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    21 January 2021, Volume 0 Issue 05
    Inheritance and Transcendence of the Party’s Mass Line from the Traditional People-Oriented Thought
    LI Hai-jing, HU Yong-xin
    2016, 0(05):  349. 
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    The traditional Chinese people-oriented thought is mainly reflected in the phrase that “the people are the foundation of the state, the state becomes stronger if the foundation is solid.” This concept has rich connotations, including cherishing the people, the people being more important than the monarch, and giving peace to the people, all of them have become an important cultural heritage to the treasure house of traditional Chinese culture. The Communist Party of China has drawn a lot of essences from the traditional people-oriented thought and has created a unique Party’s mass line thought. Especially after the Party’s 18th Congress, the Communist Party of China sticks to the mass line thought in its practice of managing state affairs by actively inheriting, scientifically sublating and creatively transcending the traditional people-oriented thought, thus giving it a distinctive value of times.
    Legal Reflection on Optimization of the Bond Market Supervision System
    FENG Guo1, LIU Xiu-fen2
    2016, 0(05):  350. 
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    The negative credit events in China’s bond market have been increasing, which becomes a new normal in China’s bond market. Facing such a new normal, the government has adopted new ways to deal with it, including marketization and legalization, instead of the traditional ways to compensate all the bondholders’ losses in such bond default events. This new disposal method indicates on one hand that the bond market of China is gradually maturing, but on the other hand, it also implies that the investors will face greater investment risks. In order to effectively control the systematic financial risk, activate China’s bond market, further promote the orderly, healthy and benign development of the bond market, and reduce the damage caused by defaults to the investors, it is imperative for Chinese government to establish a market-oriented and legalized supervision system for the bond market.
    Political Implications of the Mass Line in Soviet Area
    ZHANG Hong-qing, XIAO Hua-ping
    2016, 0(05):  351. 
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    The mass line is the core component in the revolutionary legacy of Chinese Communist Party, and it can also be turned into governance resources for today’s creative transformation in a certain sense. From a political perspective to examine the mass line in Soviet Area, there are mainly the following three aspects: first, through the innovation of political ideology and the sublation of the traditional people-oriented thought, the Chinese Communist Party has become a revolutionary political party with a certain degree of competitiveness, inclusiveness and integration; second, by cleverly applying the democratic mechanism and making use of the star-studded organizational network, a “mobilized” local community has been shaped; third, the careful and painstaking social work has added powerful safeguard to the legitimacy of the political party. Undoubtedly, the historical practice of the mass line during the Soviet Area period can leave significant reference value for the ruling art of Communist Party of China today.
    An Exploration of China’s Urban-Rural Social Assistance Integrated Security System
    JIANG Wu-zhen, YANG Bo-wen
    2016, 0(05):  352. 
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    To achieve the integration of urban and rural social relief security mechanism is an important link in promoting urban and rural equalization of basic public services and balancing a healthy and stable urban-rural development. This is a necessary requirement when implementing the concept of scientific development and constructing a harmonious society. Although China in recent years has made brilliant achievements in the integrated urban-rural social relief, there still exist some prominent problems, such as imperfect legal system, operating mechanism lagging behind, insufficient financial security measures, urban-rural linkage mechanism missing and so on. For this reason, this paper suggests that, on the basis of linking theory and practice, we should take defining the content of the integration of urban-rural social relief as the starting point, then carry out a deep integration of the existing urban and rural social relief security mechanisms from such aspects as perfecting the legal hierarchy and procedures, reforming the operational mechanism, improving the fund guarantee mechanism, building the urban-rural linkage mechanism and so on, so as to establish a more coordinated and perfected urban-rural social assistance guarantee mechanism.
    A Study of the Evolution of Regional Industrial Environment Technical Efficiency and Environmental Coordination in Jiangxi Province from the Perspective of Environmental Constraints
    HUANG He-ping, WANG Li-ying
    2016, 0(05):  353. 
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    By constructing a directional distance function model based on the panel data, this paper carries out a measurement of the industrial environmental technological efficiencies of 11 prefecture-level cities in Jiangxi Province between 2001-2014, then on this basis, it discusses the dynamic evolution of regional industrial production and environmental coordination. The results show that: (1) on the whole, the industrial environmental technical efficiencies of these 11 cities present a “N” type volatility trend during these years, which is far from satisfaction, the industrial developments in some areas are unsustainable because of the cost of sacrificing environment; (2) the technical efficiency in Nanchang, Shangrao and Jiujiang is in constant progress during each transition period, the rankings of Jingdezhen, Xinyu, Ganzhou and Yichun continue to decline, with less regions reaching the best practice area on the production frontier during the whole research period; (3) as a whole, the coordinated development between industry and environment is continuously optimizing and upgrading, the northern part of Jiangxi is better than the southern part of Jiangxi, especially since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the efficiency of environmental technology has been greatly promoted with significant achievements. Jiangxi province as a whole still need to optimize its energy consumption structure and industrial layout, promote actively its industrial upgrading, and carry forward the coordinated development between the regional economy and the environment.
    Regional Differences and Influencing Factors of Rural Residents’ Wage Income: An Analysis Based on Spatial Econometrics
    REN Yuan1, 2, CHEN Li-zhong2
    2016, 0(05):  354. 
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    According to the relative theory about the urban-rural dual structure development, this paper adopts the geographic information system, the exploratory spatial data analysis method and the spatial panel data model to carry out a study of the spatial interactive function and influencing factors of rural residents’ wage income from the perspective of demographic dividend. The results show that rural residents’ wage income has obvious agglomeration characteristics in the spatial overall distribution; from a local point of view, the differences of wage income have some convergence. The demographic dividend, urban residents’ wage income and urbanization rate will have significant impact on rural residents’ wage income. By contrast, the influence of the total investment in fixed assets on rural residents’ wage income is not significant.
    Government Fiscal Responsibility Mode of the Pension Insurance System for Urban Enterprise Workers: Changes and Causes
    HUANG Han
    2016, 0(05):  355. 
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    The study of the mode changes and causes of government fiscal responsibility for the pension insurance system for urban enterprise workers has important theoretical significance in improving the government fiscal responsibility for China’s pension insurance system in the future. The mode of government fiscal responsibility has experienced transformation from full funding to fiscal out. During this process of transformation, the reform of the economic system is the core reason for the mode transformation, the government functions transformation is the promoting reason for the mode transformation, and the population aging is also an important reason for the mode transformation. Foreign experiences have provided reference for the mode transformation. In order to promote the effective reform of the government financial responsibility model for China’s endowment insurance system, we should promote the “dominant” and “institutionalized” reform of the government financial responsibility mode for the endowment insurance system, achieve the moderation of the government fiscal responsibility for the pension insurance system, and pay attention to the environmental factors during such reforms.
    Network and Performance of Family Business: Action Mechanism of Social Emotional Wealth
    ZHOU Li-xin
    2016, 0(05):  356. 
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    Based on the questionnaire survey data of family business in manufacturing industry in Zhejiang and Chongqing, this paper aims to explore the relationship between network and performance of family firms, and to analyze the moderating effect of social emotional wealth between the two. The results show that the network centrality and density of family firms have significant positive influence on their performance, that the more stronger the protection of social emotional wealth is, the less the positive effect of family firm’s network centrality on its performance will be, and the more the positive effect of network density on its performance will be, and that in high-density network, the network centrality will have an even less positive effect on its performance.
    An Empirical Analysis of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Supported by Social Assistance under the Safeguarding Poverty Alleviation Mode: Based on 9 Times Survey Data Research from CHNS Database during 1989-2011
    XIANG Yun-hua, LIU Huan
    2016, 0(05):  357. 
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    Taking the data from CHNS Database 1989-2011 as samples, this paper chooses the perspective of social assistance to conduct an empirical test on the impact of that factor on the residents’ household income and poverty status, and by choosing the four proxy variables of government transfer payments, health insurance, education level and family cooking fuel, it makes a deeper level and multi-angle study of this impact from such aspects as government economic rescue, medical assistance, education assistance and protective infrastructure construction respectively. The results show that the three factors of medical insurance, education level and family cooking fuel can significantly enhance the positive effect of residents’ household income and the negative effect of poverty status; the government transfer payments can have significant negative effect on the poverty of absolute poverty-stricken families, but no significant impact on the poverty of low-income earners. This paper not only studies the impact of social assistance under the safeguarding poverty alleviation mode on households income and poverty status, but also analyzes from the new situation of targeted poverty alleviation the role of social relief in supporting and protecting its poverty alleviation function, especially rational poverty alleviation programs should be made according to the real conditions of each household when government making transfer payments to the absolute poverty-stricken families and the general relative poor and low-income families, so as to prevent the poverty alleviation resources from being “captured by the elites” and give full play to the social relief safeguard function of targeted poverty alleviation.
    Reflection on Environmental and Social Responsibilities of China’s Financial Institutions: Based on the Equator Principles
    HU Po1, QIANG Xiao-Jie2
    2016, 0(05):  358. 
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    The emergence of the equator principles at the beginning of twenty-first Century has led to the establishment of the environmental and social responsibilities of financial institutions, which has developed into the industrial practices in global financial industry. Through investigation and reflection on the legislation of environmental and social responsibility of China’s financial institutions, it can be seen that there is a huge gap between the equator principles and the existing green credit system in such areas as the environmental protection concepts and legal system design. Therefore, we should reconstruct the environmental and social responsibilities of China’s financial institutions in such aspects as the scope of application, the coordination of the relationship between the supervision departments, the clear financing procedures, and the coordinated relationship between the equator principles and the green credit, so as to make the equator principles become the strategic choice and development direction of the environmental and social responsibilities of China’s financial institutions.
    Education Level, Individual Health and Public Finance Support
    CHENG Qian, WANG Hong-ru, NI Zhi-liang
    2016, 0(05):  359. 
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    Based on the healthy economic theory, this paper makes use of the CGSS2010 survey data to conduct an empirical test on the relationship between the educational level of residents, individual health and public financial support. The result shows that the relationship between the level of education and the individual health status presents an inverted “U” shape; however, the effect of education on the individual health convergences with age. Public expenditures have directly improved the health status of residents, health expenditure has the greatest impact on the health status of residents, the other four kinds of expenditures concerning people’s life are culture, science and technology expenditure, urban and rural community affairs expenditure, environmental protection and public security expenditure, and social security and employment expenditure respectively. Public expenditure has a certain regulative effect on the health effect of education; public expenditure can indirectly improve the health status of residents by improving the level of education. The lower the education level of an individual is, the more significant the indirect regulative effect of public spending will be.
    Bargaining Power, Monetary Policy and Dynamic Adjustment of Business Credit Policies
    SUN Lan-lan, WANG Zhu-quan
    2016, 0(05):  360. 
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    Taking China’s A-share listed manufacturing companies during the period of 2004-2014 as the research sample, this paper conducts an analysis of the dynamic adjustment of the commercial credit policies with the partial-adjustment model by adopting the method of systematic GMM estimation. The empirical result shows that China’s listed manufacturing companies do have target value of trade credit supply, which is dynamically adjusted toward this target value. The adjusting speed of the commercial credit policy is affected by the bargaining power of enterprises, the stronger the bargaining power is, the faster the adjusting speed will be; but this effect is restricted by financing constraints. Under different monetary policies, the corporate commercial credit policies with different financing capacity may have different adjusting speeds; the enterprises with weaker financing restraints usually have faster adjusting speed during the period of tight monetary policy.
    China’s Marxist Political Economics Must Be Further Reformed
    HE Zuo-xiu
    2016, 0(05):  362. 
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    Some scholars are tightly fettered by dogmatism to have a sufficient knowledge of the necessity that Marxist theory in contemporary society need to have a significant development, thus China’s researches on Marxist political economics must be further reformed. In accordance with the labor theory of value, the total output value of one country or society in general is proportional to the total population. Various modern economic and statistic data can strongly support the labor theory of value. The most fundamental task at the primary stage of socialism is to promote the productivity with increasing modern socialization by making comprehensive use of the two means of market and plan. It is necessary to bring the technological progress and market advances resulted from the mental work into the framework of political economics, and to integrate the labor theory of value and the theory of marginal utility in a unified theoretical framework to analyze. With the increasing cooperation between labor and capital, a mutual benefit and win-win result between the two parties of labor and management can be surely achieved.
    The Logic of Higher Education Expansion for More Land Revenue: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Panel Data at Prefecture Level
    CHEN Jian-wei, SU Li-feng
    2016, 0(05):  363. 
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    The rapid expansion of higher education mainly pushed by local universities since the beginning of 21st century is due partly to the incentives of local governments to increase land value and land fiscal revenues. Through establishing a prefecture-level panel data model, this paper conducts a quantitative analysis. The results show that the scale of higher education has significantly raised the average price of land leasing: an increase of 10,000 college students at campus will result in an average increase of land price by 15.12 ~ 16.54 yuan per square meter. The promotion effect of land leasing prices in the cities of the second category (non-municipalities, non-capital cities and non-cities specifically designated in the state plan) is higher than that in the cities of the first category (municipalities, capital cities and cities specifically designated in the state plan), which means that the cities of the second category have a stronger incentive to expand the scale of land revenue by developing higher education. Moreover, the regression result identifies the unobserved heterogeneity effects: the unobserved factors of the first category cities have restricted the price increase of land leasing while promoting the expansion of higher education significantly; in contrast, the unobserved factors of the second category cities have increased the average price of land leasing while promoting the expansion of higher education.