Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (03): 301-.

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Delayed Retirement, Devisor Factor and Financial Burden of the Pension Personal Account

CAO Yuan   

  1. (Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: The extension of the life expectancy of the population leads to the difficulty in achieving self-balancing of China’s personal accounts of pension. When the remaining life after retirement exceeds the prescribed devisor factor, the government will be faced with a financial burden due to the continued payment into the personal accounts of pensions. According to the current calculation and payment method, when the retirement age is raised, the devisor factor of the pension payment will be reduced accordingly. Therefore, on the one hand, delayed retirement will increase the accumulated amount in personal accounts and improve the pension level, with the effect of increasing the financial burden; on the other hand, delayed retirement will shorten the pension overdraft period, with the effect of reducing the financial burden. Through the establishment of personal account financial burden model, this paper makes use of the numerical value to conduct a simulation calculation, the results also verify the conclusion that the delay in retirement will eventually increase the financial burden of individual accounts, while to increase the number of months will significantly reduce the financial burden. Therefore, it is recommended that, while implementing the delayed retirement policy, the devisor factor should be increased and the calculation and payment method should be reformed, so that the devisor factor will be more in line with the remaining life of the retired employees.

Key words: delayed retirement; pension personal account; financial burden; devisor factor