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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 05
    On the Coordinative Implementation of Industry Control Policies and Antitrust Law
    WANG Zi-li
    2012, 0(05):  617. 
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    To regulate the anti-competitive behaviors of the regulated industries, the antitrust law is overlapped with the regulatory policies. How to deal with the relationship between the two, the mainstream domestic view is that the antitrust law has the priority. The antitrust implementation theory and practice of the regulated industries in the United States can be broadly divided into three categories. First, it emphasizes the weak intervention theory that the antitrust laws should interfere as little as possible in the regulated industries. Second, it stresses that the anti-monopoly law should maximize the intervention in the anti-competition behaviors of the regulated industries. Third, it emphasizes on the co-ordination between the antitrust law and the regulatory policy to regulate jointly the anti-competition behaviors of the regulated industries. The antitrust implementation of China’s antitrust laws in the regulated industries can learn from the American experience, stressing the coordinated regulation upon anti-competitive behaviors of the regulated industries with both the anti-monopoly law and the regulatory policy.
    On Lv Bicheng’s Regret in the Development Process of Ci Poetry
    GONG Lan
    2012, 0(05):  618. 
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    As an outstanding woman poet in later Qing Dynasty, Lv Bicheng enjoys some similarities in many ways with Hu Shi, the pioneer of modern Ci poetry. But she ceased her pace by remaining at the traditional Ci poetry. This kind of regret is both derived from her own experience and the education she received, and from her changeable concept of Ci poetry. But ultimately, it stems from the female psychological imbalance caused by the flattering to the talented woman from the society at that time, and from the indulging in the sad romantic style of Ci because of the unfortunate love the women suffered.
    Justification of the Principles of the Multilateral Carbon Tariff System
    YANG Xiao-pei
    2012, 0(05):  619. 
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    In the context of present globalization, multilateral systems are becoming more and more important, climate governance especially need the arrangement of multilateral mechanism. During the aarrangement of system design by human collaboration, the fair and balanced allocation of interests is a prerequisite to protect the legitimacy and effectiveness of the system. In the design of the multilateral carbon tariff system, the following principles should be insisted: the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, the principle of equal right to develop, the principle of historical responsibility, and the principle of per capita emission right. These principles can help to achieve the right to life and the right to development of the developing countries, as well as to meet the interests of the developed countries. Thus considerations will be given to the interest balance between the developing countries and the developed countries, the value goal of the global climate governance and that of the economic and social development can reach an agreement, so that the common welfare of all countries can be improved.
    Tax Management Practice of the Central Soviet Area and Its Revelations
    XIAO Wen-yan
    2012, 0(05):  620. 
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    The tax collection in the Central Soviet Area is a preliminary attempt with socialist nature. It is also the rudiment and preview of taxation of the People’s Republic of China. The great practice of taxation in the Central Soviet Area takes an extremely important historical position in the history of China’s tax revenue, and it still can provide important guidance and reference for the time being. From the perspective of tax management, this paper discusses in detail the practice of tax collection and administration in the Central Soviet Area from such aspects as strengthening the publicity of tax, improving the system of tax collection and management, perfecting the tax supervision, etc.. Then on the basis of summarizing the successful experience, it points out some realistic revelations.
    “Inclusive Development”:A Brand New Proposition of the Era
    WANG Yi
    2012, 0(05):  621. 
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    With the fast development of the society and economy, how to deal with the relationship between development and harmony so as to fairly and reasonably allow people to share the results of the reform has become a problem to be solved urgently. The “inclusive development” can provide some scientific solutions from such dimensions as the fairness of development concept, the participation of all the people during the development process, the overall coordination of the content of the development, and the sharing of the development results by the whole people, etc..
    A Study of Competitiveness Evaluation of Jiangxi Automobile Industry
    WANG Long
    2012, 0(05):  622. 
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    In order to evaluate correctly the competitiveness of the auto industry in Jiangxi province, an index system of competitiveness must be established. Such a system should constitute the following first grade indexes: environmental competitiveness, innovation competitiveness, manufacturing competitiveness, spare parts competitiveness, and market competitiveness, as well as the related second grade indexes. Through questionnaire investigations, this paper conducts an evaluation on the competitiveness of Jiangxi auto industry with the synthetic evaluation method. The results indicate that the innovation competitiveness and the spare parts competitiveness are rather weak. Therefore, Jiangxi auto industry has to improve the industrial competitiveness comprehensively by starting from enhancing the innovation capability of its independent technology and accelerating the industrial upgrade of auto parts.
    A Study of New Industrialization Efficiency of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone in the Context of Environmental Controls
    ZHOU Guo-lan
    2012, 0(05):  623. 
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    In the context of sustainable development, environmental factors have increasingly become an important indicator for the evaluation of industrial efficiency. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the relationship between the degree of environmental control constraints and the process of new industrialization, this paper conducts an empirical test and evaluation with DEA analyzing method on the new industrialization efficiency of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone in the context of environmental control. Such conclusions are drawn that within the Zone the pure technical efficiency of industrial development is rather low, the environmental protection and economic development need to be further coordinated, etc.. In order to improve the efficiency of the new industrialization in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, some measures must be taken, such as to increase investment in science and technology, to introduce more talents, and so on.
    Rural Economy Opening, Agricultural Production Efficiency Improving and Farmers’ Income Increasing: An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data
    WANG Xiao-wen
    2012, 0(05):  624. 
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    Based on the provincial panel data from 1999 to 2008, this paper conducts an empirical analysis of the relationship between the whole country and the three regions of the East, Centre and West and the opening of China’s rural economy, improving of the efficiency of agricultural production and increasing of farmer’s income. The study indicates that the opening of rural economy and improving of agricultural production efficiency have positive effect on the increasing of the farmer’s income; however, it presents significant regional difference. From the point of the whole country, both the opening of rural economy and improving of agricultural production efficiency have significantly increased the farmer’s income. The opening of rural economy in the eastern, central, western regions has significant positive effect on the increasing of the farmer’s income. Only in the western region the improving of agricultural production efficiency has the significant positive effect on the increasing of the farmer’s income. At the same time, it is also only in the eastern region that the opening of rural economy has significantly improved the efficiency of agricultural production. The farmer’s income can also be increased significantly by increasing the financial support to agriculture, increasing the investment of fixed capital in farmers’ family production and enlarging the transfer of the rural surplus labor.
    An Analysis of the Institutional Economics Emerging from the Rural Credit Cooperatives
    ZHOU Mai-fu
    2012, 0(05):  625. 
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    In China, the birth of the rural credit cooperatives is supported by governments. To obtain the interests which could not be gained beyond the system of the credit cooperatives, the governments supplied the credit cooperatives with the system, invested the cooperatives with their creditworthiness and organizational cost and became the investors of the cooperatives. After supplying the credit cooperatives with the system, the governments have succeeded in controlling the credit cooperatives. This success lies in the huge cost for the members to retreat from the cooperatives. The governmental property right in the cooperatives has deep impacts on the evolution of the system of the credit cooperatives.
    An Analysis of the Appropriateness of Public Financial Assistance to the New Rural Social Endowment Insurance
    XU Qiang
    2012, 0(05):  626. 
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    By theoretical defining the survival needs and life needs of the rural residents and making use of the data from the national statistical database, this paper measures and calculates the appropriate level of the basic pension of the new rural social endowment insurance and the individual account pension; in addition, it estimates the appropriateness of the amount of aid from both the central finance and local finance to the new rural insurance. It believes that the basic life needs have to highlight fairness and unified national standards. The basic life needs have to focus on efficiency, which should be developed separately from place to place according to the actual situation.
    The Influence Mechanism of Service Employees’ Emotional Intelligence on Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study
    ZHAN Xiao-jun
    2012, 0(05):  627. 
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    In order to study the influence mechanism of service employees’ emotional intelligence on consumer loyalty, this paper constructs a theoretical model, which takes the emotional intelligence as the antecedent, service quality and customer satisfaction as the intermediary, and consumer loyalty as the result. The results indicate that customer emotion appraisal and use of emotion by the service employee can positively influence customer loyalty through service quality. Customer emotion appraisal and emotion adjustment can positively influence customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. The emotion adjustment would not produce significant influence on service quality, nor would the use of emotion produce any influence on customer satisfaction. Therefore, in order to improve customer loyalty, service enterprises should improve the service employees’ emotional intelligence by strengthening the recruitment and training of the employees and rationally allocating the service teams.
    Regional Correlation of Agricultural Risks and Optimization of Agricultural Insurance: A Case of Flood and Drought Disaster in the Major Crop Producing Areas during 1978-2009
    YE Ming-hua
    2012, 0(05):  628. 
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    The regional relevancy of the flood and drought disaster areas is easy to be confronted with the systematic risks of disaster compensation, so that the solvency and sustainable operation of agricultural insurance will be influenced. In order to prove whether there is the problem of regional relevancy in China’s agricultural flood and drought disaster areas, this paper collects the data of damage ratio of flood and drought in the major crop producing areas from 1978 to 2009 and calculates them on the Pearson correlation coefficient matrix. The study finds that the 12 major crop producing regions can be divided into 4 agricultural risk regions according to the relevant degrees of disaster; in the risk regions, flood and drought disasters are highly correlated, while between the risk regions, it is not or weakly related. In order to prevent and resolve the adverse effects of the regional correlation of flood and drought disasters on the operation of agricultural insurance, this paper puts forward some countermeasures, such as the intra-regional cooperation of the actuarial and damage assessment technology of agricultural original insurance, the intra-regional standardization of agricultural reinsurance, and the inner-regional exchange of agricultural flood and drought disaster risks.
    Spatial and Temporal Distribution and Evolution Logic of Local Government’s Public Services Equalization: 1995-2010
    LI Wen-jun
    2012, 0(05):  629. 
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    Since 1995,the total amount of local government’s public service spending has increased rapidly; but not enough,the regional disparities are relatively bigger. As for the expenditure per capita, the large populated provinces in the central and western regions are below the average. As for the increment distribution of public service expenditure,the proportion from top to bottom is taken by the eastern,western,central and northeast regions. From the perspective of different regions, the inter-regional gap is the major cause, which is mainly caused by the eastern and northeastern regions,the central and western regions have been at a disadvantageous position. Therefore, we should optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure, construct the public service-oriented governments, formulate the Law of Transfer Payment, strengthen the support to the central and western regions, enhance the awareness of the responsibility of the central government, establish the national standards of public services, integrate the forces of the government, market and society, and form a pattern of diversified supply.
    Manager’s Investment Herd Behavior, Industrial Policy and Corporate Values: Empirical Evidences from China’s A-Share Listed Companies
    YE Ling
    2012, 0(05):  630. 
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    Taking China’s A-share companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets as research samples, this paper selects the 11th Five-year Plan as the time window to empirically test the existence of manager’s investment herd behavior and its influence on financial policies and corporate value during the years from 2006 to 2010. The research indicates that industrial policy has positive influence on corporate investment and the scale of corporate investment of the industries encouraged and supported by the state is larger. When the factors influencing the industrial policies are controlled, the manager’s investment herd behavior still exists; however, compared with the companies encouraged and supported by the industrial policies, the degree of the herd behavior is much lower. The herd behavior will exert negative influence on corporate values, there is a significant negative correlation between the degree of herd behavior and the corporate values.
    International Comparison of Carbon Reduction Policies and the Implications for China
    WANG Ai-guo
    2012, 0(05):  631. 
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    In response to the global climate changes, reducing carbon emissions has become a worldwide consensus and a “new normal state” of the world economy. This paper gives a detailed description of the two main policy tools for carbon reduction: the basic connotation, economic theoretical basis, advantages and disadvantages of the carbon tax and the carbon trading markets. Combined with China’s actual situation, this paper presents the policy recommendations that China should adopt the two carbon reduction policies to collect carbon taxes and to establish carbon trading markets, boost actively the international coordination and convergence of all kinds of carbon reduction policies, and race to control the commanding height of future economical and social development.