Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 302-.

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A Study of the Impact of Different Demographic Change Paths on Economic Growth and Social Insurance: Based on the Analysis of CGE Model

WANG Mei-feng1, CHEN Rong2, WANG Yong-hua3   

  1. (1. Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403; 2. Population and Development Research Center of Shanghai, Shanghai 200040; 3. Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: With the fertility rates falling and the life expectancy gradually extending, China’s population age structure will be turned from the“spindle shape”into the“inverted triangle shape”in the near future. The social and economic consequences that may resulted from have attracted high attention from the government and the academic circle, so that the “double alone two child policy”, the “one along two-child policy” and the “universal two-child policy” have come into being one by one. Then how will birth policy adjustment impact on economic growth and social insurance in China? This paper employs the CGE model to compare and analyze the impact of different demographic change path on China’s economic growth, endowment insurance and medical insurance in the future. The findings show that if the fertility rate rises to the level close to the replacement level, the GDP gross and per capita GDP will be the highest, the accumulated pension debt will be the minimum, and the accumulated surplus of medical insurance will be the maximum, which can reduce the public financial burden in China.

Key words: demographic change; endowment insurance; medical insurance; computable general equilibrium model