江西财经大学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 107-115.

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  1. 江西财经大学 人文学院,江西 南昌 330013
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-25 修回日期:2020-11-21 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-03-25
  • 作者简介:李 旭,江西财经大学副教授,博士,主要从事文艺理论研究,联系方式maylision@163.com。
  • 基金资助:
    教育部人文社会科学规划项目“基于移动互联网的微文化审美品格与文化伦理研究”(18YJAZH050); 江西省社会科学规划项目“微文化的审美价值与文化伦理研究”(17WX08); 江西省高校人文社会科学项目“移动互联网时代的微文化审美价值与文化伦理研究”(ZGW17104)

The Aesthetic Character and Aesthetic Paradox of Micro-Culture from the Perspective of Media Technology

LI Xu   

  1. Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China
  • Received:2020-01-25 Revised:2020-11-21 Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-03-25

摘要: 微文化是以移动互联网和web2.0技术为基础,以微博、微信、QQ、视频网站、网络论坛等以用户生产并传播内容为主导形成的网络文化。建立在媒介技术基础上的微文化,其审美品格体现出鲜明的媒介化和技术化的特点,主要体现在四个方面:跨时空视觉化审美感知、碎片化虚拟性审美体验、交互分享式审美生产、多元时尚化审美风尚。高度依赖媒介技术的微文化呈现出一系列难以避免的审美悖论:充实的身体在线与虚空的主体在场、审美快感的满足与审美情感的匮乏、审美幻象的充盈与审美价值的消解、审美选择的自由与审美控制的加强。

关键词: 媒介技术, 微文化, 审美品格, 审美悖论

Abstract: Based on mobile Internet and web2.0 technology, Micro-culture is a network culture formed and dominated by user-produced and disseminated contents, such as Weibo, WeChat, QQ, video websites, and online forums. Since the micro-culture is on the basis of media technology, its aesthetic character reflects distinctive media and technical characteristics, which are mainly embodied in four aspects: visual aesthetic perception across time and space, fragmented virtual aesthetic experience, interactive sharing of aesthetics production, and diversified and fashionable aesthetic fashion. Meanwhile, the micro-culture that is highly dependent on media technology presents a series of unavoidable aesthetic paradoxes: substantial body online and vanity subject presence, satisfaction of aesthetic pleasure and lack of aesthetic emotions, the fullness of aesthetic illusions and the dissolution of aesthetic values, and the freedom of aesthetic choices and the strengthening of aesthetic control, etc.

Key words: media technology, micro-culture, aesthetic character, aesthetic paradox
