Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 303-.

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Collectivism-Oriented Human Resource Management and Employee’s Positive Reciprocity: The Multiple Mediating Effect of Organizational Identification

GUO Sheng-hao, XIAO Ming-zheng   

  1. (Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: Through studying the impact of the collectivism-oriented human resource management in the oriental context on the employee’s positive reciprocity, this paper examines the multiple mediating effect (including the organizational identification and relational identification) and finds the mediating path in the parallel two stages. The empirical results (N=373) indicate that the collectivism-oriented human resource management is positively related to the employees’ positive reciprocity, the Bootstrap analysis and the Sobel test also show that the relationship is partially mediated by both organizational identification and relational identification, but the organizational identification effect is stronger. A further study of the multiple mediating effect through a comparison between the parallel path effect and the two stage mediating path finds that the mediating effect is a parallel two stage mediating path with a combined action between C-HRM→OI→PR and C-HRM→RI→OI→PR, which contributes 85% of the effects. These findings may have important enlightenment and value for the study of the behavioral economics in the oriental context, especially for the elaborate study of the identification function in the organizations.

Key words: collectivism-oriented human resource management; positive reciprocity; organizational identification; relational identification