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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 04
    Three Cheers for “Opera Thinking”: On History of Modern Chinese Operas
    ZHENG Lin
    2015, 0(04):  443. 
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    Opera is regarded as a bright pearl on the artistic crown. The book of History of Modern Chinese Operas written by MAN Xin-ying is an important achievement among the researches of Chinese Operas. It takes opera thinking as the main line for its study and maintains an academic neutral stand for the research work. It has mastered a great number of precious historical materials both from domestic and international sources, thus it has “re-discovered” a different kind of history of modern Chinese operas. This work appeals for “opera thinking”, which will surely help to improve the artistry of Chinese operas.
    Reflection and Review of Legislation Model for China’s Real Estate Property Rights Changes
    AI Qian
    2015, 0(04):  444. 
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    Although at the beginning of the legislation of the “Property Law”, there was a heated debate on what legislative mode should be adopted for the system of real property right changes. However, in the end China has adopted the legislative mode of the rule of essential registration, which is similar to that in Germany. Most legislative experts generally believe that to adopt the rule of essential registration has the advantages in such aspects as maintaining transaction security, clarifying the property relations, promoting the case hearing of real estate, strengthening the real estate administration and tax collection and management, and so on. But such legislative mode is not really like what the legislative experts said to have very distinct advantages in the above-mentioned aspects. Instead, there are such situations as deviating from the reality of people’s living habits, resulting in violating the autonomy of will of parties and breaching the principle of honesty and credibility in the civil law easily, and at the same time also resulting in a lot of legal dilemmas in judicial practice. However, if the legislation adopts the legislative mode of registration antagonism, then it is easy to overcome the above drawbacks and win the ordinary people’s recognition, respect and compliance. Therefore, we hope that in the future when the “Property Law” is being revised, sufficient consideration and attention are to be given to this kind of legislative mode.
    Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Investigation of Monopoly Tax
    YU Ling
    2015, 0(04):  445. 
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    All sectors of the society have been criticizing the continued big income gap between the monopoly enterprises and the non-monopoly enterprises, the present imbalance of income distribution between the members of the community must be changed. The Monopoly enterprises would turn their monopoly excess profits into their monopoly welfare; this is one of the main reasons leading to the income gap. To levy monopoly tax to cut this kind of excessive profit is a common choice for many countries. The levy of special petroleum revenue tax has provided valuable experience for China to levy monopoly tax, and it also indicate that economically, politically and legally the monopoly tax to be levied in China has its taxability. China’s future system construction should take the pattern of statutory tax, uphold the principle of “consumers to share”, and on the basis of an accurate definition of the tax base, impose the taxes on all the enterprises that gain monopoly excess profits.
    A Shortcut for Narrative Communication: On Rhetoric Value of Narrative Gap
    TU Nian-gen
    2015, 0(04):  446. 
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    Narrative gap is a narrative phenomenon with above-zero story time and zero textual length. Its rhetoric value can be reflected in three aspects. The first is the deeper involvement of the readers in the narrative communication by narrative gap. In the transmission of narrative gaps, the narrator deliberately tries to hide some important incidents, so as to evoke the readers’ curiosity, then the effect of “the more the narrator tries to hide, the more the hidden events are exposed” can be achieved. The second is that the recurrence of the filling of narrative gap can make the readers experience the text over and over again. The third is that the narrative gap can avert the psychological rejection that might be encountered. The permeable entering of narrative gap and the action mode of diffusive influence can greatly reduce the psychological rejection that readers may produce.
    On the Generation of Classic Walden
    HUANG Jian
    2015, 0(04):  447. 
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    Walden, a masterpiece of American writer Henry David Thoreau, is honored as one of the Western classics, enjoying a prominent position in the history of American literature and world literature. The process of canonization of this book is directly related with American historical and cultural context from late 19th to early 20th century. Based on the concept of constructivism, it can be found that there are three major forces promoting Walden to become one of the classics, i.e., the business marketing strategy of Houghton Mifflin, the great compliment of the critics and the debate of the literary historians, and the changes of social mores.
    Yield Differentials and Reality Orientation in the Context of Compensation Policy for Land Acquisition
    YANG Lu-lu
    2015, 0(04):  448. 
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    In the vast rural areas, the problem triggered by the land acquisition system that needs to be solved at the grassroots level is the problem of compensation income from farmers’ land acquisition. The inadequate compensation for land-lost farmers and income decline are mainly reflected in the distribution of farmers’ compensation income from acquisition of arable land as well as the acquisition of collective assets. In the acquisition of homestead, the interests of many farmers receive the highest degree of satisfaction, even get more extra income. The state has provided rather sufficient protection for the interests of land-lost farmers, while the cause for the damage to the rights and interests of farmers during compensation for land acquisition lies in the implementation by the local grass-roots governments, especially the power subject at township and village level would trample on the rights and interests of farmers. Its deep root in the system is the unclear subject to receive compensation income, lacking of power supervision mechanism, and lacking of judicial relief mechanism. The key to safeguarding the interests of land-lost farmers is to improve land property rights system, establish an effective regulatory system, rationalize the distribution of compensation for land acquisition, and construct a special relief mechanism for compensation disputes in land acquisition, so that the statutory compensation for land acquisition can really be implemented in full in the hands of land-lost farmers.
    A Study of Individual Characteristics, Cognitive Differences and Safe Use of Pesticides by Farmers
    ZUO Liang-jun, CAI Jian
    2015, 0(04):  449. 
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    To use pesticides safely by farmers can not only promote agricultural production, reduce environmental pollution and ensure safe supply of agricultural products, but also protect the health of farmers, and ultimately achieve the sustainable development of agricultural production. Therefore, to explore the factors affecting the safe use of pesticides by farmers is of great significance in guiding the farmers for safe production. Household characteristics, production characteristics and cognitive features are the three main factors affecting the use of pesticides by farmers. Based on the field survey data, this paper makes use of the structural equation to test empirically and correct the theoretical model. The results show that farmer household characteristics have an indirect impact on their behaviors during the use of pesticides and a direct or indirect impact on their behaviors after their use of pesticides. The production characteristics have only an indirect impact during and after their use of pesticides, while pesticides awareness can have direct impact on their behaviors during and after their use of pesticides, and the effects are most obvious.
    An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Medical Services Satisfaction in the Context of New Health Care Reform: Based on the Survey Data of 22 Cities (Counties) of 13 Provinces and Municipalities
    WANG Xiao-yan, ZHANG Jian-hua
    2015, 0(04):  450. 
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    Based on the field survey data of 22 cities (counties) of 13 provinces and municipalities, this paper applies the single-factor model and the ordered Probit model to conduct an empirical analysis of the factors affecting the medical service satisfaction from the perspective of individual characteristics and institutional characteristics and to list the affecting factors in the order of importance. The results show that from the point of individual characteristics, the monthly income, age and type of hospitals visited frequently have a significant effect on the satisfaction with medical services, while low-income, advanced age and primary care patients have a lower satisfaction; from the point of institutional characteristics, the system integration of medical insurance and the payment by type of disease can bring higher medical service satisfaction to patients; in addition, under the circumstances that there are still gaps of service, quality and size in the three-level medical service, the patients in the regions that have implemented integration of medical resources somehow have a declining satisfaction with medical care. These results can be used as an important reference for health care reform.
    The Impact of New Rural Endowment Insurance on Farmers’ Land Transfer Behavior: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis Based on the Date of “China Health and Retirement Tracking Survey”
    ZHAO Guang1, LI Fang2, HUANG Jun-hui3
    2015, 0(04):  451. 
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    Based on the data of Zhejiang and Gansu provinces in 2008 and 2012 China Health and Retirement Tracking Survey, this paper employs the difference-in-difference method to conduct an empirical analysis of the relationship between the new rural pension insurance and farmers land transfer. The result shows that in the current land transfer behaviors the proportion of farmers is relatively lower, in 2012 the farmers who transferred out land takes up 15.04% of the total number, while the farmers who transferred in land takes up only 10.05% of the total number. But the introduction of the new rural old-age insurance has an active and positive effect on land transfer, whether land transfer out or land transfer in, indicating that the new rural endowment insurance is very effective in promoting supply and demand in the rural land circulation market. The method of 2?á2 square analysis reveals that the promoting function of the new rural endowment insurance has a net impact on land transfer out and the land transfer in only at the level of 0.0306 and 0.0542, this range is still relatively small, indicating that the current level of protection from the new rural endowment insurance has yet to be further improved.
    Research on the Construction of China’s Tourism Logistics Network Based on Crowdsourcing
    TU Shu-li
    2015, 0(04):  452. 
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    In the era of big data and information dissemination, how to use the mobile Internet to construct tourism logistics network with the participation of all people is the key for the co-development between tourism industry and logistics industry. Through the analysis of the tourism logistics network based on crowdsourcing, it is found that the development restraining factor on the major participants in crowdsourcing, namely the contract-issuing party, the outsourcing party and the intermediary, will directly affect the success or failure of crowdsourcing. To construct tourism logistics crowdsourcing network smoothly, it is necessary to gradually break through the restricted links in the development process, create professional tourism logistics information public platform, and expand the role of network media dissemination; to connect the tourism logistics information platform at different levels, plan tourism logistics distribution center, and enhance the competing and cooperative relationship between different logistics nodes; to strengthen policy guidance, allow pilots and trying, and give full play to demonstration effect; to formulate and improve incentive mechanism and risk mechanism. Through coordinating the contradictions and conflicts between different parties, the main objective of them may be promoted to keep in line with each other, so as to achieve maximized economic effectiveness of tourism logistics.
    Policy Burdens, Independence of Compensation Committee and Managers’ Over-Payment: Evidences from State-Owned Listed Companies during the Post Stock Reform Period
    YE Jian-hong, WANG Wei
    2015, 0(04):  453. 
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    From the perspective of business policy burdens and the governance of compensation committees, this paper studies the issue of managers’ over-payment in China’s state-owned listed companies after the split-share reform. After controlling the institutional factors leading to over-payment, it is found that business policy burdens can significantly reduce managers’ over-payment, while the independence of compensation committees cannot inhibit managers’ over-payment. In companies with lower policy burdens, the independence of the compensation committees would weaken the strength of supervision over the managers by the major shareholders. Further studies show that managers’ over-payment cannot bring down the company agency costs, only the normal payment can reduce the agency costs. The findings of this study can support the“payment defense hypothesis”and the“executive power hypothesis”, which can promote the study of the theory of state-owned executive pay.
    System, Transaction Costs and Consumption: An Analysis from the Perspective of New Institutional Economics
    YUAN Qing-ming, YUAN Tian-rui
    2015, 0(04):  454. 
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    As a subject mainly studying the routines of consumption activities, consumer economics almost has not done any special and systematic research on the important issue of how institution influencing consumption. The theoretical basis of consumption economics is the theory of consumer utility maximization in the western economics, but this assumption is too abstract and divorced from reality. To regard the system as given is an important component in its abstract assumptions. According to the point of view in the new institutional economics, in a real world where transaction costs are greater than zero, different systems would have a different impact on people’s behavior and economic performance. This impact naturally also includes the impact on people’s consumption behavior and consumption performance. In order to further improve the consumption efficiency, it is necessary to reduce institutional restrictions on consumption, to further clarify the property rights in consumer spending with public funds, and reduce the transaction costs contained both in the commodity and people’s trade through institutional innovations.
    A Study of Regional Heterogeneity of Bank Credit Impact on Commercial Housing Prices
    DENG Tao, JIA Sheng-hua, WANG Xin-rui
    2015, 0(04):  455. 
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    With the growing gap of economic development disparity between the regions, the real estate market under the impact of bank credit presents an increasingly significant regional heterogeneity. At the same time, the diffusing effect of housing prices is becoming a factor not to be ignored when studying the real estate economy, for it will affect the direct effect of bank credit impact on the real estate market. In order to analyze dynamically the regional heterogeneity of commercial housing prices impacted by bank credits, which is blended with housing price diffusion effect, this paper constructs a global vector autoregression model to conduct an empirical analysis by making use of the quarterly data of China’s 35 large and medium cities from 2002 to 2010. The results show that under bank credit impact the regional housing prices present some similar response characteristics, the amount of credit supply has a larger impact on the regional housing prices, while the housing prices under the impact of loan interest rates can be adjusted rapidly. Regional heterogeneity is mainly reflected in that both the strength and speed of response of housing prices in the eastern region towards bank credit impact exceed those in the central and western regions, while the housing prices in the central and western regions have a relatively short time for steady convergence when impacted by credit.
    A Study of Dynamic Changing Trend of China’s Regional Open Economic Development
    WANG Hong-qing
    2015, 0(04):  456. 
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    From the three levels of degree, quality and efficiency of openness, this paper constructs an evaluation index system to evaluate China’s regional open economic development level, then the improved entropy method is adopted to calculate the score of open economic development in China’s different provinces and municipalities from 2005 to 2012. The results show that the levels of open economic development are significantly different at different regions, the highest is the eastern region, followed by the northeast, central and west, but the gradient gaps between the four regions are shrinking each year. The general changing trend of open economic development is different at each region, the eastern region shows a clear downward trend, the central region shows a clear upward trend, the western region shows a slow upward trend, no such trend can be found in the northeast region. The changing trends are also different in the degree, quality and effectiveness of openness at different regions, the eastern part shows a significant downward trend, while the central part shows a clear upward trend.