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    New Quality Productivity and the Shaping of National Security Initiatives
    CHEN Shi-fa, LIANG Wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 3-12.  
    Abstract35)            Save
    The new quality productivity represents the direction of the development of advanced productive forces and is directly related to the solid foundation, core subjects and key support for shaping the national security initiative. Through industrial innovation and the expansion of new labour objects, the new quality productivity can strengthen the material basis for shaping the solid foundation of the right to take the initiative in national security, and have become the inevitable choice for shaping the right to take the initiative in national security by promoting the high-quality economic and social development. Through the cultivation of high-quality new labourers, the new quality productivity can shape high-quality talents as the core subjects of the right to take the initiative in shaping national security, and become an intrinsic requirement for the right to take the initiative in shaping national security, so as to construct a harmonious and stable social environment. Through scientific and technological innovation, the new quality productivity can generate new quality labor materials with high technological content, strengthen the scientific and technological forces to be the key support for shaping the national security initiative, break and master the key core technologies, and become the fundamental path of shaping the national security initiative. Thus, by strengthening the material, human and scientific support for shaping the national security initiative, the new quality productivity can lay a more solid foundation for the construction of a higher-level national security system.
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    The Profound Connotation, Great Significance, and Practical Requirements of Xi Jinping’s Important Discourse on New Quality Productivity
    LIU Wen-xiang, ZHAO Qing-si
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 13-23.  
    Abstract43)            Save
    The new quality productivity is an important theoretical achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, which further enriches the connotation of Xi Jinping’s economic thought. Xi Jinping proposed the new concept and requirements of the new quality productivity, adhering to the scientific guidance of Marxist productivity theory, drawing on the historical experience of science and technology promoting the transformation of human social productive forces, inheriting the scientific understanding of the Communist Party of China on the relationship between technology and productive forces, and responding to the practical requirements of the world’s unprecedented great changes in a century.“New”is the driving force of new quality productivity,“quality”is the goal pursuit of new quality productivity, and “productivity” is the core connotation of new quality productivity. Overall, the new quality productivity is driven by scientific and technological innovations, with the strategic emerging industries, future industries, and other“new formats”as the main field of productivity, pursuing a qualitative leap in the ability of human and nature to undergo material transformation. The proposal of the new quality productivity is of great significance for building an independent knowledge system, promoting high-quality development, creating new international competitive advantages, and coordinating regional harmonized development. Therefore, we must take technological innovation as the guide, comprehensively deepening reform and opening up as the driving force, establishing a modern industrial system as the carrier, cultivating high-quality talents as the guarantee, so as to ensure the systematic integration of various elements and ultimately achieve a qualitative leap in productivity.
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    The Theoretical Essence and Practical Development of Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law on the Trial Management System
    ZOU Yu-zhuo, HUANG Qiu-ying
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (4): 24-32.  
    Abstract14)            Save
    Xi Jinping’s thought of rule of law closely links trial management with judicial system reform, making trial management a bridge to connect judicial reform. It not only emphasizes the role of trial management in judicial system reform, but also highlights the important position of trial management in national governance. The essence of trial management in Xi Jinping Thought on rule of law is derived from the common characteristics of Xi Jinping Thought on rule of law. It adheres to the principles of judicial operation as the basis of argument, sticks to the people as the center, persists in the overall view of judicial responsibility, the view of judicial policy coordination and the view of judicial science and technology system as the main content, and insists on the reform and innovation of the trial management system and the solutions to the deep-seated problems in trial management practice as the breakthrough and focus. It not only responds to the practical difficulties in trial management, but also is an action guide and theoretical support for the new tasks of judicial reform, responding to the new requirements of judicial practice, and promoting the in-depth development of the trial management system in the new era.
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    The Basic Principles and Practical Requirements for Preventing and Resolving Major Risks in the New Era
    HAN Qiao-sheng, WANG Bei-bei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 3-12.  
    Abstract65)            Save
    Under the combined influence of the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, China is facing significant risks that are more uncertain and complicated. The major risks faced by China in the new era mainly exhibit such basic characteristics as the coexistence of exogenous and endogenous risks, the coexistence of sudden and long-term risks, the interaction between hidden and apparent risks, and the parallel coexistence of systemic and local risks. To prevent and resolve the major risks in the new era, we must firmly grasp the basic principles of adhering to the comprehensive leadership of the Party, putting the people first, coordinating development and security, daring to struggle, and exploring and innovating. To grasp the practical requirements of preventing and resolving major risks in the new era, it is necessary to deepen the strategic understanding of risk prevention from the cognitive dimension, cultivate the correct value concept of risk prevention from the value dimension, construct a solid institutional system for risk prevention from the institutional dimension, promote digital governance of risk prevention from the technical dimension, so as to form a systematic force to control various major risks.
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    The Ethical Dimension of the New Form of Human Civilization
    LI Xiang
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (3): 13-22.  
    Abstract45)            Save
    The new form of human civilization leads the development direction of human civilization and is the creation of contemporary Chinese civilization that profoundly affects the process of world history. This paper explains the ethical dimension of the new form of human civilization, tamps the theoretical cornerstone of the new form of human civilization, and provides ethical guidance and moral support for promoting Chinese path to modernization. The ethical dimension of the new form of human civilization starts with logical development and is reflected in the historical mission of resolving the paradox of civilization, revitalizing Chinese civilization, and transcending the traditional socialism. The new form of human civilization continues to deepen and develop in the practice field of Chinese path to modernization, and constructs an organic whole of ethical implications with economic ethical tasks, political ethical responsibilities, social ethical models, ecological ethical concepts, and global ethical considerations as the core elements. The ethical practice approach of the new form of human civilization is to accurately grasp the practical needs of Chinese path to modernization, and form a multi-dimensional practice system that reaches ethical spiritual consensus, gathers ethical action forces, establishes ethical road direction, and responds to changes in the ethical era.
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    The Core Essence and Practical Path of Establishing a Sound, Comprehensive and Strict Party Governance System in the New Era
    XIE Xiao-tong, DUAN Yan
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (2): 3-12.  
    Abstract85)            Save
    Improving the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is an important measure to strengthen the overall and systematic layout of Party management and governance, and to promote the coordinated and efficient progress, which demonstrates the CPC’s profound grasp of the laws of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party has undergone a development and evolution from“strict governance of the Party”to“comprehensive and strict governance of the Party”, and then to“comprehensive and strict governance of the Party institution”and to“comprehensive and strict governance of the Party system”. On the new journey, in order to improve the comprehensive and strict governance system of the Party, it is necessary to scientifically understand and grasp its core goals, the fundamental measures, and the scientific methods, adhere to and strengthen the Party’s comprehensive leadership, stick to the institutional governance and rule of law governance, and stick to the unity of systematicity, wholeness, and synergy. Based on this, in order to build a comprehensive and strict governance system with complete content, powerful functions, reasonable institution, and efficient operation, it is necessary to continuously improve the layout of the tasks for comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, ensuring that the process of Party governance is fully covered, to build a scientific and rigorous system of Party regulations, achieving seamless and effective implementation of the system, and to establish a comprehensive list of responsibilities for strict governance of the Party and a mechanism for supervision and accountability, forming a system chain of clarifying responsibilities, performing responsibilities, and undertaking accountability.
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