江西财经大学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (02): 395-.

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  1. (海南大学 经济与管理学院,海南 海口 570228)
  • 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:何国平,海南大学副教授,经济学博士,主要从事农业与农村经济研究,联系方式hegp188@sina.com;刘殿国,海南大学教授,博士,主要从事经济应用统计研究。

Factors Influencing Farmers’ Decision to Join Cooperatives: A Neo-Institutional Perspective and Empirical Evidences from Hainan Province

HE Guo-ping, LIU Dian-guo   

  1. (Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 基于契约和交易费用理论,利用对海南的调查数据,采用二项Logistic回归方法,对影响农户加入合作社的决策因素进行一个理论与实证分析。结果表明,总体上户主受教育程度、合作社知识教育、农户经营规模、负债、获得信息、技术、资金的难度以及农资价格水平对农户加入合作社有显著正向影响,而户主特别经历(非农或村干部等经历)、农产品价格水平对农户加入合作社有显著负向影响。从经营类别的影响来看,果菜种植户和养殖户相对于粮油、橡胶种植户更倾向于加入合作社。

关键词: 农民合作社,新制度经济学,交易费用

Abstract: Based on the contract theory and transaction cost theory, this paper makes use of the survey data in Hainan Province to conduct a theoretical and empirical analysis of the factors affecting the farmers’ decision to join cooperatives with the Binomial Logistic Regression method. The results show that, in general, such factors as the householder’s education background, cooperative knowledge education, operation scale of farm household, debt, the availability to have access to information, technology and capital, as well as the prices of agricultural production means have a significant positive impact on farmers’ willingness to join cooperatives; while the householder’s special experience (village leader or other non-agricultural experience) and the prices of agricultural products have a significant negative effect on farmers’ willingness to join cooperatives. From the impact of business categories, the fruit and vegetable growers and breeders are more likely to join cooperatives than grain, rubber growers.

Key words: farmer cooperative; neo-institutional economics; transaction cost