江西财经大学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (05): 352-.

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  1. (江西财经大学 法学院,江西 南昌 330013)
  • 发布日期:2021-01-21
  • 作者简介:蒋悟真,江西财经大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事经济法和社会法研究;杨博文,江西财经大学硕士研究生,主要从事经济法研究。

An Exploration of China’s Urban-Rural Social Assistance Integrated Security System

JIANG Wu-zhen, YANG Bo-wen   

  1. (Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China)
  • Published:2021-01-21

摘要: 实现城乡社会救助保障机制一体化,是推进城乡基本公共服务均等化、统筹城乡健康稳定发展的重要环节,更是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会的必然要求。我国近年虽城乡社会救助一体化建设成绩斐然,但仍存在一些突出问题,如法制体系不健全、运行机制滞后、资金保障措施不足、城乡联动机制缺失等。为此,在理论联系实际的基础上,以社会救助城乡一体化内涵的厘定为切入点,从法律位阶与程序健全、运行机制改革、资金保障机制完善、城乡联动机制的建构等方面对现行社会救助城乡保障机制进行深度的整合,从而建立起更为协调和完善的城乡一体化社会救助保障机制。

关键词: 社会救助,城乡一体化,保障机制

Abstract: To achieve the integration of urban and rural social relief security mechanism is an important link in promoting urban and rural equalization of basic public services and balancing a healthy and stable urban-rural development. This is a necessary requirement when implementing the concept of scientific development and constructing a harmonious society. Although China in recent years has made brilliant achievements in the integrated urban-rural social relief, there still exist some prominent problems, such as imperfect legal system, operating mechanism lagging behind, insufficient financial security measures, urban-rural linkage mechanism missing and so on. For this reason, this paper suggests that, on the basis of linking theory and practice, we should take defining the content of the integration of urban-rural social relief as the starting point, then carry out a deep integration of the existing urban and rural social relief security mechanisms from such aspects as perfecting the legal hierarchy and procedures, reforming the operational mechanism, improving the fund guarantee mechanism, building the urban-rural linkage mechanism and so on, so as to establish a more coordinated and perfected urban-rural social assistance guarantee mechanism.

Key words: social assistance; urbal-rural integration; security mechanism