Content of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era in our journal

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    The Theoretical Source, Ideological Connotation and Value of the Times of Xi Jinping's Important Expositions on Urban Construction
    LIU Lyu-hong, LI Shao-jun
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (5): 3-13.  
    Abstract165)            Save
    Cities are the centers of economic, political, cultural and social activities in China, which are playing a decisive role in the overall cause of the Party and the state. Since the 18th National Congress of CPC, Xi Jinping has delivered a series of important expositions around the topics of “what kind of cities to construct”and“how to construct cities”, which have formed a set of systemically integrate and logically precise theoretical system. Its theory comes from Marx and Engels' urban thought, the urban construction theory of the Communist Party of China, the wisdom of Chinese traditional urban construction and the frontier concept of foreign urban construction. Its ideological connotation includes eight aspects of the cities in the new era, such as the nature and function, construction objectives, fundamental positions, construction principles, governance logic, internal requirements, international vision, and leadership. The appearance of these important expositions have developed Marxist urban theory and the thought of urban construction with Chinese characteristics, providing a fundamental route for China's urban construction to follow in the new era, and providing Chinese wisdom for the urban construction of all countries in the world today.
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    The Generating Logic, Core Essence and Value Implication of Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on Preventing and Defusing Economic Risks
    WU Zong-wei
    Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics    2022, 0 (4): 3-12.  
    Abstract229)            Save
    Xi Jinping's important exposition on preventing and defusing economic risks is generated on the basis of drawing on and sublimating Marx's theory of economic crisis, inheriting and innovating Chinese excellent traditional culture, continuing and extending the successful experience of the Communist Party of China, and examining and grasping the domestic and foreign economic development situation. Xi Jinping's important exposition on preventing and defusing economic risks emphasizes that preventing and defusing economic risks requires the centralized and unified leadership of the Party as the political guarantee, the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability as an important principle, the smooth“domestic and international dual circulation”as the strategic deployment, the systematic financial risk prevention and control as the core link, and the pushing and realization of high-quality economic development as the phased goal, its core essence has raised the understanding of the whole Party on how to prevent and defuse economic risks to a new height. Xi Jinping's important discourse on preventing and defusing economic risks not only expands the cognitive domain of Marxist political economy, but also provides basic guidelines for our country to prevent and defuse economic risks. It also transcends the traditional global economic risk governance discourse system and has profound value implications in such aspects as theoretical innovation, practical orientation and discourse guidance.
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