Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (04): 370-.

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A Research Summary of the Effects of Agricultural Insurance Fiscal Subsidies

ZHANG Zu-rong1, WANG Guo-jun2   

  1. (1. Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou 510320; 2. University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 1000029, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: Government fiscal subsidies is the key to the success of the development of agricultural insurances, however, the effects of the fiscal subsidies on the agricultural insurances are complicated, with both advantages and disadvantages. The in-depth researches on the subsidies effects are of great importance and value in improving the agricultural insurance subsidies policy, strengthening the active role of the subsidies and reducing the negative impacts. The researches on the effects of the agricultural insurance subsidies both at home and abroad mainly include the following five aspects: the first is the effects of fiscal subsidy on the increase of the rate of agriculture insurance covering and overcoming the market failures; the second is the effects on agricultural production and agricultural products supply; the third is the effects on the national income redistribution and the changes of farmers’ income; the fourth is the effects on the whole social welfare; and the fifth is the effects on the ecological environment. This article has systematically combed the research results at the five aspects and made a brief evaluation, and then it outlooks the key points for future researches.

Key words: agricultural insurance; fiscal subsidies; effects of subsidies