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    The Evolution and Experience Enlightenment of Chinese Path to Modernization from the Perspective of National Authority
    CHEN Yi
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2024, 0 (1): 14-24.  
    Abstract51)            Save
    The modernization path of both the latecomer and the developed countries requires national authority to solve the order dilemma in the modernization process. Returning to the context of China, during the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the accumulated national authority in rescuing the nation from danger pointed out the socialist direction for the modernization path at the crossroads; during the period of socialist revolution and construction, the accumulated national authority in the twists and turns provided a fundamental guarantee for the path of independent modernization; in the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction, the accumulated national authority in pursuing the dual goals of development and protection provided a solid material preparation and institutional prerequisite for the super large-scale modernization path; in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the accumulated national authority in pursuing the goal of governance modernization provides a community guarantee led by the Party building for the modernization path of putting the people first. From the consensus on values, the accumulation of national authority provides national development goals for the modernization path from the sources, which helps optimizing the national behavior. From the perspective of the degree of organization of action mobilization, the accumulation of national authority provides organizational guarantees for achieving modernized orderly participation and efficient operation. From the perspective of the institutionalized arrangement of power operation, the accumulation of national authority provides rule compliance and legal implications for the steady progress of modernization, which helps to transform institutional advantages into governance effectiveness. From the perspective of the ability cultivation of the leading subjects, the accumulation of national authority and the Party leadership of the Chinese path to modernization road complement each other and strengthen each other, making the dominant political force from weak to strong then to high efficient.
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    The Practical Expression and Theoretical Interpretation of Mission Oriented Political Party from the Perspective of the Great Historical Conception
    HE Xi-hui
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (4): 13-22.  
    Abstract54)            Save
    The great historical view is an important method for philosophy and social science research, and also an important perspective to study the mission-oriented political Party. With the great historical view since the founding of the Party, this paper examines the historical practice of the mission-oriented Party, which has gone through the four practical expression stages of state building by the Party, political power consolidation, great transition, and national rejuvenation, so that the Chinese nation has experienced the great historical change from standing up to becoming well-of and to getting powerful. It also internalizing the mission into the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of the CPC. After a century of practice, the mission-oriented political Party not only exists as a practical form, but also as a theoretical form, including a firm belief in communism, a high level of historical initiative, the will to dare to struggle, the organizational advantages of democratic centralism, the significance of upholding people’s hearts, and relying on the political stance of the people, among other theoretical components. The practice and theory of the mission-oriented political Party also have important meaning orientation, which is conducive to breaking the“Western centrism”in thefield of political party research, strengthening the blood connections between the Party and the masses, and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, thereby the CPC can better accomplish the mission along the new journey in the new era.
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    Promoting the Chinese-Type Modernization Construction by Improving the Quality of Party Building: From the Perspective of Amending the Party Constitution at the 20th CPC National Congress
    LIN Ke, WANG Jian-hua
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2023, 0 (2): 13-23.  
    Abstract73)            Save
    The Party Constitution is the guide to action for all Party members. The Party Constitution, revised and approved at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, puts forward new requirements for each Party member from the three levels of the spiritual strength, governing ability and organizational system of the Party. The whole Party should draw strength from carrying forward the great spirit of Party building and transform it into individual consciousness leading to Chinese-type modernization.During the process of constantly learning and innovating theories, it should strengthen the ideals and beliefs, promote the practical work, and strengthen the governing ability of the Party. In adhering to the Party's organizational line in the new era, it should promote the Party's organizational construction by comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, so as to improve the Party's organizational system. It can be seen that the revision of the Party Constitution adheres to the concept of problem orientation and system, reflects the new achievements and new experiences of the Party's construction, and reflects the contributions made by the CPC members to the development of Marxist party building theory with the historical responsibility and creative spirit. The methodology it contains has formed a new idea to improve the quality of Party building, which can ensure that the CPC is always a strong core of leadership to promote the Chinese-type modernization construction.
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