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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 01
    A Study of the New Trends of U.S. Media Criticism in the Context of Financial Crisis
    LEI Yue-jie
    2012, 0(01):  681. 
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    The financial crisis occurred in 2008 had a tremendous impact on the U.S. economy, politics and society. Recently, the U.S. debt negotiations between the two parties and sovereign credit rating downgrade have become the focus of world public opinion. In this context, new trends are emerging in American media criticism: when focusing on the value orientation of U.S. media reports in the context of the financial crisis, the media criticism is full of political and partisan arguments, pays close attention to the future directions of U.S. economy and society, carries out criticism against the real issues, and reflects the current American social thought. The reason why the U.S. media criticism has the above-mentioned features and advantages is that it is determined by its democratic political system. The media criticism has a strong constraint force on the U.S. media industry in the context of the financial crisis.
    On the Legal Regulation on China’s Private Capital Guidance
    LI Chao
    2012, 0(01):  682. 
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    With the development of China’s society and economy, private capital has been rapidly accumulated; its amount has reached a level sufficient enough to affect national economic development. The use of private capital in the future will have a direct impact on China’s economic development process. However, in recent years, because of the absence of private capital guidance, a large number of private capital has played a “spoiler” and “victim” role, and brought great harm to China’s social and economic development. Based on this, during the special period of China’s economic transformation and upgrading, the guidance of private capital must be strengthened. Laws should be firstly formulated to guide private capital, which not only has already the necessity and legitimacy, but also has the actual feasibility, and its implementation path has gradually become clear.
    On the Public Opinion Crisis Management under Network Virtual Social Environment
    ZHANG Pin-liang
    2012, 0(01):  683. 
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    The strong social influence of network public opinion has become an important source of social crisis; therefore, when strengthening the social management, it cannot be neglected to enhance the management of the virtual society. We must guide both the real and virtual construction. At present, the urgent and important tasks of strengthening social management are as follows: to improve the management level of network virtual society, to govern the network environment, to enhance crisis prevention, to conduct in-depth analysis of the occurrence mechanism and development logic of network public opinion crisis, so as to guide the network public opinion, resolve the crisis, and realize the social management innovation. This paper studies the transmission law of web-based public opinion, analyze the causes leading to the frequent network public opinion crises, and purposely explore methods and measures to control and manage the social network public opinion crisis.
    Complex Networks: A New Method to Understand the World Science
    HUANG Xin-rong
    2012, 0(01):  684. 
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    Complex network theory is a rising important branch of the complexity science, which provides a new scientific method for systemic structure analysis by depicting and describing through the statistical parameters of the systemic network structure. Through the analysis of the statistical parameters of the complex network, scientists have discovered that the complex world may present two phenomena: the small world and scale-free. Through both the tools of small world and scale-free, we may find in the world of complex networks the simple laws of science, which will provide us with a powerful scientific tool to analyze the complicated worlds of science. Complex network theory is becoming a new world view and way of thinking, providing a new scientific method and opening a new window for us to recognize the complex world.
    An Analysis of Weber’s Thought on Political Party
    WANG Yong-mao
    2012, 0(01):  685. 
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    Weber’s thought on political party is an important part of his political social theory. Weber recognizes that political parties have the characteristics of recruiting members freely. To analyze the social basis of political parties can have an important influence on the development of political sociology. Weber confirmed the rationality of the existence of political parties in the modern countries and analyzed the phenomenon of organizational bureaucracy among political parties. The bureaucratization of political party organizations is a trend in modern society; mass democracy can bring heavy impact on the activities of political parties. Mass democracy has led to the emergence and development of bureaucratization of political parties, yet political parties have contributed to the development of mass democracy; the development of political parties and the development of mass democracy is a two-way pattern of development. Weber’s research on political parties has a grand vision, with a strong empirical color and other features. The enlightenment for the construction of contemporary China’s political party given by Weber’s thought on political party is that the development of China’s national form of democracy can be promoted through the development of inner-party democracy and strengthening the Party’s organizational construction.
    An Empirical Study of Efficiency Evaluation of China’s Rural Culture Industry
    WANG Jia-ting
    2012, 0(01):  686. 
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    By making use of the three-stage DEA model, this paper conducts an efficiency evaluation analysis of the rural culture industry in China’s 31 provinces from 2004 to 2009. The results show that such factors as the number of market institutions, entertainment consumer spending per capita, per capita income and geography have significant influence on the development of rural culture industry at different regions. After eliminating the influences of the environmental factors and the random disturbance, it is found that the efficiency of the rural culture industry at different regions is generally on the low side, the scale efficiency is lower; the central region has a relatively higher efficiency, the eastern is lower, and the western is the lowest.
    On the Civil Habits of Private Lending at Late Qing Dynasty and Early ROC
    ZHENG Yong-fu
    2012, 0(01):  687. 
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    At the turn of late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, the civil habits of private lending were very complicated, with lots of differences at different regions. Lending rates were related with such market factors as loan term, loan amount, loan target, money supply tightness situation, and other factors. With a monthly interest of 30% as a limit, there were zero interest rate, low interest rates, and high interest rate. The loan guarantee took such forms as the middleman, housing, land, grain, livestock, and even wives and daughters. The fulfillment of debt had such forms as interest adding to the principal, interest not adding to the principal, returning the principal without interest, returning the principal after paying the interest, asking for allowance, paying the debt by amortization by all the possessions, sharing the possessions among all the creditors, and signing written pledges promising to pay back when becoming rich or prosperous. Among them, some belong to objectionable practices and should be abandoned; some belong to public order and fair practices, so they are worth being learned from. It is rather helpful to carefully sort out such civil habits of private lending, so as to regulate and guide the order of private lending in today’s society.
    An Efficiency Comparison between the Farmland Systems: Empirical Study and Theoretical Analysis
    YI Yong-xi
    2012, 0(01):  688. 
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    Agricultural economic growth is closely related with the farmland system. Since the founding of the republic, China has implemented three types of farmland system successively, including the land belonging to the farmer, the land belonging to the collective with unified management, and the household contract responsibility system. The empirical study and theoretical analysis indicate that the land belonging to the collective with unified management is an inefficiency system; the other two systems are effective, but each has its merits and shortcomings. The household contract responsibility system is a correct choice under the specific historic conditions and should be carried out steadily; at the same time it should be innovated constantly.
     On the Influencing Mechanism of Insurer’s Credits on Insurance Purchasing
    PAN Ya-ning
    2012, 0(01):  689. 
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    By introducing the insurer’s credits, this paper constructs a model to analyze how insurance applicants select insurers when there are differences among insurers’ credits. Further, considering the conditions of periodical insurance purchase, it analyzes the effects of the adjustment of expected insurer’s credit made by the insurance applicant on the renewal decision. On such basis, it discusses the influence of the risk distribution of the object and the exogenous changes of the wealth of the applicant on the renewal decision.
    A Study of Operating Efficiency of Foreign-Funded Insurance Companies: An Analysis of WTO Entry Effect Based on Companies’ Unbalanced Panel Data
    ZHU Ming-lai
    2012, 0(01):  690. 
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    Although the premium income and asset size of foreign-funded insurance companies are increasing quickly, their market shares are not increased relevantly, some foreign-funded life insurance companies even have to exit Chinese market. Based on the corporate unbalanced data, with the method combining data envelopment analysis and panel data quantitative model, this paper analyzes the WTO entry effects of the foreign-funded insurance companies from the perspective of operating efficiency, so as to explore the causes for their lower operating efficiency. The study shows that whether in foreign-funded life insurance company or in foreign-funded property insurance company, to raise labor productivity can promote the operating efficiency. The overall WTO entry has significant negative effect on the operating efficiency of foreign-funded life insurance company, but has non-significant effect on foreign-funded property insurance company.
    Institution Orientation, Tax Incentives and Development of Commercial Health Insurance: International Experiences and Implications
    ZHANG Zhong-fang
    2012, 0(01):  691. 
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    China’s new health care system reform plan has set goals for the establishing of a multi-layer medical security system with the basic medical security as the main body. International experiences indicate that commercial health insurance is an indispensable part in an efficient and sustainable medical security system, and tax incentives are effective levers to promote the development of commercial health insurance. When constructing China’s medical security system, commercial health insurance should play an active role as the main supplier of complementary and supplementary insurance. In addition, it is necessary to establish a tax favor system, so as to promote the development of commercial health insurance through the tax lever.
    A Study of the Key Elements Composition of Service System of Department Stores: An Empirical Analysis of the Department Stores in Guangzhou City
    HU Chu-ming
    2012, 0(01):  692. 
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    The key of the survival and development of department stores is how to meet customers’ service need, thus, recognizing the service components is of vital importance. The core contents of the service system include service composition and service?delivery system. Through investigation among customers, the results of the research reveals that the six key service elements which consumers concern most are reliability, guarantee, service delivery, supportive, dependability and experience. Thus, department stores should take measures to improve service quality and enhance customer satisfaction from the following five aspects: service culture, service system, service procedures, commodity management and service teams.
    On the Objectives and Measurement of China’s Grain Target Price: Taking Corn as An Example
    WU Shi-an
    2012, 0(01):  693. 
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    Grain target price is neither a price reflecting the entire cost and reasonable profit of grain, nor the price criteria used to approve the national agricultural subsidies, but a kind of political price ceiling. The political objectives of it possess macroscopical quality, multi-dimensional nature and comprehensiveness, including ensuring the national grain security, balancing urban-rural income gap, coordinating the spot and future prices, associating domestic grain price with the international one, controlling the general price level, etc. Taking corn as an example, this paper calculates and analogously synthesizes the grain target price based on the above-mentioned policy objectives. At last, some policy suggestions are proposed.
    A Study of Biological Resource Assets Accounting in China’s Listed Companies: A Case of Forestry Resource Assets
    WANG Fu-wei
    2012, 0(01):  694. 
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    This paper analyzes the financial statements of the listed companies which have business involving forestry resource assets. It reveals the situation of possessing and utilizing the forestry resource assets in the listed companies, then analyzes the conditions and problems of accounting and information disclosure of forestry resource assets. Finally, this paper gives some suggestions to improve the accounting and information disclosure of forestry resource assets.
    Tourism Effects and Countermeasures of World Expo in Post-Expo Era: A Case of Shanghai World Expo
    LI Xiang-ming
    2012, 0(01):  695. 
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    Tourism industry is one of the industries most correlated with the Expo. An interactive correlation has been shaped between World Expos and the tourist industry: on one hand, keeping stable and consistent in-flow of tourists indicates the success or failure of each Expo, tourist industry plays an important role in realizing the values of all kinds of resources contained in World Expos; on the other hand, the introduction of huge in-flow of tourists from both home and abroad by each World Expo provides an impetus to host city reconstruction and hard-won development opportunity. World Expo is sure to have evident post Expo effects, besides, the post effects are often bigger than the investment pull effects at the preparation period and the demand pull effects at the exhibiting period. During the post World Expo period, tourism effects mainly consist of tourism brand effects, environmental effects, resource effects, radiation effects, magnifying effect and valley effect. Therefore, proper development strategies should be adopted in such areas as tourism promotion, resource follow-up utilization, regional tourism cooperation, upgrade of tourism industry, and so on, so as to explore and give full play to the tourism effects during the post World Expo period.
    Sustainable Paradigm and Measure of Sustainable Development
    JIANG Ping
    2012, 0(01):  696. 
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    There are two opposing paradigms in the theoretical researches of sustainable development: strong sustainability and weak sustainability. The fundamental difference between the two kinds of paradigms lies in whether to recognize the alternativity of natural capital in its essence. Based on different paradigms, there are different measurement methods for sustainable development, of which the ecological footprint method based on the strong sustainability and the genuine savings method based on the weak sustainability are more typical. Combining the latest measurement results of the two methods, this paper obtains the contrariety and unitarity from the comparison of the two paradigms.
    The Transformation of China’s Economic Development Pattern: from Material-Oriented to People-Oriented
    LI Hong-tao
    2012, 0(01):  697. 
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    After the transformation of social system and economical system, China is faced with the third historic transformation: the development pattern. Although the material-oriented development pattern has brought a great deal of wealth, the social problems have become the obstacles on the way of further development. So we must turn to the people-oriented development pattern contained in the outlook on scientific development, which focuses on technical progress and knowledge innovation,and lays stress on the compatibility of economical operation and hominine integrated development. We can realize the transformation of development pattern from material-oriented to people-oriented by adjusting economic structure, enlarging consumption demand and innovating system and mechanism.