江西财经大学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (01): 490-.

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卫龙宝,李 静   

  1. (浙江大学 中国农村发展研究院,浙江 杭州 310058)
  • 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:卫龙宝,浙江大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业经济研究;李 静,浙江大学博士生,主要从事“三农”问题研究,联系方式lijing007722@sina.com。

An Analysis of the Influence of Cooperative Relationship between Participants in Agricultural Industry Clusters on the Income of the Farmers and Related Businesses: Taking Anhui Province as an Example

WEI Long-bao, LI Jing   

  1. (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 利用安徽省茶叶种植户和茶叶企业的调查数据,研究农业产业集群主体的合作关系及其对茶农和茶叶企业收益的影响,发现农业产业集群主体的合作关系普遍存在,并且对其主体即茶农和茶叶企业收益有显著的影响。农户之间的信息交流、技术帮助均对其茶叶收入产生显著的正向影响;农户与茶叶收购者的纵向合作,诸如信息交流、技术服务也可以提高茶农收入。与此同时,茶叶企业间的横向合作以及茶叶企业与产业链上下游主体的纵向合作均可以提高茶叶企业的收益。因此,推动茶叶企业的进一步发展,促进茶叶企业与茶农之间的合作,通过茶叶企业知识和技术的溢出,提高茶农生产技术水平和收入;积极构建农业产业集群内的信任机制,推动农业产业集群的深度合作;根据不同的发展阶段的农业产业集群,政府应制定相应的措施来发展集群主体之间的合作关系。

关键词: 农业产业集群,合作关系,茶农收益

Abstract: By making use of the survey data of Anhui tea growers and tea enterprises, this paper studies the cooperative relationship between the main bodies of agricultural industry clusters and its impact on the income of tea farmers and tea enterprises. The results indicate that there widely exists the cooperative relationship between the main bodies in the agricultural industry clusters, which would exert a significant impact on the income of the main bodies, namely tea farmers and tea enterprises. The exchanges of information and technical assistance between the farmers can have a significant positive impact on their tea income. The vertical cooperation between farmers and tea buyers, such as information exchange and technical services, will also increase tea farmers’ income. At the same time, the horizontal cooperation among tea enterprises and the vertical cooperation between the tea enterprises and the main bodies along the upstream and downstream in the industry chain can both increase the earnings of the tea enterprises. Therefore, we should promote the further development of tea enterprises, facilitate the cooperation between tea farmers and tea enterprises, raise the level of production technology and the income of tea farmers through the spillover of knowledge and technology from tea enterprises, establish the trust mechanism in agricultural industry clusters actively, and promote the in-depth cooperation in agricultural industry clusters. The government should formulate corresponding measures to develop the cooperative relationship between the participants in the clusters, according to the different stages of agricultural industry clusters.

Key words: agricultural industry clusters; cooperative relationship; income of tea farmers