Journal of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics ›› 2012, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (02): 676-.

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The Impact of Enterprise’s Environmental Uncertainty on Entrepreneur’s Strategic Executive Competencies of Private SMEs

HUANG Liang   

  1. (Guangdong University of Business Studies, Guangzhou 510320)
  • Published:2021-01-21

Abstract: According to the relevant researches on competency psychology and the relationship between environment and strategy, enterprise’s environmental uncertainty and TMT’s support are important factors influencing the improvement of entrepreneur’s strategic executive competencies. This empirical study of 259 private SMEs shows that enterprise’s environmental complexity has significantly positive impact on entrepreneur’s strategic executive competencies, and TMT’s support has a positive adjusting function on the relationship between enterprise’s environmental hostility and entrepreneur’s strategic executive competencies. Therefore, to commit more time and energy in promoting the efficiency of their strategic implementing activities in high complex environment and to win TMT’s support actively when implementing strategy in high hostile environment are important ways for the entrepreneurs to improve their strategic executive competencies.

Key words: strategic execution; entrepreneurial competencies; environmental uncertainty; TMT’s support; private SME