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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 01
    Rule by Law and Innovation of Cultivating Mechanism for Legal Talents
    JIANG Wu-zhen, HUANG Yue
    2015, 0(01):  485. 
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    The implementation of ruling the country by law cannot be separated from the talents of the rule of law and the innovation of the educational mechanism. Cultivating and bringing up a large number of talents of the rule of law who are familiar with and insist on the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics is the important historical mission of law education. The 4th Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee has pointed out a clear direction for the cultivation of the talents of the rule of law and at the same time set the fundamental requirement on them. To transform and change the current law education is urgently required for the construction of rule by law. The target for the cultivation of such talents for the construction of ruling the country by law should be the elite education. The nature of talents cultivation actually is vocational education; while the compound type of law talents will be the basic training model of talents of the rule of law. The future development of law education in China should combine with the spirits of the 4th Plenary Session of CPC, reform the concept of legal education, and innovate the cultivating mechanism for the talents of the rule of law.
    On the Mission of Economic Law in the Era of Rule by Law
    HU Guang-zhi, QU Shu-juan
    2015, 0(01):  486. 
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    With the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee as a benchmark, the construction of China in terms of the socialist rule by law has entered a new historical stage. Only by implementing the strategy of ruling the country by law, can the modernization of governing capability and ruling system be achieved. The economic law is a law to deal with crisis, to save the markets, and to remedy the civil law. In the era with economic construction as the central task, the economic law can play an irreplaceable role either in enhancing the governing capability or in promoting comprehensively the construction of a socialist country ruled by law. Therefore, the economic law is an inevitable choice by history under the conditions of market economy. The economic law in the future will assume the task of promoting the legalization of macro-control, improving the social security system, focusing on the legal construction of the virtual economy, and regulating the state intervention in the economic activities.
    On Accumulations of Cultural and Rational Spirits during the Modernization of Marxism
    TU Ya-feng
    2015, 0(01):  487. 
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    Researches on the accumulations of cultural and rational spirits during the modernization of Marxism in China is the beginning to give positive answers to the academic questions implied in the process of boosting the localization, modernization and massification of Marxism in China. It is the birth of Marxism that has made cultural and rational spirit problem a scientific proposition in the history of philosophy. In China, the accumulations of cultural and rational spirits during the modernization of Marxism mainly include the“scientific”rational spirit, the“development”rational spirit and the“harmonious”rational spirit. These cultural and?rational spirits run through the theoretical achievements of the localization of Marxism in China and feed into the tide of the world history, becoming a vivid reflection of the socialist construction and practice with Chinese characteristics.
    On the Ecological Governance and Practice in Song Dynasty from the Perspective of Hierarchical State Theory
    FANG Bao-zhang, ZOU Xin-ping
    2015, 0(01):  488. 
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    The hierarchical state theory is the main content of the system theory, which emphasizes the differences and synergies of the different system levels. This theory is universally applicable. It can be seen that the hierarchical state theory is implied in the ecological management ideology and practice in the Song Dynasty. The objects of the governance could be divided into such levels as plants, water and soil, animal, natural landscape etc.. The methods for the governance could be divided into such levels as protection, intervention and ecological environment utilization, etc.. The governance was based on the people-oriented objective, trying to achieve the harmony between Man and Nature. The ecological governance of hierarchical state in the Song Dynasty can give the present society such inspiration that the natural ecology should be governed through a comprehensive and multi-level method, combining protection, intervention and utilization, so as to use the nature sustainably in a harmonious manner between Man and Nature.
    A Study of the Stabilizing Effect of Large-Scale Breeding on Pig Production Fluctuation in China: An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data
    ZHOU Jing1, ZHANG Ke-jing2, DING Shi-jun1
    2015, 0(01):  489. 
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    It is generally believed that large-scale livestock production plays an important role in stabilizing livestock production fluctuations in the theoretical cycle. Based on the provincial panel data from 2000 to 2012, this paper employs the fixed effects and random effects models to test and estimate the alleviation effects of large-scale livestock production on pig production fluctuations. The results show that the improvement of production scale can indeed help to reduce the degree of pig slaughter fluctuations. However, this stabilizing effect is clearly unsymmetrical: each time the scale increases by 10%, the positive fluctuations of live pigs for sell resulted from the rising pork prices will decrease by 1%. However, large-scale livestock production has no significant inhibiting effect on the negative fluctuation of live pigs for sell caused by negative impacting factors. Further analysis indicates that the major reason why the present scale of livestock production cannot effectively relieve the negative fluctuations of the product is the combined effect of the internal factors and the external factors. The internal factors are the lower level of overall production scale, the insignificant scale economies effect advantage of the large-scale livestock farms, and the lower level of vertical integration; and the external factors are the extreme volatility of live pig prices, the rising feed costs, the impacts of diseases, and so on.
    An Analysis of the Influence of Cooperative Relationship between Participants in Agricultural Industry Clusters on the Income of the Farmers and Related Businesses: Taking Anhui Province as an Example
    WEI Long-bao, LI Jing
    2015, 0(01):  490. 
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    By making use of the survey data of Anhui tea growers and tea enterprises, this paper studies the cooperative relationship between the main bodies of agricultural industry clusters and its impact on the income of tea farmers and tea enterprises. The results indicate that there widely exists the cooperative relationship between the main bodies in the agricultural industry clusters, which would exert a significant impact on the income of the main bodies, namely tea farmers and tea enterprises. The exchanges of information and technical assistance between the farmers can have a significant positive impact on their tea income. The vertical cooperation between farmers and tea buyers, such as information exchange and technical services, will also increase tea farmers’ income. At the same time, the horizontal cooperation among tea enterprises and the vertical cooperation between the tea enterprises and the main bodies along the upstream and downstream in the industry chain can both increase the earnings of the tea enterprises. Therefore, we should promote the further development of tea enterprises, facilitate the cooperation between tea farmers and tea enterprises, raise the level of production technology and the income of tea farmers through the spillover of knowledge and technology from tea enterprises, establish the trust mechanism in agricultural industry clusters actively, and promote the in-depth cooperation in agricultural industry clusters. The government should formulate corresponding measures to develop the cooperative relationship between the participants in the clusters, according to the different stages of agricultural industry clusters.
    A Study of Financial Risk Measurement of Property Insurance Companies with DFA Model
    WANG Zheng-wen, TIAN Ling, Li Hui
    2015, 0(01):  491. 
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    Influenced by the continuous decreases of premium level and the restriction on the channels and scales of insurance fund investment in the property insurance industry as well as the development of China’s capital market, China’s property insurance industry is faced with more and more financial risks. Combined with the classical DFA model and the Copula theory, this paper constructs a financial risk measurement model for property insurance companies. It also conducts an empirical study with the historical data of PICC from 2001 to 2011. The results show that in order to gain the current yields the property insurance companies are undertaking excessive financial risks. To increase the proportion of the investment fund and to increase the reinsurance rate can both improve the performance of the insurance companies, but the effect of increasing the reinsurance rate is more significant. Therefore, to increase the reinsurance rate is the main method to improve the performance of the insurance companies under current conditions.
    How New Rural Pension System Affect Consumption of Rural Residents: A Case of Shandong Province
    FAN Chen-chen, LI Wen
    2015, 0(01):  492. 
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    Taking the panel data of 135 counties (cities or districts) of Shandong province from 2007 to 2012 as samples, this paper makes a systematical analysis of the impact of the New Rural Pension System (NRPS) on the consumption of rural residents and its mechanism; on this basis it conducts an empirical test with the difference–in-difference estimation method. The results show that the NRPS has significant stimulatory effects on the consumption of rural residents; the further analysis of the affecting mechanism indicates that NRPS can increase the consumption mainly through increasing the consuming willingness of the rural residents, but has no significant effects on their consumption ability. The policy effects of NRPS are highly time-sensitive, mainly occurring in the second year of the pilot. However, along with the increased pilot time, the relationship between payment and benefits becomes more explicit, the stimulating effect of NRPS on consumption fades away gradually. The results of regional sub-sample study indicate that the pilot NRPS can generate impact on the consumption of rural residents mainly at the inland areas where the social endowment foundation is vulnerable.
    A Study of the Relationship between Customers Green Complains and Exploratory Green Product Innovation in the Context of Green Entrepreneurship
    LI Xian-jiang
    2015, 0(01):  493. 
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    Enterprises with Green entrepreneurship may often receive customer green complains (CGC). Through exploring the mechanism of transforming customer green complains into exploratory green product innovation (EGPI), this paper attempts to establish a conceptual model for transforming CGC into EGPI by using the exploratory learning as mediating variable and the transformational leadership as regulating variable. Then it conducts an empirical study with 225 domestic firms as samples. The results indicate that exploratory learning plays a role of full intermediary agent between CGC and EGPI. One of the most valuable findings of this study is that transformational leadership is playing a positive moderating role among them.
    An Interpretation of Non-Moral Lacking of Social Responsibilities of SMEs: from the Perspective of Resource Base and Background Dependence
    YANG Chun-fang
    2015, 0(01):  494. 
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    The issue of social responsibility of SMEs in China is becoming increasingly grim. The studies made by scholars on this issue are mostly unfolded from a single level of individuals, enterprises or the external environment, lacking of the related studies of the institutional factors and government interventions. This issue of SMEs’ social responsibility has also been generally attributed to the operators for lacking of morality. This paper tries to explore the moral and non-moral roots of SMEs’ lacking of social responsibility from the three-dimensional perspective of individuals, enterprises and the external environment. The results show that the root cause of SMEs’ lacking of social responsibility does not lie in moral failure of the operators. From the perspective of the resource-based theory and the background-dependent theory, the non-moral reasons for SMEs’ lacking of social responsibility are the constraints on enterprise resource capacity and the failure of social control. However, compared to large enterprises, SMEs are under more standardized government regulation.
    Regional Difference Effect of Monetary and Fiscal Policies: An Empirical Study Based on the Interactive Effect SVAR Model
    CHEN Yu-ming, YANG Jian-hui
    2015, 0(01):  495. 
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    This paper firstly constructs a dynamic response mechanism model of the impact of monetary regulation and fiscal expenditure on economic growth, then, based on provincial panel data, it makes an analysis of the regional difference effect of interest rate adjustment and fiscal expenditure on economic growth. The results show that there exists obvious contradiction between inflation and economic growth under the current economic system. Economic growth itself has a space effect. The effect of rising interest rate on economic growth gradually becomes weaker from east to west. Meanwhile, the impact of fiscal policy presents a law of regional difference, which is strong in the east region, weak in the central region and strong in the west region. There exist regional complementary and convergence in the effect of fiscal policy and monetary adjustment. According to the macro-policies of differential treatment and maintaining both protection and pressure, the policy-makers should put into effect the different and inclined monetary and fiscal policies to different regions.
    Research on Influencing Factors of Urban Cultural Industry Agglomeration: Evidence from 35 Large and Medium Cities
    WANG Meng1, WANG You-xin2
    2015, 0(01):  496. 
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    Cultural industry agglomeration can not only promote the transformation and upgrading of urban industries but also help to improve the urban cultural taste and competitiveness. Based on a theoretical analysis, this paper for the first time makes use of the data from China’s 35 large and medium cities during 2003-2011 to explore the influencing factors of urban cultural industry agglomeration. The results show that there exist some regional differences in the impacts of various factors on the urban cultural industry agglomeration: (1) industrial structure, human capital and industrial policy have promoted the cultural industry agglomeration in western cities, but have no significant impact on eastern and central cities; (2) industrial diversity has a positive impact on the cultural industry agglomeration in eastern and central cities, but has no significant impact on western cities. Industrial specialization has restrained cultural industry agglomeration in eastern cities, while promoted cultural industry agglomeration in the central and western cities; (3) infrastructures have no significant impact on the urban cultural industry agglomeration. Therefore, different cities should formulate the cultural industry strategy suitable for themselves, so as to avoid blind copies and the “one size fits all” policy tendency.
    An Analysis of the Spatial Impact of Cultural Industry Development Supported by China’s Provincial Finance
    WANG Ren-zhen
    2015, 0(01):  497. 
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    This paper makes an analysis of the spatial correlation between the added value of China’s provincial cultural industries and financial development level from 2005 to 2011 with the exploratory spatial data analysis method. It also empirically analyzes the spatial impact of China’s provincial financial development on cultural industries development during the current period or multi-period by establishing an economic model and employing the spatial econometric method. The results show that there exists significant spatial dependence between the financial development level and the added value of cultural industries among the provinces. The financial development in one province can not only promote the development of cultural industries in that province but also generate positive spatial spillover effect on the cultural industry development of the neighboring provinces. In both the current period and multi-period models, the financial development of the banking industry has the greatest supporting effect on the cultural industry development; the effect of cultural industry development supported by personnel investment is larger than that of its capital investments. The financial development of the securities industry has a significant inhibition effect on the development of cultural industries in the current period model, while the effect of the financial development of the securities industry on the cultural industry development is uncertain in the multi-period model. All the provinces should vigorously develop their financial systems to support the development of their cultural industries; meanwhile they should pay attention to the financial cooperation of the banking industry with the surrounding and neighboring provinces and give full play to the positive spillover effect supported by finance.