehensive capability development, resource authority control and comprehensive independent operation; (3) the brand has correspondingly experienced the role transformation from external brand to candidate brand, toselected brand, and finally to its own brand. The research conclusion shows that the development of private brands of chain retail enterprises is reflected as a new dynamic ability to empower new resources through resource network arrangement.
    Trade Policy Uncertainty and Import and Export of Chinese Enterprises: An Analysis from the Three Perspectives of Time Distribution, Stage Deviation and Country Shock Difference
    SHEN Ying-qi, ZHANG Long, LIU Jin-quan
    2022, 0(4):  47-57. 
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    This paper firstly depicts the import and export conduction path of enterprises with trade policy uncertainty and the bilateral phase deviation between China and the United States, thenit quantitatively checks the import and export effects of Sino-U.S. trade policy uncertainty through the SV-TVP-FAVAR model from the triple perspectives of time distribution, phase deviation and country impact differences. The results show that: firstly, trade policy uncertainty has multiple import and export transmission paths for enterprises, and the cross-country cross-conduction characteristics are obvious;the Sino-US trade policy uncertainty has not only a long-term“consistent”trend in the early stage of the sample, and also a short-term trend of“deviating”trend in the later stage of the sample. Secondly, the uncertainty of Sino-US trade policy presents the characteristics of negative impact of enterprises' import and export heterogeneity; the negative spillover effect of Sino-US trade policy uncertainty is differentin different periods, and the negative spillover effect has not weakened in recent years. Thirdly, the different deviating stages of the uncertainty of Sino-US trade policy will lead to different import and exporteffects of enterprises with Sino-US trade policy uncertainty;during the expansion period of Sino-US bilateral deviation, the import and export effect of the enterprises with Sino-US trade policy uncertainty is stronger than that during the stable period,the uncertainty of China's trade policy has always been the main factor affecting the import and export of Chinese enterprises. The above analysis has important guiding significance for all walks of life to understand the trend and fluctuation characteristics, the bilateral deviation and the country-specific impact differencesof China-US trade policy uncertainty, so as to avoid the “Thucydides Trap”.
    Insurance and Security
    The Design of the Basic Pension Calculation and Payment Method for the National Overall Planning of Endowment Insurance
    MAO Ting
    2022, 0(4):  58-70. 
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    The substantially unified calculation and payment method is the proper meaning of national overall planning of the basic endowment insurance in China. However, the current calculation and payment method is compatible with the provincial overall planning, which cannot meet the requirements of further improvement of the overall planning level. Based on the constraints of improving the level of overall planning, this paper designs three plans for calculation and distribution that are compatible with the national overall planning on the basis of the current calculation and distribution method; and these three plans are tested from the perspective that the treatment level of the insured individuals does not decrease and the local financial burden is affordable. The results show that if the national social average wage is used to replace the regional social average wage in the current calculation and payment method, it can not only produce a stronger regional income redistribution effect, but also minimize the total amount of financial subsidies for each local government. Therefore, it is suggested to adopt this scheme topromote the realization of the national overall planning.
    The Effectiveness of the Feedback from Elderly Users in Elderly Care Services: An Evolutionary Game Analysis
    YUE Xiang-hua, LIN Yu-ming
    2022, 0(4):  71-82. 
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    The quality of elderly care services is related to the health and safety of elderly users, which has become an important problem that needs to be solved urgently in China. In order to explore the effectiveness of feedback of the elderly users on the quality control of elderly care services, this paper takes the service quality of private elderly care institutions as the research objects, adopts the multi-group evolutionary game theory, and establishes a tripartite game model of “private elderly care institution-third-party evaluation agency-government supervision”on the basis of the feedback mechanism of the elderly users. Through the model derivation and the Matlab software simulation, it analyzes the evolution process of the optimal equilibrium point of the three parties in the game and the influence of the change of the “perceived value” of the negative feedback from the elderly users on the behavior strategy of the game subjects. The findings show that the “perceived value” of the negative feedback from the elderly users is an important factor affecting the realization of the “ideal”strategy of the three parties in the game; the greater the perceived value of the negative feedback from the elderly users by the private elderly care institutions and the third-party evaluation agencies, the more they will care for their reputation and the moreself-disciplinedthey will become. Therefore, to establish and improve the feedback mechanism for elderly users by the government can not only restrain private elderly care institutions and third-party evaluation agencies from rent-seeking violations, but also help private elderly care institutions to better understand the needs of elderly users, thereby improving the quality of the elderly care services.
    Agricultural Researches
    The Evolution of the International Soybean Trade Pattern and the Change of China's Bargaining Power under the Background of Sino-US Economic and Trade Frictions
    HAN Dong, LI Guang-si
    2022, 0(4):  83-96. 
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    Facing the increasing uncertainty of the trade environment and the rigid rise of China's soybean demand, it is of great practical significance to enhance China's bargaining power in the international soybean market. Based on the analysis of the evolution of the international soybean trade pattern, this paper employs the bilateral stochastic frontier model to conduct a quantitative analysis of the bargaining power of the countries participating in the soybean trade. The findings show that Sino-US economic and trade frictions have had a greater impact on the international soybean trade pattern. China's dependence on Brazilian soybeans has increased, and the degree of diversification of soybean exports from the United States and Brazil has increased. China's bargaining power in soybean import trade has been lower than that of exporting countries for a long time; the soybean import price is higher than the theoretical equilibrium price. During the periods of Sino-US economic and trade friction, China's bargaining power in soybean import trade was higher than that of the United States, but with the recovery of Sino-US soybean trade, the United States has once again mastered the bargaining advantage.The trade pattern and thecontrol over the financial markets, the distribution channels, the provenance, and the international trade rules are the key factors that affect the bargaining power of the international soybean market. Such measures as increasing special subsidies, promoting the diversification of soybean import sources, and promoting the expansion of soybean and other oil crops production will help improve China's bargaining power and risk resistance capacity in the international soybean market.
    The Influence of Value Perception and Social Capital on Farmers'Adoption of the Straw-Returning-to-Field Technology
    REN Zhong, GUO Yan
    2022, 0(4):  97-107. 
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    Straw returning to field is an important green production technology. It is of great significance to explore the factorsinfluencing farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology, which can improve the application level of straw returning to field. Based on the survey data of 788 farmer households in the 4 provinces of Shandong, Henan, Hubei and Hunan, this paper takes the value perception to represent the independent factor and the social capital to represent the embedded factor to analyze the influence of the two types of factors and their interaction terms on farmers'adoption of the straw returning to field technology with the Probitmodel. The results show that: firstly, value perception and social capital can significantly affect farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology. Among them, the perceived cost level and the informal norms play an important role in farmers' adoption behavior of straw returning to field technology. Secondly, value perception and social capital have an interactive effect on farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology. Value perception has different effects on farmers' adoption behavior of the straw returning to field technology due to different social capital, and value perception can also strengthen the influence of social capital on farmers' straw returning to field technology adoption behavior from different paths. Thirdly, the educational level and the business scale can promote the adoption of the straw returning to field technology by farmers. Compared with farmers with lower educational level and smaller business scale, farmers with higher educational level and larger business scale are more likely to adopt the straw returning to field technology. Accordingly, in the process of promoting farmers' straw returning to the field, it is necessary to focus on improving the value perception level of farmers' straw returning to field, vigorously cultivate farmers' social capital, strengthen the rural basic education, and promote large-scale land operation.
    Research on the Incentive Compatibility Mechanism of China's Agricultural Land System from the Perspective of Mechanism Design
    LI Yi-xin, JIANG Yan
    2022, 0(4):  108-122. 
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    The central government plays a decisive role in promoting China's economic transformation and agricultural land system changes. By constructing a multi-task principal-agent model between the central and local governments in the reform of the agricultural land system, this paper analyzes the relationship between the central government and the local governments and the factors influencing the optimal contract form and the optimal incentive contract design, then itexplores the impact of the implementationcost of the agricultural land system reform on theweight coefficients of local performance evaluation systems. The findings show that there is a positive correlation between the evaluation index of the farmland system in the optimal incentive contract and the implementation cost of the reform of the farmland system. The subjective behavior of the central government and its relationship with the local governments have largely shaped the changing path of the farmland system. Therefore, to achieve a substantial breakthrough in the farmland transfer right system, the central government's subjective intention needs to be truly transformed from“efficiency first, taking fairnessinto account”to“promoting efficiency with fairness”. Anincentive compatibility mechanism that both the central and local governments can win should be constructed, including a reformtarget-coupled local government performance appraisal system and a clear and effective land supervision system, so as to better promote the implementation of the policies.
    Law & Economy
    The Justification of the VAT Deduction Right: A Debate between Internal and External Justification Theories
    CHU Rui-gang
    2022, 0(4):  123-135. 
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    The deduction right, as the core right of a taxpayerof value-added tax, can play a better role in the double function of the restriction of the state's taxing power and the protection of the rights and interests of taxpayers only if it gets rid of the“right”claim that is difficult to determine from the moral level and is confirmed as a real positive law right. Then it can guide the optimization of the value-added tax system and leverage the practical difficulties of the value-added tax law. This identity conversion can be accomplished through the internal justification of the rights. Although the internal justification of the right of deduction is based on the inherent reasons of the right, the process is intended to describe the dynamic process of how the right obtains this qualification from the environment in which it is located. The connecting bridge between the rights and the external environment should be built with the help of the evaluation. Therefore, the argumentation process consists of two core structures: the ontology and the reference. On the one hand, it evaluates the right itself, describing its legitimacy and importance; on the other hand, it evaluates the internal-external interaction, showing the legitimacy and importance of deduction right to the external environment. In a word, on the one hand, we should start from the basic legal theory of rights to demonstrate the built-in mechanism of the deduction right conforming to the right; on the other hand, we should conduct standardized investigation to justify the legal character of the deduction right being abided by the law of VAT.
    Returning to Fictitious Norms: Reflection on the Interpretation of Article 2, Clause 3 of the Deed Tax Law
    YE Jin-yu, ZHENG Le-sheng
    2022, 0(4):  136-148. 
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    Clause 3 of Article 2 of TheDeed Tax Law changes the convention of Article 8 of The Provisional Regulations on Deed Tax, which not only separates the relatedness between the object of deed tax and the taxpayer, highlighting the position of treasuryism, but also integrates the statutory norms and the fictitious norms, leading to confusion in the objects of deed tax.It also dismantles the objects of deed tax and the basis for tax calculation, which increases the obstacles to the measurement of deed tax. The reason for this is probably that the legislators intend to erase the fictitious essence of transferring land and house ownership by means of fixing a price for investment (buy shares), debt repayment, transfer, incentives, etc., which is obviously on the contrary to the results of the interpretations of the literary content, the system and the purpose. To get out of the predicament, we must return to the due position of thefictitious essence, adhere to the stanceof taxpayer, abide by the nature of real estate acquisition tax, follow the synergistic thinking of the deed tax law and the civil law, integrate the systematic thinking of the constituent elements of deed tax, and draw on thebasic experienceof institution created by the objects of deed tax.According to this, the second half ofClause 3, Article 2of The Deed Tax Lawwill be reformed by adding descriptive words and specific rules of the fictitious norms, and the first half of Clause 3 Article 2 of The Deed Tax Law will be reformed by the dynamic access elements of“enumeration + bottom line”with the help of the construction fiction. If so, the deed tax legal norms and the fictitious norms will be organically integrated, the deed tax objects, taxpayers, tax calculation basis, tax rates, tax obligation occurrence time and tax preferential elements will be seamlessly integrated, and a good deed tax method can be generatedby integrating legality with openness, clarity and ambiguity.