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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 03
    The Way to Fulfill Corporate Environmental Responsibilities in the Context of Risk Society: From the Perspective of Corporate Law
    YAO Yao
    2016, 0(03):  378. 
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    In the risk society, corporate environmental damages are manifested as mass tort; combined with the characteristics of corporate fictive “person”, it magnifies the negative externality of corporate environmental responsibilities. The existing tort law fails to recognize the different features between natural person and legal person, ignores the organizational ethics, and is unable to exercise its control over the power of capital. It is not enough to rely only on tort law to regulate the compensation for the losses of the aggrieved party, institutional design should also be carried out from the perspective of corporate law, so as to guide the company to consider its environmental responsibility in the decision-making process. China’s existing corporate law fails to reserve institutional space for the environmental tort appearing after the termination of the company during the liquidation period, together with the absence of the standard of director’s liability to the third party, the corporate ethical risks on environmental issues are intensified. A better way to fulfill the corporate environmental responsibilities is undoubtedly to reinforce the company’s protection of the creditor’s rights on unsettled and expected environmental tort during the general settlement proceedings and the director’s liabilities for the creditors of the corporate environmental tort, so as to form a mechanism of reversed transmission of pressure.
    From Individual Efficiency Doctrine to Collective Consumerism: An Important Shift of Analytical Paradigm of Antitrust Law
    WANG Ni-ni
    2016, 0(03):  379. 
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    The traditional theory of anti-monopoly law is based on “the individual efficiency doctrine”, that is, taking rational choice theory and asymmetric information theory as the base to pursue “the total welfare standards” from the implementation of anti-monopoly law. This will cause the antitrust law to lay too much emphasis on the malpractice of giving “tilt protection” to “individual consumers”. Only through reconstruction of the analytical paradigm of antitrust law, namely, turning from the “efficiency doctrine” to “consumer welfare orientation”, from “individual tilt protection” to “collective balanced weighting method”, finally replacing “individual efficiency doctrine” with “collective consumerism”, and establishing an appropriate implementation mechanism on this basis, can the overall protection of consumer rights be ultimately achieved.
    An Analysis of Media Enterprises’ Operation and Management Mode in the Context of Media Integration: From the Perspective of Media History
    LUO Qing-lin
    2016, 0(03):  380. 
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    New media and traditional media are relative concepts on the time axis. The historical experiences of impacts and responses between the silent movie, broadcasting and television show that integrative development of media is a circular phenomenon driven by technology. Each previous integration has given birth to a number of large-scale inter-media groups. As for the traditional media, inter-media transitions of content resources are a common choice, mergers and acquisitions within the same industry or cross industry are important means, and the coordinative innovations of technology and management are effective measures. The above-mentioned general rule has some relevant enlightenment for China’s media industry, which is carrying out a new round of media integration in the context of mobile internet technology.
    On the Influence of Evolution from Buddhism to Confucianism on Vietnamese Novels in Chinese: Centering around the Works in Le Dynasty
    ZHU Jie
    2016, 0(03):  381. 
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    In the intellectual circles of Vietnam, the statuses of Buddhism and Confucianism were taking turns; their impacts went through the ups and downs in the history. Until Le dynasty, Confucianism gradually took the dominant position, while Buddhism turned from flourish to decadence. Correspondingly, the number of Buddhist works in Vietnamese novels in Chinese reduced sharply during the Le Dynasty, the authors also became Confucian scholars from Buddhist, the Buddhist charm in the works faded away, even some of them became contrary to Buddhist doctrines. In contrast, the novels in Chinese during Le Dynasty were influenced by Confucian ideology and culture, not only the names of the Confucian works and references to the original Confucian classics appeared frequently, but also Confucian monarch-subject thought and family values and ethics were greatly emphasized, which can be seen as a section of the establishment of the dominance of Confucianism in Vietnam.
    Agricultural Modernization Guided by New Ideas of Development: Challenges, Guidance, Emphasis and Measures
    SHEN Qiong
    2016, 0(03):  382. 
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    The development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing presented by “The Proposals” have important theoretical values in solving the problems encountered during the process of agricultural modernization and reinforcing the development advantages. This paper summarizes the challenges encountered during the process of agricultural modernization under the new normality, such as being short of growth motivity, lacking of coordination of the “four modernizations”, etc.. Guided by these problems, this paper points out a new connotation of the agricultural modernization, including that innovation is the new engine, coordination is the only way to achieve the integration of urban and rural development and build the agricultural industrial system, production system and management system, green is the inevitable choice to realize agricultural modernization, openness is the effective way to extend the space of agricultural development, and sharing is the final goal to realize the agricultural development, rural prosperity and farmers wealth. With these new ideas, the key tasks of agricultural modernization are to ensure the food security, promote the development of family farms and build a national agricultural industrial chain. On such basis, this paper puts forward some corresponding suggestions, such as cultivating the new professional farmers, implementing agricultural supply-side management and so on.
    Citizenization of Rural Migrant Workers: History, Difficulties and Solutions
    TAN Chong-tai, MA Mian-yuan
    2016, 0(03):  383. 
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    Due to the long existence of the urban-rural dual household registration system, a large group of rural migrant workers has formed in China, now it is extremely urgent to promote the citizenization of rural migrant workers. The new ideas of development put forward by “The 13th Five-Year Plan”, such as innovation, coordination, greenization and sharing, mean that the citizenization of rural migrant workers should focus not only on household registration, but more importantly on their sharing of the equal rights as the urban residents at such aspects as employment, housing, pension, health care, education and so on. Therefore, to promote the citizenization of rural migrant workers substantively, it is necessary to make a breakthrough synchronously at both the urban and rural levels, in the meantime the problems existing at the three aspects, the cost-sharing mechanism, the urban support system and the migrant workers’ retreat from rural collective, should be resolved.
    China’s Urban-Rural Coordinated Development: History, Current Situation and Policy Considerations
    GUO Xi-bao, CUI Wen-jun
    2016, 0(03):  384. 
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    Starting from the law of development of the relationship between industry and agriculture, this paper reviews the evolution of the relationship between industry and agriculture by dividing the course into two periods: agriculture supporting industry and industry nurturing agriculture. Although brilliant achievements have been gained on the urban-rural coordinated development in China, the problem of uneven developments in urban and rural areas is still prominent, which are mainly reflected on such issues as unequal exchanges of production factors between urban and rural areas and inequality of public service supply between urban and rural areas. To deal with the problems of uneven development in urban and rural area, the reforms of household registration system and land system must be proceeded synchronously, a fair and unified urban-rural labor market should be established, the rural financial resources should be ensured to support the rural development, and at the same time the transformation of the government functions from “economic development type” into “public service type” should be realized as soon as possible.
    Bequest Motive, Bequest Taxation and Deferred Tax on Enterprise Annuity
    ZHAO Chun-hong
    2016, 0(03):  385. 
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    Under the current system of deferred tax on enterprise annuity, taking the economic entity with no deferred tax as the baseline and introducing the bequest motive and the bequest taxation into the general equilibrium two-period overlapping-generations model, this paper studies the economic effect of how bequest taxation and the changes of its tax rates affecting the system of deferred tax on enterprise annuity, i.e. the equilibrium solution to the problem of how such economic variables as output level, capital stock, wage level, consumption level and so on being affected. The research results show that the policy of deferred tax on enterprise annuity can increase output and at the same time improve the capital stock, decrease the interest rate and at the same time raise the wage level, increase savings and at the same time improve the two-period consumptions, and improve the individual welfare. To levying the bequest tax will weaken the positive effects of the deferred tax on the economy; the higher the tax rate of the bequest tax, the stronger the bucking effect on the deferred tax. When the high tax rate reaches a certain degree, the deferred tax would otherwise lower the level of social welfare.
    An Evaluation of Local Government Fiscal Responsibility for China’s Urban and Rural Residents’ Endowment Insurance System from the Perspective of Economic Growth
    YANG Bin1,DING Jian-ding2
    2016, 0(03):  386. 
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    Based on the data of 2014, this paper calculates the fiscal expenditure of the local governments for the urban and rural residents endowment insurance system at different regions. Considering the different levels of economic growth, it divides China’s local governments into five types: double high type, intermediate type, double low type, economically inclined type and protectively inclined type. These five types of local governments are significant different in their financial responsibilities for the endowment insurance system. Such factors as the regional factors, the level of additional basic pension, the aging population and so on are the important reasons leading to these differences. The analysis of the different types of local governments show that the balance between regional economic growth and government fiscal expenditure for pension insurance is an important direction for the future reform of the urban and rural residents endowment insurance system.
    How to Make Demarketing Persuasion more Effective? From the Perspective of Construal Level
    WANG Xin-zhu, LIANG Qi, YE Jing, WANG Yun-xia
    2016, 0(03):  387. 
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    One of the purposes of demarketing is to reduce excessive consumption and waste. Through manipulating the construal level of demarketing appeal, this paper finds out that : (1) compared with default appeal or abstract construal appeal, the specific construal appeal can better persuade those who are construal-inclined to practice saving behaviors; (2) compared with default appeal or specific construal appeal, the abstract construal appeal can better persuade those who are abstractly construal-inclined to practice saving behaviors; (3) both specific appeal and dual appeal can effectively persuade those who are specific construal; (4) both abstract appeal and dual appeal can effectively persuade those who are abstract construal; (5) compared with default appeal, abstract appeal and specific appeal, dual appeal can produce the best effect of demarketing persuasion on the whole. Such research findings can not only supplement the construal level theory, but also provide a practical basis for the real marketing.
    An Analysis of the Structure of Insurance Industry and the Effect of Economic Growth: Based on the Provincial Panel Data
    HU Shao-yong1, CHEN Xue2
    2016, 0(03):  388. 
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    By choosing the panel data of China’s 31 provinces and municipalities during 2002-2013, this paper establishes a fixed effects model and GMM estimation to conduct an empirical research. The results show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the structure of insurance industry and economic growth, the direct effect and the matching effect of the structure of insurance industry on economic growth together determine the optimal structure of the insurance industry under the given state. In addition, the structure of insurance industry will be adjusted dynamically along with the changes in the industrial structure, finally it will be matched with the industrial structure, so that the optimal level conducive to economic growth can be achieved.
    The Interaction between Firm Growth and Profitability: An Analysis Based on China Industry Business Performance Data
    ZHANG Tao1, CHEN Ti-biao2, LIU Ting1
    2016, 0(03):  389. 
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    By selecting the data from China Industry Business Performance Data during 1999-2007, this paper examines the interaction between firm growth and profitability with the fixed effect model and GMM estimation method. The results reveals that the improvement of profitability can push the growth of enterprises, however, the speed-up of firm growth would reduce the profitability. This examination is carried out from three aspects: firstly, the data is turned from non-balanced panel into balanced panel, the regression result is generally unchanged; secondly, quadratic function and piecewise function are constructed, the result shows that there may exist a nonlinear relationship between them, but the basic conclusion keeps unchanged; finally, there do exist differences in the correlation between firm growth and profitability among enterprises with different characteristics.